I'd strongly suggest you use your APs for Hateful gear and just use the crafted PvP set to tide you over until then. The leap from, say, Ornate Saronite to Hateful Gladiator is much greater than the hop from Ornate Saronite to Savage Gladiator. If you're confident in your abilities, then I'd say just save up for Deadly, but it may be difficult to compete in blues in the first season of the new expansion, and like crafted-Savage, the Hateful-Deadly hop isn't too big of a gulf, either. You'll want to enchant both sets, but I'd suggest saving the high-dollar enchants for epic gear and go for the mid-range enchants on the rares - get +50 SP to the weapon instead of the much pricier +63, for example. TBC enchants, in particular, are very cost-effective now with the massive price drop in primals.
Granted, Ornate Saronite fairly sucks right now (I'm using a mix of PvE and Ornate Saronite since OS has nowhere near enough INT on it till 308), and other crafted sets might suck, too. But you really do need the high HP and Resilience those sets will give you, especially if you're gonna PvP as something as squishy as an Enhancement Shaman. I do hope you're smart enough to use a shield.
In other news, Holy Pallies work ridiculously well with DKs. A friend and I took over the Alliance flagroom for about 18 minutes - 2 minutes shy of reaching the +100% damage debuff. At one point, it was 2v8 and we killed them all. Way too much fun.