Is the "Teh" shirt an elaborate device planted so that we can keep track of alternate timelines? And thus Marten with shirt is from the future trying to fix a botched-up space/time continuum and Marten w/out shirt is Keyser Söze?
You said earlier in this massive thread you had hopes of looking at getting a QC book out around the end of 2007. How is that going?
HAHAHAHAHahahaheheheheheh. Heh. Uh.
How did you come up with the fantastic and varied names for positions by number of posts? Were you really that bored?
I didn't do it all at once.
1. What is the question you want to be asked most?
2: What is the answer to that question?
D Since, so I've heard, QC started out as a comic about Marten and Pintsize and having an anthropomorphic robot, at what point did you decide that it was going to go in a completely different direction and head off into the lives of young hipsters and there adventures in life? (I hope I didn't bungle the phrasing of that up as much as I'm sure that I did)
1. "Would you like me to give you one million dollars?"
2. Yes, please.
3. Too busy.
D) It just happened on its own. The comic wanted to go that way so I let it.
Do you know what happened to Aido's comic Fallen? I sorely miss it, In fact, it [the comic] is still in my Bookmarks and I periodically check it to see for updates.
Also, did you know you share the same name as author Brian Jacques (of Redwall fame) and have you ever read any of his books growing up?
As I understand it she got too busy with school and too sick of people bitching at her to update it.
Yeah, I read a couple of those. Didn't like 'em much.
Hey Jeph,
Have you ever heard of Dream Theater? From what I've heard you say about Wolves in the Throne Room and Opeth (I've never actually heard either of those bands...can't find them anywhere nurr), Dream Theater has a lot of those same aspects. Crazy guitar solos, lengthly songs, bizarre time changes and signatures...
If you have tell me what ya think!
Dream Theater is like Opeth only Opeth is
Hey Jeph!
I was wondering whether something that will change the QC world completely will happen with comic #1000? I am not asking for specifics, just an indication 
Also, did you know you share the same name as author Brian Jacques (of Redwall fame) and have you ever read any of his books growing up?
Also, VG Music Composer Extraordinaire Richard Jacques?
Also Jacques Cousteau
Is there any chance of you attending WonderCon in San Francisco in February?
Maybe in '09. We're booked solid for Feb '08.
Jeph, I know you love the Dune series, but do you have other favorite sci-fi books? Anything written by Asimov perhaps?
Yeah basically all Asimov, all Stephen Baxter, Charles Stross, William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, etc etc.
Do you also read Heinlien?
Not yet, but I really should.
I had Hannelore sitting around in a sketchbook for months before I figured out how to put her in the comic.
do you have any unissued charecters in your sketchbook right now?
I never really know until they appear in the comic.
How do you pronounce "Mieville"?
I always assume it's just "me-ville."
you've said before that when people interview you they all just ask the same ten questions.
could you list off the stupid questions they all ask you and the answers?
(you don't have to give exactly ten, just the ones you can think of off the top of your head)
also, since there's a lot of book stuff going on in this thread at the moment, do you read lemony snicket? (elaborate a bit with this one please.)
1. Why did you start your comic
2. What is your comic about
3. Why is it a webcomic
4. What are the advantages of being a webcomic
5. When will there be a book
6. Who are your influences
7. Is it your full time job
8. How do you make money
9. How much money do you make (I never answer this one)
10. How much traffic does your site get
And no I have not read those books.
So my question is, what is the likelihood of a new, updated cast poster that includes the new additions like Penny, Meena, Tai and Hannelore's strangely poofy hair?
Also I guess, the likelihood of a QC book in the foreseeable future? Because I would buy that book so hard.
And additional, bonus question... Who would win in an all-out, drunken bar brawl; Marten's mum, or Hanners'? (u's in your "mum"s courtesy of the mystical faraway land of Australia) And I'm just assuming that if such a brawl were to occur, Mr. Bianchi would be there with popcorn and a smile.
New poster- absolutely.
Book- eventually.
Marten's mom, without question. Hanners is a creampuff.
Jeph ; Or anybody else can answer this one!
Is it me or does Dora have some serious camel toe going on in in the last panel of comic #998!!
It's the seam of her shorts.
Why is it that Dora, the most computer-enthusiastic character, doesn't have an AnthroPC?
She has a cat.
jeph, have you ever gone looking for fanart porn of your characters. y'know, for research purposes?
