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How to view Marten Reed?

The nice but strangely-anonymous Library Deputy Manager at Smif College
- 2 (5.3%)
Claire Augustus's supportive boyfriend
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Who is that guy who looks so much like Tai's fiancée?
- 0 (0%)
Ooh! New character! Who is this? Will he become a main character?
- 3 (7.9%)
I'm sure that I remember this guy from about a decade back in the strip
- 9 (23.7%)
Boo! Character necro; we want fresh faces!
- 2 (5.3%)
Oh, so Jeph remembers the guy who was the main character originally, does he?
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Author Topic: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)  (Read 38599 times)


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #50 on: 22 Dec 2020, 01:20 »

Jeph is restraining himself. I would have made the caption for this strip, "a reading rainboooonnnneeee!"
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #51 on: 22 Dec 2020, 01:53 »

Another cultural reference I had to google.
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #52 on: 22 Dec 2020, 02:44 »

*raises eyebrow*

Sorry, a Spock-gesture seems appropiate towards todays comic.
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #53 on: 22 Dec 2020, 04:17 »

Another cultural reference I had to google.

'Merrican kids were exhorted to read by Geordie La Forge?

Now I'm jealous.
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #54 on: 22 Dec 2020, 05:14 »

A bright spark in my brain went "I actually dig this as a ship" with Marten and Momo for a second before I remembered "Oh, right, Marten's dating Claire".

I just hadn't considered the pairing before, and I probably never will again, but they have similar ratios of maturity to immaturity in very complementary ways.

Like, say, them being the two members of the cast I can most obviously see reading books about this, and reading them the whole way through. The second part's the killer.
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #55 on: 22 Dec 2020, 05:28 »

A bright spark in my brain went "I actually dig this as a ship" with Marten and Momo for a second before I remembered "Oh, right, Marten's dating Claire".

Maybe Jeph is planning to use this as a hook for a consolation prize to those polyshippers who were disappointed by the sinking of the Brun-Elliott-Clinton ship?

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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #56 on: 22 Dec 2020, 06:25 »

I don't want to sound creepy but I was pleasantly surprised with how Momo is looking now. When she was first introduced I always found it difficult to see her libido in action in some comics (like when she fantasizing and blushing) because she looked so ehmmm uncomfortably young.

She looks more mature now.


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #57 on: 22 Dec 2020, 06:52 »

I don't want to sound creepy but I was pleasantly surprised with how Momo is looking now. When she was first introduced I always found it difficult to see her libido in action in some comics (like when she fantasizing and blushing) because she looked so ehmmm uncomfortably young.

She looks more mature now.

I mean, she still does look rather young, given body size and all. But a lot of "looking mature" is clothing. It's like "professional attire", you wouldn't believe someone is a MD if they wore "lumberjack attire"
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #58 on: 22 Dec 2020, 07:02 »

I mean, she still does look rather young, given body size and all. But a lot of "looking mature" is clothing. It's like "professional attire", you wouldn't believe someone is a MD if they wore "lumberjack attire"

Hmmmm could be, but I thought her face looked different as well. I work at the hospital where everyone wears the same white outfit, at the same time I get all kinds of patients with all kinds of clothes. So I don't use clothing when it comes to stimating age.  :-P


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #59 on: 22 Dec 2020, 08:22 »

'Merrican kids were exhorted to read by Geordie La Forge?

Now I'm jealous.

No, Kunta Kinte.
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #60 on: 22 Dec 2020, 08:23 »

I ... never knew.
Um, Claire -- What got you interested in 'Library Science'?
She already told Marten (and us) long ago.
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #61 on: 22 Dec 2020, 10:17 »

'Merrican kids were exhorted to read by Geordie La Forge?

Now I'm jealous.

No, Kunta Kinte. least it beats being known as the guy being stalked by Sheldon on "Big Bang Theory"


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #62 on: 22 Dec 2020, 18:27 »

Comic’s up. Some people just don’t appreciate great art.
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #63 on: 22 Dec 2020, 18:29 »

-- Comic --

Why would anyone expect May's appreciation of art to be sophisticated?
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #64 on: 22 Dec 2020, 18:39 »

So May did get hired as Sam's assistant. Nice :) Must be a part-time gig, I doubt that Sam can pay her a lot.

