It took me a minute to recognise Marigold without her glasses. But that's something I've experienced in real life too - where someone's face shape didn't actually change, but it still looks quite different when I see them without their glasses.
No else has mentioned this yet so I guess I will... I also went back and compared with Marigold on the page before and I think the "skinniness" some people are seeing can be attributed to Jeph trying to portay that Marigold has switched from a regular bra to a sports bra as well as changing her top. Sport bras generally have a bit of a flattening effect. If it maybe seems a little overdone, well that could be a combination of the angle and the natural variation in Jeph's art.
Noticeable variation due to "camera angle" and/or Marigold's posture can definitely be seen once I looked closely at the drawings of Marigold throughout this current arc. Not being an artist or someone who looks closely at people in real life(*), I couldn't say if this amount of variation is true to life or if Jeph tends to overdo it sometimes.
*(True story - once I caught up with a distant friend and was telling her about the guy I'd been dating for a couple of months by that point. She asked me what colour his eyes were and I didn't know. She was surprised by this and asked if he wore glasses and I wasn't sure about the answer to that question either "Er... I don't think so..." (which was, as it turns out, correct) but still...