What happened to the music blog that Marten made?
(whoah a non-terrible question this time. who woulda thunk it?)
Achewood does a much better job of character blogging than I ever could.
I know it's early to be asking, and all, but are you planning on goign to SPX this year?
Jeph are you going to NY ComicCon? You totally should.
Maybe next year.
He's not just the artist - he's also the writer 
Jeph, what are your opinions on Feist? I've been hearing split opinions about her for a while and I wanted an opinion from someone who knows his music.
Love her in Broken Social Scene, feel pretty meh about her solo stuff.
I wanted to know in your opinion how much logic and maturity really matters when it comes to picking a girlfriend and also where would you place Faye on the maturity scale.. (she's my fav character, sorry I dont care how offended Raven would be, Faye kicks everyone elses ass in greatnessness!) Faye is quite a closed person, but do her emotional and mental maturity come to the same level? *silently jumps up and down at the glee of her first post*
Logic has almost nothing to do with romance. Maturity matters in the long run, probably, but there are exceptions to everything.
Faye is pretty much stuck at the age she was when her dad blew his head off. She's only just now beginning to develop into an actual grownup.
Three questions regarding Faye:
1.- When will she have a new haircut?
2.- When will she be thinner?
3.- When will we have some Faye fanservice!?
Two questions regarding the comic:
1.- Are you accepting guest strips?
2.- What would someone need to have a guest strip featured?
1. Probably never. I might style it differently but that hair length and those bangs suit her character.
2. Absolutely never. I have too many skinny people in my comic as it is.
3. Every time I draw her I feel like it is fanservice.
1b. Always.
2b. You have to have a comic or website I really like. If you don't, the guest strip has to be unbelievably funny and well-drawn for me to run it.
I just wish to make an observation about the 'cast' section in the QC website
I would very much like to know what character class you played in highschool?
since I am certain that you were a D&D guy, probably still are. I prefer human
clerics of Pelor, though I've used Wizards and Wizard/Cleric combos as well.
Yeah I rarely have time to update the cast section, it is meant more as a general guide than an exhaustive list anyway.
I have never actually played D&D. I just have a lot of friends who do.
Three questions regarding Faye:
1.- When will she have a new haircut?
2.- When will she be thinner?
I'm sorry, but is there a reason Faye should be thinner? She looks perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned...or do you find her CARTOON BODY offensive? I hate to say it, but I cannot believe that you're trying to enforce traditional female body stereotypes on WEBCOMIC CHARACTERS. Ew, grossed out much?
What does Steve do for a living?
I have a question about the language used, specifically the profanity/slang. I've noticed words like tw@t and knockers being used in your comic, are these words commonly used in America because in the UK, we use them all the time. It aslo reminded me of Robocop 3 when at the end, the bad guy calls the little girl a "slag". Is this also used commonly in America?
Twat is pretty common, but I like using british slang sometimes because it's funny. Also, cunt is a
fantastic swearword.
Do the characters feel like real people to you?
On good days, yes.
Should reports of spelling errors in the comics
o go to your email
o go via PM
o go to a swampy worm-infested grave along with the stinking corpse of the pedantic arrogant spelling nazi douchebag who noticed them?
i nver maek speling error in my comcis