Upside of May's new chassis: she can now flounce off with flair!
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #65 on: 22 Dec 2020, 18:47 »

As someone who isn't more than a few years older than Sam, she's a frustrating character to read. She consistently acts--and is treated as--closer to ten or so years old. I feel like she was closer to her actual age when she was first introduced than she is now.
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #66 on: 22 Dec 2020, 19:08 »

As someone who isn't more than a few years older than Sam, she's a frustrating character to read. She consistently acts--and is treated as--closer to ten or so years old. I feel like she was closer to her actual age when she was first introduced than she is now.
A lot of people who aren't around kids/teens much really have very little idea of how to interact with them. As for how Sam acts, there's such a range in maturity at that age. Though "range" is probably the wrong word because there are so many different facets to maturity. I can see Sam seeming like she acts younger than she is, but I also know people around her age IRL who I'd say she acts more mature than.

All that said, I see how it'd be frustrating, too. I understand Bubbles' attitude here, but I don't love it.

I forget how old Sam was when she was introduced, so I'm not sure if you mean that you feel she's regressed in maturity or more that she's been stagnant?


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #67 on: 22 Dec 2020, 19:15 »

Sam was 13 when introduced, so she's aged about a year. I feel like she has regressed since then. Then again, she didn't do all that much when we first saw her, so that might just be me confusing "maturity regression" with "character development."
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #68 on: 22 Dec 2020, 19:32 » least it beats being known as the guy being stalked by Sheldon on "Big Bang Theory"
The less said about that show, the better.
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #69 on: 22 Dec 2020, 19:44 »

The other thing is, there are different facets to maturity that develop at different rates. Sam is VERY accepting of others’ differences, seems to accept her father’s partner, and her emulation of Faye is now coupled with more social awareness of her place in the hierarchy of the shop. She’s very thirteen in a lot of ways, for sure.

Bubbles is also a good intern coordinator.


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #70 on: 22 Dec 2020, 20:24 »

Since when was May a art assistant?

Anyway, nice strip.


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #71 on: 22 Dec 2020, 20:31 »

The arrangement was set up in comic 4131, but I don't think we'd actually seen it put into effect before now.

Edited to add: I just noticed the discrepancy between the above sentence and the thread title. This week's comics are numbered 4421-4425.   Could a moderator correct the thread title? ...  And actually it seems the error was introduced a couple weeks ago and has been passed along from week to week, so there are several threads to fix.
« Last Edit: 22 Dec 2020, 20:37 by alc40 »


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #72 on: 22 Dec 2020, 20:45 »

I can't blame you Marten ;)

Queue Marten issueing a Paultin-esque 'huhn' for tomorrow's first panel.

Could you please explain? This reference went so far over my head, it's in orbit by now.

Paultin is a character from the now defunct D&D podcast Dice, Camera, Action! who was known for his alcoholism and non-plussed 'huhn' to a number of events. Which ultimately takes it's toll. The character (not the player) eventually has a nervous breakdown from the stress and we learn the root of his alcoholism and self-loathing. The character also exhibits both overt and covert signs of being chronically depressed which Nate does a rather admirable job of portraying (not sure if he's struggled with it himself or not).

Here's the first episode. They start in Curse of Strahd (gets a bit graphic in places), move to Storm King's Thunder and a couple other modules set in Fayerune.

EDIT: I should mention that I am currently watching the series. The PCs actually get some group therapy in episode 112. It's friggin full of spoilers.
« Last Edit: 24 Dec 2020, 05:28 by Gyrre »
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #73 on: 22 Dec 2020, 21:58 »

May has the maturity level of a 13 year old?  That explains so much...  :-D
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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #74 on: 22 Dec 2020, 21:59 »

'Merrican kids were exhorted to read by Geordie La Forge?

Now I'm jealous.

No, Kunta Kinte.
I have never seen the reading rainbow, but the podcast LeVar Burton has where he reads short tales he likes is very nice.


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #75 on: 22 Dec 2020, 23:05 »

'Merrican kids were exhorted to read by Geordie La Forge?

Now I'm jealous.

No, Kunta Kinte.
I have never seen the reading rainbow, but the podcast LeVar Burton has where he reads short tales he likes is very nice.

