First, Tom Selleck is amazing. 
Second, what was Dora's major in school? Did it pertain to coffee making?
Third, how much do the baristas make at CoD. I work at Starbucks and I can't move out of my mom's basement...yeah.
Dunno. Haven't decided yet.
Enough to live off of, but barely.
So, is there anything you really don't like about making a webcomic? The fans who try to kidnap you/steal your bunny, etc? Anything you just despise in general about life?
Which character do you think is your favorite to draw? How come?
Am I more insane for reading the past 25 pages, or trying to come up with original questions and failing?
I don't like weirdos at conventions. Fortunately there aren't many.
I dislike mornings.
Hanners is the most fun to draw lately. Dunno why.
I've looked through the entire thread, and don't think I ran across these questions specifically.
1. What, if any, religious views do you hold? I know that you mentioned that that's an entire "can of worms" that you'd rather not open, but I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
2. What do you think of Vampire Weekend?
3. God bless you for your wish for "fewer Republicans." Who're you looking towards in November?
1. I am a cheerful atheist.
2. Any band that gets that much hype makes me leery. I haven't actually listened to them yet.
3. There is, as of right now, absolutely no excuse for any sane American to not vote for Barack Obama.
My question, Mr. Jacques: In a stand up fight, who would win: Marten, equipped with his trusty stop sign, or a 15th Century samurai?
It's been preying on my mind the last couple of days.
The samurai.
Hi Jeph
How can I make my real life more like life in QC universe? Please give this a little bit of thought, rather than a snappy one-liner response.
Uh...make friends with a bunch of girls, I guess? Girls with...problems?
Here's my question.
Who's the girl making out with Marten in Dora's dream?
Some girl.
theres a big risk this question is already asked, but the search fuction refuses to work, it just sends me to a white page :/
How much email do you get, how many do you answer and how long time does all the reading/answering take?
Lots and lots and lots. I don't have time to answer it all but I do read everything I get.
Where the hell did you think up the Society for Creative Rock Anachronism? And with Anachronism's meaning I would think it would be more like guys dressed in mideval costumes or Egyption playing ancient instruments.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who googled that as soon as I saw it. 
It came to me as I was waiting in the drive-through at Dunkin Donuts.
Is it just me, or have you been sick/ in need of surgery a whole lot since you started QC?
(When I first read QC I went through the entire archive in three days so it might just be that I mushed all your illnesses into one event.)
((I think I just needed an excuse to say that in that last sentence))
Also, besides bourbon (or any sort of whiskey) and canadian beer what alcoholic beverages do you enjoy? Do you like jagermeister?
And finally musically (rather than conceptually) do you prefer Outside or The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars? Also (so I guess technically finally) do you prefer Bowie's "Heroes" or Low album?
I've only needed one surgery (stitches don't count), and I get sick a lot because I travel a lot and get exposed to germs from literally everywhere on the continent.
Outside is my favorite Bowie album, ergo it trumps the rest. I realize this makes me a horrible failure of a person. I like Low better than Heroes.