To be fair: "No one" has liked anything Weezer's put out since the Blue Album.
People shit talked Pinkerton for years before everyone suddenly started liking it. The Green Album and Maladroit are solid and great (respectively) pop-rock albums, with some of great songs between them. The problem is people who fancy themselves tastemakers want Weezer to be Pavement, and they want to be Cheap Trick. And for some reason people think there's something wrong with that.
I haven't heard Make Believe, but the new single is decent, it reminds me a little of "El Scorcho", which isn't surpising considering Rivers supposedly has a formula for writing good pop songs (which he is really good at).
Selling millions of records over a decade, after breaking up your band twice, isn't failure. I'm sure most blog-rock bands wished they could have a career trajectory half as generous as Weezer's has been.