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Author Topic: Body/Self Image  (Read 52447 times)


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #50 on: 13 May 2008, 17:22 »

Can I jump on the creepy parade too? Cause dude is damn hot, beard or not.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #51 on: 13 May 2008, 18:45 »

I wish I could grow a beard like his, though I wouldn't say my lack of ability to affects my self-esteem.

I've recently discovered that I am a lot more extroverted than I used to pretend I was.  This probably stems from my self-esteem issues - I've been overweight for around ten years now (since around middle school).  I also decided at some point to grow my hair out, and considering I was overweight and had long hair, I looked a little androgynous throughout middle school.  That eventually faded, but given my already-nerdy status and looks, I mostly hung out with other nerdy folks.

The addition of a significant other (now fiancée) has really drastically helped my self-esteem, but I'm still working on becoming more social.

Things have changed pretty significantly in college, more so this (sophomore) year than last.  I'm hanging out with classmates as well as nerdy folks, am joining a fraternity (for engineers, architects, and scientists), and decided just this last Thursday to cut the hair (and donated it to Locks of Love).  Now I seem like just a regular dude who's a little fat, and it's starting to bother me - I feel like I should go ruin my appearance somehow, or at least get a tattoo or something.

I guess my biggest concern is my skin - I don't have the best skin in the world thanks to genetics, and I worry about it a lot.  If I could get over that and drop some weight, I'd be on the way to healthy self-esteem, I guess.


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #52 on: 13 May 2008, 19:43 »

I am a dude, and I am heterosexual, but I can still get lost for several minutes in pictures of men that I find attractive. This effect has so far only been brought on by our good man here and certain pictures of Jim Morrison. I do not intend this to sound creepy (though it probably will) but dude, you are seriously good looking.

I've always wondered if that is somekind of proxy narcissim. Like a projection of our own desires for our own physical appearances.


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #53 on: 13 May 2008, 19:55 »

I think I might have been one of those people!

Dicky is by far the hottest UK forumite. Probably top ten overall regardless of nationality.

Lil' bastard.

I have not seen these pictures. Link please?

Okay, now I am going to attempt to give this thread a shot, since it is a very good thread. I am pretty happy with my body at this point in my life! I have always been reasonably skinny (some say I am a skinny fuck like Patrick but I think he is a bit skinnier than I am) and I believe I am reasonably attractive. However, I also think that I cannot adequately judge myself in any way really and I kinda rely (sp?) on the opinions of other people I care about to fully create my self image. However, I have had ladies I am attracted to tell me I am cute and that totally helps!

However, I have not always had a positive self image. Ever since kindergarten, I was the weird freaky kid for whatever reason and was always picked on. That made me feel that I was always inadequate in about every way and I thought I was ugly or just not fun to be around with. It was like that till about the end of middle school, where I finally started to get along with people who I was not close friends with. However, my freshmen year in high school was a fucking disaster. I go to private school, so I was with practically a entirely new batch of people. However, I do think was a terribly anoying person my freshman year and didn't get along with any of these people and my self image was simply wretched and I was convinced I was just terrible all around. I got better, personality wise, my sophomore year and began finally making friends. It really wasn't till that (read: last) summer that I really became sure of myself, both physically and socially. I started going out with this girl and that really helped me become more sure of myself. Due to my past treatment, I kind of have developed a "If they have a problem with me, fuck 'em" attitude towards the people I am not close to. I am not sure if this is at all beneficial but whatever, its who I am right now.

I would delve more into my personality thing but that is not what this thread is really about, it is about how you feel about your physical self. Again, physically I am quite satisfied. I have a decent haircut (i think?), am decently good looking, skinny enough, and actually I have very nice eyes. The only real complaint I have is that I am terribly out of shape. I really should go about changing this but I am just not motivated enough and I really have to desire to become muscular.

