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Author Topic: Guild Wars (Official thread)  (Read 75155 times)


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« on: 08 May 2005, 11:08 »

Yes, there is another GW thread, but that deals with people who are planning to get it, etc.  I have it, and have been playing.  I want to play with more people.  Mainly because the level three henchmen a) suck and b) attack shit that you could otherwise skirt by.  Dumb fuckers wade into the breach and attack a bunch of level eight Charr.  WTF.  I was trying to GO AROUND them you useless bastards.

Anyway, my name is Nihilist The Mad, so add me and whisper to me.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #1 on: 08 May 2005, 12:19 »


(sorry, that was obnoxious.)


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« Reply #2 on: 08 May 2005, 12:54 »

I have no qualms about playing here, there, or elsewhere.  :)

I also use voice communication software to make life easier.  I'll post the info later.

And Mnementh; it ain't abuse if the content is different.  :p


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« Reply #3 on: 08 May 2005, 13:09 »

I know, i was being obnoxious.

*ban's self*


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« Reply #4 on: 08 May 2005, 19:39 »

Gah.  Just hurry up to level 10.  I need more peeps to play with.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #5 on: 09 May 2005, 03:09 »

Quote from: James
I will keep my eyes peeled for you Nihilist, but I think to interact we both need to be in an "International District" or something. My guy is Jarrel Stormblade anyhow.

Depends. If you're on different servers, then yes. However, you can move your account between servers up to five times (it's under the 'Edit Account' button when you log in). I play on the American server despite being in Europe, because I can't deal with everyone speaking French and German all the time.

Oh, by the way, my name is Ciriel Swiftblade. I'm a level 10 warrior/monk. Play me.


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« Reply #6 on: 09 May 2005, 07:26 »

I have a lvl 11 Necro/Ranger: Tuatha De Denand
I also have a lvl 12 Warrior/Monk: Jaden Denand

I play both with equal vigor.

I am already in a clan, but no one seems to be interested in questing in this clan... just PVP.  I like PVP in this game, but I still have a LOT of stuff to do before I start to focus on it in any significant way.

Also, at this point, playing two characters (with a joint 'storage' account), money is coming in a LOT easier.  If I take two trips out into the Dreidmore Bowl (it's one of the last zones in the mountains, and - according to the Guild Wars Guru map, seems to be about the halfway point for exploration) I come back with enough cash and gear to clear 400 gold, easy.  Ten trips should be enough to save the cash for a Guild of my/our own.

See the other GW thread for info on that.


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« Reply #7 on: 09 May 2005, 08:47 »

I'm more about wandering about, exploring, and killing things.  Except in the breach.  I'm all about getting smacked down there.


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« Reply #8 on: 09 May 2005, 09:19 »

Well, I still have a BUNCH of quests that I can go back to do... but I get frustrated with them.  There are a lot that aren't clear, so you run around a zone for 45 minutes, not gaining any exp (because I'm lvl 12, fighting most lvl 8s and 9s) trying to find some obscure drop, or trying to find a zone where your quest begins (because it won't tell you in the quest description at times).  Ughh.

I've 'abandoned' a lot of the stale quests I had because spending 45 minutes performing those quests, to get 200 exp, just wasn't worth it.  If they offered skills, or decent items, that'd be one thing.  To simply offer 200 or 300 exp, for what is sometimes a LOT more work than can be justified... not my cup of tea.

I still have a few really rewarding quests that I just can't finish, like Althea's Ashes (2000 exp).  It's just such a DAMNED HARD QUEST!!

And right now my W/Mo is in Beacon's Perch.  You head north into the Bowl, and what you fight is pretty wimpy (lvl 9 Centaurs).  you head south, and... wow... lvl 24s.  So I'm at a bit of a stalemate with this game right now.  I'm still loving it, but I can't seem to explore any further... no matter how good my group of lvl 12s can be, we simply can't take more than 2 lvl 24s at a time.  ANY additional aggro = death.


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« Reply #9 on: 09 May 2005, 09:23 »

I originally had problems figuring out what to do, till I just started following the green arrow on my compass.  It tells me where to go, and I follow.

I finished Althea's Ashes last night.  Jesus, but that was nearly impossible.  Two level 10 E/Mo, a level 14 R/M and a level 9 R/E, and we nearly didn't make it.  Certainly didn't help when the 14 R/M ditched about 2/3 of the way through, right in the land of level 8 stone/rock guys.


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« Reply #10 on: 09 May 2005, 09:29 »

It's not the stone/rock guys that really mess me up, it's the massive amount of Charr at the end.  That temple area is standing-room-only.

