I dunno if any of you have heard about this or if there has been a thread about it, I just read about Humans vs. Zombies in the washington post magazine. This has got to be one of the most awesome things I have ever seen.
I remember hearing about that, read a topic from a college student whose campus was shut down when someone was walking around with a "realistic-looking" nerf gun, it took more than three hours for the people in charge to discern that it wasn't, in fact, a real gun, and even longer for them to announce an end to the lockdown. At least, we can assume they figured it out in three hours, because that was when they sent out messages saying that evening classes would be taking place, which I don't see them doing if they weren't sure yet.
Vampire-wise, I think our screwedness really depends on what kind of vampire it is. If it is one of the Bram Stoker kind, we would be really screwed, but if it is one of the more modern and weak ones, all you need is either silver bullets or old .303 surplus, even, if you can get the kind with wood tips rather than aluminum tips.