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« on: 02 Aug 2005, 09:36 »

Seriously, I NEED to play this game. were it not for my 56k dial-up connection, and lack of funds, I would surely be mining asteroids and dreaming of glory right now.

My respect and admiration for this game reached a peak recently, however, with the news that one the virtual world's biggest EVER crimes recently took place within the EVE universe. A group of players assassinated the CEO of the company of Ubiqua Seraph, and stole virtual goods worth $16,500 in REAL money. And because it all took place inside the game, it's all perfectly legal. I am SICK with admiration.

Furthermore, Sunday saw a record-breaking number of users online at once, with 12,895 players online simultaenously.

I have GOT to get in on that game at some point...


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« Reply #1 on: 02 Aug 2005, 10:11 »

I started to play this, got really conused, and then my trial ran out, and I was like, "God Dammit." But yeah. I should probably pick it up eventually.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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« Reply #2 on: 02 Aug 2005, 13:04 »

My brother plays that game. He told me that the skill system is set up so that it would literally, in actuality, take over 50 years to max out every single skill in the game entirely.

I hear you, Kai; I played the demo and also got wicked confused. There are some games I'm just not smart enough for, and this is a fact that I accept. :-(


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« Reply #3 on: 07 Aug 2005, 10:03 »

EVE is supposed to be good; if a bit technical.  And takes a while for things to happen.  Good way to lock in players, make them wait!  The monthly fee is a bit outrageous for me, not a fan of coughing up half my cable bill just for a game.


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« Reply #4 on: 10 Aug 2005, 01:16 »

If I had the spare cash, I'd definitely be in EVE.

I played the trial with some online buddies of mine, and didn't want to leave... Mining > *


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« Reply #5 on: 16 Aug 2005, 14:18 »

I played EVE from an entire year.  I was one of the best combat-players in my corporation of 30-40 players.  I know this because we held weekly battle royales, it usually came down to me, and a few others, sometyimes I won, depending what my setup vs. theirs was, and how I played my cards.  I tried industrialism, didnt like it much, tried mining, couldnt stand it.  Only mission running and trading would do for me.  Eventually, wars got boring, my corporation started to fall apart, and making money became such a chore again.

When I quit, I had 13 million skillpoints, I could fly a battleship (level 5, takes one month+week to train), a heavy assualt cruiser (takes a month to train) and use medium Tech2 railguns and blasters.  I could pretty much do anything, and did a few things really well.  I owned a Raven, and a Cerberus, both with over 100 million ISK in them.  Whenever I started to run out of time to play games, I switched to a more leasurely game, WoW.

I'd still like to fight alongside my old comrades, we were as close as people could be across the internet.


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« Reply #6 on: 04 Nov 2005, 07:55 »

Okay, sorry about the thread necromancy, but I am now in on the action! (finally)

Right now, I have about 60,000 ISK to my name, three ships (an Ibis, a Heron and a Merlin), rank 3 in mining (about 16 hours from being rank 4), and am having a whale of a time.

also, some of my friends here have a corporation set up that they have invited me to join - it's a high-risk mining corporation (big payoffs, but a good probability of being attacked) and are offering me money to get an even better ship

I'm having fun, in other words.


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« Reply #7 on: 04 Nov 2005, 23:47 »

Is it kind of like X²: The Threat, but mmo?
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« Reply #8 on: 05 Nov 2005, 03:40 »

EVE is pretty awesome but I don't realy have the time to play it now Im at college.
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« Reply #9 on: 05 Nov 2005, 03:48 »

There are zero good songs in Donkey Conga but it's still awesome fun to beat the drums and just generally be a goof.


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« Reply #10 on: 06 Nov 2005, 01:31 »

EVE looks awesome.

But, fuck, I'd rather not match my Netflix bill on a MMO.  Even a pretty one.


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« Reply #11 on: 06 Nov 2005, 09:52 »

wow, looks like an incredibly in depth online freelancer

and $20 a month is a bit steep
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« Reply #12 on: 06 Nov 2005, 10:16 »

totally worth it, though, believe me on that.

not only is it addictive, but deservedly so. Seriously, I own seven ships right now, and am working on the skills I need to be able to fly two more.

