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Author Topic: The Good Charlotte Thread  (Read 35937 times)


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« Reply #50 on: 27 Sep 2005, 16:47 »

I will not only have them, but I will give birth to them on Fred Phelps face.

Right before I set him on fire.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #51 on: 27 Sep 2005, 16:47 »

Quote from: sjbrot
OK, the topic is Paul Anka's new album, Rock Swings, where he covers modern "rock" songs such as "Wonderwall" and "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

sp2, you must somehow relate this back to how much you hate Coldplay.

Haven't heard it, and I don't really like Paul Anka that much, so I can't really comment on the quality of said album.  However, I've always felt that those sorts of novelty albums are a cheap publicity stunt attempting to ride off someone else's coattails in order to bolster sales.  Kind of like, well, Coldplay.

Extra credit:
Do the same with the topic of "Robert Johnson beat Ozzy to the punch."

You of course mean "Radiohead beat Coldplay to the punch, then realized that soft alt-rock ballads like 'Creep' are everything wrong with mainstream music, and then committed experimentalcide"



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« Reply #52 on: 27 Sep 2005, 16:49 »

Quote from: sjbrot

OK, the topic is Paul Anka's new album, Rock Swings, where he covers modern "rock" songs such as "Wonderwall" and "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

Why put the rock in inverted commas. Depsite their many many many flaws, both Nirvana and Oasis rock far harder than, say, Coldplay.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #53 on: 27 Sep 2005, 16:50 »

Damn, sp2. What can't you do to defame the name of Coldplay?


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The Good Charlotte Thread
« Reply #54 on: 27 Sep 2005, 16:52 »

Quote from: sp2

You mean… experimentalsweet! Oh yeah!


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« Reply #55 on: 27 Sep 2005, 16:57 »

Quote from: KharBevNor
Quote from: sjbrot

OK, the topic is Paul Anka's new album, Rock Swings, where he covers modern "rock" songs such as "Wonderwall" and "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

Why put the rock in inverted commas. Depsite their many many many flaws, both Nirvana and Oasis rock far harder than, say, Coldplay.

It's just that the album also features Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" and Bon Jovi's "It's My Life," which rock alot less.


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« Reply #56 on: 27 Sep 2005, 16:59 »

This thread makes the baby Jesus cry.
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Edith.: i like balls, and they are squishy


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« Reply #57 on: 27 Sep 2005, 17:00 »

I bet you baby Jesus doesn't believe that Jovi rocks, either.


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« Reply #58 on: 27 Sep 2005, 17:02 »

the internet makes baby Jesus cry.


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« Reply #59 on: 27 Sep 2005, 17:02 »

Baby Jesus listens to Skinny Puppy.


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« Reply #60 on: 27 Sep 2005, 17:13 »

Quote from: sjbrot
Damn, sp2. What can't you do to defame the name of Coldplay?

Defaming the name of Coldplay is easy

For example, I'm currently listening to Iron Maiden, a legendary and long-lasting heavy metal band who kept a fresh sound and loyal fans over twenty plus albums, unlike some bland, derivative musical products that attract legions of young and feckless fans through the power of advertising and a totally inoffensive formulaic approach, for example Coldplay.  Looking back through my audioscrobbler list, I see that before Maiden I was listening to Type O Negative, a band whose effective and tasteful use of keyboards to compliment and enhance the thrust of their music sits at odds with the biege-tinted tingling pianos that drown the music of bands like, for example, Coldplay. Before them it was Japanese experimental rocker Yasushi Ishii. The talent and innovation of this almost entirely unknown artist, skipping easily between the diverse genres of punk, jazz, electronics and alternative rock, throws into stark relief the bland, repetitive, uninteresting music of mainstream artists such as Coldplay.

And so on. And so forth.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #61 on: 27 Sep 2005, 17:20 »

Yeah, pretty much.


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« Reply #62 on: 27 Sep 2005, 17:26 »

Quote from: sp2
We're not all going to suddenly say, for your benefit alone, "Oh damn.  Coldplay makes such good music.  I am glad that they are your favorite band."  If you take a short peek through the "The List" thread Jeph started up, you'll see a startling trend.  You're the only person in that thread to call Coldplay "good."  7 people posted, before me, that Coldplay was awful.  Shit, the first one to post that Coldplay is awful was Jeph.

Look, for one thing I never said that you were the sole source of this at all. You're a primary source, granted, but I never said you were the only one. Also, I would NEVER expect ANYONE to change their music tastes for my sake; who would be enough of a dumass to change their own opinions for the sake of one person? As for Jeph's List thread, I've known for a long time that Jeph despises Coldplay, and that's perfectly fine with me. I respect his tastes. Hell, I respect anybody's taste in music. What I'm finding aggravating is that people are going out of their way to bring up their dislike of one single group.

