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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #50 on: 18 Jul 2005, 08:03 »

So at about 2 AM last night, I decided to sit down and read a couple chapters of the new harry potter book. Then I got sucked the fuck in, and I just finished it.

I will stand by everything that has already been said in this thread, but would like to add that Harry's smartassitude in general was great, and the fact that Harry Potter now has Zombie's in it kicks ass. Also, Fenrir was a great character.

On the other hand


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #51 on: 18 Jul 2005, 08:06 »

I don't think I've ever agreed with you before, SeanBateman, but GOOD ON YOU.

Siri /has/ to come back, he has to.

Still one more book, right?


It's weird, though. I mean, it's a kids' book, it's not amazing, and yet it sucks you in.

And as far as Smartassery goes, I distinctly remember thinking, when harry said "There's no need to call me sir, Professor", "Oh my gosh! He could give Faye a run for her money!"


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #52 on: 18 Jul 2005, 08:58 »

as much as I appreciate the words of support, now I am just concerned about why you've never agreed before. I hope I haven't been offensive/


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« Reply #53 on: 18 Jul 2005, 09:03 »

'course not. I just don't think I've ever even /spoken/ to you is all.

=waves= Hello there.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #54 on: 18 Jul 2005, 09:10 »

to avoid offtopicing, how cool was it that Harry wasn't in the first 2 chapters at all?

Also,nice to meet you


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #55 on: 18 Jul 2005, 09:28 »

Quote from: SeanBateman

i'd like to think being hit in the chest with a death spell, knocked into a room with a 'power more terrifying than you can imagine" would securely put him in the "dead' column, but I've been wrong before.

Anyway, since i'm not part of the  lunatic fanfiction cannon, its nice to see that J.K. Rowling can write minor drama as well as high drama.

Snape, I get the feeling is loyal to one person and one person only: Snape.

Peronsally, I want to see Hagrid go medieval on the Death Eaters when the chips laid down in book 7.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #56 on: 18 Jul 2005, 11:21 »

was sirius actually hit with the killing curse?  in my memory he just falls through the archway... i think i need to dig out OotP and check... unless someone on here has it committed to memory...

as for snape, i'm not really sure what to think here. part of me is like, oh he was just evil and he sucks. but here's what i want to be true: snape really isn't a bad guy and this was a plan of dumbledore's. dumbledore always said he had his reasons for trusting snape and i don't think the one that was hinted at (with the prophecy and him feeling remorse) is good enough. so the scene where malfoy was supposed to kill dumbledore... seems like she's hinting that he's going to turn good again, so maybe snape was just supposed to get him and protect him by killing dumbledore so he wouldn't do it. snape did take that unbreakable vow, after all... allowing malfoy to kill dumbledore probably wouldn't be upholding his end of the vow. maybe dumbledore had some reason to believe that he was more expendable than snape. dumbledore probably knows that harry needed to do it on his own anyway. that's really wishful thinking though... i think i just don't want snape to be bad because i kinda liked his character, the bad good guy.
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #57 on: 18 Jul 2005, 11:22 »

I completely agree that Hagrid has to finally kick some ass in book seven.

We are bound to see more of Narcissa and Belatrix in book seven as well, they are Tonks' aunts you know.

Speaking of moments of laughter I was cracking up at Peeves after Harry asked Luna to Slug's Christmas party. Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrve!
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Re: harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #58 on: 18 Jul 2005, 11:29 »

Quote from: Switchblade

Snogging is just the british term for making out.

Basically, yeah, though I still maintain that it's quite a coarse term. In fact, it's been a long time since I last heard anybody use it.

Well, HP is mostly written in a locked down third person following Harry and examining his thoughts (can't remember the bloody proper name for it), but anyway, the use of such terms adds realism I think: Harry isn't that particularly refined or soft spoken, and he wouldn't be: he was bought up with the Dursleys shouting abuse at him, went to a state school, etc. He's relatively polite and nice, but not that soft-spoken. They're sixteen year old schoolboys ffs. I applaud the use of the term.
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #59 on: 18 Jul 2005, 11:41 »

I get that, and I understand and accept the context it's used in. I just think  that "Snogging" is to "Kissing" what "Cunt" is to "Vagoo"- a bad word for a good thing.