Seriously, it's going to be about two days before I'm ready to fly that Amarri industrial I want, and from there I'm going to work towards being able to fly the Caldari "Ferox" class battlecruiser. fulfilling that goal alone is going to take me the better part of a week, and let's not mention the time I'll need to spend on improving the skills that will let me learn other skills at a faster rate, plus I still need to put two days aside to train to mining and refining rank 4, and I have an entirely new skillset to learn if I want to use the implant I was given as a mission reward a few hours ago.

It's a good thing that skills train in real time, regardless of wether you're online or not. Apparently, the sheer number of skills you can train in this game would require a whole four years to max out, and they're introducing new ones all the time.

Also, the economy is entirely player-driven. What's valuable in the Yulai system one week probably won't be next week because the guy who was building a battleship has finished it, but somebody else has started production on a batch of power core regulation modules. Somebody might place an order for Tritanium in the Isanamo system, only for an enterprising player from Yodaki to bring it to them at a massive profit.

plus, you can found and buy shares in player-run,. player-owned corporations.

dammit, now I'm babbling.

This game is awesome. it really is worth the monthly fee


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« Reply #13 on: 06 Nov 2005, 10:52 »

maybe next summer, when i have more time and money

maybe the fees will have gone down by then too
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« Reply #14 on: 07 Nov 2005, 17:41 »

Is this EVE online? Or something different?  I may end up picking this up if someone wants to start out with me.  Hate playing games alone, takes the fun out of it.


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« Reply #15 on: 08 Nov 2005, 04:22 »

given that there's never less than about 10,000 players online at a time in EVE - at an absolute bare minimum - it's not actually possible to BE alone.


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« Reply #16 on: 08 Nov 2005, 08:45 »

Yea, but it's much different than staying in contact with people you can play with.  Anyways, I subscribed for a month yesterday, going to give it a go. :D


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« Reply #17 on: 09 Nov 2005, 09:28 »

i'm attempting to find a free trial now, this looks awesome, so i couldnt resist
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« Reply #18 on: 09 Nov 2005, 19:24 »

Well, I did it . . I subscribed, in-game name: Bladestone
Start up a convo with me :)  
Anyways, I love it so far, though starting off can be rough sometimes.


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« Reply #19 on: 09 Nov 2005, 20:54 »

Conva me and I could hook you up with one hell of a pirate corp :p

Names: 28 Cent.

   Eve is the best game ever! mainly cause I can do basically anything I want without getting banned! (as long as I'm not hacking)

I love the freedom


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« Reply #20 on: 10 Nov 2005, 00:25 »

Actually, one of my friends is a long-time member of J.I.T. Enterprises, so the odds are that I'll wind up working for them.

Oh, my call sign's "Stitcher" by the way. "Switchblade" was already taken.


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« Reply #21 on: 10 Nov 2005, 21:09 »


I looked at the homepage and now I want it with a flaming passion in my loins. Its almost worth going without eating a few days outta the month!
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« Reply #22 on: 11 Nov 2005, 02:43 »

Now you know how I feel.


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« Reply #23 on: 11 Nov 2005, 03:31 »

Damn you, sending me that link was a bad idea.

I've been begging my parents to let me get it, to be honest it's going supprisingly well!


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« Reply #24 on: 15 Dec 2005, 16:48 »

okay, and now the latest update is being installed as I type this. get this: the changes include:

39 new ships!

A whole new asian-style bloodline per player race (four in total)

Seven new classes of ship, including Titans and Motherships, which are basically mobile starbases capable of carrying fleets of player ships AND containing rebirth facilities that allow a downed pilot to get straight back in the fight.

Every ship now gets a 25% bonus to all it's hit points.

And a lot of stuff that's probably far more exciting for somebody who's familiar with the intricacies of EVE's game system than for outsiders.

If I were female, I would totally want to carry CCP's babies.


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« Reply #25 on: 15 Dec 2005, 16:57 »

Quote from: Fabio
Damn you, sending me that link was a bad idea.

