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« Reply #100 on: 29 Jun 2006, 22:31 »

nah that's ok.. i actually got around to checking out the site and it looks pretty much exactly like Earth & Beyond kinda feel... although the graphics are definitely breathtaking and awesome...  The speed sounds nice, but that wasn't the real big reason why I cancelled E&B so soon, it was just the feel of it and the aspect of the rpg.. and this game I can tell for a fact is the same in that aspect... just different strokes I suppose... I played FFXI for 2.5 years after trying E&B and not really liking it (with a short, enjoyable time in Planetside although with a machine horribly underpowered to play it) and I had to force myself off that addiction.. :) Thanks though!

EDIT: 07/03

So I was thinking/looking for a new game to play.. while I'm not interested in another MMORPG or Eve, anyone know a solo rpg game thats recent that has this kinda graphics?  I realize nothing will be identical but those damned graphics are calling to me... just without the hours on end of wasting my social life away (again) to learn a new skill while paying a huge monthly fee :D (like before)


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« Reply #101 on: 04 Jul 2006, 10:54 »


Flying a covvie at last:D:D:D:D:D
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« Reply #102 on: 05 Jul 2006, 04:13 »

4 hour downtime?! What am I gonna do for four hours?

/me plays with quickfit.
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« Reply #103 on: 05 Jul 2006, 05:30 »

Quote from: Kana
So I was thinking/looking for a new game to play.. while I'm not interested in another MMORPG or Eve, anyone know a solo rpg game thats recent that has this kinda graphics?  I realize nothing will be identical but those damned graphics are calling to me... just without the hours on end of wasting my social life away (again) to learn a new skill while paying a huge monthly fee :D (like before)

Either X3 or Oblivion, I'd say.

oh yeah, my corp's joining an Alliance. sometime in the near future (not exactly sure when) we will be joing Freelancer Alliance.

Prior to that, we need to spend some time mining ice to fuel our POS and capital ships. (two dreads, three carriers, a freighter and a POS, for a corporation with no more than about 25 individual active members. We rule.)


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« Reply #104 on: 05 Jul 2006, 05:56 »

If x3 is anything like x2 you'll still be wasting your social life away.

And the Freelancer Alliance is a kinda silly name.
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« Reply #105 on: 05 Jul 2006, 06:27 »

I'd have said it was a pretty good name for a loose alliance of freelance pilots, myself...


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« Reply #106 on: 05 Jul 2006, 10:30 »

Played Oblivion for a while but I like being an assassin majoring in archery and archery is way too weak in that game to count for anything.

Haven't heard of X3 I'll check that out.  When I was asking I was referring to a solo version of Eve Online kinda thing with those graphics.  Let me check out the X3 site and thanks for the heads up.

Edit: If you meant Xmen-3 for X3 then no, tried it and wasn't too gripping on me.


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« Reply #107 on: 05 Jul 2006, 12:51 »

no, not X-Men 3, I mean X3 Reunion, the space-based trade game.


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« Reply #108 on: 05 Jul 2006, 21:21 »

holy shit score switchblade... that looks to be what i was looking for... didnt read much on page yet doesnt look like game is out yet just announced at E3... shall read more and find out.. either way very very tempting :)  thanks mate

edit: yeah so its been out for quite some time... gonna try it out and see if i like looks beautiful... thanks again switch

2nd edit: yeah so after hours of hell with starforce i got the game patched and working.. just have no time to play until a few days from now.. altho it looks very promising.. just hoping my life isnt sucked away even with this game hehe...


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« Reply #109 on: 20 Jul 2006, 16:55 »

Back on topic:  I play EVE!


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« Reply #110 on: 21 Jul 2006, 07:05 »

Huzzah, another one in the grasp of ze awezome game
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« Reply #111 on: 21 Jul 2006, 08:04 »

People to play with?  Crazy!