That was the whole premise of much of the show, celebrities reading but they included the actual illustrations from the books while the celebrity read it. There was other segments that tied the theme of the day together with the books but they weren't usually related to literature but rather science, history, math instead.

May has the maturity level of a 13 year old?  That explains so much...  :-D

I don't think it's maturity of a 13-year-old, I think it's just her being a smartass as a defense mechanism. The classic "they're going to get pissed at me anyway so I'll save them the trouble" kind of personality. And I think she actually respects Sam's abilities for what they are, something that Fay should be doing since she herself is an artist.

Unless Fay is one of those art snobs who don't consider stuff like graffiti or tattooing to be "real" art.
« Last Edit: 22 Dec 2020, 23:11 by awkwardness »


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #76 on: 22 Dec 2020, 23:14 »

I'm really not sure what set Bubbles off today. May has given no indication that she disrespects Sam or even has any intent or desire to tease her. Personally, I just don't think that Bubbles trusts leaving two two teens together to encourage each-other to greater excesses! FWIW, to me, May has always struck me as the 18-year-old girl, so maybe Bubbles is worried about Sam looking up to her too much? Other than literally because, as Sam said, May's new chassis is tall!

Meanwhile, I love May's 'injured dignity' expression in panel 5!

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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #77 on: 22 Dec 2020, 23:36 »

'Merrican kids were exhorted to read by Geordie La Forge?

Now I'm jealous.

No, Kunta Kinte.

.....What's with the Roots reference?

EDIT:  Oh. Well, it's been 17 years since 11th grade. Not the first reference choice to come to mind (yes, ST:TNG).

I'm really not sure what set Bubbles off today. May has given no indication that she disrespects Sam or even has any intent or desire to tease her. Personally, I just don't think that Bubbles trusts leaving two two teens together to encourage each-other to greater excesses! FWIW, to me, May has always struck me as the 18-year-old girl, so maybe Bubbles is worried about Sam looking up to her too much? Other than literally because, as Sam said, May's new chassis is tall!

Meanwhile, I love May's 'injured dignity' expression in panel 5!

I suspect this may be a case of 'better safe than sorry' mixed with a bit of misjudging someone's character to some degree.
« Last Edit: 22 Dec 2020, 23:49 by Gyrre »
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #78 on: 23 Dec 2020, 03:46 »

Da-yam! May is right!!! Chill out, Bubs!


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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #79 on: 23 Dec 2020, 04:49 »

As someone who isn't more than a few years older than Sam, she's a frustrating character to read. She consistently acts--and is treated as--closer to ten or so years old. I feel like she was closer to her actual age when she was first introduced than she is now.
Sam is, at this point, a year younger than my son. And I have commented before that she is actually a lot like him. Sam is immature for her age, has ADHD, lacks interpersonal skills, and might even be at the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum (though this is unconfirmed.) She’s also very smart and very talented. I live with this every day. If Sam was a real person she would probably get along great with my son.
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #80 on: 23 Dec 2020, 07:57 »

I would add that it's my personal experience that kids at 12-13 try a lot harder to act mature, and then as they get older they stop doing that as much because they start seeing themselves as more mature - so they don't try so hard to imitate it, they're trying to define it for themselves. Which means failing a bit. It feels true with how Sam's interactions with the cast changed over time.

People who learn second languages have told me something similar: People are a lot more impressed if you're barely managing to understand and follow along, because it's obvious you're learning a new language, which is awesome. But as soon as you're partially fluent, you start to be registered as being a bit thick or stupid. There's just a gulf where getting a bit better ends up being perceived as a lot worse.
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #81 on: 23 Dec 2020, 08:18 »

Da-yam! May is right!!! Chill out, Bubs!

Unless that new chassis includes a tact subroutine Bubbles is right to have a word with her. 

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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #82 on: 23 Dec 2020, 10:20 »

"Other" (One way or another, I'm gonna make this a tradition)  :-D :

Marten is the guy who wakes up late one day, after sleeping off a bender after being laid off from his dead-end job. He then realizes that he has dreamed his entire life since that point in time.
He then says 'Hey, that makes a pretty good story', writes it all down and sells it to a budding cartoonist named Jeph Jacques, before heading back to California to study guitar maintenance and repair...

