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Author Topic: What are/were your parents like?  (Read 15891 times)

Deranged Pineapple

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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #50 on: 21 Apr 2008, 21:57 »

Well... My parents when they were together were an odd pair.

My mother: A quality manager for a plastic piping company is a really good parent. She has her flaws but she's human. She's really the one who had a lot of influence on who I am today. I got a dry sense of humor, my wit, and my love of books, animals, and rock music from her. She's more outgoing than I am, though. She showed much affection to my younger sister. She may get on my nerves at times with her constant having to talk but I still love her. She was a rebel in her own way. My favorite picture of her is a polaroid taken around the time I was either a baby or before she was pregnant with me but anyway she was Employee of the Month at the place she used to work and she has big 80's hair, a Guns 'N' Roses t-shirt, and ripped jeans.

My father: A mechanic who had a reputation of being an outlaw. Definitely a redneck since he loves fishing, hunting, and country music. Never really showed much affection to me and my siblings (he has a daughter from a previous marriage). I don't even recall him saying "I love you" to us. He didn't want my lil sis. He left my mother for an older, uglier woman a year ago. Sometimes I wish he died instead. I swear a lot of my problems stem from how he treated us. Though, I did get my quietness from him.

It's a wonder their marriage lasted 20 years.  :|


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #51 on: 22 Apr 2008, 00:02 »

To tell you the truth I did not actually know my parents until I was 7 years old.  For the first 7 years of my life I lived in Kansas, in what could be called the middle of no where, with my Aunt Muriel and my Uncle Eustace.  Around July of my 7th year my real parents came and took me to live in Michigan, where I have lived ever since.

Aunt Muriel, who I thought since the beginning of my stay was my actual mother, was a kind older woman.  She liked tea and usually tended her garden, played the sitar, or watched TV with Uncle Eustace, their small dog, and myself.  She was kind to everyone no matter what they did or have done, and she was fairly slow to anger.  She helped people regardless of the reward and always tried her best at everything she did.  Uncle Eustace, on the other hand, was a grouch.  All he seemed to care about was himself, well himself and his truck.  I don't know why Aunt Muriel put up with him, but she did.

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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #52 on: 22 Apr 2008, 13:54 »

My dad is rad. I've never seen him sans moustache, he has horrible grammar when he speaks English, he loves scuba diving and is always smiling. He's like my favourite man on the planet. My mom is sarcastic, ill tempered and generally batshit insane but one of the smartest ladies I know.
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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #53 on: 22 Apr 2008, 18:59 »

My dad is my best friend. He is really awesome, and plays guitar. He remodels old vans. Before I was born, he pimped out an 85 chevy short box, which I now own and am fixing up again. His most recent project is his 69 GMC, painted purple... it's not quite done yet. My dad plays guitar, and loves life. He's really smart, but doesn't show it to a lot of people, and he always has the best advice to offer. He is an electrician, but is also a man of all trades... whatever he wants to do, he will do it. I recently moved out, and he keeps coming up to visit and calling me :)

I don't live with my mom, on the sole reason that we never got along. We are rekindling our relationship right now, after about 15 years of intolerance. I know all of this sounds dumb, but shit was bad :P  She is a good woman, who loves to sing and be active. I have many good memories of her from before the age of six, and she is slowly working her way back in. She works as an Educational Assistant in a school for challenged or gifted students.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #54 on: 23 Apr 2008, 05:17 »

Well. My biological father died when I was 11 months old. My mother and he were very much in love, very much into drugs - so much so that the only recreational drug my mother hasn't taken is cocaine and that's only because it wasn't accessible in NZ. So much so that she closely empathises with Trainspotting and thinks it's awesome how realistic the scenes of them cooking etc were.

My mother has had one horrendous life and it's really destroyed mine. Our relationship is weird, we argue a lot and badly but when we get on we talk more like friends than parent-daughter. It scares me how straight she's got in the last few years, I don't really know how to process it. But she still has real anger management issues with the kids (I have a 7 & 9yo brother & sister), and is quite abusive in her treatment of her partner - who in turn had a f*ed up upbringing and can be a violent drunk.

My step-father is no longer talking to me. He was my primary caregiver growing up (from ~1 year) but didn't really know how to cope once I was a teenager. My mother left him when I was 13 for his best friend. He ended up with my mother's partner's wife. She quite clearly loves him for his money (we were very poor growing up but Christian built his business up until he's now making upward of $120k pa), it's sad. I always wanted to like her but the stupid stoner couldn't resist the urge to use me.

As a teenager my father was out taking party pills and speed, coming home high at 8 o'clock in the morning while my boyfriend, stepsister and I made breakfast and read the paper. We had a huge stereo and strobe light, we'd have dance parties till the wee hours. From 13 years old he was buying me premixes and letting me go into town in knee-high boots and mini skirts. I spent most of my weekends drinking whiskey while the adults drunk and smoked pot, and playing 500 while talking about politics. It made it hard to relate to other teenagers filching 200ml of vodka from their mum.

