All through this episode, I was thinking "Arya is a fecking JEDI!" (mostly based on the initial breach of Winterfell with her dual bladed polearm) and I was well pleased!
And then, of course, came the climax... (which, I hate to say... I totally called... My other half was adamant that there was no way that would happen

) ...and part of me thought ... "Is this HBO saying to Disney, "THIS is how a Jedi is born. They learn, they suffer, they grow... they don't just wake up one day and can kill the Night King, there's a SHEDLOAD of stuff they have to go through first."
(It was the similarity of the 'dropping of the lightsaber' shot in the Throne Room, when Arya was being held by the neck and dropped her blade to her other hand that did it.)
I really liked the episode as a whole, but it suffered greatly insofar as I can only watch it through "Now TV" through my xbox1, which meant the picture was bloody awful when it was dark. The scenes with the dragons was overlong and made little sense. I also think it suffered from "And then someone died.... or no wait.. they didn't!!" a few times.
But... yeah, decent episode.
Going forward, I can only hope the "families who did not answer" to the call to winterfell will be there to march against King's Landing... otherwise where will The North get an army?