Isn't that how The Hobbit came to us?

There was a Feghoot about that. Feghoot travels back in time and offers Tolkien a drug that enhances creativity. Tolkien of course asks if it is safe, Feghoot says "yes".

After it has had time to take effect, Tolkien exclaims something like (all dialog paraphrased from memory)
"There is a short man in my study with furry feet telling me the most wonderful story!"
F: "Good then."
T: "But he's not real! I'm hallucinating! You told me this drug was harmless!"
F: "Professor Tolkien, it is harmless, but never once did I tell you it was not hobbit forming."
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #83 on: 23 Dec 2020, 12:04 »

I'm with May.  I'd totally let someone draw a skull puking knives on me.
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #84 on: 23 Dec 2020, 12:16 »

There's just a gulf where getting a bit better ends up being perceived as a lot worse.
This is a reason that I prefer not understanding than misunderstanding. I might learn faster with intermediate misunderstanding, but by intentionally waiting until I'm sure the understanding is correct, I avoid that `stupid gulf.' It also avoids never-corrected (small) misunderstandings.
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #85 on: 23 Dec 2020, 13:08 »

Sam is immature for her age, has ADHD, lacks interpersonal skills, and might even be at the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum (though this is unconfirmed.)

I have to admit that I haven't picked up on any ADHD/autism 'vibes' from Sam (insofar as you can pick up vibes from a webcomic).
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #86 on: 23 Dec 2020, 13:45 »

I think one of the things that throws me off about Sam is that she's the only child in QC. Thus, it makes her feel a little like the token teenager, a sort of distilling of the average teenage personality.

I'm not sure how well I'm getting my point across here. I'm just a little frustrated seeing myself reflected as someone I'm not.
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #87 on: 23 Dec 2020, 14:05 »

Sam is immature for her age, has ADHD, lacks interpersonal skills, and might even be at the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum (though this is unconfirmed.)

I have to admit that I haven't picked up on any ADHD/autism 'vibes' from Sam (insofar as you can pick up vibes from a webcomic).

Same for me...she's just a normal tween who's bored easily and who has odd hobbies but aren't much different than kids who're heavily into gaming or who're sports fanatics(both watching and playing).

She has trouble keeping her interests leading to this overabundance of energy, but she's like most smart kids with short attention spans and little outlet for said energy.


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Re: WCDT strips 4142-4125 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #88 on: 23 Dec 2020, 14:07 »

I'm really not sure what set Bubbles off today. May has given no indication that she disrespects Sam or even has any intent or desire to tease her. Personally, I just don't think that Bubbles trusts leaving two two teens together to encourage each-other to greater excesses! FWIW, to me, May has always struck me as the 18-year-old girl, so maybe Bubbles is worried about Sam looking up to her too much? Other than literally because, as Sam said, May's new chassis is tall!

Meanwhile, I love May's 'injured dignity' expression in panel 5!

Bubbles is still upset over having to literally kick Fay out of her stupid behavior earlier with Millie...she was way out of line in her joking and upset Bubbles for it so she's probably still coming down from that disappointment and outrage.


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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #89 on: 23 Dec 2020, 18:27 »

Sam is immature for her age, has ADHD, lacks interpersonal skills, and might even be at the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum (though this is unconfirmed.)

I have to admit that I haven't picked up on any ADHD/autism 'vibes' from Sam (insofar as you can pick up vibes from a webcomic).
Sam and ADHD: here and here, for starters.

As for the autism thing, I’m not entirely sold on it myself. Immaturity, lack of social skills, and ADHD can all be indicative of high-functioning autism - or not, depending on who is doing the diagnosis. Where one draws the line seems to be a matter of opinion. In any rate, if Sam is on the spectrum she’s barely there and would probably never get diagnosed.
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #90 on: 23 Dec 2020, 18:34 »

I think one of the things that throws me off about Sam is that she's the only child in QC. Thus, it makes her feel a little like the token teenager, a sort of distilling of the average teenage personality.I'm not sure how well I'm getting my point across here. I'm just a little frustrated seeing myself reflected as someone I'm not.

