Where's the whole "people's taste may vary" option?
Look, Mars Volta are decent musicians. The drummer is very talented, as is the keyboardist, and the bass and guitar aren't shabby either. Whether or not you think they're wankers doesn't really change the fact that they're good.
So you don't like prog. Fine. Understandable. Most people prefer songs under 5 minutes as opposed to songs with 5 minutes of crickets. Whatever floats your boat. Some of us do like the crickets. That's not to say that I don't like short simple music, too. Hell, one of my favorite bands are The Black Keys, and their stuff is as simple and quick as anything (except maybe Ramones songs). That doesn't mean I can't enjoy wankery. It's really foolish to say "Oh, I'm going to limit myself to a certain genre because that's my image" (I'm not saying everyone here is doing that, but it's something I've seen around my town). If you don't like the style Mars Volta play, fine. Cool. If you don't like their albums, fine. Cool. I don't like Decemberists (oh crap, I just blasphemed) but I don't claim they suck....they're just not my style. Similarly, The Mars Volta aren't the worst band in history...they're just not your style. Big deal.