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Author Topic: The Ask Jeph thread  (Read 1316944 times)


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1450 on: 26 Nov 2008, 12:17 »


Have you seen the movie Snow Angels? Not only is it an awesomely complex and at the same time intensely depressing movie, but it has a soundtrack you would LOVE. Explosions In The Sky wrote a track especially for this movie, if that gives you any clue.
Give it a watch if you haven't, ok? I promise you'll find it interesting, at the least.

Haven't seen it, honestly probably won't. I'm not really a movie person. Cristi has to literally drag me out of the house if there's something she wants to see.

What was the first song you learned for the guitar?

What do you think of Matchbook Romance?

What company do you use/goto to have your shirts made? Because I'm looking to have some band shirts made for my band, and don't want to do them myself.

No idea. Something by Hum probably.


Brunetto. Dunno if he's taking on new clients though.

Why are all of the guys in this comic so mild-mannered? You have at least two women with hair-triggers in Faye and Penny, in addition to the more short lived furious females such as the Vespavenger and Natasha. Not only that, all of the major male characters seem so well-adjusted by comparison. The only thing that comes close to some of the female neuroses in this strip is Angus' sadomasochistic desire to be brow-beaten every morning.

Is this just something that happened, or is there some reason why you don't think an Angry Dude would fit into this group of people? As a card-carrying Angry Dude myself, I'm curious.

It is just something the happened.

Can you come hang out in Australia so I can say hi and be a huge fangirl in front of you?

Someday, someday.


I know this is a weird thing to think about, but the movie that Dora and Marten "watched" in #848 wouldn't happen to be Cherry Falls, would it? The mention of a virginal heroine made me think of it, and it seems like a movie that they would like.


Do you ever get sick of people anaylzing and critizing everything? Which character is your favorite to draw and/or write for? When and how did you decide that this was what you wanted to do?

Thanks for answering (if you do!). And one teeny little request- more Hanners! Please. Love her but haven't seen her much recently.

There's a reason I don't read the forums anymore. Hanners. By accident in 2003.

What is your opinion of Classical music (the broad definition)?  If you enjoy it, which is your favorite period and composer?

It is very CLASSICAL. I like Stravinsky and Debussy.

Wanna pay my airfare out to MA to be your grunt?


Is there any way that I could get a paying job(I really don't care about wage) that can be done over the internet? Because, seriously, if I didn't live in motha fuckin California(just needed to say that. Obscure song reference. Not really, but, eh.), I'd take that slave labor job offer you got. I need cash.

Now, for a real question. Uh, I'll get back to you at that.


any idea when a new poster is gonna come out?

I want to buy it >_>

When I find time to draw one.

Jeph why don't you love us anymore?

Have you SEEN the comic discussion thread in the past year or so?

Far be it from me to question creative processes, but if you can, how the fuck did you come up with "Happy Birthday Grandma!"?

Seriously, that's simultaneously one of the most unpleasant and amazing (in the sense of original, disturbing mental images) things I've had the (dis?)pleasure to read.

I fucked my grandma.

I've been really digging Penelope's physical expressiveness in the last couple of strips. She seems to move more fluidly than the other characters, and emotes using a lot of her body. Is that something you intended as part of her character? Is it actually there, or am I seeing things because my brain is broke?

I guess that was about 60% question and 40% pretext to make a statement. I'll do better next time.

I am trying to draw more better

When it comes to your creative process, how much of the character interaction, personalities and story progression happens "naturally" and how much do you have to work to create? That is, are there times when aspects of your story and characters are not fluid in their creation, forcing you to mentally fill in the gaps?

Less serious question:

In the film adaptations of Dune, which do you prefer? The 1984 theatrical version or the 2000 SciFi Channel miniseries?

If you have to force character interaction your characters aren't developed enough. Story "progression" happens largely in my head and is then spaced out over glacial timespans. If it's not feeling fluid I do something else which does.

1984 version 4 lyfe.

i guess it's a bit weird but....... is it toooooo weird if i think i'm in love with Faye????

...oh and also, ur comic is just way too fucking addictive



First: I second the support for the "Girls of QC" calendar -- even if it will never happen.

Second: If a fan lived close to you and offered to buy you (and Christi) lunch or dinner to be able to meet you, would you consider taking him up on the offer?