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« Reply #60 on: 18 Jul 2005, 11:45 »

Hagrid already kicked a bit of arse, in that he ate enough dark magic to put down a fucking squad of Aurors with only a few cuts to show for it.
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« Reply #61 on: 18 Jul 2005, 11:48 »

Oh, and

RIP Bill's hawt face.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #62 on: 18 Jul 2005, 11:51 »

Eh, his fiance reckons he now looks manly and tough, so I guess it works out in his favour.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #63 on: 18 Jul 2005, 11:52 »

Yeah, well, no one ever doubted that Phlegm was an odd one.

Really, she's right up there with Luna.

By the by, I /love/ Luna's socially-inept bluntness.


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« Reply #64 on: 18 Jul 2005, 12:00 »

>>I am also looking forward as to how J.K explains Harry and Co. being able to find the final four Horcruxes in the space of a year when it took Dumbledore himself a good 6 years to find two (one of which being a fake).<<
The answer to that is astonishingly simple. Dumbledore first had to lay the GROUNDWORK for finding the Horcrucruxes, and THAT took him a year. Now that Harry knows that Voldemort likes to keep trophies, and now that he knows that the Horcruxes are likely to be in places where Voldemort has had his greatest triumphs, and now that he has seen enough of Voldemort's youth to know where some of his most nostalgic triumphs are, the search will go much faster. Plus, given Hermione's unsurpassed skill at sleuthing out useful information from published sources...

>>I always thought that HP&CoS was the weakest book of the series anyway. I'd order them, at the moment, in descending order:
1: Half-blood prince.
2: Goblet of Fire.
3: Prisoner of Azkaban.
4: Philosopher's Stone.
5: Order of the Phoenix.
6: Chamber of Secrets.<<

Here's mine, in order of strongest to weakness:
1: HBP
2: GoF
3: PoA
4: CoS
5: SS (or PS if you're British)
6: OotP
I rank Phoenix at the bottom because my expectations for it were the highest, but the payoff was the poorest. Sorceror's/Philospher's Stone was very good, but for the first three-quarters of the book, it didn't have much of a plot other than Harry goes here and learns this, then Harry goes here and learns that. The things that make the first book truly good are things you realize only in retrospect, such as the fact that Rowling plants information here that becomes important only much later, such as Sirius Black, Parseltounge, and Mrs. Figg. Also, I only realized in retrospect that she made a daring decision in choosing to open the first book with eight pages of exposition focusing on secondary characters — unusual for a children's novel.

>>Absolutely terrifying.

Oh, and the thing that really scared me was when they were in the cave, and---and Dumbledore was afraid.

And, of course, fear just humanized him all too much.<<
The thing that blew my mind were the closing words of Chapter 26:
"I am not worried, Harry," said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. "I am with you."
Up until this point, there relationship had always been the other way around.

On another note, I realized something last night. A previous poster stated that R.A.B. could be Regulus Black. In which case, the real Horcrux is in the Sirius Black house, said the guy or gal who posted earlier.

BUT — Mundungus was seen stealing things from 12 Grimmauld Place! That means that HE has the Horcrux and doesn't even know it.

(I figured it out! With a pencil and a pad I figured it out! Only five years from today, Only five years from today...)

Coolness points to the first person who figures out where the above quote comes from.

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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #65 on: 18 Jul 2005, 12:41 »

It reminds me of 'Twelve Monkeys'?

Nice supposition. I agree with you on the first paragraph as well: The work that took Dumbledore six years was recovering those memories and working out the likely positions of the Horcruxes. Also, no matter how kick-assley Dumbledore is/was, remember he was also running a school and doing all the other stuff he does/did in that time.
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #66 on: 18 Jul 2005, 15:04 »

Somehow, I was disappointed this time around.  

Everything in this book seemed rushed.  So much information was given in such a short space of time.  I know this might have been her aim, with the return of Voldemort, how else would it be?  But I mean, when Christmas rolled around I did a double-take, expecting it to only be October.  

The plot was amazing, there's no denying it.  Delving into the past of Voldemort, and discovering the REAL reason he died was the biggest payoff of this book.