I've been in two groups now that have reached that point with absolutely no troubles, only to have idiot players aggro half the temple.

Sure, they're level 8 charr, I'm lvl 12... I have a ton of self/ally buffs and heals... but when 20+ charr are beating on me... I can only take so much.


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« Reply #11 on: 09 May 2005, 09:32 »

Strange, we had more problems with the rock/stone trolls then with the Charr.  They sure do hate me, though.  I generally get swarmed by them.  I've got some cool E spells that allow me to do constant local damage so that they can beat on me, but get mad damage, leaving me free to take on the guys in the distance.  Oh, and I've got a protective spell that enables me to recover health by casting spells, which is basically all I do anyway.  So, yeah.  :)


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« Reply #12 on: 09 May 2005, 09:36 »

I have the cash for this game.

Now all i have to do is get it...


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« Reply #13 on: 09 May 2005, 09:37 »

I primarily use two monk enchantments.  One gives me a 5 health regen, the other gives me energy and adrenaline any time I do melee damage (being a warrior primary, this skill was perfect).

Then I have the warrior healing ability, and HP increase (+145 HP for 10 seconds).  I also bring a rez, a heal ally, and two sword attacks.

I managed to get this sword that is just awesome.  Bought it off someone in Ascalon for 500gold.  14-19 damage, +35% damage when health below 50%, improved energy recovery & casting time.

Those stone golems can be annoying, especially since 'bleed' skills just won't work on them... but they still drop pretty quick under my blade.  Faster than the Charr... because they have no armor, so when I strike, I do about 25-30 damage per hit... as opposed to about 14-18 damage on the Charr.


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« Reply #14 on: 09 May 2005, 11:24 »

Whoops, I was wrong.  I only did the ghost one, I attempted to do the ashes one a few minutes ago.  We would have been fine except for the fourth player who just waded in.  We'd be walking one way, he'd run off the other and start fights with six level 10 hydras.  Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking?  And again 2/3 of the way through, just vanishes.  Sweet.

I need to figure out what spells to bring in, the 'heal area' thing just doesn't seem to do it for me.  And I need to buy monk skills.  And a better staff, my 4-6 damage just doesn't cut it.  Nurr.  Help.  I have money and goods!  :p


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« Reply #15 on: 09 May 2005, 12:07 »

Heal Area is great, but heals enemies too... Heal Party heals for a lot less, costs more, but - obviously - heals your entire party.

I find bringing regen buffs is better than actual healing spells.  Put a 10 - 15 second regen enchantment on a teammate, and you don't HAVE to heal them for that time.  :P


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« Reply #16 on: 09 May 2005, 12:08 »

Yeah, I'm gonna have to fiddle around with the spells I have.  I'm only a secondary Monk, and I don't know where to find skills.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #17 on: 09 May 2005, 12:41 »

So far I'm playing an Elementalist, tried a ranger too but I like the magic better. His name is: Derius Urbanas and he's only level 3, so far...
After I get out of the training area perhaps some of us can hook up for some play time.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #18 on: 09 May 2005, 13:29 »

Hey Nihilist, do you guys play with Teamspeak or Ventrillo?

I have the collector's edition of GW, and I'm itching to use that headset it comes with!


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« Reply #19 on: 09 May 2005, 13:31 »

I use Vent.  I created another thread with the info.


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« Reply #20 on: 09 May 2005, 14:26 »

Right on, thanks!


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #21 on: 09 May 2005, 18:49 »

i'll be getting this in about two weeks.  hopefully you guys won't be bored of it by then.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #22 on: 10 May 2005, 05:49 »

I've played on the European server for a few days but I'm strongly concidering moving to the american one too. Don't really know what will happen to the chars I already have but it doesn't really matter.

Might drop in on the vent-server though. Hope to see you guys ingame.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #23 on: 10 May 2005, 09:06 »

Your characters stay as they are.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #24 on: 10 May 2005, 10:06 »

Quote from: est
i'll be getting this in about two weeks.  hopefully you guys won't be bored of it by then.

trust me, they wont

the beta was awesome, i can only think what it's like now
Oh no, he was fine... and now he's poorly from too much electric


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #25 on: 10 May 2005, 10:13 »

I spent about two hours playing with Nihilist last night... got an invite into his guild.

Then I worked on my webcomic for today.

Then I played again, and spent about another hour and a half just farming for charr hides.

So no, I don't see me getting bored of this game any time soon.


