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Author Topic: The Ask Jeph thread  (Read 1265773 times)


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #300 on: 06 Jun 2006, 19:38 »

Quote from: Stifled Dreams
Quote from: jeph
As far as extant strips go, Get Fuzzy, hands down.

Oh, thank god.

Bloom County?

But of course.

Quote from: n8tron
what phpbb style is this?  did you program it yourself?  I really like it and was wanting to use a similar style on my site, except with completely different colors.

It's a heavily-customized version of SubSilver.

Quote from: Swali
All I'm wondering is: what happened to the green Coffee of Doom aprons?

I didn't feel like drawing aprons over and over again, so I relaxed the dress code.

Quote from: taran
What's happening with IndieTits?

Is it just having a break at the moment and you'll start updating it again sometime?

And the IndieTits discussion forum seems to have vanished.

It'll be back sooner or later. Nobody was really discussin' it!

Quote from: KimJongSick
Is Marten gonna get another guitar? The Fender Telecaster is a fine axe, fo sho, but there is a lot to be said for the tonal differences in other guitar makes and models.

We'll see.

Quote from: Mharris
ever had any merchandise ideas for something else besides clothes and posters?

i predict someday a little toy pintsize will be in every household in america.

If I can find a reliable way to ship mugs without breakage, we'll do mugs. I have other plans as well.

Quote from: Moiche

Aside from buying stuff in the QC store, or just, you know, sending you money in a box, how might a habitual reader support the comic and your efforts making it?

Tell other people about it! Word of mouth is the best way to support me short of giving me money.

Quote from: Tergon
If Steve and Marten were to fight to the death, who would win?  And, if the winner of this battle were to fight the winner of a Dora v Raven matchup, who would the ultimate survivor be?

Marten vs. Steve would quickly devolve into a sissy slapfight. Dora would destroy either one.

Quote from: Valley_Parade
What, if any distortion/overdrive/boost pedals do you use in your music making?

None. S'all crafty digital modeling in GarageBand at the moment.

Quote from: Resda
My search-fu is weak, so if this question has been answered, I totally authorize Jeph to smack me upside the head. Virtually, of course.

If Pintsize's chassis is so unique (it had a laser in it, for cryin' out loud), then why is it that every other AnthroPC has the same body, except recolored? (Winslow excluded, of course.)

It was a standard chassis with custom, secret components.

Quote from: Resda
Just thought of a good one.

What do the characters' voices sound like in your head as you do the comic?

The only character I have a definitive voice for is Dora. She'd sound like Jane from Daria, or the butch chick from Final Fantasy X-2.

Quote from: Makeout_Hobo
Hella Hella Hella Hella Hella Hella.

Hella Hella?

Oh hell of, yes.

Quote from: wolfie-ulf
Hi, Im farely new to this forum thingfor Qc, and as the number of questions in this "discussion" is a little TO high for me look trough I'm just going to ask you this:

What is the age of the cast in qc? They seem quite young, but at times are very mature. Also, as a fellow artist in the drawing media, what facial part do you hate the most to draw? (and do you have any advice conserning noses, hate 'em!)

Faye/Steve/Marten are about 24-25. Dora is a year or two older, Sven is a year or two older still. Raven is younger than F/S/M, Ellen and Nat are younger than Raven. I dunno how old Hannelore is yet.

I don't like drawing foreheads. They're subtly difficult. The trick with noses is to imply the shape of the nose instead of trying to render all of it exactly. That's how anime gets away with little tiny dot-noses.

Quote from: JackFaerie
Hey, Jeph, I was looking at the comic where Faye and her mom are talking in the living room a few days ago, and noticed the portrait of younger Faye and Amanda hanging there.  Faye looks to be in her mid-teens, and Amanda looks very young--she's much shorter than Faye, and has the face of a 12 year old.  But both of them have pretty substantial breasts.  How old is Amanda supposed to be in that photo?  It's somewhat disturbing...

Obviously Amanda is a demon.