You've heard my opinion on the matter, and that's all you need to hear; I just wanted to let you know that you were misinterpreting my comments. And, in light of that I have done a fine job of beating this argument to death and back to life again through several threads, and probably annoyed several people in the process, I shall now retire. There really isn't much of a point for me to continue.

La Creme

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« Reply #63 on: 27 Sep 2005, 17:28 »

The baby jesus is too busy mackin' it up with the ladies and skydiving to be worried about music. The baby jesus is a pimp masta. He dont need no stinkin' internetz!



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« Reply #64 on: 27 Sep 2005, 18:22 »

Baby Jesus is a baby. Crying is what babies do.  Also baby Jesus misses the good old days when it was less internets and whining about bad music and more nailing people to crosses and feeding them to lions.

La Creme

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« Reply #65 on: 27 Sep 2005, 18:24 »

Don't forget no shampoo and more strange plagues!


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« Reply #66 on: 27 Sep 2005, 19:10 »

Ah no shampoo and plagues...  That's what baby Jesus is talking about.


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« Reply #67 on: 27 Sep 2005, 20:25 »

Adolescent Jesus was all about the plauges. He went through his angsty period as well.
Quote from: Edith
Edith.: i like balls, and they are squishy


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« Reply #68 on: 27 Sep 2005, 20:27 »

Did adolescent Jesus wear girl pants?

…did adolescent Jesus have a LIVEJOURNAL?

mood: holy
music: Skinny Puppy


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« Reply #69 on: 27 Sep 2005, 20:39 »

He looked kinda like this:
Quote from: Edith
Edith.: i like balls, and they are squishy

Johnny C

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« Reply #70 on: 27 Sep 2005, 20:46 »

Quote from: Gryff
Did adolescent Jesus wear girl pants?

…did adolescent Jesus have a LIVEJOURNAL?

mood: holy
music: Skinny Puppy

You mean "Deadjournal."

And no.

That was Judas.

mood: betrayal
music: linkin park

Anyways, do not make me pull out the "arguing on the internet is like the special olympics" card. Because it has not been pulled out in a while and the corners are all foldy and it might not look as good as it used to. Plus my pen exploded in my pocket and it got all over. So seriously. Don't make me pull out the card.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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« Reply #71 on: 27 Sep 2005, 20:51 »

Jesus's Livejournal:

man dad is suhc an asshole.  2day he caught me and mary m.  making out b-hind the olive grove and hes tellinng me that when i turn 18 hes gonna send me out to teh desert.  what does he think he is, god?!?  mayb i don't want to b the savior of all mankind.  i dun wanna be no fuking masiah.  i just want him to leave me the fukk alon.  now maries parents are pissed at me and they wont let me and her hang out anymore.  if i dont see her i am gonna die.  i will slit my wrists and die and then were will ur fukking masiah be huh?  i luv mary an we r gonna run away 2gether bcuz she feels my pain.

until then all i feel is pain

Mood: Despondent
Music: The Cure - Boys Don't Cry


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« Reply #72 on: 27 Sep 2005, 20:58 »

JohnTBAP's LJ: Dude, so what the fuck? My little cousin, Jesus came over today acting like a prissy emo fagboy. He was bitching about having to save mankind or something, but I totally ignored him because I have a date with Mary M. tonight! All the guys say she's a slut, but I know she'll put out for me and noone else. I love her more than anyone could ever know. I just hope one day, she tells me she loves me.

Mood: Exited

Music: Where 'yo camel at?! - The Desert Raiders
Quote from: Edith
Edith.: i like balls, and they are squishy


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« Reply #73 on: 27 Sep 2005, 21:27 »

SexyMaryM's LiveJournal:

since i grew boobs all the guys at jerusalem high school keep asking if they can do me.  how sick is that?  i mene, wtf?  ok so i sorta pity fucked jesus because i felt sorry for him and im goin out wit john da baptist tonight becuz he is liek a senier!!  im only 14!!!  how kewl is dat?  i mene, i hav fukked older guyz bfor (liek dat romen soljer!  he wuz hott!!!!) but he is on da b-ball teem!!!  i dun relly liek guyz tho, i think mebbe im a lesbien?  i haev nevar dun it wit a gurl but i wud liek to try?  well gotta go see john!!  wish me lukk!!!

Mood: Sexy
Music: singing!  lalalalala!

La Creme

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« Reply #74 on: 27 Sep 2005, 21:59 »

Papel_Pimp_69's LiveJournal

Mehhtre grungfjruin ganjfiurgnfg ngrignkfdg irtjio meherhhffsf megllfeffel  glnjrg nmken gnrigj onrgn! Arnonfg behsidnf lknfienfsd, oiurnfgjkdfng iuafksjbn suntrat fasjhf...