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« Reply #112 on: 21 Jul 2006, 08:18 »

Quote from: Dr. Sidney Freeman
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


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« Reply #113 on: 22 Jul 2006, 22:47 »

Hey guys, someone tell me what I'm meant to be doing, I'm a scientist guy with lots of intelligence and charisma ): I'm not sure if I'm having fun or not.

EDIT: I have a fighter, for ass kickng now.


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« Reply #114 on: 23 Jul 2006, 17:57 »

just got the free trial. so far i can tell that for alot of my friends, this game would be HELL.

i mean, it does take a bit of transit time between places, etc. but i LOVE that. because my gaming time is always getting interrupted by studying, chores, cleaning, etc.

so i set the destination, hit autopilot, walk away, work on stuff, etc. come back, do the mission or whatever, then warp back. lol.
it's pretty sweet


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« Reply #115 on: 24 Jul 2006, 10:50 »

Just joined a cool corp, hopefully I'll be able to afford the game when the trial runs out.


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« Reply #116 on: 24 Jul 2006, 15:40 »

my dream list is almost fully populated

I just need a covetor, an iteron V, a crusader and a Zealot to attain everything I've been working towards since I started playing EVE.

after that point, I'ma focus on maxing out all my existing skills.

EDIT: oh yeah, and my corp is part of the freelancer alliance now.


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« Reply #117 on: 27 Jul 2006, 07:39 »

In EVE, I kill people with science. I'm living the dream, people.


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« Reply #118 on: 27 Jul 2006, 15:31 »

Hehe :)

Ive just commisonned a Dominix to be built for me.

Ill finally be able to do some lvl3's. Mining is getting kinda boring, now that Ive gotten into a covvie.

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« Reply #119 on: 28 Jul 2006, 23:19 »

I lost my Hawk last night :(

Got swarmed by five enemy interceptors in 3JN9-Q,  and the fuckers were using EM missiles, which was my weakest resistance.

On the other hand, I'm pulling in an almost silly amount of money up there, and because the ship was lost in combat with an enemy alliance, it gets replaced for me by the corp.

they got away, though - daring motherfuckers used an insta to get straight past our gate camp, which involved two carriers (some n00b forgot to set up the warp disruption bubble)

still, pretty fun.


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« Reply #120 on: 31 Jul 2006, 08:35 »

Ladys n Gentleman, I present you the Nautilus!!!

*edit* Crap, cant get the image larger :(
Quote from: Dr. Sidney Freeman
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« Reply #121 on: 31 Jul 2006, 09:41 »

A covvie? Jesus.  I get my Osprey on Thursday.  Oh boy!  Then I'll work towards the BC, after that I will worry about the strip mining and something to haul some serious amount of goods.


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« Reply #122 on: 01 Aug 2006, 02:22 »

Uhm, no, its a Dominix.

*still wonders why he cant get that picture larger*
Quote from: Dr. Sidney Freeman
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« Reply #123 on: 01 Aug 2006, 22:36 »

Baah I just quit the game, maybe I'll start it back up once I move...


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« Reply #124 on: 02 Aug 2006, 20:36 »

okay, my trial ran out, and im done.

too boring.

transit times between everything - boring.
mining? boring.
fighting? boring.

pvp? couldnt really get into it that early.

:/ goodbye eve, may one day i be older and less ADD and return to you.

im selling all my shit, some okay mining lasers, some blasters, my 2 ships (a maulus and another one), hopping in my velator, buying the most expensive shit i can get, dropping it outside the newb station, and going to get podkilled!!!