Quote from: neomang5

You noted a style of art on Jephdraw that you said you might use for a sideproject. Did you have a particular one in mind, or were you just commenting on it. Also, if you did start a sideproject, what would it be about?

Also, have you ever considered a forum gathering, or would that be too crazy?

Any future projects I have in mind must remain secret. I tend to meet forum folks at conventions.

Quote from: dsdm
Okay, first post, go easy on me:
Please, pleasepleasepleaseplEEEAASSE update Indie Tits!  Granted, I don't follow the Indie music scene, but even when the dialogue is all about references to bands I've never heard of, and probably will never listen to, it's still funny on some level and I must have it!  I am hopelessly addicted to the dialogue balloons over the same four bird images update after update! And before I get flamed for being a smartass, I am NOT being sarcastic. Most of this shit is pretty damn funny even to someone who is not into indie music.  I wouldn't even read QC otherwise

IT will be back sooner or later.

Quote from: Necromancer of Rath
Might as well ask since I've wondered since the comic in question was made. In 402, Pintsize says he has a list of times when he hasn't been good. The one that interested me was number 472. Did you have something in mind for what happened to those preschoolers?

Yes, but it is too horrific to divulge.

Quote from: Marke`
Hey Jeph, I am a young artist who has recently started my own webcomic. I suppose my question is is QC related stuff your only source of income and did you go to college/university after graduating or jump into making the comic without formal training. Cheers, Marke`

QC has been my full time job since september of '04. I went to college but it was for music, not comics or illustration.

Quote from: Somethingfake
Hey Jeph, just noticed whilst reading through the archives that Dora's cat seems to have changed from a *he* to a *she*

Heres the comic links (second panel dora's second line) and (Panel two Dora's fourth line)

So what happend? a Kitty sex change?

You never know, with cats.

Quote from: Luke C
Have you considered putting yourself in a QC strip as a cameo Hitchcock style?

Not really.

Quote from: tortillafactory
Jeph, do you have a drawing tablet recommendation for those of us who can't afford a 9x12 Wacom?  What should be sacrificed - size, brand name, or condition (I'm thinking eBay, here)?

P.S. I love QC it's inspired me to keep pursuing art you rock blah blah.  [generic complements here]

Buy a refurbished Graphire 6x8. Much cheaper and works just as well.

Quote from: Coffee Leftovers Reader
I have three really stupid questions:

1. Do you happen to sport an "indie" look?

2. Who are those people on the t-shirt ads?!? I simply must know the dog's name...

3. What do you think of your wiki article? (

1. I am way too huge and intimidating to ever pass for an indie kid.
2. Friends, people from the IRC channel, and folks who've emailed me pictures. The dog's name is Basil.
3. It's not bad.

Quote from: ironoxide887
I have a question. Which weighs more:

A pound of DONGLOL
or a pound of <DICK><

They weigh the same. Duh.

Quote from: The Mighty Mopdecai
Hey Jeph in a strip a while ago you when Pintsize had to much RAM in his system you said that it was like 'licking a battery'. This sounds very similar to a line in Alan's Moore's comic watchman so I wondered have you read any of his books

Only From Hell so far. The art in Watchmen turns me off, unfortunately.

Quote from: Silly Bob's new groove
three questions;

1. What do you use to do your back grounds? I used MS Paint and it's terrible I never want to use those backgrounds again.

2. I know you're main focus other than the story in this strip is music, but if it was like completely illegal to write dialog about music, what would focus on instead?

3. You said you don't have time to do all the strips over again, but if you were to choose one of the older strips above all others to redo, which would it be?

1. Everything is Photoshop CS2.
2. Uh, jokes I guess?
3. The one where Marten and Steve meet Faye.

Quote from: NecroAd
Yay, question time.

1) Are plans to put out Questionable Content for sale as a graphic novel going to be pursued? Because I know I'd certainly buy one.
2) What do you use to make your merchandise?
3) What do you think of the whole goth/goth-rock music shtuffs?
4) Do you like rainbows?