Mood: Surly
Music: Squirrel Nut Zippers - Lugubrious Wing-Wang


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« Reply #75 on: 28 Sep 2005, 03:22 »



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« Reply #76 on: 28 Sep 2005, 06:33 »

Wow, this thread went to hell quite quickly, didn't it?


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« Reply #77 on: 28 Sep 2005, 07:56 »

I find this picture funny in so many ways.



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« Reply #78 on: 28 Sep 2005, 08:39 »

"We may have misguided ideologies based on slogans we bought from Hot Topic....but at least we're not Coldplay!"


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« Reply #79 on: 28 Sep 2005, 08:51 »

You can tell that there is some sexual tension between the guy on the far left and the guy on the right. The first one doesn't give a shit what Jesse Jackson or Emmylou Harris have to say about the plight of chickens, or that "chickens are inquisitive and interesting animals who are thought to be as intelligent as cats, dogs, and even primates." He just got in it to try and get with the guy on the right, who is completely ignoring him.

Also, they are all in denial of the fact that there is a Jim Henson creation poking out of the side of the screen. And, from what I can see, it looks nothing like a chicken.


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« Reply #80 on: 28 Sep 2005, 10:58 »

that song that had the video of them dressed as foods was hilariously bad


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« Reply #81 on: 28 Sep 2005, 11:52 »

I know! It was like a Fruit of the Loom commercial gone terribly wrong.........Plus the song sucks and all that heh.


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« Reply #82 on: 28 Sep 2005, 13:02 »

It's not that you're saying it, it's just that you say it so much that it stops know, edgey, or...interesting.





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« Reply #83 on: 28 Sep 2005, 13:49 »

gee, cause no ones ever brought up that point before.


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« Reply #84 on: 28 Sep 2005, 14:05 »

TehBilnDude's LJ:


Quote from: Edith
Edith.: i like balls, and they are squishy


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« Reply #85 on: 28 Sep 2005, 14:47 »

Quote from: sp2
Good Charlotte are almost as bad as Coldplay, although they're slightly less of an insult to the listener, as they at least admit upfront that they're a bunch of preps who are pretending to be punk even though they are the establishment and like suckling on fascists' cocks.  Coldplay are instead insulting to anyone who likes music.

Man, not your shit again...


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« Reply #86 on: 28 Sep 2005, 14:53 »

Quote from: In his LiveJournal, sp2
so I set a personal record of relating shit to coldplay on jeph's forum today. surprisingly, that tasteless luke kid didn't try "calling" me on any of it, although I'm still waiting for switchblade to pop up and get all pissy at me. *sigh* I guess I'd better go get my boxing gloves...

Mood: anticipatory

Music: not coldplay! LOL



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« Reply #87 on: 28 Sep 2005, 15:19 »


I just wish he'd either shut the fuck up, or pull that bent little head of his OUT of his arse, and accept that some people have different opinions, and maybe we don't want to hear about how much he dislikes them EVERY FUCKING TIME HE POSTS.

Coldplay are instead insulting to anyone who likes music.

What kind of a fucking stupid statement is that? I play piano to grade 8 standard (basically professional grade, if I could be arsed to actually BE professional). I am a tuba player, trombonist, and bassist. I have WRITTEN music, studied music to A level, and wish to become a music and audio designer in the games industry (I'm studying computer games design, with modules in Performance and Instrument Technology right now). My music collection covers anything and everything from Bach to Built To Spill, and a great many points in between.

I am, in short, pretty fucking musical, and have what I like to think of as a broad, educated taste. Coldplay is easily one of my favourite bands. "X&Y" in particular is one of my favourite albums. Purely because I believe that they are, in fact, excellent musicians and songwriters who are doing superior quality music in a world dominated by mountains of crap.

I OBJECT to the above statement simply on the grounds that he seems to be holding himself as an unassailable standard of musical appreciation for all humanity, and is simply refusing to accept that anybody else's opinion is at all valid, regardless of that person's individual tastes, musicality and personality.

sp2: we get it. You don't like Coldplay. That's cool with me, even though I DO like them. Please stop reminding us, it just makes you look like a jerk.

Thank you.


EDIT: and yes, I know I'm overreacting. Unfortunately, that knowledge just irritates me further.

EDIT: to address this:


For example, I'm currently listening to Iron Maiden, a legendary and long-lasting heavy metal band who kept a fresh sound and loyal fans over twenty plus albums, unlike some bland, derivative musical products that attract legions of young and feckless fans through the power of advertising and a totally inoffensive formulaic approach, for example Coldplay. Looking back through my audioscrobbler list, I see that before Maiden I was listening to Type O Negative, a band whose effective and tasteful use of keyboards to compliment and enhance the thrust of their music sits at odds with the biege-tinted tingling pianos that drown the music of bands like, for example, Coldplay. Before them it was Japanese experimental rocker Yasushi Ishii. The talent and innovation of this almost entirely unknown artist, skipping easily between the diverse genres of punk, jazz, electronics and alternative rock, throws into stark relief the bland, repetitive, uninteresting music of mainstream artists such as Coldplay.