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« Reply #125 on: 13 Aug 2006, 23:29 »

Whee, I got the big guns on my domi! Can run lvl 3 missions at last! wNo more endless boring lvl  2's ! Also, more monies! Whooo!
Quote from: Dr. Sidney Freeman
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« Reply #126 on: 14 Aug 2006, 02:51 »

:( :( :( :( :(

And it was uninsured.  Because I am STUPID STUPID STUPID AUGH

2006.08.14 08:17

Victim: Keldoran Sakhin
Alliance: GoonSwarm
Corp: GoonFleet
Destroyed: Raven
System: 98Q-8O
Security: 0.0

Involved parties:

Name: Hazrat Izza
Security: 4.9
Alliance: Band of Brothers
Corp: Black Nova Corp
Ship: Zealot
Weapon: Zealot

Name: The Vince (laid the final blow)
Security: 5.0
Alliance: Band of Brothers
Corp: Evolution
Ship: Raven
Weapon: Wrath Cruise Missile

Name: Xune
Security: -1.3
Alliance: Band of Brothers
Corp: Black Nova Corp
Ship: Taranis
Weapon: Taranis

Name: Serpentis Sentinel / Serpentis Corporation

Name: GhostFox
Security: -0.4
Alliance: Band of Brothers
Corp: Reikoku
Ship: Stiletto
Weapon: Stiletto

Destroyed items:

ZW-4100 Siege Missile Bay
ZW-4100 Siege Missile Bay
Juggernaut Torpedo, Qty: 2838 (Cargo)
Warrior I, Qty: 5 (Drone Bay)
Hammerhead I, Qty: 5 (Drone Bay)
Co-Processor I
Co-Processor I
Heat Dissipation Field I
Heat Dissipation Field I
Ballistic Deflection Field I
Reactor Control Unit I
Juggernaut Torpedo, Qty: 17
Juggernaut Torpedo


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« Reply #127 on: 14 Aug 2006, 05:54 »


Also, you fly goon?
Quote from: Dr. Sidney Freeman
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« Reply #128 on: 14 Aug 2006, 14:00 »



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« Reply #129 on: 16 Aug 2006, 02:12 »

Fuck all y'all Goon bustas I roll FLA style bro! Phreelansaz 4 LYFE homie!

oh, and you should be ashamed of yourself, flying an uninsured Raven.

Having said that - lost two Crows in as many days lately. suckstick.

but - they were both Platinum insured. Winstick.

Payout on a platinum-insured Crow is 2 million. Crows cost 24 million. suckstick.

Quote from: Verergoca
Uhm, no, its a Dominix.

*still wonders why he cant get that picture larger*

you're hosting on photobucket. Above a certain size limit (believe it's 1.3 Mb), Photobucket automatically scales images down. it doesn't scale them down to 1.3 megs, though, oh no, it stamps them flat into a tiny parody of their former selves.


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« Reply #130 on: 16 Aug 2006, 06:57 »

Ugh, don't I know it.  There goes a hundred and thirty million.  :(

And, yep, I'm one of those goonies; I read about the game on the SA forums and figured I'd try it, and got kind of hooked.  I've got a general use main and an alt heading for covops-es.  And maybe force recons, you know, in six months.


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« Reply #131 on: 16 Aug 2006, 07:43 »

Carebear mining all the way!


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« Reply #132 on: 24 Aug 2006, 03:54 »


Ive aquired a Brutix BPC, and have been doing some adding up. At the moment I can build them for around 23m. But, with prices of the damn things at 23.75m in ours, id only make 750k profit... NOT ENOUGH FOR THE EFFORT!


PE5, here I will come, somewhere in the next month!
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« Reply #133 on: 24 Aug 2006, 05:06 »

Haven't been playing for ages since at first I had money and no card, now I have a card and no money in my account. Life is evil.


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« Reply #134 on: 24 Aug 2006, 09:56 »



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« Reply #135 on: 24 Aug 2006, 10:21 »

Production Efficiency lvl 5, reducing the mineral needs for building things.
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« Reply #136 on: 24 Aug 2006, 13:05 »

Ah, yes.  I figure I'll train up the alt (after he has done the freighter) to do the actual refining, especially since he already does the hauling.