Finally: Do you like small airplanes?  What if the second question was "a tour flight around western MA" instead of lunch or dinner?

Keep up the great work -- great art, story and everything you've got going.


Probably not. Sorry!

Cristi loves 'em, I hate 'em. Even regular airline flying makes me nervous.

Out of curiosity, do you have any pets?

Three rabbits.

Noooooo! Why!?!? Why did you cut off Sven's beautiful hair!?!?

Because I felt like it.

I would like to know that too (I didn't even know it was Sven until his name came up in conversation). And I also sent you an e-mail about this, but I'll ask it here: You ever thought of having audio to go with the strips? Or do what PVP did and make animated episodes?

Audio? Never. Animated episodes....only for the right price and the right studio. I don't like the animation I've seen in the Blind Ferret productions.

I honestly cannot tell if that was supposed to be sarcasm.

And to keep this thread relevant:
What do you enjoy doing when you get a break from the comic?

Guitar. Sleep. Vidya games.

Has Marten always been taller than Dora? 

Slightly, in my head. As I get better at drawing this becomes more clear.

Hey! My roommate and I were talking the other day and realized that Faye was an art student from Savannah, GA. As students at Savannah College of Art and Design, we were wondering if we are just so happening to attend the same school as Faye! I'm especially curious since not only do I live in Savannah, I'm also from Massachusetts! Relating to characters! Woo!  :roll:

She's FROM Savannah but she didn't necessarily go to COLLEGE there. Unless I said so and have forgotten.

What influences you more: music or art (e.g., drawing, painting, etc.)?

Depends which I'm doing.

Dear Mr. Jeph. Will you be running for president in 2012? Can I vote for you?


I was looking through your merchandise section and...

Ever thought of selling hats?


Gays do have the same rights as everybody: life, liberty, protection from search and seizure, free speech...  I can respect a political opinion, but what does banning gay marriage have to do with rights?   :roll:


I have two questions and they are about the prop 8 thing. Since election is over, and you said you wouldn't discuss politics any more, I would understand if you didn't answer my questions.

1. Is there a particular reason you feel so passionately about your No position on Prop 8?

2. Weren't you afraid you public reaction to prop 8 would alienate some of your readers?  I mean you reacted pretty strongly about it. I have always though this comic and website did a good job of staying out of politics.  I mean anyone who voted or would have voted yes, now may think of your strong position against it. They may even stop reading.  I figured thats why you tried to stay out of politics for the most part on this website. Don't get me wrong I voted No, (I live in California) But if this was my comic I would have kept it to myself so I wouldn't effect the way my comic is viewed.

I really really don't mean anything mean spirited with these questions. I just found your reaction intriguing or interesting or something like that.     

1. Because I think gay people should have the same liberties as straight people and should not be discriminated against.

2. No. If they disagree strongly enough to stop reading my comic, fuck them.

Jeph, how do you feel about people shitting up the ask jeph thread?

same way I feel about people shitting up the rest of the forum

Jeph, thank you for introducing me to uStream.   Do you plan to do any more live drawings like that again?


Also I hereby declare that I will no longer answer any questions that can be answered with simple "yes" or "no" responses. Keep this interesting, people.

Jeph, what was the thematic issue you had today that you mentioned?

Quote from: twitter
aaaaaaugh, just had to scrap
tuesday's comic because of
thematic issues. fuck.

Setting and dialogue that I was worried was untrue to a particular character.


The internal monologue strips (impressive, BTW!) invite the question, why so few thought bubbles and looks at internal state most of the time?

If it's been a conscious creative choice, what are the reasons that have gone into it?

Or is it simpler than that, and your characters are so outspoken that there's seldom any need to show what's going on inside?

Or is it simpler yet, and you just write what's in your head, and questions like this are irritating overanalysis?

[I searched the archives for "thought bubble" and "thought balloon". Forgive me if this has come up before.]

Because my comic is already 90% just people standing around and talking. If it was just people standing around thinking to themselves it would be even more static.

I decided to do it because I'd seen internal monologue handled in a creative way that remained true to the characters without removing their "mystery" (thinking specifically of Osaka, and the dream sequences, from Azumanga Daioh here)

Hey Jeph,

shut up!

