So after a two hour download, I found myself the proud owner of the L4D demo (via steam) Being the patient and strategic fellow that I am, I immediatly joined an online server. (The quickmatch thing ROCKS.) Standing on a roof top, I found myself with three other survivors and what looked to be a stash of ammo and weapons. Taking a step.... I noticed it was rather choppy. After about ten minutes of play I had to quit. Settings yielded my solution. (Hello, "Low") Re-joining a different server, I then played for roughly forty minutes.
Intense is the only word I can use to describe this game. To say the co-op is top notch is an understatement. I havn't had this much fun since TF2. Sure my comp can't handle the higher end graphics settings, but who cares? The game HAS to run smoothly.
Sadly, steam chose to kick me off of the demo when the main game was released. So now I'm forced to wait until my next paycheck to pick up this gem...... ah well. Hope everybody else is having fun! Oh, and let me know how the full version is? I'm currently trying to decide if I should spend the remainder of my paycheck on Flight Simulator X (Yeah... I do love me some flyin') or L4D. Mainly, a map count would be nice, sure the enemies are randomized, but the maps all seem rather short. I'd hate to spend $49 on a few maps when I could spend $30 on a much bigger, and more established game.