My plans really depend on where I am. If I'm at work or away from the house, step one is getting home. If I'm a t work I have to go down 4 flights of stairs to my truck. I have a standing lamp in my office, the main part of it is a metal bar about 4 feet long. It's steel and heavy. Hopefully that will get me to my truck. Once I'm in the truck I have a machete and a handgun. Home is only a ten minute drive from work, or about an hour on foot.
Once I get to the house I'm in pretty good shape. I hunt and camp, so I have about 2 weeks worth of old army MRE's, several shotguns and rifles and loads of ammo. All of this is in my upstairs loft, so the basic plan is to go upstairs, run the bathtub full of water (in case water service gets interupted), push the dresser and couch down the single stairway to block access and black out both upstairs windows. I travel a lot for business and a friend gave me a little alarm thing for hotel rooms. It's basically just a light beam that sets off an alarm when something breaks it. That goes at the bottom of the stairs in case something tries to come up while I am asleep. If anything steps onto the stairs it gets shot. Anything. My cat? Shot. The nice old lady who lives next door? Shot. An adorable orphan? Shot. Anything. I'd move around as little as possible and wait until I had 2 days of food left. At that point, if things had not been restored to order, my next step would be to get out of town.
My folks have a farm about 3 hours drive (I could walk it in 2-3 days) away from where I live. They have cattle, a huge garden, corn fields and are on well water. They can literally be self sufficient. I would go out the bedroom window, onto the roof, and be able to drop into the back of my truck with a shotgun, a rifle and my machete. I'd then drive, walk, etc my way to the farm. Anyone who gets within 100 yards of me will be told one time to go away. Any response other than going away will result in me shooting them.
Once I get to the farm I would find my folks, assuming they are not obviously zombified, we'd have a quick round of strip show and tell, at gunpoint if necessary. This is the most disturbing part of my plan...having to see my mom naked, but if either of them have so much as a scratch....I think you know what happens. There is about a 100 yard clear zone around the house, we have rifles, shotguns and plenty of ammo, my mother cans food, so even in the dead of winter we would have enough supplies to last months. Between hunting and the garden we could live out there forever, which I'd be willing to do if the Zombie-pocalpys required it.
The rest of the world is on it's own, good luck.