I feel like I got nowhere with this post but I wrote it so its going up. BLEH
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #54 on: 13 May 2008, 21:43 »

I'm pretty happy with the way I am.  I could do with a more toned physique, especially in the upper body area, but other than that I have very few genuine complaints.


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #55 on: 13 May 2008, 21:45 »

this is what i'd look like in the matrix
also israel


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #56 on: 14 May 2008, 00:03 »

As long as I am active, I'm pretty happy with myself.  Right now I have some tummy pudge and I wish I was more toned, but I'm training for a half-marathon, so that's going to change.  I've been back into running for about six weeks, and I can definitely tell the difference already.  The most obvious thing is my skin.  Breaking a sweat three or four times a week seems to improve my complexion remarkably.

My main complaint with my body has more to do with clothes than anything.  I'm a jeans and t-shirt girl, but I'm too curvy to look really good in most t-shirts.  Most are snug in some places and baggy in others, and look quite weird on me.

I think I'm happiest with the things I have control over.  It is nice if someone thinks I'm good looking, but looks are largely genetic and I really wish they weren't so important.  Like a lot of people have said, I do things to improve (in my opinion) what I have.  I like my style.  I have a haircut that suits me, I am really happy with my piercings, and I'm finally putting together a decent wardrobe. (For a while I had basically two outfits that weren't stained or ripped.  I was a total ragamuffin.) This kind of stuff, along with keeping myself in shape, is what I feel good about. 

Tangent/Rant: on more than one occasion, I've had a total stranger ask me "why would a pretty girl like you put that thing through your lip/do that to your ears/dye your hair that color/etc?"  It's a horribly backhanded compliment, if it's even a compliment.  Why do people think it's okay to say things like this?  I don't go up to random people and say "You know, you might be better looking if you got a different haircut or worked out more."  WTF?


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #57 on: 14 May 2008, 00:09 »

First of all I laughed at that for five straight minutes, so loud that my brother came down to see what I was laughing at and ended up just walking away and shaking his head in disgust. I've got the midnight crazies. But on to self esteem and why mine is incredibly low.

I'm not sure if I was around for the last thread on it, but basically ever since I was a kid I've been a bit of a butterball. In elementary school I was the fattest kid in all of my grades and it wasn't until around middle school where I began to even out due to my height increasing faster than I could gain weight. I was picked on for this kind of thing mercilessly, and just when I thought I was starting to look better in 8th grade I got glasses due to my swiftly degrading vision. Basically I just never tried to look good, because I felt that I never could look good, and I didn't dwell on it that much. I learned to stick with the friends I could get like superglue, and ignore or stay away from the people who would cause problems for me. This continued all through high school.

Now for a picture from my junior year, around the time when other people are starting to go out on serious dates and get with the smoochin'.

That is my Junior Year picture from High School, Spring 2005. If you can tell, The poofy hair, the grandpa glasses, the double chin and the absolutely horrifying gaping smile, not to mention the round face and underneath that head is a body that is at least 200 pounds. In fact the only thing about myself at that time that I could take pride in was the fact that I had hella perfect skin, I mean, not a blemish on it. This may sound wierd but keep in mind that my two best friends had rather bad acne, with one friend whose acne was so bad he had to carry bandages around when his face started bleeding. But he is a talented guy, he is one of the best trumpet players I have ever met, and he's really smart. In fact, despite the glasses I was never the smart one in my group of friends. I had friends who wanted to go to college to be chemists, mathmeticians, and one of my best friends was a good looking mother fucker with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes and still managed to be the smartest guy I've ever met, certifiable genius. And there I am making C's on average in most of my classes, which may or may not come from extreme amounts of procrastination. So even among my friends I'm usually not taken seriously as a person on their level of intellectual power.