1) Soon as I have time, yes.
2) I have a good screenprinter based in Connecticut who does the actual shirts. The art is all done in Photoshop CS2.
3) Not really my cup of tea.
4) [insert Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference here]

Quote from: penpen17
I have a question:  Does Dora still smoke?  According to this comic, she did in high school, but I have never heard any mention of her quitting, nor have I ever seen her smoke

Nope. Smoking is bad for you.

Quote from: stevethepirate
And whatever it was that the guy was reading has been good and thoroughly ruined for him. Congratulations for killing literature guys. Good one. Jeph, has there ever been a photo of you on here showing your face and everything?

There are probably some on my LiveJournal.
Deathmole Jacques' head takes up the bottom half of the panel, with his words taking up the top half. He is not concerned about the life of his friend.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #301 on: 06 Jun 2006, 19:54 »

jepH - in reference to the strip redrawings, if someone organized a little vote (a la nominations + poll) concerning a particular strip from the archives that you could redraw, would you play along? I'm thinking nothing about replacing it in the archive (that would be a bit jarring for new people reading through the archive for the first time), but more like a special post on or something.

Eh? Eh? Eh?


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #302 on: 06 Jun 2006, 20:04 »

i have to know...why an allosaurus? why not a some-other-carnivore-osaurus? do you just have a preference for allosaurs?

Silly Bob's new groove

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« Reply #303 on: 06 Jun 2006, 20:57 »

will you read my comic and tell me what you think? I'm not asking for  linkage unless you really like it, and I'm not asking for free publicity infact I'll PM you the address and if you like it or think it's promising, you can post the link yourself in the answer.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #304 on: 07 Jun 2006, 00:06 »

1: is 'glasgow mega-snake' one of the best songs ever?
2: have you ever gotten in a fistfight?
3: if so, was it with an abnormally large spider?


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« Reply #305 on: 07 Jun 2006, 04:06 »

woot I got a reply! heh. anyways a few more questions:

1. Does your family approve of you living off QC or would they prefer you to be something more common... like a lawyer or some crap.
2. Which aspect of a comic do you think matters the most; the art, backgrounds, the writing or cool characters.
3. Do you think it is better to wait until you are out of school and have more life experience to write a webcomic or begin immediately and build up large archives and a reputation.
4. What do you think is the best way to get people interested in your comic and to get publicity for it?
5. Last one... do you think Modest Mouse are better than Mogwai?

Cheers, One-Eye


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« Reply #306 on: 07 Jun 2006, 04:36 »

I may sound a little dumb, but I have never really heard the term "Indie." Could you explain this to me? what it's for, what it sounds like, and what states is it usually around?


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« Reply #307 on: 07 Jun 2006, 04:41 »

Sorry can't edit due to being at school. (Meh, don't ask.) feel free to take off a post or something.

Anyway, Nevermind. Just saw This Thread I'll go do some research now.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #308 on: 07 Jun 2006, 14:58 »

Whos more powerful You, or the vile, destestible Sam Logan?
Quote from: Jeph
Snoopy lives in a fantasy world. Gromit is a dog who gets things done. Gromit would destroy Snoopy.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #309 on: 07 Jun 2006, 20:04 »

Hullo, Jeph. Long time reader, short-time forum-goer. NOT THAT YOU CARE.

Anyway, I have a few questions:

1. What's your biggest fear? And if you're not comfortable answering that, what's some of your minor fears? Or do you fear nothing at all?

2. If you finish QC, do you think you'd start another webcomic? Or do you have any alternative careers in mind if you decide you don't like the webcomics business? (Although I pray you don't decide that...)

3. Following the career question, what did you want to be when you were a little bastard... Er, kid?


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #310 on: 11 Jun 2006, 20:03 »

We've already established that you've managed to wrangle a full-time job in QC, but what did you do before everyone started digging your comic?

Also, would you reccomend going to college for music?