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« Reply #137 on: 25 Aug 2006, 20:22 »

Anyone hear about the huge scam?  A guy opened a bank on an ult -- and had a huge folowing, promising high output rates without explanation.  Anyways, people started saying it was a scam, some withdrew, so the guy closed off access and pulled out of the bank, about 800 BILLION ISK in raw and in Assets.  He is the single most wealthy person in Eve Online, and actually stole thousands of dollars worth of in game material on his scam.


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« Reply #138 on: 28 Aug 2006, 04:59 »

Uhm, I know about the "great scam" story, which earned someone 300m, which was way lots back in the day (so ive heard).

Its a pretty good read btw, got me in eve :).

But, given that on the forums, i cant find a public outcry for the person's head/genitalia on a stick, I assume you are misinformed. Ive heard this about the Eve Intergalactic Bank, and, as far as I know, that is still up and running, stronger than ever.

In any case, before you give out money for an investment, there is the whole trust issue, combined with a good good plan. I find it hard to feel sorry for people that were tricked.

Also, you cant do such things alone in this game. Just doesnt work. Loners are Losers, so to say.

Anyway, onto important news, I gots me a Mackinaw!
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« Reply #139 on: 28 Aug 2006, 12:33 »


Looks like it happened after all!


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« Reply #140 on: 28 Aug 2006, 16:24 »

To long, to drunk, will read later
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« Reply #141 on: 01 Sep 2006, 17:56 »

Quote from: Verergoca
To long, to drunk, will read later

  I'll summerize.  Guy creates alt -- guy starts a bank on alt.

  Bank promises good payouts for large investments (with no concievable way of doing so)

  Bank becomes very popular.

  Words spreads around that the bank is a sham.

  Some people start pulling out of the bank.

  The guy cuts off the rest and takes all the assets for himself before they all pull out netting 790,000,000,000.00 ISK in assets / raw money worth approx. $140,000 US Dollars.


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« Reply #142 on: 02 Sep 2006, 03:47 »

Ah, ok.

However, isk aint worth shit!

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« Reply #143 on: 07 Oct 2006, 02:18 »

yarr baby, yarrrrr.  beta player and i've been active again now for about a year.  My corp is the reason you check local, the jolly-roger face of impending doom!
God piracy is fun.  We just joined up with an alliance that doesnt care about low sec piracy so, win win.
« Last Edit: 07 Oct 2006, 11:03 by Splitter »


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« Reply #144 on: 07 Oct 2006, 07:57 »

Until I run into you.  Then you'll care.


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« Reply #145 on: 07 Oct 2006, 11:05 »

 :-D Bring it  :-D


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« Reply #146 on: 07 Oct 2006, 12:38 »

Mike, as your boss, I say, no aggression unless he blew up your ship first!
Quote from: Dr. Sidney Freeman
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« Reply #147 on: 07 Oct 2006, 15:24 »

Aww.  :(  But muhr would help me!


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« Reply #148 on: 07 Oct 2006, 23:11 »

I tried EVE, i liked the space combat, and money-mongering aspect, nut I'm not an RPG man.

I think it's all about mental strategy versus physical strategy. In an RPG, your success is all about numbers, figures and other variables, like skill points and levels. The strategy is all in your head.

But I prefer physical strategy, where success is determined in the "real" world. (ie: your gameplay rather than your numbers.) Like in an FPS, it's all about cover and tactics that you can ACTUALLY SEE. Not like RPG's where a massive change has little to no "proof" of it. You can see a guy walking around with a rocket launcher, but you can't see his speed/strength/weapon skill/magic pixie bonus etc.

Sorry about my little rant, but it is what it is.


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« Reply #149 on: 08 Oct 2006, 03:07 »

I think it's all about mental strategy versus physical strategy.

I would describe that conflict as strategy versus tactics. In one you plan stuff out, prepare for contingencies, allocate resources, etc... and in the other you make the right high-speed short term decisions. So really, they're both "real world gameplay", just one is in advance and the other is not.

It sounds like you'd make a good sergeant, but a terrible general :)
(pardon to any military folks here for my likely misuse of terminology)
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