Your pal,


Dear Jeff,

Why do you insist on spending many thousands of dollars on the bleeding-edge versions of Photoshop (a tool that only has functions that GIMP doesn't that are pretty much only required by artists that do professional magazine/print work) and super-advanced graphics tablets for a simplistic comic? Wouldn't a $30 tablet and GIMP work just as well?

Yours truly,

Pretty sure you're trollin'.

Yo! Quick question, who does the vocals on Deathmole's "Unicorn Remains"?

If anyone else knows the answer to this, feel free to reply.

That was me. Metal vocals are hard.
Deathmole Jacques' head takes up the bottom half of the panel, with his words taking up the top half. He is not concerned about the life of his friend.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1451 on: 26 Nov 2008, 18:38 »

Because GIMP is like someone decided to take photoshop and make it ugly, hard to use, and half as useful.
You've never used gimpshop then.

Don't knock what you don't know…


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1452 on: 27 Nov 2008, 00:06 »

Pretty sure you're trollin'.
So everyone that doesn't bow down to you and mindlessly agree with everything you do is a troll?

I am curious. I expected something better from you. An informed answer. At least something. My question still stands. Why spend many thousands of dollars for drawing something like this? You admitted yourself that your art isn't that good or complex.
« Last Edit: 27 Nov 2008, 00:09 by Skofo »


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1453 on: 27 Nov 2008, 01:16 »

Hey Jeph,

shut up!

Your pal,


I just have to...


Sorry.  :angel:[/enddumbness]

Why have you been squishing the girl's figures lately? They look less beautiful. :(


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1454 on: 27 Nov 2008, 03:35 »

Why spend many thousands of dollars for drawing something like this?

Have you never gone from using something cheap to something better, and realised what you'd been missing?  Then you'd know the answer.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1455 on: 27 Nov 2008, 11:16 »

Pretty sure you're trollin'.
So everyone that doesn't bow down to you and mindlessly agree with everything you do is a troll?

I am curious. I expected something better from you. An informed answer. At least something. My question still stands. Why spend many thousands of dollars for drawing something like this? You admitted yourself that your art isn't that good or complex.

Sorry but when people are rude I typically assume they're being rude on purpose.

Photoshop and a cintiq just works better and is more fun.
Deathmole Jacques' head takes up the bottom half of the panel, with his words taking up the top half. He is not concerned about the life of his friend.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1456 on: 29 Nov 2008, 09:03 »

What would have to change before you find your own forums enjoyable again?

(Provided, of course, they ever were in the first place...)


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« Reply #1457 on: 02 Dec 2008, 16:53 »

Shall you be updating the cast page any time soon, Jeph??
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1458 on: 02 Dec 2008, 19:58 »

Quote from: Jeph, earlier in this thread
augh enough about the cast page i will destroy the cast page with fire
i shotgunned a beer, made my facebook pic an american flag, and have been yelling "AMURIKA" all evening.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1459 on: 03 Dec 2008, 03:06 »

Jeph: You complain about the poor state of the people on these forums, and after looking around a bit, I'm agreeing with you. I'm not sure I'll stay here very long, but I will keep reading your comic, which brings me to my question: Do you plan, or have you considered, to up the number of indie rock (or another "high-brow" subject, like linguistics) to a level like you used to have? It would change your fanbase some (although it would probably alienate quite a few). It would definitally change people's reactions to your comic, and thus these forums/your following. I'm not sure if this would be good or bad, but it seems the sort of thing you might have opinions to share on.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1460 on: 03 Dec 2008, 12:13 »

Just realized I didn't rescind my half-drunken question on the gruntwork. Why, for God's sake, did you even answer that one?

How do you like your coffee?


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1461 on: 03 Dec 2008, 12:53 »

I'll bite!

After your writing block problems you've mentioned lately have you tried any different approaches to writing strips? I'd be genuinely interested to hear how you currently go about the writing process and whether the process has changed for you as much as the drawing side has.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1462 on: 03 Dec 2008, 13:28 »

I'll bite!

After your writing block problems you've mentioned lately have you tried any different approaches to writing strips? I'd be genuinely interested to hear how you currently go about the writing process and whether the process has changed for you as much as the drawing side has.