Here is me from a much more recent picture (couple of weeks ago Spring 2008):

There are some improvements here. Glasses that fit my face, shorter haircut, and I never smile with my mouth open in a picture if I can help it. But I'm still overweight and out of shape, and at an all-time high in weight, my head is shaped like a honeypot from the 100 acre wood, and my senior year of high school I started developing pretty bad acne on my chest and shoulders and some on my face, just when I thought puberty was all over. Not to mention the move my senior year of high school to a new state with zero friends at graduation, that didn't help the self-esteem at all. I'm still recovering from high school, I think I'm better, and that I look better, but not by much. I've only ever been on one date and that was literally this semester about a month ago, and it didn't go well. I didn't know what to do, and even if I thought the girl really had any sort of attraction towards me, I can't see my self from a sexual perspective, my mind is not wired for that. I can't see how anyone could ever find me attractive, since literally no one has ever looked at me in that way.

So in conclusion, dear blog thread...
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #58 on: 14 May 2008, 00:44 »

Tangent/Rant: on more than one occasion, I've had a total stranger ask me "why would a pretty girl like you put that thing through your lip/do that to your ears/dye your hair that color/etc?"  It's a horribly backhanded compliment, if it's even a compliment.  Why do people think it's okay to say things like this?  I don't go up to random people and say "You know, you might be better looking if you got a different haircut or worked out more."  WTF?

I have that problem with my weight. People will always go "You're so skinny!", as if it is an achievement, but if I went and said "Man, you are huge!" I'm pretty sure people would get offended. That and I kept getting comments on my nose ring, the whole "You've got something on your nose there". Am I supposed to not have noticed the bit of metal through my nose? how is it different to the two rings in my ears?

In other words, people are stupid.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #59 on: 14 May 2008, 00:56 »

Alright, to answer this thread seriously:

I'm quite alright with how I look right now. I don't much like my height, since I'm semi-short (5'6"-7"), but I'm very well built and skinny without being frail, this being owed somewhat to the fact that I work out at the local Y at least thrice a week, and so have biceps that are noticeable without being overly bulky, and I have well defined abs and pectorals. I really, really don't like my nose. I have a very Roman nose, to say the least (despite the fact that I've not a blood of Italian in me, and am more French than anything.) It's too big, frankly, and the left side is somewhat larger than the right, though it's not noticeable from anyone else's perspective. In fact, that's also true of my chin--the left side of it is just a tad larger than the right. This is due to the fact that, as a child, I would huddle up on the far left side of my bed, and dig the right side of my face into the sheets, and lay there with the right side of my nose and chin pressed hard against the bed, which, as a very little kid, hindered the bone growth in those two areas. But like I said, no one else has ever noticed it except me and my doctor, and when I've asked people who I trust if they've noticed it, their reaction is generally "what the hell are you talking about," so it's not a huge deal.

What I'm most complimented on, however, is my eyes, and I'm extremely proud of them. If there's one thing that I'm vain about, that's what it is. I have wonderful, green/blue/teal eyes that are in a sunburst pattern, with a golden ring around the pupils, which always seem to be large and inviting without appearing unnaturally dilated.

So, yeah, I like how I look presently (Oddly appealing is probably the best way to describe it. Not 'hot' in any conventional sense of the word, but attractive in an attention-getting way. That's how I've had it described to me, and it's what I've witnessed.)

Of course, as a youngster, I didn't look like this. In 4th grade-6th, I was somewhat chubby. Not fat, but pudgy; extra weight. My haircut during this period--well, really, until freshman year of highschool--was atrocious. Far too short for the frame of my face and jawline. I was horribly socially awkward from 4th to 7th grade, which was based in low-level depression/anxiety that I never brought up to anyone because I figured that was just me, was just how I was, and there was nothing to do about it. This of course took my focus off of interacting with other people, who in turn saw me as weird and unfit to hang out with (among the "popular" kids, at least.) So this just added to my self-esteem problems and furthered my anxiety issues. After a massive breakdown in the summer of 7th grade, I finally got those looked at and started to get help for them, and almost immediately my demeanor changed, as did the way I physically carried and handled myself, and within a few months, girls who would never have even looked at me before suddenly wanted to be my lab partner all the time. Still, no one complimented me on my looks or anything, not that I was expecting them to. I figured I just wasn't all that physically attractive.