Thanks a whole bunch.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #311 on: 13 Jun 2006, 15:52 »

If QC couldn't be a webcomic, what do you think would be the best medium for it? e.g., novel, film serial, concept album, opera, etc... Let's assume that whatever the medium is, you would be skilled enough to do good work in it.

If the characters in QC were real people, how do you think you'd get along with them? Are there some you'd be friends with and others you'd be more indifferent to?

When you like a piece of music, do you think that's because you appreciate it in an isolated aesthetic sense, or because of the effects it has on you emotionally / the things it makes you think of / the way it affects your energy level and behavior / etc? Or both? Or something else? You spend a lot of time thinking about music! Have you come to any conclusions about the point of it all?
"Chance favors the prepared mind."

Silly Bob's new groove

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« Reply #312 on: 13 Jun 2006, 22:07 »

What do you think of Flogging Molly? and if you haven't heard them, you should definately give them a listen.


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San Diego
« Reply #313 on: 19 Jun 2006, 20:49 »

You're coming to Comic-Con San Diego right? I am really looking forward to seeing you there :) i'll be the guy in the batman costume!!


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #314 on: 20 Jun 2006, 07:29 »

Changin' my question.

Do you write this comic more for the viewers or for yourself? Like, would you ever have a twist in the plot or something that you know your audience would hate, if you wanted it?


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #315 on: 20 Jun 2006, 09:35 »

I can answer the second to last question. Yes! We will be at Comic-Con, and we should be right around the corner from Penny Arcade and the Dumbrella boys, come say hi!
HONK HONK, I'm a pengraffe.

Coffee Leftovers Reader

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« Reply #316 on: 20 Jun 2006, 11:49 »

Musically speaking, what are your guilty pleasures? Maybe not guilty, but things that most so called "indie" fans you know hate and when you tell them you like it, they're like: ""

Now, how about something that most indie fans love and you abhor completely?

Have you ever been to Mexico? (The Old One)

Chad K.

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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #317 on: 22 Jun 2006, 13:00 »


I know you have an affinity for rabbits.  My girlfriend and I have owned two dwarf lionheads, which we gave to a rabbit lover due to their surly nature; a velveteen rex, which tragically died during an operation after a short, mischievious life spent alternately cuddling with my girlfriend and biting me; and now a 15 lb. english lop who's easily been the most social of the bunch.  My question is, is there a particular breed you prefer, and why?


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #318 on: 27 Jun 2006, 23:23 »

i'm new and haven't read every page in the forums, so i dont know if theese have been answered.
i have two questions:

1. Is there a set number of comics for each QC day?

2. Are the QC days always consecutive or do you skip days/weeks/longer?

i started reading QC from the beginning a few days ago, great comic.


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« Reply #319 on: 28 Jun 2006, 07:40 »

Hmm, new here, but been reading for a while

I was wondering, since i'm awesome like that and am basically on my computer when ever i'm home, where is the QC irc chat located?  I mean, I'm sure I could find it easily, but i'm lazy XP


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #320 on: 28 Jun 2006, 21:04 »

Have you ever heard of pngcrush? I was able to reduce the size of comics 1-652 from 87,301,516 bytes to 80,233,979 - saving a lame 7,067,537 or 8.1%. Probably not worth the time and effort, eh?

Also, for those readers stumbling upon the site for the first time, I wonder if it would be a good idea to put the next comic shrunken down (width=1 or something) somewhere near the bottom of the page, so by the time a reader has finished reading the current comic, the next one will already be loaded (like magic!). Presumably this won't effect the majority of the readers, who are just sitting on the latest comic.

Also, ever thought of an image dump for the new readers (a zip or something)?


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« Reply #321 on: 29 Jun 2006, 00:15 »

I can answer the rabbit question. We have two mini-rex rabbits. Wilbur-a 6 lbs male with a white and black spotted coat. (He is a little large for a mini-rex and has large ears, so we think he might be a mix.) His mate is Fiona- a 4 lbs castor velveteen mini-rex. She is tiny and has smaller ears. Wilbur is super friendly and Fiona is a little shy.
HONK HONK, I'm a pengraffe.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #322 on: 22 Jul 2006, 21:06 »

One comment.