But the things that upset me most about this book were as follows - the hasty H/G breakup (although the whole concept of them together was LONG overdue) and the fact that Harry was contemplating not going to Hogwarts for his seventh year.  I feel as if without Hogwarts the Harry Potter books aren't going to be the same.  It just won't be RIGHT.  

On the whole I feel as if even though the book was well-written, it seems more of a bridge than anything to set the stage for the seventh book.

EDIT:  I KNEWWWWW Snape was the HBP.

Quote from: toastess
was sirius actually hit with the killing curse?  in my memory he just falls through the archway... i think i need to dig out OotP and check... unless someone on here has it committed to memory...

It said clearly in the fifth book that Sirius was hit by a bright-green jet of light.  Bright Green: Avada Kadabra.  Sirius was hit by the killing curse.

Yet a little bit of me still hopes he'll rise from the dead again.  He was my FAVOURITE.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #67 on: 18 Jul 2005, 15:13 »

It actually said that Sirius was hit by a jet of Bright RED light, not green. Which is either stupefy or expelliarmus.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #68 on: 18 Jul 2005, 16:26 »

Argh seriously?  My bad.  -_-'  I must read up on these silly Potter books.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #69 on: 18 Jul 2005, 16:28 »

Either of which would have knocked him backwards, too.

Ever noticed how Avada Kadavra Sounds a lot like "Abracadabra"? I LIKE that touch... It kind of creates the impression that somehow, somewhere along the line, the incantation for one of the most horrific spell managed to get out among the muggles, albeit in a mutated form. That's a good little detail, I think.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #70 on: 18 Jul 2005, 17:26 »

I posted this theory on another forum, but wanted to see what you guys had to say about it (see how I value your opinion?  Cool, huh?):

RE: The Seven Horcruxes

Okay, so five we know about, and at least two have been dealt with.  The diary in CoS has a fang through the front cover, the ring that screwed up Dumbledore's manicure has been destroyed (in a way we don't get to find out about), the locket, which has gone AWOL and may or may not already be destroyed, the goblet of Hufflepuff, which is currently stored in an undisclosed location, and Voldemort himself.  So we're left with two unknowns.  Given what we know about Voldemort, and about how his brain works (collecting trophies, sticking them in places that mean a lot to him), it can be surmised that the other two horcruxes are most likely things left behind by Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.  Now, as far as the Ravenclaw object goes, I presently have no theories (though I may move on to that after this one), but I do have an interesting idea on something Gryffindor left behind:

Below is (most of) my original post, reposted for your perusal and fine-tooth combery.

"A theory I quite liked (which I have just found a little evidence for) is what if one of the horcruxes is the Sorting Hat? I figure the location of one of the horcruxes has to be in Hogwarts, because Riddle was a great wizard even then and no doubt achieved a great deal in those hallowed halls, which supports it as a place 'of great importance' for him. Plus, we know he loved the place. So it's not that much of a stretch to think there's something in there waiting to be found. (Note: Although the diary was used inside Hogwarts, it was brought in from outside, so I don't count that as a Hogwarts related Horcrux).

So why the Sorting Hat? Well, it's book seven. No more need for it afterwards, because there'll be no need for Rowling to announce new pupils (aside from the new first years, but I figure they'll be settled in before Harry figures all this out), even if the Potter universe carries on after the end of the 'Harry Potter Saga'. And, from an 'inside the universe' perspective, it could well be that the hat's constant talk of "all the houses banding together" is finally realised when the houses are removed, making Hogwarts one big, happy family. Further support for this theory could be that Hogwarts is re-opened, but few people attend (probably under direction from worried parents), making catering for four houses an impractical impossibility. The added friction created by having four previously competing houses (and with no small amount of animosity between some of them) would make for some dramatic encounters, I'm sure.

And the most compelling bit of evidence? Why, the ownership of the hat: one Godric Gryffindor. Something Dumbledore seems to have overlooked, as he states "the only known relic of Gryffindor [the sword] remains safe". Now, it may be that after the four houses bewitched and put brains in it, it is no longer considered a 'relic of Gryffindor', but somehow I don't think the founders messing around with it diminishes its overall Gryffindor-ness.