But in high school, I started dressing with my own sense of what was style and fashion and let my hair grow out, and was subsequently told by all kinds of girls I'd never seen before in my life what I was "cute" "hot stuff" etc. I didn't really know how to take that at first. But after being asked out on dates by very attractive women who other people were trying to get with like mad, including hella popular jocks, I started to realize that I may not be too rough on the eyes after all. So I started taking care of the way I look more in general, learning some basic rules of fashion and such.

Maybe it seems like I have a big head? I don't, really. I know full well that I'm not eye candy (nor would I want to be, honestly.) I'm certainly nothing to marvel at. But I'm content with the way I look, and I get plenty of glances and girls going "tee-hee, we made eye contact" in the hallways and on the streets.

tl;dr - ugly duckling becomes fairly attractive duckling.
« Last Edit: 14 May 2008, 01:08 by RedLion »
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #60 on: 14 May 2008, 03:26 »

I can't see how anyone could ever find me attractive, since literally no one has ever looked at me in that way that I've noticed.

Seriously, I know it's hard to believe unless you have someone telling you they find you attractive outright, but as was mentioned earlier in the thread, there is always someone who finds even your least favourite features attractive, and there will have been girls (and probably guys!) who have looked at you in that way, even if they've never said anything. You are a suave-looking guy, and based on the second picture, you know how to play to your strengths, looks-wise - you dress pretty well, have great glasses for your facial structure, and awesome hair, plus you are a generally very handsome man.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #61 on: 14 May 2008, 03:39 »

See, that is what has frustrated me so much. If people are interested in me, they should have just made it more obvious! People have no idea how much it can affect how someone looks at themselves. Sometimes it's the little things that make a difference.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #62 on: 14 May 2008, 03:55 »

I agree, on principle, and especially when it applies to me - I would love for everyone who finds me attractive to compliment me for it, but I also feel slightly hypocritical because I know I very rarely do the same for people I find attractive. Hell, I'm rubbish at it. One of my best friends is, as far as I'm concerned, one of the prettiest people I've ever met, and yet I've never really told her so, in two years of friendship - if I'm that bad at communicating this stuff with friends, imagine what it's like with strangers!

On a somewhat related note, my flatmate has a tendency to be incredibly upfront about this kind of thing and good god it pays off. Perhaps I should take a leaf out of his book.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #63 on: 14 May 2008, 05:40 »

I often think I look like a tramp, but I can't pick out what's causing it, because people don't say things like 'iron your shirt' or 'shave' to me as often as they really should. This causes conflict, as I want people to be critical about my appearance, I don't have any experience when it comes to dressing myself, so advice is always appreciated. I feel like I 'owe' the same to everybody else. Unfortunately, not everybody appreciates "get a haircut" as much as I do. Perhaps some lessons in how to be tactful are in order?

I know very little about how to dress myself, but I'm grateful for this rather shallow guy I met back in college taking me to one side and being totally honest with me about the way I dressed. He explained a little about my body shape and why the clothes I had were the total opposite of the clothes that I should have had. As I mentioned previously, I'm small. Forumers who've met me will vouch for that. at the time I was wearing baggy trousers that dragged along the floor, t-shirts that didn't fit, and this really old, distressed and faded brown corduroy jacket. I didn't take care of my hair at all and it adopted a straw-like appearance. I probably looked like a homeless man that had been hit with a shrink ray while my clothes stayed the same size. He explained that baggy jeans were terrible, that I was too skinny for tight jeans to look good, and that form fitting, slightly loose jeans would be flattering to my appearance. He explained that certain colours never go together, such as red and green, and that your clothes should all be about the same 'fit'. That you can't wear tight pants and a loose fitting t-shirt, or it would just look silly. He also explained that curtains looked silly and suggested a haircut.

