So, first problem with this thread: the notion of choice. Let me fix that for you.
In light of recent developments with regards to banned discussions, absurdist de-railings, and trolling at large, and directly due to the present state of political disorganization and upheaval, I hereby declare myself, El Slicko, commander in chief and ruler supreme of these forums and all of their subsidiary and affiliated enterprises.
This is a move I take with the utmost of regret and reluctance, but given what has happened to my beautiful homeland, I feel there is no course left, but to act, and act decisively.
Effective immediately, all images containing cats are banned from the forum. These serve no purpose but to present a distraction from serious issues and to confuse the weakened loyal citizens.
Likewise, any image with text super-imposed on it shall also be banned.
In the interest of the restoration of proper order and regulation, there shall be no posting between the hours of 11:00 PM and 6:00 AM GMT. Posting between these hours destabilizes both the citizens who are posting and those that are lured to read.
All contact must be severed with any persona non grata, immediately and totally. These people seek to undermine and overthrow this forum for their own corrupt purposes. More so than any other enemy to our future, these people must be ostracized and expelled, with extreme prejudice, and with complete suspension of their basic human rights. The present list, shall include Yelley, Obsessions, JHocking, and Tommydski, such list to be expanded whenever necessary, effective immediately.
A violation in any form in any context of this decree will be met with the harshest of punishment. To build a strong forum, we require strong leadership, and strong leadership must not be afraid to do what is necessary. Violators forfeit all.
It is my greatest hope that together, we can forge a better future for our children and a proud remembrance of those who have died to bring us where we are today, and where we will be tomorrow.