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« Reply #26 on: 10 May 2005, 10:18 »

I'll be playing later, just attempting to do some work.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #27 on: 10 May 2005, 10:21 »

I work 8-5, mon-fri, so I won't be playing for another 5.5 - 6 hours.  :(


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« Reply #28 on: 10 May 2005, 10:24 »

I'm at work, but you know.  :p


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« Reply #29 on: 10 May 2005, 10:29 »

I hate you.



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« Reply #30 on: 10 May 2005, 10:34 »

I'm just a better Canadian.  :D


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #31 on: 10 May 2005, 10:48 »

Yeah, you Torontonians always think that.

And we let you think it.

You know... we have trouble arguing with you... our province is so rich, we're so busy counting money... it's tough to find time in the day to acknowledge the rest of Canada.



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« Reply #32 on: 10 May 2005, 10:54 »

And yet you can't play games at work.  You'd think that with all that money you could fly up some poor people from third world countries to be your peons.  Tut tut.  :D


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« Reply #33 on: 10 May 2005, 13:52 »

It took awhile to get back to posting... I was drafting a proposal for said 3rd-worldies.

My bosses didn't like the idea.

Another few hours to go before I finally get home.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #34 on: 23 May 2005, 04:57 »

i bought it today.  i'm on the American servers.  i have an Elementalist named "Est the Explosive" and will be also making another Warrior/Monk because i even though i already have one, i hate the name of one i have currently.

i'll probably never ever see any of you guys around because of time differences, but hey, i am about.

also: stickied this


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #35 on: 23 May 2005, 05:13 »

Hey est, I'm at least in the same country. So we might have a chance =)


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« Reply #36 on: 23 May 2005, 05:21 »

perhaps!  what's your player name?  i'll add you to my friends list for when i get capable / high enough level to adventure with people.

also: i just killed a level 5 bull with a level 1 Elementalist/Mesmer by using the right skills.  i love this fucking game.

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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #37 on: 23 May 2005, 05:34 »

Curse you all! Before all this I was sure that WoW would be the better choice. what with all the race choices and mounts and whatnot.. Now I'm not entirely sure. CURSE YOU!
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome, Swooping down from heaven to carry me home.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #38 on: 23 May 2005, 08:53 »

oh, dont forget the LACK OF FEEEEEEEES

you and your WoW

i now have it, it doesnt play very well due to my shitty graphics setup, but i can occasionally get a couple of hourse out of it before it crashes horribly

pravus potentia<---------- warrior/necro
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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #39 on: 23 May 2005, 17:04 »

Quote from: El-Rodente
you and your WoW
I don't have it yet. I'm going to take my brother with me to look them both over and decide which one I want.
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome, Swooping down from heaven to carry me home.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #40 on: 23 May 2005, 22:34 »

Are there abny Australians playing on the European servers?
If so, we should all set a time and date apart and have a QC, GW gathering.
If anyone wants to say hello im one of the following, Baine Enra or Gegor Stoneclaw, so if your ever on the european servers, say hello.
Quote from: Trollstormur
that slogan is a good slogan. so good, in fact, I think it should be applied to other things. like, "there's no wrong way to hit your spouse." or "there's no wrong way to commit nonconsentual sodomy."


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #41 on: 24 May 2005, 06:53 »

Anybody here playing on the American servers who has a level 18+ character?  Looking for somebody to help out, the NPCs just can't keep up.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #42 on: 24 May 2005, 12:23 »

I need to stop switching characters... Nihilist is getting mad levels, and I have a lvl 15, a lvl 14, and a lvl 8.

No... more... alts.

I really want to get into Droknar's Forge with my Necro/Ranger.  There is a skills trainer/seller there that has two skills I REALLY want.  Both of them have to do with summoning minions.  I just want to be able to bring an army of undead wherever I go... is that so wrong?

There's 'Animate Bone Horror' which you get very early on, and at Droknar's Forge there are; 'Animate Bone Fiend' and 'Animate Bone Minions'.

Animate Bone Horror - Exploit nearby corpse to animate a lvl 1-14 Bone Horror.
Animate Bone Fiend - Exploit nearby corpse to animate a lvl 1-14 Bone Fiend.  Bone Fiends can attack at range.
Animate Bone Minions - Exploit nearby corpse to animate two lvl 0-10 Bone Minions.

After most fights, I am running around with 4 lvl 11 Bone Horrors.  If I get those other two 'animate' skills, I could - instead - have a Bone Horror, two Bone Minions and a Bone Fiend all running around, slaughtering everything in their path.  It's pretty easy to maintain 4 minions once your 'Death Magic' is high enough... they last for quite awhile, and do some pretty awesome damage.