I'm still remarkably poor. So, I don't have too many clothes. I have maybe one flattering outfit, and most of my clothes are the wrong colour. I don't know what the 'right' colours are. I'm still not great at dressing myself, but at least now I know how to get clothes that fit. This helped a great deal when it came to my self image regarding my physical appearance.

Obviously, it's wrong to say things to people like "you'd be prettier if you had a different nose". But when it comes to minor things that are easily fixed, such as how to better dress yourself, I think criticism regarding your physical appearance is just as important as the occasional compliment.

I'd like to suggest an experiment for people who aren't sure about the way they dress. Strip to your underwear and take a well lit photo of you posed like a dress up doll. Make cut outs of your clothes, find things from magazines and play dress-up with yourself. Try all kinds of styles and colours. It's a good way to get an idea of what looks good on you.


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #64 on: 14 May 2008, 06:32 »

I've used photoshop to see what I'd look like with different haircuts too. Is that also insane? I don't see how making a digital dress-up doll of me is really all that different.

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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #65 on: 14 May 2008, 06:44 »

It'd be a lot easier and more effective to just go to a clothes shop and try some different things on. Playing dress-up with yourself is a bit pointless since you can't tell how the clothes would actually fit you at all.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #66 on: 14 May 2008, 07:52 »

there is always someone who finds even your least favourite features attractive


People assume that they have to look like Barbie to be attractive (or Ken, if you're male)(or want to be male) but actually mostly it doesn't work like that. I've never been attracted to anyone who's "hot" in the traditional sense, and yesterday I overheard a conversation between two guys which basically went "Do you think so-and-so is hot?" "No, she's too thin" "Yeah, I know what you mean". So being really skinny with perfect hair doesn't make you more attractive, it just makes you boring.

Although having said that, plenty of people who are very skinny with perfect hair are very attractive. Just not my type.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #67 on: 14 May 2008, 08:01 »

I once overheard a group of guys talking about a girl I knew. She was older than I was at the time, but the conversation went something like...
"Hey, would you do _____?"
"What about _____?"
" She looks about 8."
"I know what you mean."
"Man, that's part of the appeal."
"Dude what?"
"I mean...uh...she has a cute face?"
*everybody all at once*

She was striking, but her tiny frame, big eyes and perfect skin made her look much younger than she actually once.


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #68 on: 14 May 2008, 08:11 »

What's the best thing about fucking 28 year olds?

There's 20 of 'em.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #69 on: 14 May 2008, 08:16 »

The one with the gag on looks just like you.


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #70 on: 14 May 2008, 08:32 »

It'd be a lot easier and more effective to just go to a clothes shop and try some different things on.

This is far from the truth! Effective, probably, I suppose it depends on what shops you have around and what range they have. Easier, definitely not for everyone. The two most difficult things in the world for me are getting haircuts and buying clothes. Well buying clothes from a shop that you have to walk into and see what they have and how it will fit and so on. I can buy clothes from the internet easily. I suppose I can buy jeans because I just read the tag on the back of the pair that I am wearing and go and find the exact type. There are no descisions to be made and no consequences of these descisions. I can't think of a proper rational reason why this is so hard, especially when I know that I would look better in new clothes or with any haircut that a trained hairdresser could throw at me, but it's a real issue and plays hell with my blood pressure.

Photoshop is pretty much the best option for me, though then I freak out about people stumbling on the pictures or hearing the clack of my camera shutter. Whatever, I can hardly afford a haircut right now anyway.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #71 on: 14 May 2008, 09:26 »

If people are interested in me, they should have just made it more obvious!

It was only in college that girls were obvious enough for me to actually notice. Like, in hs this one girl called me frequently by the nickname "Sexy," and after a semester of that I still didn't get that she was actually into me and not just kidding around. I was truly, truly oblivious.


