Yeah, but you don't live in Holland. They're virtual unknowns here.
Also, I think Disturbed's first album, The Sickness (which Down with the Sickness was on, obviously) was only okay, and had some really bad stuff(Droppin' Plates comes to mind). The rap-like stuff and electronic bullshit going before important things like, say, guitar, is just not right.
Their second album, Believe, is pretty monotonous as a whole, but the individual songs are pretty good in my opinion. It's a lot more music driven, there's little-to-no electronic drivel thrown into it. At this point, they really even weren't Nu-metal anymore. No rap, no electronic. In fact, it seemed like they were trying to get back to old school stuff(some of it reminded me of Pantera, which is one of my favourite metal bands).
Their new album(which 'technically' isn't out yet) Ten Thousand Fists, though, has a very promising first half(Overburdened quickly became one of my favourite songs). The second half, again, is a little monotonous, and people can use the arguement 'they keep making the same song', but I always use the same arguement - I like listening to that song! Also, the guitarist finally decided 'why does Draiman get all the attention? I want to be on the forefront too! Gimme some solo space!'
Of course, no one here probably cares, 'cause I'm just another member here with a seemingly appaling music taste according to many people. No ones gonna change their opinion on Disturbed just 'cause I say so.