You must be a mind-reader, delving into my subconcious...even though we've never met or spoken before.

A question.

How did you come up with my ideal girl in Hannelore? Seriously, I can't imagine a better girl for a friend or anything. I'm not even being sarcastic.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #323 on: 23 Jul 2006, 09:40 »

Somewhat rude question: why do you have guest weeks?  To be blunt, they're always kind of lame and disappointing, and I just end up tapping my foot waiting for the regular story arc to begin again.   The art is always jarringly different, the guests are always trying way too hard to be amusing (I think in particular of that silly White Ninja strip last week), the strips are purely throwaway, and a week is a long while to go without advancing the story.  I've noticed that basically all webcomics do this, and I think it works to their detriment. If you need to take a week off to do something like go to a convention or something, I'd almost rather see a hiatus.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #324 on: 23 Jul 2006, 10:33 »

Quote from: Snark
Somewhat rude question: why do you have guest weeks?  To be blunt, they're always kind of lame and disappointing, and I just end up tapping my foot waiting for the regular story arc to begin again.   The art is always jarringly different, the guests are always trying way too hard to be amusing (I think in particular of that silly White Ninja strip last week), the strips are purely throwaway, and a week is a long while to go without advancing the story.  I've noticed that basically all webcomics do this, and I think it works to their detriment. If you need to take a week off to do something like go to a convention or something, I'd almost rather see a hiatus.

Not to be presumptuous, but I kinda wanna try and answer this one. Guest weeks are good because it promotes co-operation between webcomic artists. It gives a chance for other webcomics to give readers a taste of their work, and perhaps attract some readers of their own.

The same works in reverse, as well. Readers of other comics seeing J.J's work might be drawn to this comic... creating a giant eco-web of comic readers! yay!


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #325 on: 24 Jul 2006, 11:03 »

And, as if by magic, the first guest strip of the week comes up and validates my earlier post beyond my wildest imaginings.  What shit.  Chris Hastings should be embarrased.


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« Reply #326 on: 24 Jul 2006, 13:02 »

Whoa! It's like magic! The guest strip comes up and makes me wanna check them out. That caught me so offguard I actually laughed out loud.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #327 on: 24 Jul 2006, 17:09 »

Quote from: Snark
And, as if by magic, the first guest strip of the week comes up and validates my earlier post beyond my wildest imaginings.  What shit.  Chris Hastings should be embarrased.

You dont like it then dont look at it jack-ass.
Quote from: Jeph
Snoopy lives in a fantasy world. Gromit is a dog who gets things done. Gromit would destroy Snoopy.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #328 on: 24 Jul 2006, 20:19 »

Quote from: Somethingfake
Quote from: Snark
And, as if by magic, the first guest strip of the week comes up and validates my earlier post beyond my wildest imaginings.  What shit.  Chris Hastings should be embarrased.

You dont like it then dont look at it jack-ass.

Is there a particular reason you're in my face in every thread I've posted in, child?


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #329 on: 24 Jul 2006, 20:47 »

Jeph: What is your opinion on blunt insults and name-calling on the internet?

Oh wait, we already know the answer to that one.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #330 on: 24 Jul 2006, 21:30 »

Hey Jeph, on the subject of guest comics do you think you'd include them with a QC: Vol. 1?


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« Reply #331 on: 26 Jul 2006, 11:30 »

Apart from all the previously mentioned reasons, Jeph also deserves a vacation! No one can deny that reason.

Question: Jeph (if i can call you that lol), As a lover of music, do you ever write your own songs, just for fun between you and your friends at the most?
(* questions wether risk of conceiving catchy-cheesy QC theme tune was worth asking a question *)


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #332 on: 27 Jul 2006, 12:39 »

Quote from: Snark
Quote from: Somethingfake
Quote from: Snark
And, as if by magic, the first guest strip of the week comes up and validates my earlier post beyond my wildest imaginings.  What shit.  Chris Hastings should be embarrased.