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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #43 on: 24 May 2005, 12:27 »

Quote from: Sideways
I just want to be able to bring an army of undead wherever I go... is that so wrong?
Nope. in Diablo II when I played a Necro, By the time I hit Act 2 I was accompanied by about 8 skeles and a golem. Much fun.
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome, Swooping down from heaven to carry me home.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #44 on: 24 May 2005, 12:44 »

I've got a lvl 18 elementalist monk who is currently getting pounded by the level 24+ characters in the area.  Last night I was on a quest with Chin, and we all died, except for the healer who was somehow embedded in the ground.  Took us about 90 minutes to get that far, and then we just quit; otherwise we'd have to restart from the very beginning.  Ohgodno.

I also have a level 8 warrior elementalist.  Tank!  He's also post-searing, so I'm gonna have to run his ass around, and give him some of the items that my primary character has picked up.  A level 12 shield would go real good.

My newest character is a level 7 necro monk.  Hehe, I love this character.  I'm gonna finish up the 'happy' Ascalon with her, and bring her to the post-searing as well.  Most of the time I can kill things before they even start to attack me.  Necros also have sweet group attacks that don't take much energy.

Though, honestly, the elementalist skill 'Meteor Shower', I've been using it to wipe out entire groups of level 18 necrid horsemen.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #45 on: 24 May 2005, 21:22 »

my ele/mes is still learning the ropes in the starter area.  once i go into the main area i'll look you guys up :)


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #46 on: 24 May 2005, 21:53 »

I've been fairly lazy so far, so i'm guessing you'll catch me up sooner or later est :)

EDIT: I'm also an Ele/Mes


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #47 on: 25 May 2005, 09:33 »

im now level 9, but the thing is, im doing the ruins of wherever quest, where you have to free the huge amounts of prisoners, BUT im never going to make it cause im bound to crash in there somewhere

i HATE this graphics card :(
Oh no, he was fine... and now he's poorly from too much electric


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #48 on: 26 May 2005, 10:39 »

It's a damn good thing this game is free to play, because I am seriously lacking in time to play any games right now.

I get, MAYBE, 4 hours of gaming time, per week.

If I was still playing City of Heroes, I totally would not be getting my money's worth.


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Guild Wars (Official thread)
« Reply #49 on: 29 May 2005, 07:19 »

y'know, to tell you guys the truth, post-searing Ascalon is really starting to shit me.  what's doing it for me is the vast quantities of creatures that pop up out of the ground over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.  you clear out a run from one place to another, go through a portal to do one thing, then come back and they are all repopulated again.  it reminds me of really old RPGs where you walk around not seeing any enemies and then all of a sudden you're at a fight sequence.  there's no way to avoid them like you can roaming mobs, you pretty much have to fight them.

add this to not being able to jump up onto things so there is pretty much only static ways that you can run through terrain and henchmen that are so frustratingly lame and underpowered and you'll begin to see why i am getting annoyed.  i mean, when i heard that there were henchmen i thought that maybe it would be ok for soloing, because i don't really have time to fuck around finding people to play with who aren't total fucktards.  but why even bother giving players henchmen if they're going to be so useless?

also, i've had the same fucking weapon for the last say, six levels.  nothing drops anything interesting.  i know that this game is supposed to be all about the skills & how you use them, and they say that being uber will never be about time played, etc, but if it is supposed to be all about that then why the hell do we get so little skills to begin with?  before anyone says anything: yes, i am doing quests to get new skills, but hardly any of them are interesting enough to use anyway, so i'm stuck using the same ones i always use.

so here's a recap of what's pissing me off:

running on annoying set paths through bleak wasteland settings that all look the same with a bunch of underpowered henchmen fighting against the same annoyingly unavoidable creatures over and over again with the same weapon i've had for 6 levels and a bunch of skills, only a handful of which are interesting at all.

someone please tell me it gets better than this.

at the moment i'm playing Elementalist/Mesmer, and to tell you the truth i am enjoying the Mesmer side more than the elementalist.  also, perhaps i'll switch over to my melee character for a bit and see if there's any difference in the way the game feels, but i'm not exactly holding my breath.

edit: i just read back over that and found it to be both harsh and totally true.  unless i can find something to save this game i am really thinking that i might reopen my WoW account and go in search of PvP encounters or something.  this game is very very different to what i was expecting, and even rather different to the beta of it that i played a while back.
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