I've been begging my parents to let me get it, to be honest it's going supprisingly well!

don't forget to say it will give you a broader knonwledge of the inner workings of economy and put you on firm footing later on in life

(DAMN, i'm good at bullshitting, i managed to turn "can pull a decent pint" into "shows masterful hand-eye coordination and precise timing")
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« Reply #26 on: 15 Dec 2005, 17:09 »

I got the trial. Tranquility is starting up and I'm DLing the patch.


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« Reply #27 on: 15 Dec 2005, 18:26 »

a quick warning: you really only get a taster fromthe trial. the game takes at least a month to get into properly.

I STRONGLY advise you to find a corporation, or at least volunteer to gang up with people and help them on missions when you start. paying attention to the whole of teh tutorial is also a really good idea.

welcome aboard!


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« Reply #28 on: 15 Dec 2005, 19:09 »

Can anyone, who actually plays the game, email me or pm me a 14 day trial cd key?  If it lives up to the expectations, I'm definitely going to subscribe.



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« Reply #29 on: 16 Dec 2005, 08:08 »

If you guys started a QC corporation, I would totally buy and play this game.

If not, I won't.

I've come to realize that my enjoyment of an MMO comes 50% from the gameplay itself, and 50% from the people I'm playing with.

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« Reply #30 on: 17 Dec 2005, 18:56 »

That does look cool.  But im kinda an RO nut, esp since I dont really need playtime to work the market.  This game looks fairly time intensive, and of course I'd actually have to pay, instead of playing on a free server.  That and the fact taht its hardcore enough to be the only thing running on my comp, no MSN chats in the background.
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« Reply #31 on: 20 Dec 2005, 08:28 »

Quote from: FaultyGluestick
Can anyone, who actually plays the game, email me or pm me a 14 day trial cd key?  If it lives up to the expectations, I'm definitely going to subscribe.


Go via Penny Arcade why don't you?

Be warned, I strongly doubt that you'll be able to glean more than the meagrest scraps of the game's wonderfulness from a mere fortnight of play.

I've come to realize that my enjoyment of an MMO comes 50% from the gameplay itself, and 50% from the people I'm playing with.

I'm in a corp that has one of my university friends as an administrator. 's called JIT Enterprises, and they are all VERY wonderful people who gave me a 26,000,000 ISK Ferox Battlecruiser for a mere 10,000,000 ISK, plus something in the order of a further 2,000,000 in equipment and suchlike TOTALLY FREE.

there are some truly lovely people in that game. Obviously, there are dickheads as well, but they would appear to be in the minority.

Interesting news: I ran into Zarquon Beeblebrox, one of the game's "Celebrity" players quite recently. He flew past me in a Cerberus while under fire from the CONCORD battleships on the gate due to his low security rating. It was pretty cool.


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« Reply #32 on: 20 Dec 2005, 09:39 »

Just picked up this game the other day and spent my day trying my hand at mining and running screaming from pirates.  It's been fun so far and I'm definetly interested in the idea of having a QC corp (AnthroCorp anyone?  After Pintsize?) or really just hooking up with any larger corporation to get a better idea of what's going on.


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« Reply #33 on: 22 Dec 2005, 14:36 »

Ok, i havent finished the tutorial yet, but it seems somewhat clunky and convoluted to me. Last game like this I played was EV:Override, and i had alot of fun with that. Very smooth, good controls, and similar (though much simpler) economic structure. In this game, im bumping into asteroids and can barely track the pirates myself. Maybe it just takes more time, but as of now, im not too impressed.

Also, can you control the ship freely after the tutorial, or is it still point, click, fly here? I like to have more freedom during dogfights.
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« Reply #34 on: 24 Dec 2005, 03:10 »

Quote from: neomang5
Ok, i havent finished the tutorial yet, but it seems somewhat clunky and convoluted to me.

I'm done with the tutorial, and have now moved on to courier jobs. It does have a pretty hefty amount of required knowledge and the controls aren't the best, but the more you play the easier it gets (the mechanics, not the gameplay). If you've got a fair amount of time to toss into this game, it seems like it could be very rewarding.


