I could care less either way. Much as I loved Final Fantasy VI, I can count the female characters the Final Fantasy series has had that WEREN'T a fucking joke on one hand.
Faris and...well, that was about it (And she was pretending to be a man). They have had plenty of male characters with some real depth and characterization, but the absolute joke that are most Square female characters leads me to believe that no one on their staff has ever actually MET a woman. They're either a callow damsel in distress (Terra, Celes, Aeris, Rosa, Rinoa, Quistis, Garnett, Rydia, Lenna), a tough as nails bitch (Lulu, Beatrix) an obnoxious brat (Yuffie, Eiko, Relm, Penelo, Selphie, Rikku, Porom, Krile) or a combination of the first two (Tifa, Ashe). There's like zero room for variation.