Finally, I haven't found the passage yet, but I'm pretty sure somewhere we're told about Riddle's sorting, and how the hat didn't even need to be placed onto his head before he was chosen to be in Slytherin. Whether this was one of those times that JKR threw in a bit of seemingly innocuous bit of information which has a lot of bearing, or whether it is something Riddle would deem significant enough to place a seventh of his soul into, I don't know. But if he was desperate to get a relic from each Hogwarts founder as I think he is, and given that the sword (arguably the ideal Gryffindor relic) is pretty well protected, the Sorting Hat would be a pretty good substitute."


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #71 on: 18 Jul 2005, 18:00 »

Interesting theory, and one I entertained for myself for a while, though without elaborating quite that far.

I must say, I think I'd rather wait until book 7 is released than spend too much of my time speculating on things to come... hanging around here has taught me to wait and let the good things happen by themselves.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #72 on: 18 Jul 2005, 18:02 »

thanks for checking the OotP bit about sirius... i was pretty sure that it wasn't avada kedavra that killed sirius. ^_^

switchblade - i like that about the incantation too. the hp lexicon says that it's adapted from an aramaic phrase..

Aramaic: "adhadda kedhabhra" - "let the thing be destroyed".
NOTE: Abracadabra is a cabbalistic charm in Judaic mythology that is supposed to bring healing powers. One of its sources is believed to be from Aramaic avada kedavra, another is the Phoenician alphabet (a-bra-ca-dabra).

grogmonkey - interesting theory... i forgot about the sorting hat being originally gryffindor's...
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #73 on: 18 Jul 2005, 21:28 »

Quote from: SeanBateman
It actually said that Sirius was hit by a jet of Bright RED light, not green. Which is either stupefy or expelliarmus.

I really doubt a group of Seath Eaters bent on death and destruction were throwing around spells that weren't going to kill their intended targets.

As for the Sorting Hat, that's a genius theory.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #74 on: 18 Jul 2005, 21:36 »

Quote from: ebullientsoul

I really doubt a group of Death Eaters bent on death and destruction were throwing around spells that weren't going to kill their intended targets.

It could have been Crucio, can't remember the colour of that though. From what I remember of the battle descriptions, they don't chuck an Avada Kedavra each time. I would guess that's because AK is so fucking powerful it takes a bit of effort/time to cast, and almost certainly always has to be said out-loud, whilst more minor disarming or blasting spells could be cast instantly and silently. Plus, the tactic seems to be to disarm the opponent first, and then to Crucio them, so they're nice and prone for the killing blow.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #75 on: 19 Jul 2005, 00:40 »

I just finished! So glad I decided to sit down and re-read the previous 5 books before picking up the 6th. There was much that i had forgetten from the other books. Yes, I spent the last week re-reading all the books.. yes, i know i'm a geek.

All in all it was pretty good, definately cant wait till the next.

I am also looking forward as to how J.K explains Harry and Co. being able to find the final four Horcruxes in the space of a year when it took Dumbledore himself a good 6 years to find two (one of which being a fake).

I very much agree, it seems like there is too many unanswered questions and unfinshed parts of the main plot for them to wrap everything up cleanly in the space of one year. But I've noticed in some of the other books, things are left unanswered, but rather left to be assumed, and then confirmed rather then explained. That make sense?

And there is only 3 remaining horcruxes, plus Voldy himself. The ones that were found were the diary, the ring, and the locket, leaving 3 more.

Okay, I had my say :D


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #76 on: 19 Jul 2005, 03:53 »

But ze locket eet is a FAKE!
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #77 on: 19 Jul 2005, 04:26 »

it never says that the cruciatus curse emits a beam of light.

khar - okay no more typing like fleur.

but really... what do you all think of the locket thing? do you think it really was destroyed or that it's still out there somewhere? i guess there really isn't a way for them to know when a horcrux has been destroyed...
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #78 on: 19 Jul 2005, 04:48 »

i read someplace a loony theory that Harry is actually the seventh Horcrux, or at least the thing on his head is.  that's why they say that when Voldemort attacked Harry it linked them.  maybe instead of trying to kill him he did an ingenious thing and put part of his soul into the one person he sensed was strong enough to challenge him once he reached maturity?

also: secreting a part of his soul into such a potentially powerful wizard would be pretty cool, because apart from the obvious (Harry can't kill him unless he sacrifices himself, or finds out how to remove the horcrux from himself) if someone other than Harry was trying to kill Voldemort then in order to kill him they would also have to attempt to kill Harry, regardless of whether he grew up to be good or bad


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #79 on: 19 Jul 2005, 04:49 »

I can't remember if I or somebody else already said this, but I am now almost /certain/ that R.A.B /is/, in fact, Regulus Black.