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #72 on: 14 May 2008, 09:28 »

I feel great about myself. Sure there are some doubts sometimes but in general i get enough girls to realize I'm great. Thank you God for this luck.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #73 on: 14 May 2008, 09:52 »

Oh Joseph Hocking, you are an adorable man.

As for your's truly, I fluctuate from subtle indifference to sheer and utter self-hatred. Sometimes I'm like "yah, I probably look alright right now" to nit-picking everything. Hair, skin, nose, lips, stomach, tits, arms, butt, legs, all thoroughly disgusting me. I live though, mostly due to not really talking about it. Still getting used to the occasional person finding me physically enticing, mostly due to those stereotypically unappealing early teen years. Whatever, though, I work that shit out with being somewhat interesting to talk to and quasi-charming. Seems to garner me some respect.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #74 on: 14 May 2008, 10:31 »

 I think I clean up pretty well. That is, I look okay if I am shaven and my hair is done right. I am pretty vain, though, so I check my hair and stuff pretty often.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #75 on: 14 May 2008, 10:35 »

I'm not really sure about my body. I like my arms and my legs and I tan really easily which is a total bonus. I'm shorter than all of my friends (the male ones anyway). I was quite disappointed when everybody grew taller than me, but after a while I got used to it and I don't really mind any more. People don't think of me as small either, even when I'm standing next to people that are roughly the same height as me people will think I'm taller. I fluctuate between having  quite long hair and having really short hair. When I have long hair I think it's a good idea but as soon as I get it cut off I realize how much nicer it is to have short easy to manage hassle free hair. I also look surprisingly different when have long hair to the extent that when I get it all shaved off people I don't know particularly well won't recognize me. One thing I have noticed is that people treat you with more respect when you have short hair. I'm a wee bit podgy ( I'm 5ft 7 and weigh 12st or 76kg or 168lb) but I'm also quite stocky so it doesn't show to badly and I am in a reasonably fit state. Overall I'm pretty happy with the way my body looks, could loose a bit of podge off of my stomach but that would only be necessary if I was to be whipping my top off all the time in public. One thing I don't like too much about my face is my nose, I'm quite critical of noses and I reckon mine is pretty shit. On the other hand my eyes have been complimented before which is nice.
 I don't really care what I wear, as long as it doesn't looks stupid, is impractical or uncomfy then I'm happy. People are sometimes like "wear something smarter" but most have given up realizing that it would just be a bit stupid if I was to wear "smart" clothing. I'm not sure if my face and overall appearance is attractive or not, and I'm not exactly a ladies man but I don't really mind all that much, a couple of people I know seem to think that pulling at a party or having a girlfriend is the most important thing there is. I think its a bit silly as most of these relationships are just meaningless, its good to have a little fun now and then but probably not fantastic in the long run. Some days I worry quite a lot that I am wrong in being so uncaring about my appearance but that feeling goes away pretty quickly.

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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #76 on: 14 May 2008, 10:48 »

To add to my rant before, I really dislike my nose. I think it's just too big for my face.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #77 on: 14 May 2008, 10:53 »

Still getting used to the occasional person finding me physically enticing, mostly due to those stereotypically unappealing early teen years. Whatever, though, I work that shit out with being somewhat interesting to talk to and quasi-charming. Seems to garner me some respect.

See, I'm boring as shit to talk to and I'm not exactly OMG *FAPFAPFAP* material, but I don't care, because damn it, I play lots of instruments.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #78 on: 14 May 2008, 10:56 »

Patrick will serenade you with his guitar and make you forget all about his appearance.

(oh snap.)
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #79 on: 14 May 2008, 11:00 »

"Hey baby, I can 5 Star Knights of Cydonia on expert"


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #80 on: 14 May 2008, 11:03 »

Guys, I'm pretty awesome.