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« Reply #35 on: 24 Dec 2005, 16:24 »

Yay for Eve, and for EVE-radio :)

Seriously tough, I'm playing the trail account now, and am seriously considering getting myself acreditcard so I can continue...

Also, everyone tune in to, they absolutely rock :), and I won 3 mil ISK  for me and a buddie(he got 3 mil as well),  in "Knowing me, knowing n00b" last wednesday :)

I've currently docked my Cormorant for christmas in Sobaseki VII, my ingame-nick is Verergoca.

Yay for EVE!
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« Reply #36 on: 25 Dec 2005, 14:33 »

I've been playing for about 15 months now. It's awesome :D

also, you don't need a credit card, a debit card works just fine.


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« Reply #37 on: 27 Dec 2005, 13:53 »

Quote from: Verergoca
Yay for Eve, and for EVE-radio :)

Seriously tough, I'm playing the trail account now, and am seriously considering getting myself acreditcard so I can continue...

Also, everyone tune in to, they absolutely rock :), and I won 3 mil ISK  for me and a buddie(he got 3 mil as well),  in "Knowing me, knowing n00b" last wednesday :)

I've currently docked my Cormorant for christmas in Sobaseki VII, my ingame-nick is Verergoca.

Yay for EVE!

Cool, Sobaseki's one of my recent haunts. I used to do missions there. I've still got a stash of equipment in Isanamo.

Right now, I'm working for JIT Enterprises. Our nearest office to Sobaseki is in Korama, but our regional base is Oimmo.

If you want to join a corp, believe me there are far worse to join. The people of JIT really are very cool. As a policy, they'll replace any ship you lose while on a corporation activity. They're great.

In fact, I went out to 0.0 space with some of them tonight. spent a happy while hunting rat battleships around the local systems.

Then a Player pirate fleet hauled in and threatened the Forsaken Empire base in IMK-K1, so we all geared ourselves up in cheaper ships that we wouldn't mind losing and joined in the defense of all that. Didn't lead to a big fight, but it was fun.


EDIT: take my advice and steer  well clear of Arcane Technology Corporation, and The Five Alliance. They're bastards. gate-camping motherfuckers destroyed my Ferox and podded me today.


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« Reply #38 on: 01 Jan 2006, 03:19 »

Ouch, painfull...

At the moment Im at the end of my trail, 1 day to go:). But when my creditcard turns up (yes I got one so I could play:)) ill join up properly...

Also, at the moment, I have; a Caracal (whoo, fireworks), a Osprey for mining, a Cormorant (love flying this thing), a Condor (for courier type missions, gotta love 700+ m/s) and a shuttle. :)

Oh, and I am in contact with Production Inc, who ill join up with when I get in properly :)
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« Reply #39 on: 02 Jan 2006, 03:47 »

I finally got in on the epics. Band Of Brothers attacked the Forsaken Empire territory in Tribute. D7-ZAC had more than 100 players in it last night, including seven dreadnoughts. I think the FE only survived because the server collapsed under the load.

Caught up in that lot was me in my little tackler kestrel, desperately trying to make a difference.

After that mess was sorted out, The Five basically decided to have some fun as well.

At which point most of my corp either got podded or else clone jumped back to Empire space.

Not that that matters much, because as of ten minutes from now, open hostilities will begin between JIT Enterprises and "Out Of Exile", who declared war on us yesterday for reasons we haven't quite figured out.

Pretty certain that they're in for a nasty shock. We're care-bears, but most of the corp are veterans, and can handle themselves well.

Present funds: 5,990,000-ish ISK. Currently flying: a tackler kestrel, because I don't want to lose my replacement Ferox.

fun level: orbital


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« Reply #40 on: 13 Jan 2006, 15:14 »

Im not that far yet, however, today I joined up with that company, and I expect to have even more fun. Trading all the time gets a bit boring, but hey, with a base perception of 4, training ships doesnt go that fast :)
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« Reply #41 on: 13 Jan 2006, 16:45 »

right well... recent developments...

Got blown up ferrying about 3,000 units of Zydrine out of Alliance space so I could sell it in Empire space. the guy who stole my minerals was a member of a corp we'd only recently stopped being at war with, and he was camping a gate in a 0.0 system. All's fair, but that Zydrine was worth about 15 million, so I ain't happy.