You dont like it then dont look at it jack-ass.

Is there a particular reason you're in my face in every thread I've posted in, child?

:) I can't be *in* your face because 1) Thats a physical impossibility and 2) I'm on the internet :D

And it isn't every thread, just two.

I was Mearly saying if you destest guest strips so much dont look at them, if you do not like them fine, I ain't much a fan of them either, but that doesn't give you the right to disrespect the author of the Guest strip or whine to jeph as its his desision to do what he wants with his site.

Now a question to jeph: Who's the most famous person you've met/or likes your comic?
Quote from: Jeph
Snoopy lives in a fantasy world. Gromit is a dog who gets things done. Gromit would destroy Snoopy.


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« Reply #333 on: 27 Jul 2006, 12:56 »


Sorry to butt in here.  I tried posting elsewhere (Merch question thread) without response.  I've also sent several emails, starting several weeks ago, with no response.

I ordered a t-shirt in May (Math is Delicious), and I know those orders got messed up by Pay-pal, but the money was taken from my account, and I haven't received a shirt, and have never received an email about it, or any response to any of my emails, or my post on the the other thread.  I'd really just like to have some reassurance that someone, somewhere, is eitherl looking into this, or will be shortly.  Or if those shirts are gone, I'd be happy to take a refund or pick a different.  Anything really will be fine, besides just wondering what is going on.

Sorry to jump in.



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« Reply #334 on: 29 Jul 2006, 16:52 »

Sorry, you can disregard my last post, I was contacted by QC Merch this morning.


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question, poster idea
« Reply #335 on: 01 Aug 2006, 22:07 »

Hi Jeph.

This is my first post but I've been reading compulsively since #350 or so.

It was awesome to see you at Comic Con and I was wondering if it's okay to share the sketch you made for me with everyone here on a post.

Also, are there any plans for a new group poster of sorts?  Maybe one that's similar to the "Coffee of Doom" t-shirt?



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Re: t-shirt
« Reply #336 on: 04 Aug 2006, 23:24 »

Quote from: dllahr

Sorry to butt in here.  I tried posting elsewhere (Merch question thread) without response.  I've also sent several emails, starting several weeks ago, with no response.

I ordered a t-shirt in May (Math is Delicious), and I know those orders got messed up by Pay-pal, but the money was taken from my account, and I haven't received a shirt, and have never received an email about it, or any response to any of my emails, or my post on the the other thread.  I'd really just like to have some reassurance that someone, somewhere, is eitherl looking into this, or will be shortly.  Or if those shirts are gone, I'd be happy to take a refund or pick a different.  Anything really will be fine, besides just wondering what is going on.

Sorry to jump in.


Sorry to be repetitious, but I'm also having this problem.  It's now an issue of two shirts.  I've tried emailing (from a yahoo account and hotmail account) and starting a separate thread to no avail.  Any info you could give would be greatly appreciated, Sir Jeph!


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« Reply #337 on: 05 Aug 2006, 20:10 »

Mr. Jeph:

I have something on my mind and I can't get it to go away.

In the wee, wee years of the comic, Faye goes to Hot Topic and starts making fun of the girl working there.

Then a while later, Raven shows up in the coffee shop. She looks similar to the Hot Topic clerk, and Faye said "Don't put another curse one me," so I kinda assumed the Hot Topic clerk and Raven were the same person.

But I can't get confirmation unless I ask you personally.

Are they the same people?

Running For Home

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« Reply #338 on: 08 Aug 2006, 15:02 »

I only just noticed that for the last few weeks, Faye has been wearing a Deutsche Fussball Bund shirt.  Are you a German national team fan?

[apologies in advance if this is a repeat question]

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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #339 on: 08 Aug 2006, 18:53 »

Quote from: Luke
jepH - in reference to the strip redrawings, if someone organized a little vote (a la nominations + poll) concerning a particular strip from the archives that you could redraw, would you play along? I'm thinking nothing about replacing it in the archive (that would be a bit jarring for new people reading through the archive for the first time), but more like a special post on or something.