I get where you're coming from, it can be hard to not take certain representations personally, especially if they're the only one around ("Sam is a teenager, I am a teenager, thus Jeph is describing me!"). Pretty sure that that is not Jeph's intent, though 🙂

Sam and ADHD: here and here, for starters.

As for the autism thing, I’m not entirely sold on it myself. Immaturity, lack of social skills, and ADHD can all be indicative of high-functioning autism - or not, depending on who is doing the diagnosis. Where one draws the line seems to be a matter of opinion. In any rate, if Sam is on the spectrum she’s barely there and would probably never get diagnosed.

Let's agree to disagree on that one. You see ADHD, I see an excited kid who sometimes doesn't look before she leaps.
« Last Edit: 23 Dec 2020, 19:49 by Farideh »
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #91 on: 23 Dec 2020, 19:25 »

Bad May! No suggestions.  :laugh:


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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #92 on: 23 Dec 2020, 19:34 »

New comic up...

Sam can focus and behave it seems, she just has to be in the right mindset to do so. With all due respect to the autistic spectrum claims, this to me is more and more confirmation that she's just easily excitable and overly enthusiastic about things that she likes and isn't obsessing over them, isn't diverting so much attention to them that she's neglecting everything around her, and isn't actively ignoring rules that go against what she's trying to do: she's just a kid with a lot of energy who has different interests.

Compare her with others who are known to be on or are more likely to be on the spectrum than her: Marigold, Hannelore, and definitely Brun. Sam just doesn't click all of the boxes that people want to put her in.

And by the way: ADHD isn't part of the autism spectrum. You can suffer from it and be autistic, but you an also suffer from it and not be autistic. My niece has both, my nephew is autistic. My younger nephew has ADHD. We hit the mother lode of behavior issues with them.


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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #93 on: 23 Dec 2020, 19:53 »

It's OK Sam, you can have multiple muses 😊

With regards to the previous comic and Bubbles' admonition: I think she was just erring on the side of caution. Bubbles knows that May can be abrasive and quick to shoot her mouth off, so I think that she was trying to make sure that May doesn't disparage Sam's art.
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #94 on: 23 Dec 2020, 20:35 »

It's OK Sam, you can have multiple muses 😊

With regards to the previous comic and Bubbles' admonition: I think she was just erring on the side of caution. Bubbles knows that May can be abrasive and quick to shoot her mouth off, so I think that she was trying to make sure that May doesn't disparage Sam's art.

That was my impression, but it still came off a little harsher than it might have been intended. May also only uses her abrasiveness against those who are upsetting her or who are just plain being stupid. She is normally good with Momo and Dale and now Sven, so she's probably not likely to get like that with Sam unless Sam says or does something dumb that needs a reaction from her snarky side.


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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #95 on: 23 Dec 2020, 22:35 »

Jack 7!!!  :laugh:
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #96 on: 23 Dec 2020, 23:07 »

Jeph, in the unlikely event that you ever read this, there's nothing wrong in following up reader suggestions. Posting as someone who has come up with a lot of fan-fiction ideas in his time, my attitude is that I would have never had the idea if you hadn't created the universe first, so, to a certain extent, the idea is really yours to use free-of-charge.

Onto the strip, I'm thinking that poor May is going to end up in the naughty corner and not allowed to talk anymore. If I know one thing about creative personalties, interrupting them mid-creative process is not a way to make them feel well-inclined towards you!

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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #97 on: 24 Dec 2020, 00:46 »

I think one of the things that throws me off about Sam is that she's the only child in QC. Thus, it makes her feel a little like the token teenager, a sort of distilling of the average teenage personality.

I'm not sure how well I'm getting my point across here. I'm just a little frustrated seeing myself reflected as someone I'm not.

That's a thing? I mean outside of the token kid/tween character in a lot of older cartoons from the 60s, 70s, 80s?
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #98 on: 24 Dec 2020, 04:22 »

It's OK Sam, you can have multiple muses 😊
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Re: WCDT strips 4421-4425 (21-25th December 2020)
« Reply #99 on: 24 Dec 2020, 05:04 »

Hmmm... I wonder if May has a special dynamic with Sam or if she is good with all kids? It’s really interesting to see this side to her. She is actually friendly and patient. With Bub’s criticism, she was actually protective. It’s cool to see this side of her.
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