One night without any good ideas does not constitute "writer's block," it's just "a bad night." The writing process is always the same and involves thinking, and then writing things down, and then thinking some more, and writing some more.
Deathmole Jacques' head takes up the bottom half of the panel, with his words taking up the top half. He is not concerned about the life of his friend.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1463 on: 03 Dec 2008, 14:41 »

If you had to give up one for the rest of your life, which would have to go?

1. Sex
2. Spoon

inb4 an hero

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1464 on: 03 Dec 2008, 14:50 »


Thanks for the informative answer about the place of thought bubbles in the strip!

Next question, how did you get so $%&@! good with facial expressions? Is there someone whose technique inspired you, or did you develop some conscious technique, or is it one of those unconscious unteachable skills like riding a bicycle?

Examples where I think you communicated something subtle include Wil and Penne-lope in 1286, and Dora in 1278 showed a lot of emotion without exaggerated drawing. Tai in panels two and three of 1268 had an expression that's not off the shelf, but that said how uncomfortable she felt.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1465 on: 03 Dec 2008, 23:59 »

I was wondering about the process behind "the talk" and Faye's dad's suicide.  How long before you started that story line did you know you were going to do that. Because when you read the archives , there is some pretty clear foreshadowing early on. Such as when faye cried at the ice cream shop. I mean did you have in your head "Faye's dad died" for all these years or what? The story just seems to build to the talk.  You made it fit really well, if it wasn't always in the back of your head.

Do you think that the serious nature of the talk influenced Tim Buckely's decision to do the misguided miscarriage strips at control-alt-delete? I think it did. What do you think about those strips in general? 


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1466 on: 04 Dec 2008, 11:11 »

Jeph, what is the saddest thing?
i shotgunned a beer, made my facebook pic an american flag, and have been yelling "AMURIKA" all evening.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1467 on: 04 Dec 2008, 11:35 »

I know there's a bunch of good episodes of mst3k, but what tops your list?
and =o! which host are you more fond of: mike or joel? ^^

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1468 on: 04 Dec 2008, 14:07 »


J. Michael Straczynski experiences the writing process as one of transcription. His subconscious, he figures, is doing a lot of heavy lifting behind the scenes but what he is conscious of is setting up a situation and then watching a movie of the characters reacting to it. He watches that movie over and over, and each time through it gets clearer and more detailed. When it gels he types up what he saw. The characters are autonomous.

How does that compare to your own experience when you're writing a QC script?
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1469 on: 04 Dec 2008, 17:45 »

Quote from: Jeph, earlier in this thread
augh enough about the cast page i will destroy the cast page with fire
Whats wrong with asking about the cast page?
Thats my number one source when refering the Jeph's masterpiece to friends. Unfortunately, some of the chacrters have not been added, the head-shots are a little out of date and some of the characters bio.s could be tweaked since their personalities have developed more.
Back to the main point though, since i cant exactly explain what the entire story is between all the cast or even describe the whole cast, it would be nice if something (like a cast page could do it for me
Addicted to QC since August 14th 2007. Thank you, Noelle Wells!


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1470 on: 04 Dec 2008, 17:56 »

Hey Jeph,

When I saw all the different Twitter accounts for the characters, I couldn't help but smile and follow all of them. What made you decide to give them all Twitter accounts? Was it something to add more depth to the characters or just something for you to have fun with?



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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1471 on: 05 Dec 2008, 00:19 »


OH I have a ton of questions.  But I'll try and restrain myself and not give you a massive wall of text to read.  :angel:

 How did you decide when to make the jump from 'hobby' to 'full time job'?  Was it scary?  (sure is scary for me!!!)
Do you have any advice for someone else who's trying to do something they love and live off it? (I don't draw a webcomic, though... :|)
Do you ever feel isolated not working with other people (besides your wife and your trained polar bear associates)?

ok that's enough of the biz-ness stuff  :-D

What's the hardest part about writing this comic?
What's the best part about writing this comic?
(I know I'm so original)

Do you think that every single snowflake is unique, or that it was all lies?
Is the cake a lie too? </geek>  :-P

Is Twitter really that amusing to use?
and yes I know I use too many smileys...  :wink:

(edited to get rid of all the useless space at the bottom cause I'm slow)
« Last Edit: 05 Dec 2008, 04:21 by misticloudz »
dude.. wait, what?