I'm fairly sure of this. I have few flaws:

Nasty keloid scar on my chest. Weak upper body. I want better clothes.

Otherwise? Fucking awesome.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #81 on: 14 May 2008, 11:07 »

Quote from: Patrick
...I play lots of instruments.

man, i wish you could serenade chicks with the drums...i would be totally set.

unfortunately, the intro to "Painkiller" doesn't exactly say "i'm attracted to you."
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #82 on: 14 May 2008, 11:18 »

I think it would work on the right girl. Try it out sometime!
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #83 on: 14 May 2008, 11:19 »

It was only in college that girls were obvious enough for me to actually notice. Like, in hs this one girl called me frequently by the nickname "Sexy," and after a semester of that I still didn't get that she was actually into me and not just kidding around. I was truly, truly oblivious.

Joe, you think that's bad? Rachel practically had her tongue in my mouth before I got the hint. Seriously, it was like half an hour later before I put it together.

/make out make out make out

"Wait a minute...maybe this girl likes me..."

I also had an occasion in High School where I was hanging out with my friend Dave and some girl we barely knew. She, at one point, says "I like pale, skinny guys with dark hair." Meanwhile, I'm sitting there oblivious while my friend Dave is just staring at me with a "why you so dumb" look on his face. I didn't piece THAT one together for another week.

I think I clean up pretty well. That is, I look okay if I am shaven and my hair is done right. I am pretty vain, though, so I check my hair and stuff pretty often.

This, to an extent. I look ridiculous if I shave, but I clean up really well in the sense that I look fucking good dressed up. It's almost a tragedy that I work in a casual dress work environment. My last job was business casual (Button down, tie, dress pants) and I was most assuredly the most attractive guy on my shift (It didn't hurt that I was one of only three guys under 35 and the other ones were like 5'2" or had a really busted face).
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #84 on: 14 May 2008, 11:22 »

I think it would work on the right girl. Try it out sometime!

Seriously. You are obviously trying this on girls who are far too boring, SWM.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #85 on: 14 May 2008, 11:28 »

It would totally work on me.

Not that I'm suggesting anything...
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #86 on: 14 May 2008, 11:33 »

I've never had a huge problem with my self image. Its not that I've always been comfortable with the way I look, but the time I wasnt comfortable it never made unhappy enough to want to change it.

So in High School I was skinny as a rake and about 5'9/10", with mad hair down to my chin. I have always though of myself having a big nose - part inherited from my Dad and part me dropping 7 foot from a tree and landing face first on concrete aged 9. But I have really good bright blue eyes to make up for it.

Here is me aged 16.

5 years later, I am still pretty nonchalant about my face, and I've grown to a good 6'ish now, but I have put on a fair bit of weight. I'm still not overweight, but it is looming and i have developed an unsightly belly and terrible jowls/double chin. These are things I am working on at the gym. However, some of the extra weight is muscle, as I had a succession of hard going jobs after school which helped me shape a pretty good physique.

And I am also 100% with the idea that having someone to help you feel attractive can be key when it comes to body image.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #87 on: 14 May 2008, 11:53 »

It would totally work on me.

i'd play an off-beat for you anytime.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #88 on: 14 May 2008, 11:58 »

Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #89 on: 14 May 2008, 12:06 »

If any of you fuckers play "Moby Dick" for her before I get the chance to, I will shove a pair of nylon-tipped 2Bs up your ass.

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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #90 on: 14 May 2008, 12:08 »

There's always Skype, dear Patrick.

It's a race to serenade me!
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #91 on: 14 May 2008, 12:12 »

That's right, bitches, she's already calling me 'dear.' Y'all have some catching up to do.

How come every time I threaten to shove music-related things up people's asses, it always serves as a pagebreaker?
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #92 on: 14 May 2008, 13:59 »

Last night I was at my school gymnasium for an hour. I had 10 minute meetings with all my teachers, just the teacher, my mum and I. all told my mum how fantastic and smart I am and how I have a lot of potential.
Naturally I should feel all happy and have a positive self-image but I don't because I feel that I'll never meet their expectations and spent the whole night feeling incredibly anxious.


