what advice would you have for other webcomic authors?
Don't suck. Always improve.
So I've tried to ask this question a couple of times, but the recent comic with Winslowe putting makeup on Hannelore leads me to ask again:
She was wearing makeup the first time we saw her. She was also smoking and had multiple ear piercings. What happened to those?
She still smokes (I think) and has the ear piercings. Her appearance changed as I figured out more of what she was really like.
I was wondering - was the whole recent events about Penelope having a fan club planned, or did you make that comic after all of the OMG PENELOPE IS TEH SEXORZ comments?
It just seemed like a funny comic. It didn't have anything to do with the forums.
Now that you have indietits back are you starting to get bored of QC
Also OINK? Can i has invitez?
That is like asking if because I am eating potato chips whether I am bored of filet mignon
Also maybe? If I remember?
do you reply to pms?
Apparently not?
Mr Jeph sir, while I would never want to change your comic, if you were to ask if I had a question about Questionable Content,-- I would answer: "What ever happened to mieville?"
As with almost all "whatever happened to [character]" questions, it's just a matter of time before they show up again.
who's better, terry gilliam or tim burton?
(i say gilliam)
iam wondering about hanners earrings......wouldnt she be afraid of infection of some sort? or was this question covered in some comic that i forgot about...
Is the lady modelling your shirt in the merchandise place the base model for Faye's looks?
She looks like how I picture Faye, but without the aura of a slayer of thousands.

That's my friend Yuko. She used to draw a webcomic called Fallen.
Do you think you'll ever take part in a comic convention in the UK/Europe?
whats up with your avatar? (take that the politest way possible)
and when did you decide to change the drawing style of your comics?
Arthur de Pins + Daft Punk = the ultimate avatar.
I change the drawing style every single time I sit down to draw.
Dear Dispenser Of Free Stuff:
What is it with you and the no-llama plague? Srsly.
Also, do you realise that you give us more free entertainment than anything else I am currently thinking about, and if you decided to become a dirty rat bastard and sell out you could enter the ranks of lucrative comic billionaire?
Also, yes. If I sell out it will be for BILLIONS OF DOLLARS so I never have to work again.
re: your allergy to chain-brand pizza...can you tolerate any other foods with basil, such as non-pizza industrial italian food? I ask 'cause my wife is allergic to basil, and wanted to throw that out, on the off chance that it helps.
I eat Thai food all the time. It's definitely not basil.
Will the QC characters ever go on a road trip? That sounds amusing.
Also, I won't ask for an OiNK invite because that seems to sound noobish in my head, but I'd appreciate one anyways.
I doubt it. I hate drawing cars.
What became of Steve and Meena?
and i miss Pizza Girl...
See above question about Mieville.
1. Were there any names for the comic you passed over before deciding on this one (i.e., "Indie Jones" or something?)
2. Is the guy in #285 and #650 actually Angus?
3. Does Local Alternative Rag (#651) have a large separate section devoted solely to pornographic ads?
1. No
2. Maybe
3. Yes
Most of the main characters seem to be very into music, particularly Marten. Why don't they ever go to shows? Other than one metal show for Natasha, none of the characters have seen any live music.
Because drawing a proper crowd in every single panel would take way too much time.
When is Dora going to spill the beans on her past like Faye did? It was kinda mentioned in This strip: http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=860 but you've never gotten around to answering it. Will we have to wait for a supremely long amount of time, like with Faye? Dora might have some issues but she's certainly not as bad as Faye in terms of messed- up- mess.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsnork buh wha
Hey Jeph,
Have you ever thought about selling Pintsize plushies? Cos I would so buy one of those.
Action figures, maybe. Mass-produced plush robots look really stupid to me.
You live in Mass right? Do you think its creepy if fans come up to you at shows? And will you be at bright eyes in Boston?
Nah, it's happened before and it's usually fun to meet readers. However if you ever see me at a Bright Eyes show look for the guns because I am being held there against my will.
why do you hate bright eyes so much?
mostly his awful music but his stupid hair has something to do with it as well
The "About" section of the site lists you're from Rockville.
A couple of my friends and I live in Rockville, so we were wondering what part. Also, did you go to Richard Montgomery High School?
(I think one of my friends sent you an email about this awhile back, but you never replied)
Nope, I went to a fancy all-guys preparatory school on the Pike. I'm sure you can figure out which one.