Eh? Eh? Eh?

 I second this idea..that is if you wouldn't mind.
Hate, rain on me


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« Reply #340 on: 08 Aug 2006, 20:40 »

Hi Nice People who have ordered shirts. Please make sure that you are emailing [email protected] and not [email protected] . If you are emailing [email protected] your emails are getting buried under tons of other emails.  If you are emailing [email protected], I am behind on my emails because I have been traveling with Jeph to conventions and we finally have a break so I will be catching up on all of those emails this week!
HONK HONK, I'm a pengraffe.


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Re: t-shirt
« Reply #341 on: 15 Aug 2006, 21:04 »

Quote from: indianna_gurl
Quote from: dllahr

Sorry to butt in here.  I tried posting elsewhere (Merch question thread) without response.  I've also sent several emails, starting several weeks ago, with no response.

I ordered a t-shirt in May (Math is Delicious), and I know those orders got messed up by Pay-pal, but the money was taken from my account, and I haven't received a shirt, and have never received an email about it, or any response to any of my emails, or my post on the the other thread.  I'd really just like to have some reassurance that someone, somewhere, is eitherl looking into this, or will be shortly.  Or if those shirts are gone, I'd be happy to take a refund or pick a different.  Anything really will be fine, besides just wondering what is going on.

Sorry to jump in.


Sorry to be repetitious, but I'm also having this problem.  It's now an issue of two shirts.  I've tried emailing (from a yahoo account and hotmail account) and starting a separate thread to no avail.  Any info you could give would be greatly appreciated, Sir Jeph!


Sorry to be repetitious myself but I'm also having the same problem with two orders.  A shirt and a hoodie that I ordered as a gift four months ago.  I've tried e-mailing and I haven't heard from you guys in a while now.  Money was also taken from my account for these shirts.  I hope you guys are looking into this since it has been since April was when I placed my order.  I would greatly appreciate any response because I feel like you guys have taken my money and ran with it.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #342 on: 16 Aug 2006, 15:29 »

Quote from: The Heret|c
Mr. Jeph:

I have something on my mind and I can't get it to go away.

In the wee, wee years of the comic, Faye goes to Hot Topic and starts making fun of the girl working there.

Then a while later, Raven shows up in the coffee shop. She looks similar to the Hot Topic clerk, and Faye said "Don't put another curse one me," so I kinda assumed the Hot Topic clerk and Raven were the same person.

But I can't get confirmation unless I ask you personally.

Are they the same people?

The possibility exists.


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« Reply #343 on: 16 Aug 2006, 22:22 »

Hee hee. "Mr Jeph".

Can we call you that, Jorph? Please? It sounds so uppity and.. um... yes.

Hey everyone, I need to buy some new bookshelves. When I get back from Ikea and put them together you're all invited to the bookshelf launch party.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #344 on: 17 Aug 2006, 01:02 »

Q: Do you hate Naruto as much as I do?


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #345 on: 21 Aug 2006, 05:57 »

Dear Strong Bad Jeph

Is there any place where one can get your musics? Most of the links on your livejournal don't seem to work anymore, and I lost them in a reformat.


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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #346 on: 21 Aug 2006, 21:03 »

How do you answer so many questions?

And is the librarian character a guy or a girl?


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« Reply #347 on: 24 Aug 2006, 06:40 »

you said you don't want to say how much you earn cos its a rude question to ask someone.
so could you at least narrow it down to "handy" "comfortable" or "booyah"


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« Reply #348 on: 24 Aug 2006, 15:06 »

My bet is that it's in the "comfortable" range.

This is an odd question. Which of the characters do you think can sing?

Night Rocker

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The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #349 on: 25 Aug 2006, 22:03 »

Do you dislike The Who? Reading through the archives i got the impression you didnt like them, but i may just be overprotective of my favorite band.
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