He stopped talking to me most recently because I called him out on having my siblings over. My mother, her partner, and their two kids live in Wellington where I live. My (step)father, his partner, her adult daughter from her youth and her younger daughter from her marriage to my mother's partner live in Christchurch. When my siblings were visiting THEIR sister's mutual sister they organised for the kids to all go to my father's house. I explained to him how completely inappropriate that was and when he wanted to know why I didn't want him to know them I said it was Fiona (his partner) and he knows how I feel about her. He went off his nut, called me a fucking cunt, and hung up on me. By that point in our relationship it was just funny he'd sunk that low.

So that's the short short short version  :roll:


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #55 on: 24 Apr 2008, 19:29 »

My dad is an electrical engineer. He likes to make fun of me, particularily by telling me that chemistry isn't a science (I'm currently doing a Bsc. in chemistry). He's a pretty cool dad and encourages us to be independent and make mistakes. However, he's not very affectionate, and I wish he would say he loves us more often.
My mom works part-time at a daycare. She's the strict one in the family, though she sometimes freaks me out by being lenient. She raised us to be very well-mannered. I always get the feeling that she regrets certain aspects of her life and that she didn't really get to fulfill her dreams. Nevertheless, she seems to enjoy her life now.
Overall, they're pretty good parents.

Fun Fact: They met while both were married to other people. My parents married and their respective ex-partners married each other. WIFE SWAPPING!
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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #56 on: 24 Apr 2008, 20:12 »

Fun Fact: They met while both were married to other people. My parents married and their respective ex-partners married each other. WIFE SWAPPING!
That's kinda strange. At least everyone ended up happy, I suppose.

My parents are pretty cool. They did a pretty good job raising me I think. I mean, I'm graduating college, I don't drink that often, and I don't do drugs, so they must've done something correct, right? At the time I thought that they didn't give me and my brother enough attention as kids, but we have a younger sister who's developmentally disabled so she received most of the attention, which I resented a little at the time but I'm okay with now.

My mom is i think pretty typical for a mom, really sweet but sorta overbearing and overprotective of me as a kid, and even now. All my friends thought she was the greatest because she'd always have food and stuff ready whenever they came over, plus she sends them care packages occasionally. She's currently a substitute teacher for the school district I went to school in, and she was a Education Assistant in the Home Ec classes when I was in high school, which was kinda cool because she'd bring home cookies and stuff. She's still a bit overprotective and gets on my case because I never call her, and my dumbass brother makes me look bad by calling her regularly.

My dad's great. He grew up in backwoods Maryland, which gave him a rather different perspective on things than my mom, who grew up in suburban Madison in a large catholic family. When he was only a few years old he contracted polio, as a result his left arm is permanently atrophied. I have a lot of respect for him for never letting anything slow him down; I'm pretty sure the only thing he can't do with one arm just as easily as I can with two is shoot a bow, and I still can't figure out how he manages to tie his shoes and I've been watching him do it since as far back as I can remember. He went to school to be a paralegal, but now works a standard desk job in like accounts receivable for a company that manufactures machines for radiation therapy.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #57 on: 24 Apr 2008, 21:11 »


vegkitkat is the new ephemere.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #58 on: 25 Apr 2008, 07:13 »

I was born in a lighthouse, my mother was the sea.
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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #59 on: 25 Apr 2008, 07:17 »

vegkitkat is the new ephemere.

Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #60 on: 25 Apr 2008, 07:42 »

It's okay Tania, Joe took too many Grumpy Old Man pills today I think.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #61 on: 25 Apr 2008, 11:27 »

My mum's a teacher now, she's pretty cool. Dragged herself out of a nowhere existence in a small provincial town, put herself through uni all whilst raising 3 kids on her own. love her to bits. Of course as a teacher, she's drummed in two things into me-1)Tories are not to be trusted, 2) Teachers don't earn enough. So of course yesterday I had to support the strike  :wink:


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #62 on: 25 Apr 2008, 11:47 »

vegkitkat is the new ephemere.

This is probably the thing that has made me laugh the loudest online in a goodly while.

So who is that cool Canadian lady who used to be a regular but now just pops in from time to time extremely sporadically?
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #63 on: 25 Apr 2008, 12:55 »

Also, my father hates Koreans.
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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #64 on: 25 Apr 2008, 16:57 »



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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #65 on: 26 Apr 2008, 08:24 »

My Mum's great, she's this overly affectionate over worried sweet lady who always told us, and I think genuinely meant, tht she'd be proud whatever path we chose. She's also a super smart historian who's written a ton of very well received books on the Rennaisance.

My dad's schizophrenic and any relations with him are pretty difficult these days. He's only mid 40's but I'm sure he's going to kark it any day from his extensive drug use and alcoholism. Not really a very good role model.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #66 on: 26 Apr 2008, 11:18 »

I can play! Here's my parents way back in 1984 (With my older sister and I):

And here they are in 2005 (With my younger brother and I):

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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #67 on: 26 Apr 2008, 11:29 »

vegkitkat is the new ephemere.