In OOTP, while the gang are staying at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, they're cleaning up, right? Well, for about half a sentence, it talks about them finding a large heavy locket that none of them could open.



And considering that Mundungus Fletcher's been stealing stuff they were throwing away---who knows, maybe dungy's got it and doesn't know it.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #80 on: 19 Jul 2005, 06:59 »



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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #81 on: 19 Jul 2005, 10:53 »

I got my book at 9:15 after standing in front of the library since 6:00

Read it untill 4:00 then had to go to work.. Got back at 11:-- and finished it by 11:45...

I don't think im going to buy it tho because is don't really like it... Dumbledore was my Second Favorite chatacter after Sirious and now she's killed off BOTH of them... It was quite horrible too that Snape was the one who killed him... I never liked him but I thaught that he at least respected Dumbledore and was marginally on his side...

I kinda hoped that Dumbledore had made a horocrux.. But it was just that stupid ring that killed his hand...

The next book is just going to feel a bit empty without Albus their... He seemed imortal because he was so venerable...


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« Reply #82 on: 19 Jul 2005, 11:43 »

>>but really... what do you all think of the locket thing? do you think it really was destroyed or that it's still out there somewhere? i guess there really isn't a way for them to know when a horcrux has been destroyed...<<
I'll repeat my earlier theory. Regulus Black stole the real locket and left it at 12 Grim-Old Place, but Mundugus stole it and probably has it without knowing.

>>i read someplace a loony theory that Harry is actually the seventh Horcrux, or at least the thing on his head is. that's why they say that when Voldemort attacked Harry it linked them. maybe instead of trying to kill him he did an ingenious thing and put part of his soul into the one person he sensed was strong enough to challenge him once he reached maturity?<<
An intriguing theory, but in my opinion, not likely. Dumbledore said Voldy probably intended to make his final Horcrux after killing Harry, but when the AK curse rebounded on him, he didn't have a chance. He did get a chance 13 years later, when he got his new body, but his intention was to kill Harry immediately afterward. He would never set out to destroy his Horcrux, would he?

Unless JK Rowling gets REAL clever. Voldemort knows so much about the Dark Arts that he DID intend to kill Harry's body as a way of preserving his own Horcrux.


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« Reply #83 on: 19 Jul 2005, 12:33 »

That would be extremly cool if Harry was You-know-who's Horucrux... Besides why would Voldy-thingi hide his Horucrux in the family home of somone he killed.. Since Regalus tried to leave the Deatheaters so he killed him. Sooo... um yeah...


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« Reply #84 on: 19 Jul 2005, 13:30 »

Voldemort didn't hide the horcrux in Regulus' house.  Regulus did.  Because I mean, there were all sorts of enchantments on the house (implottable,etc) it would make it the perfect hiding place.  And why would Voldemort ever look there?  He trusted Regulus.

I also don't think that Harry or Nagini are horcruxes.  If Voldemort was planning on immortality, he wouldn't invest part of his soul in something that would undoubtedly die before him.

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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #85 on: 19 Jul 2005, 18:52 »

Quote from: toastess
thanks for checking the OotP bit about sirius... i was pretty sure that it wasn't avada kedavra that killed sirius. ^_^

In the book it says "the second jet of light" it doesnt mention the color (the first, that he had dodged, was red). It also doesnt say if he was dead before he hit and fell through the veil/curtain (it's refered to as both) or not. Though surely falling through it would have killed him anyways. My guess is that the archway is the veil between life and death (it is called the death room after all) though since it is only hinted at not down and out stated, cant be 100% sure.