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1472 on: 05 Dec 2008, 01:10 »

Would you rather chew on lightbulbs or have lightbulbs chew on you?
...and that's why I eat bugs.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1473 on: 05 Dec 2008, 12:43 »

Quote from: Jeph, earlier in this thread
augh enough about the cast page i will destroy the cast page with fire
Whats wrong with asking about the cast page?
Thats my number one source when refering the Jeph's masterpiece to friends. Unfortunately, some of the chacrters have not been added, the head-shots are a little out of date and some of the characters bio.s could be tweaked since their personalities have developed more.
Back to the main point though, since i cant exactly explain what the entire story is between all the cast or even describe the whole cast, it would be nice if something (like a cast page could do it for me

The bad thing about asking about the cast page is that somebody does it like every ten minutes and he is getting sick of answering that question.  It will get done when he does it, just have patience.
i shotgunned a beer, made my facebook pic an american flag, and have been yelling "AMURIKA" all evening.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1474 on: 05 Dec 2008, 12:54 »


My question didn't get answerimated.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1475 on: 07 Dec 2008, 19:21 »


My question didn't get answerimated.

D'aww, trying to play off your terrible insecurities and overwhelming need to be noticed with poor English is so cute!
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1476 on: 07 Dec 2008, 19:43 »

Don't be an ass
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I think it's because your 'age' is really only determined by how exasperated you seem when you have to stand up.

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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1477 on: 07 Dec 2008, 20:35 »

Sorry. Bitchy mood after studying multiple consecutive hours for an anatomy & physiology final that will kick my ass. My apologies, steve.  :oops:
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1478 on: 07 Dec 2008, 21:49 »

Quote from: Jeph, earlier in this thread
augh enough about the cast page i will destroy the cast page with fire
Whats wrong with asking about the cast page?
Thats my number one source when refering the Jeph's masterpiece to friends. Unfortunately, some of the chacrters have not been added, the head-shots are a little out of date and some of the characters bio.s could be tweaked since their personalities have developed more.
Back to the main point though, since i cant exactly explain what the entire story is between all the cast or even describe the whole cast, it would be nice if something (like a cast page could do it for me

The bad thing about asking about the cast page is that somebody does it like every ten minutes and he is getting sick of answering that question.  It will get done when he does it, just have patience.

thanks silentj! i suppose if i read the thread a little more i woulda seen that. sorry :/
Addicted to QC since August 14th 2007. Thank you, Noelle Wells!


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1479 on: 08 Dec 2008, 08:34 »


My question didn't get answerimated.

D'aww, trying to play off your terrible insecurities and overwhelming need to be noticed with poor English is so cute!



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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1480 on: 08 Dec 2008, 12:49 »

I'm like the boy who cried "you guys are faggots"


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1481 on: 08 Dec 2008, 15:05 »


Yeah, my thoughts as well.
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*bloop bloop bloop*


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1482 on: 08 Dec 2008, 17:23 »

Is it fun looking around for furry pictures to put on Pintsize's twitter?


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1483 on: 09 Dec 2008, 14:00 »

Hey Jeph,

Would you have any objection to the existence of a webpage linking each comic according to the timedatestamp your webserver reports for the strip? Like this:

1286 Tue, 02 Dec 2008 08:39 (underlined bit linking to )
1287 Wed, 03 Dec 2008 04:18 (underlined bit linking to )
1288 Thu, 04 Dec 2008 01:34 (underlined bit linking to )

For the sake of clarity - I wouldn't deep-link the comic image. I would link the containing page, so your newspost, ads, all links etc would be not be interfered with in any way. The idea of this is purely as a workaround for you not having the time to put the dates online yourself.



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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1484 on: 10 Dec 2008, 04:55 »

Okay, I'm going to stick my neck out here and ask a question that I think has probably been asked before(but not in the last 3 pages as far as I've noticed).

A little while back, I surfed back through the QC archive looking for the last time that Faye wore the Bearmonster shirt. The strip number(if I recall correctly) was number 951.

Here are my questions:

Is she ever going to wear it again?

If not, could you offer an explanation as to what happened to it/why it hasn't made a return in about the last 300 strips?