Sorry Tania, I didn't mean to take your place. I'll hopefully be around in the summer so that everyone will forget I ever went away to school.
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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #68 on: 26 Apr 2008, 12:12 »

Obsessions, you're dad looked like Michael McDonald in that show Yacht Rock.

It might just be the beard and the poloshirt though.
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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #69 on: 26 Apr 2008, 23:46 »

My parents are divorced and live in different houses. My mom is forty, but she'd like to believe that she's still in college. Seriously, she spends like at least three nights a week out partying until the wee hours of the morning. Hell, I don't even do that.

My dad comes off as mildly depressed, he spends most of his free time either working out or watching hunting on TV. He likes not wearing pants whenever he's not at work, regardless of whether there are other people around or not. He also likes guns a lot.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #70 on: 27 Apr 2008, 04:34 »

I think I spend too much time with my mum to get a proper focus on what she's like, but my dad is a bit easier to understand now that I don't live with him. He's very smart, and  gets frustrated when people don't understand simple things like how to programme a computer to tapdance or make a website sing in Chinese (I'm joking, but he is a bit like that. If he knows how to do it, he doesn't get why other people don't). He can be very funny but he can also be really bad tempered.

Looking back on it I had a rather odd upbringing, my parents don't drink (well my dad does now but he never used to) or smoke, and we never had a TV. Dad hates TV but he watches it pretty happily when we visit anyone. Sometimes he can be a bit of a hypocrite. I think mum was not exactly under his thumb, but used to deferring to him over things she didn't have an opinion. She's got a fairly narrow outlook on life, she only seems to be interested in her immediate family and her garden and the chickens etc. I don't even bother trying to ask her about politics or anything in another country any more, because she won't know. Also she was unexpectedly homophobic when I came out to her, which surprised me somewhat. (Also made for some interesting and awkward conversations.)

Oddly, my stepdad is almost exactly like my dad except a bit more sociable and less violent. Also he's religious, whereas my dad is very atheist. But sometimes I get them confused in my memory, so I can't remember whether it was my dad or my stepdad who said they didn't like Stephen Fry, for example. So far I've managed to blag it when I make a mistake but I live in fear of the day when someone notices that I find it hard to distinguish them.

Hmm. That was a bit tl;dr. Short version: My parents are weird in a fairly normal way. They'd like you to think they're free spirited but they're not really.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."

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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #71 on: 16 May 2008, 21:08 »

My parents are both immigrants. They decided they'd had enough of the pricks who were running Czechoslovakia, engaged in some severely 007 shit to cross the border into Germany, spent a while taking in Western Europe, etc. They picked Canada over the US, and settled in Toronto. Life was pretty shitty at first, since not knowing English tends to limit job options. They both have Master's in Fine Arts, and they're both freelancers, working at home. Their job involves painting real estate renderings for the various suburbs popping up around Toronto and in the towns nearby. They hate the people they get their work from. They want to move back to the Czech Republic when I'm finished with university, since they're sick of not knowing anyone (their own fault, to an extent). I have some sort of really intense obligation to be honest to them, so I always tell them when I do potentially objectionable things (Perhaps not a good thing, but this way they trust me a lot). Marriage did not occur til I was in Grade 5, just because they never got around to it.

My old man can be a overly confrontational and his fuse is a bit short, but he's one of the smartest people I've ever met. He pushes me towards bettering myself, and not being a lazy procrastinator. He knows way too much about art and philosophy, but he insists he's forgotten half of what he once knew. He's very bald, and rocks a beard. He buys me beer. His sense of humour is wickedly sharp, and we enjoy a lot of the same TV shows/music.

My mom was brought up Roman Catholic under a strictly atheistic government. She occasionally clings to religion and it's teachings, but since my father and I are pretty much apathetic, it often comes across as cliche. She's a very nice person, but prone to clouding issues and sulking when I become stubborn.

Having seen my friends' families, I consider myself pretty lucky to have such individuals as the driving force in my upbringing.

This calls for a thumbs up.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #72 on: 16 May 2008, 21:57 »

Since this thread has been resurrected, I feel like saying that my parents just ran a marathon together.  They came in one second apart.  How fucking cute is that? 

Also, other than basically growing up in a petting zoo, I have had a ridiculously normal childhood.

It is a terrible petting zoo.  The goats will headbutt you in the leg.


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Re: What are/were your parents like?
« Reply #73 on: 16 May 2008, 22:53 »

Cheesinator, your parents' story is pretty bad ass.

Mine are just ridiculously over-earnest. I was watching a movie with a lady friend of mine this evening while they were out, and when they game home, they were of course kind and polite, but they bombarded her with personal questions--not out of some parental instinct, but because that's just how they are, they do that with everyone they meet. And they truly don't think that it annoys or bothers anyone.
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