Tactical Error

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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #86 on: 19 Jul 2005, 21:51 »

I just thought of another small thing to support the wild theory of Dumbledore's not being dead. Remember in Goblet of Fire that Moody said you have to really mean it for the Avada Kedavra curse to work. Well, Snape could have cast the spell without the desire to kill Dumbledore and to everyone watching it wouldn't look any different. But that's just a crazy theory, don't listen to me, but it would fit into Rowlings style of planting ideas in earlier books.
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #87 on: 19 Jul 2005, 22:14 »

nice idea, that.  there is plenty to debate before the next book, obviously.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #88 on: 20 Jul 2005, 00:46 »

Quote from: Mrs. Firefly
(Unless he comes back as an Inferi. Wouldn't THAT be interesting?)

i had to stop on this comment as soon as i saw it, i couldn't continue to read to see if someone has already said something similar, so i am sorry if this has happened.

i enjoy that Rowling is using a darker writing style, but i think that doing something like turning Dumbeldore into and Inferi would truely be twisted and sick. Inferi do not think. they are not sentient beings. they are deceased bodies in which dark wizards may fill with a magic that enables them to act out on that wizards whim. i, personally, don't think that she would disgrace souch a powerful character as Dumbeldore by turning him into Harry's pet zombie.

Mrs. Firefly

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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #89 on: 20 Jul 2005, 12:38 »

I didn't mean for it to sound as though he would be Harry's pet zombie. I merely meant to say, that would be a VERY powerful tool against Harry, should Voldermort choose to use it.

Because he IS sick and twisted. He already filled a lake with Inferi, surely he wouldn't think twice about making more.

(I don't mean to come across as a little snot. I'm just speculating. XD )


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #90 on: 20 Jul 2005, 13:03 »

Quote from: Tactical Error
I just thought of another small thing to support the wild theory of Dumbledore's not being dead. Remember in Goblet of Fire that Moody said you have to really mean it for the Avada Kedavra curse to work. Well, Snape could have cast the spell without the desire to kill Dumbledore and to everyone watching it wouldn't look any different. But that's just a crazy theory, don't listen to me, but it would fit into Rowlings style of planting ideas in earlier books.

I would agree that it fits Rowlings style but I think he is dead for good.


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Dumbledore IS dead...
« Reply #91 on: 20 Jul 2005, 16:30 »

>>I just thought of another small thing to support the wild theory of Dumbledore's not being dead. Remember in Goblet of Fire that Moody said you have to really mean it for the Avada Kedavra curse to work. Well, Snape could have cast the spell without the desire to kill Dumbledore and to everyone watching it wouldn't look any different.<<
In which case, Snape would be dead because of the Unbreakable Vow

>>I would agree that it fits Rowlings style but I think he is dead for good.<<
My guess is Harry will have a heart-to-heart with Dumbledore's portrait at some point in the book.
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #92 on: 20 Jul 2005, 20:35 »

i agree about the portrait of dumbledore thing.

by the way, does she ever go into detail about how that works and who can be portrait-ized? like could sirius talk to harry through a portrait?
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #93 on: 20 Jul 2005, 20:59 »

maybe he'll just come back and hang with the rest of the ghosts at Hogwarts, giving people advice, etc.


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #94 on: 20 Jul 2005, 22:24 »

I like that theory, but I believe someone pointed out before that people only become ghosts if they're afraid to cross over. Which I highly doubt of Dumbledore.

Plus, Harry said he's not going back to Hogwarts, so that wouldn't really be helpful to him.
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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #95 on: 25 Jul 2005, 20:37 »

ok, so i am about two thirds of the way through the Order of the Phoenix and it seems to me that Snape *is* a good guy.  from what i have heard of the ending of the Half-blood Prince i am joining the camp of the people saying that Dumbledore made Snape go through with the deed because it came down to either Snape or him dying (because of the unbreakable promise) and he felt that having Snape as a spy on the inside, close to Voldemort was more important to the Order than his own life.

in short, Dumbledore is hardcore.


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Not quite off-topic, but...
« Reply #96 on: 25 Jul 2005, 20:48 »

Yes, in retrospect it's likely that Dumbledore is "hardcore" that way.