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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #93 on: 14 May 2008, 14:34 »

I have a pretty bad Body Image.  I've always seen myself as unattractive, bordering on ugly.

I come from a good hearty stock of footballers(American), which should have helped me to get girls right?  Of Course thanks to a fuck-up by medical people, I lost my hearing, and ended up becoming a book worm.  Over time, my hearing has come back (to about 70% of normal) but the years of having my nose buried in a book caused me to develop round shoulders, which have straightened out over the past few years.

I've never really liked my face, thinking my nose doesn't fit with the rest of it.  And my hair, gawd I hate my hair. It started out as straight blonde hair, and has mutated over the yeares to a curly brown mess.  And I hate the shitiest skin.  My dad is really dark, the embdiment of "Black Irish", and I have no pigment in my skin (minor exageration).  I practically go from white to red as soon as I step into the sun.

I use to be in good shape.  Weight lifted three times a week, and would bike to school and work.  of course a hectic school and work sechdeule the last year has casued me to stop doing that, and I've gained 20 lbs, which I desperately want to lose.

I have had some girls hit on me with comments like "I think tall, pale guys are sexy" and other stuff.  I laughed, and hollered out for one of my buddies, never believing hat they meant me.

For Self Image, I have always liked me, although I do have my fair share of D'oh moments.  I'm pretty social once I get to know somebody, but  shy before that.  Duno why.  You'd think Debating would have fixed some of that.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #94 on: 14 May 2008, 16:09 »

And my hair, gawd I hate my hair. It started out as straight blonde hair, and has mutated over the yeares to a curly brown mess.

curly brown mess? I challenge you to a hair-off, mister!

Actually guys, I've been in a pretty bad mood about my body lately, and kind of hoped this thread would help me feel a bit better. I didn't really, but for some reason I'm feeling good about myself today! Though I am kind of confused as to how people can not know what colours suit themselves. There have been occasions where I have found out that colours look good on me, but it is not as if I went for bright orange clothes thinking it would make me look good. However, I do know that if I am going to wear one colour that not everything will go with it, and should take that into consideration.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #95 on: 14 May 2008, 16:18 »

And my hair, gawd I hate my hair. It started out as straight blonde hair, and has mutated over the yeares to a curly brown mess.

curly brown mess? I challenge you to a hair-off, mister!

At least your hair grows down.  Mine grows up and out.

(Will edit this post for a picture later tonight.)
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #96 on: 14 May 2008, 16:24 »

As it tends to get a little more personal then I'd like to talk about, I've had a really rough time of it with my self-image. To a point where I was in therapy for several years to get my eating habits under control as far as weight goes.

Though, now, I realize I have a hot body. Proportionally I'm very well built, height, weight, everything is good and well shaped.

 But I still think I have a really strange face and I'm a total 'butterface' (nice body...'but her face' get it). But then again that might be from hang ups of being quite ugly in my preteen/early teens ( some features developped very quickly, others didn't)


I don't know if that came across as trying to snag compliments. I really didn't mean it as such, just honesty.
« Last Edit: 14 May 2008, 16:38 by Drill King »
King of Kings baby.

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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #97 on: 14 May 2008, 16:34 »

agreed. Drill King is a pretty lady.

just try to dispute it.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #98 on: 14 May 2008, 16:51 »

I didn't even notice how bad of a "Fishing for compliments" thread this ultimately comes off as.

Don't worry, I can counteract that by reiterating what hot shit I am.

Guys, I am hot shit.
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Re: Body/Self Image
« Reply #99 on: 14 May 2008, 17:57 »

Guys, I am a shit.

You basically asked for that to happen, don't be surprised.
« Last Edit: 15 May 2008, 13:54 by Linds »
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