In response to this, I have created a purely PvP alternate character. Amarrian. The aim is to become the ultimate tech 2 badass at each level of gun size, which means the character will be flying assault frigates and using tech 2 small lasers before moving on to cruisers. Look out for "Niala Tarn" sometime.

This will, however, take a while to accomplish...

The war was a result of my corp's being friendly with the Forsaken Empire Alliance... a status which meant we were attracting player aggression, but didn't have the right to call on the FE to back us up. In response to this, the corp is presently voting on wether or not to join the Forsaken Empire full-time. If that were to happen, we would probably become part of FE's official mining and production wing, and my Alt, when ready, would be transferred across to join HUN corp or something where I could stretch my PvP wings. Greater responsibility, greater risk, even BIGGER payoff. It'd probably also mean that the corp would grow considerably.

My only problem is that I don't presently have the means (ie: a visa, mastercard or American express card) to open a second account to move my alt character onto, which means that while I'm training the Niala character up, I'm completely unable to train Stitcher.

luckily, there are now apparently EVE time cards available from game stores, which should make my life simpler.

Life in EVE is rarely boring, once you're past a certain point...


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« Reply #42 on: 17 Jan 2006, 08:36 »

ZOMG, our alliance is at war! A small, highly skilled merc corp, appearantly hired to get 1 of the members is keeping us busy...

I feel so tiny beeing in my Catalyst in a fleet of 6-ish battleships of various forms and sizes...

Luvin it!
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« Reply #43 on: 17 Jan 2006, 14:53 »

Congratulations! EVE's PvP is second to none, mate, and if you get stuck in, you'll unlock the game's REAL strength.

it looks like we're officially joining the Forsaken Empire. In response, I have also begun to focus my main character's training on Assault Frigates and interceptors... and a well-equipped assault frigate will Hadoken a poorly-equipped battleship every time. A squadron of five assault frigates is a NASTY force for any foe to come up against.


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« Reply #44 on: 17 Jan 2006, 23:28 »

True...  Currently im still going for cruisers, I already got 2 cruisers from 2 mates, they won 18 and 16m in DJ Saunders contest thing yesterday. Way cool! :)

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« Reply #45 on: 18 Jan 2006, 02:44 »

I'm looking forward to assault frigs... a Caldari assault frig comes with shield resistances of:

EM: 0%
Explosive: 60%
Kinetic: 70%
Thermal: 80%

the prequisite skills for flying a caldari assault frig include having Caldari Frigates at rank 5, and ever level in that skill increased the ship's shield resistances vs. kinetic and thermal damage by 15% each...

Meaning that by default caldari assault frigates are effectively immune to railgun and blaster fire, and don't have a huge amount to fear from lasers either, nor the two most popular missile varieties in the game. Combine that with their speed and small signature radius and they become a battleship's worst nightmare!

Combine that with tech 2 railguns loaded with tech 2 ammo, and a ship the size of  a house can quite easily take on a ship the size of a town.

Guess how much I'm looking forward to running into the guy who blew up my Kestrel and stole my 3,000 units of Zydrine last week... *muahahaha*


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« Reply #46 on: 18 Jan 2006, 05:42 »

Well, its a t2 ship, therefor it should be able to wreck any t1 ship in one way or another. Only downside is the amount of ammo you need. Ofcourse t2 ammo helps, but I have no experience with that stuff yet, well, exept my relatively quick Incursus beeing shot down by a Taranis...

Ahwell... I really should get studying now...
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« Reply #47 on: 21 Jan 2006, 04:05 »

Right, so I've got a month and a bit before uni starts, during which time I don't have much to do. Any ideas how I could find a trial cd-key? EVE definately sounds like the sort of game and universe I could get heavily into.
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« Reply #48 on: 21 Jan 2006, 15:23 »

the free game download comes with a 14-day free trial

Trial CDs come with 30 days.


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« Reply #49 on: 21 Jan 2006, 19:36 »

Ok, right. Awesome.
One day ends and another begins and we're never none the wiser.
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