By the way, I wanted to point out a cute difference between the U.S. and U.K. versions of the Harry Potter books. In the first book, Chapter 2, U.K. version, Harry has to use Sellotape to hold his glasses together. Since no American child would know what Sellotape is (a popular brand in Britain), the publishers changed it to the American equivalent — "Scotch tape."

So when it comes to the second book, there's a joke that every British school child would get, but would go completely over the heads of most American readers. When Ron Weasley's wand breaks, what does he use to repair it? Spellotape!

Lee Zion.
"If now I have found grace in thy sight, put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me." (Genesis 47:29 KJV)


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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #97 on: 25 Jul 2005, 21:21 »

A few opinions and why I think them (I agree with almost everything on the thread so far though):

Dumbledore is definitely dead, but will still have some limited presence
-- He indisputably got hit by Aveda Kedavra which has no defense (with the possible exception of someone giving their life for you);
-- The immobilis spell he cast on Harry broke after he got hit, which Harry believes is because of his death;
-- His image appeared in a portrait in the headmaster's (now the headmistress') office, although he was sleeping.
-- As has been pointed out in other threads at much greater length, his death serves an obvious but inevitable thematic and plot purpose by forcing Harry toward adulthood and independence.
-- Dumbledore will almost definitely have an "Obi-Wan Kenobe" role from his portrait.
-- Recall that in Sorecerer's/Philosoper's Stone Dumbledore told Harry in the Mirror of Eriset scene that the dead are not gone but live within us.

Sirius Black is definitely dead
-- Noone tried to look for him after the arch, even people who would have had no interest in allowing him to play dead, pointing to the generally accepted lethality of the arch;
-- It would be completely contrary to everything we know about Sirius to believe that he would not have aided.

RAB is Regulus Alphard Black
-- I think that this point has been adequately made already.  Sirius had an uncle named Alphard, and those who have been to Rowling's personal site know that on the few occasions that she has accidentally used a suggestive name, she has apologized for the coincidence profusely;
-- It makes sense that Mundungus stole the real locket when he was looting 12 Grimmaud Dr.  since this would integrate the entire Mundungus-in-Azkhaban subplot.  Most likely Harry will start his search for the remaining Horcruxes by looking for RAB, and will thereby be led to spring Mundungus from Azkhaban.

Dumbledore wanted Snape to kill him
-- Dumbledore could not have possibly been pleading with Snape to spare him, since he knew about Snape's Unbreakable Oath, and knew that this would kill Snape.
-- Dumbledore pointedly states that Voldemorte is mistaken in believing that no fate is worse than death, in the scene where Voldemorte asks for the DADA job.
-- It works great thematically: Voldemorte is evil and sacrifices the lives of others to prolong his own life; Dumbledore is good and sacrifices his own life to prolong the lives of others.  How?  He allowed Snape to make his escape while keeping Harry and the others alive.  Isn't it funny that the only person Snape killed was Dumbledore, despite all the opporunities he had to kill Hermione the "mudblood" when she came to warn him about the death eaters?  He even cancels out the crucio curse that one of the other death-eater's casts on Harry.  A lot of people pointed out that Snape shows an almost inhuman dislike of Harry when they duel and Harry tries to cast levicorpus on him and calls him a coward.  I think that one of the things that makes the books interesting is that Snape clearly possesses a real loathing for Harry, primarily because of his father, but will still be redeemed.  I don't expect him to survive the next book though.

So nothing much new there.

Here's a question: who do you think the next DADA teacher will be.  I'm tempted to say that it will be Harry, because this will provide an obvious parallel to Voldemorte's rejection from the job.  But Harry clearly needs training if he is going to face the Death Eaters and Voldemorte.  What about Scrimgeour?



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harry potter and the half blood prince - WITH SPOILERS
« Reply #98 on: 26 Jul 2005, 01:40 »

Here's something which nobody has yet pointed out - Dumbledore knew for many years about the curse which Voldemort put on the DADA jeorb, so why did Dumbledore give Snape the job? Did he know that Snape is really just an evil git, but this was the best way to get rid of him? Did Snape need an excuse to get out of the school without alerting Voldemort himself?


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« Reply #99 on: 26 Jul 2005, 05:11 »


Sellotape, spellotape....
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