I know that sounds like kind of a lame thing to inquire about, but I miss seeing that particular shirt on her and was wondering why it hasn't been seen in so long.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1485 on: 10 Dec 2008, 10:45 »

Because 300 strips in QC time could be a week or two. Also because it is more interesting for Jeph to draw new T-shirt designs for his characters than the same shit over again.
I'm like the boy who cried "you guys are faggots"


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1486 on: 10 Dec 2008, 18:36 »

Awesomely leet mind-reading skillz Jeph!

I had been trying to figure out how to ask - in the nicest way possible - if you could see your way to moving the blog post to the bottom of each page so that (a) I wouldn't accidentally read it before the comic and (b) I wouldn't have to scroll all the way back up to the top to read it after the comic.

Addendum to my previous post (about three posts back), about scraping all the comic timedatestamps: would you mind if I were to scrape the archive page for the comic titles too, maybe to use as html titles (à la xkcd hover-overs)?




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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1487 on: 10 Dec 2008, 21:44 »

I have convinced my cousin Michael to open a Coffee of Doom franchise.

He asks, how do we get a franchise for a place that doesn't exist?


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1488 on: 11 Dec 2008, 01:11 »

I have convinced my cousin Michael to open a Coffee of Doom franchise.

He asks, how do we get a franchise for a place that doesn't exist?

I want in, I'm snarky enough to rival Faye.

Unfortunately, I am not a highly erratic/erotic/hotchick enough. :cry:


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1489 on: 11 Dec 2008, 12:08 »

Jeph, don't you know how to draw tapirs from the front?


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1490 on: 11 Dec 2008, 17:47 »

Jeph, don't you know how to draw tapirs from the front?

Are you seriously picking on a dude for not being able to draw a semi-exotic animal?
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1491 on: 12 Dec 2008, 00:07 »

Are you seriously picking on a dude for not being able to draw a semi-exotic animal?

Only if you want me to be. Otherwise, I was just asking a question.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1492 on: 14 Dec 2008, 19:23 »

Jeph, don't you know how to draw tapirs from the front?

Shame on you, Jeph.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1493 on: 18 Dec 2008, 22:05 »

Jeph Jeph Jeph! I have a serious question!
Well, not really, but I think it's a good one.
Have you ever thought of hireing(spell check that for me, is there still an e or no?) a really smart person, say, an engineer, to build a model of Pintsize? With attitude and all? Possibly the addition of serious lasers eyes for an extra fee and a contract. I dont know, just an idea.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1494 on: 18 Dec 2008, 23:42 »

Hey Jeph, Jeph,

Have you ever thought about hiyerung someone really smart, like, a doctor, to create Marten and Dora and Faye and Hannelore so you can have sex with them? It would be like incest, only more delicious!

I don't know, just an idea.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1495 on: 19 Dec 2008, 12:35 »

I noticed that throughout your comics there are many references to either Anime or Japanese Culture that is not dealing with Anime. So did you take some sort of culture or language class about the Land of the Rising Sun and Raw Fish?


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1496 on: 21 Dec 2008, 05:06 »

I tried searching around the forums to see if anyone has asked or if it has already been posted, and couldn't find anything, so: Comic 1276, the wall of text behind Hannelore's head, is the full text posted anywhere on the forums?  Did you actually write the whole thing, or did you just draw text on either side that seemed like it fit with the previous line?  If you did write the whole thing, could you post it, or direct me to where you did post it?  I'm curious.


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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1497 on: 21 Dec 2008, 20:39 »

I noticed that throughout your comics there are many references to either Anime or Japanese Culture that is not dealing with Anime. So did you take some sort of culture or language class about the Land of the Rising Sun and Raw Fish?

Yes, this class is called The Internet.
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1498 on: 22 Dec 2008, 20:30 »

Why did you decide to post disturbing things in Pintsize's twitter? WHY?

Are you just trying to fuck with your fans?
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Re: The Ask Jeph thread
« Reply #1499 on: 22 Dec 2008, 22:34 »

Hey Jeph, Jeph,

Have you ever thought about hiyerung someone really smart, like, a doctor, to create Marten and Dora and Faye and Hannelore so you can have sex with them? It would be like incest, only more delicious!

I don't know, just an idea.

hey man, no need to mock. its not an entirely unrealistic idea.
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