Where is it written that music has to be doing something new and innovative in order to be meritorious? I mean, folow that line of reasoning:

Modern rock borrows chords from 50's rock and roll, which took many of their features from early 20th century jazz, which was an evolution of the so-called "modern" school of classical music, which evolved from the "Romantic", which evolved from the classical style, which was really more of an advanced form of the Baroque music, which in turn was a more structured and stylistically regulated evolution of renaissance music, which in turn developed from medieval styles... and so on and so forth, right back to Ogg the Unusual, who first beat out a rhythm on the hollow log by the river.

If all music is derivative of something else, then how can anything be said to be truly unique and unusual? If you're going to pan Coldplay purely because they're not doing anything that someone else, somewhere, hasn't done before, then your only hope is to completely abandon the last few million years of musical advancement, grab a pair of sticks and a hollow log, and beat something basic out after skinning and eating a wild deer.

It all becomes too much effort. I like them because I like them, not because of some high-handed concept, or because I believe they've attained some kind of creative epiphany... I just enjoy what they do.

that is, to me, the foremost importance of music - that it should be enjoyed. Not analysed. You analyse bacterial cultures.

Good Charlotte

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« Reply #88 on: 29 Sep 2005, 12:48 »

You people are a bunch of dickheads. All of you, except for mooface. Seriously, what is it about us that you find so fucking terrible?


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« Reply #89 on: 29 Sep 2005, 12:56 »

Because you suck.

Even if it's a joke, since no one can be such a whiney, narcasistic jackass to have a username displaying his band's name or have a sig with his own lame lyric.

Good Charlotte

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« Reply #90 on: 29 Sep 2005, 13:01 »

Lame? LAME??

You're the one who's lame, just because you don't like us. What's wrong with "Just Wanna Live," anyway? If you don't like that song, it's because you're a closed-minded prick.



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« Reply #91 on: 29 Sep 2005, 13:02 »

Good Charlotte r gay.



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« Reply #92 on: 29 Sep 2005, 13:03 »

You guys need to get a life, seriously. You're the worst merging of music genres that's even happened to the mainstream.

Good Charlotte

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« Reply #93 on: 29 Sep 2005, 13:11 »

Oh bullshit. You don't fucking get more original than us! Nobody else has made a song based on the same theme of "I just wanna live"! You can't deny that!

You're all just jealous.


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« Reply #94 on: 29 Sep 2005, 13:50 »

Quote from: Switchblade
A load of really redundant, oft said stuff





[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #95 on: 29 Sep 2005, 13:51 »

Oh, give him some credit. Every single point he brought up is completely valid, even if it's been said before. Unfortunately, 'twill do no good.


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« Reply #96 on: 29 Sep 2005, 14:03 »

Quote from: Good Charlotte
Oh bullshit. You don't fucking get more original than us! Nobody else has made a song based on the same theme of "I just wanna live"! You can't deny that!

You're all just jealous.

Jealous of your lack of originality, wit, and ability to create an identity of your own? Color me green, poser.

(this is fun)


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« Reply #97 on: 29 Sep 2005, 14:05 »

The only way to settle this is to get a rap battle going. First word's gotta be "Coldplay" Ready! Set! Go!

I <3 GC! LOLZ!
Quote from: Edith
Edith.: i like balls, and they are squishy


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« Reply #98 on: 29 Sep 2005, 14:19 »

Coldplay you see is what I thought one got
When you kissed someone with a little spot
Just above their lip, you know the kinda blip,
Well it seems that my opinion was delusion!
A band they are, they say they rock
If you agree you can suck my...lollipop!
They're centered around some piano progressions
That cause in me a process of darwinian recession
Their vocals are weedy, their lyrics uninspired
and at the end you're not quite sure what just transpired
They get way too much credit
They rake cash in for the man
Why don't we just ignore them,
well ain't that just a plan?
We could listen to bands they ripped off like Radiohead,
Or even better we could just shoot Chris Martin dead.
Because here's the real secret that they've been keeping from you
Our scientists have discovered that Radiohead suck too!

Follow those illin' rhymes, bitches.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #99 on: 29 Sep 2005, 14:42 »

You know, you're advice stating "ignore them" is what I've been suggesting all along. Apparently, we need a hoodie-clad kitty for us to really pay attention. :P

I kid, I kid.

Still, Sythe; you're being a dumbass. Way to continue derailing the topic.
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