I never have to go looking for it. Any time new QC porn pops up on the internet someone emails me all "haev u seen this LOL"
Jeph, what's up with the girl in panel 1 of #1001? Why does she look like Dora and Faye had a baby who grew up instantaneously and ended up with saggy boobs?
Jeph, were you an athleticist in high school?
I know your style is always changing but I wanted to know in comic# 1006, why you chose to use that style. It's a more condensed look of the characters. I thought I was going crazy but Marten's features are definitely not as long. Sometimes artists are inspired by something. Just wondering.
Also would if bother you if a fan did a fan animation in Flash of your characters? Your characters are a perfect style for flash and it was a idea I had.
I was just trying something new. It didn't really stick.
And no, I don't mind fan cartoons as long as they're properly credited.
I must ask, what is the attraction to Western, Ma? You and Jeff Rowling live out there and if im not mistaken the dude from Dr. McNinja who's name escapes me. I have a friend who goes to school out there and besides the lovely trees and farms, why does there seem to be a commune of awesome web comic creators in the middle of no where?
funny side note, I spent last weekend in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and was told to check out your comic so you must be doing something right if the hipsters are going out of their way to promote you.
Chris McNinja actually lives in Brooklyn at the moment but we are trying to tempt him to move up here. It's quieter and the air is cleaner and the rent is cheap and it's one of the most liberal places in the country. Think mini-San Fransisco.
Last time I was in SoHo some dude passed me on the street wearing one of my Hobocore t-shirts. I never get used to that.
the guy who returns again and again to the C.O.D ( cof of doom ) hasnt appeared in a while ... : huge gasp : has he given up or is he simply waiting for his chance to launch a massive strike on poor Faye
and ive also noticed faye drawing a bit closer to sven dispite his obvious past jackassagans ( much like shenanagens only involving a donkey and a 50 foot drop )
is this the begining of akwardness for faye , marty , dora and her twit of a brother
You are basically asking for spoilers
I never divulge spoilers
Except for how everyone dies in the end
Does the comic consume all of your time?
Depends what you mean. The actual writing and drawing only take 5-6 hours a day usually. Add shipping merch and forum browsing and email reading and it goes up to 8 for me. Cristi works longer than me a lot of the time as she does all the business stuff which I should never be allowed anywhere near.
Jeph, my friends and I were having a conversation about jobs and the saying, "work to live, don't live to work", and I presented you as an example of someone who loves their job.
So we were wondering, do you see yourself writing the webcomic for a large part of your life?
I could see myself writing *a* webcomic. Dunno if it'll always be QC.
what is your opinion on the terror that is rule 34 and your character's involvement with it.
Rule 34 is funny.
Do you have any ideas bumping around in the back of your head - jokes, plotlines, etc. - that you've always wanted to use in QC, but can't because you're forced to admit that it just wouldn't work with the characters as they are now? And if so, what's an example of one?
Not really. I have a pretty good idea of what will work and what won't so I don't waste a lot of time on fruitless thought.
What would you say is your most recent or biggest improvement on your art work?
And which shirt design you have up for sale is the most popular?
Who knows. I can never tell until six months later and by then it looks like shit to me anyway.
Three-way tie between Math, Library, and Evolution.
I was just curious, what is your feeling on ska music? Because you reference pretty much every genre (good or bad), but I don't recall ever reading a reference to a ska band in QC.
I do not enjoy the ska music
Have you ever heard of a band called Paramore? If so, what are your thoughts?
With a name like that they CAN'T be any good.
I really should research to see if someone already asked this, but Jeph, would you ever consider making QC action figures?
I would buy ALL of them.
The lead time on action figures is INSANE. Like, a year. Maybe?
Hey Jeph! Do you hallucinate when you get a fever to?
Sometimes. The sleepwalky ones are the worst.
What is the air velocity of an unlaiden swallow?
African or European?
Silly question, but what nationality is Meena?
Also, put her in the cast page!
New one for you: I'm pretty sure this has been asked, but do you personally know or know of a person with OCD as sever as Hannelore? I know someone with OCD, but it never seems as bad as hers.
No. People like that don't actually leave their houses.
Why was Dora single until she got together with Marten? Young, attractive, and with what Star Trek delicately called "strong female drives". It's interesting that she hadn't already put a man into her life.
Why is anybody single at a given time?
What do you think of Radiohead's latest effort? I noticed in your honourable mentions that 15-step was there.
It's pretty good. I think I have kind of outgrown Radiohead though.