Okay, so I need to rant about this somewhere that ISN'T to one of my super lovely guild members who bring this up.
Basically, I got handed a guild and the previous guild leader stepped down and her and her boyfriend are now my 2IC's. Now, she is a lovely girl, but extremely impulsive. She also sets up the raid calendar every week, which as of next week, I am going to tell her, I'm doing - because it's ridiculous.
This week on the raid calendar, we have one night for Uld10 (which we haven't got on full clear by any means), one night for ToC10, one night for naxx25, one night for EoE10, one night for Ony10 and one for OS.
Now, I understand why we are doing the old raids - we are a newish guild and would like to have all these raids ticked off on our progression or whatever, but seriously?! An entire fucking night for OS and Ony10?! SERIOUSLY?! We never full clear naxx25 in one night either, and people get pissed off that we don't finish it. Personally, we would be doing a lot better if we had two nights for Uld10, one for ToC (which we did apparently clear in one night last week), one night for OS, Ony10, EoE and one night where we can just run naxx for extra badges or something. We would be far better off if we spent more time in Uld10 and Uld25 than stuffing around with boring shit people only do for badges.
On top of that, last week, I could only attend one night of uld10 (which was set for thurs/fri) and I was raid leading one group. I told one of my tanks that he could raid lead for Friday and that was good with him. I log in Saturday to find out that my 2IC had decided to ditch the two 10man teams, and do Uld25 with about 10puggers. They downed FL and XT and there was heaps of mucking around and silliness and basically, set a bad image for our guild. I was pissed off.
Monday night we had Ony25 on the raid cal. We had one pugger (a friend of a guildie) in the raid, the rest were guild members. It took a good 45 minutes to get everyone there and organised then we wiped twice and I gave up, cracked the shits, told them I had things to do for tomorrow and logged off for the night. After I left, one of the tanks (the one I had put in charge of last week's uld group) got a few members together for an ony10. The 2IC also got a few members for the ony10. She then cracked the shits and was all "didn't know you were a raid leader blah blah" to the tank, so him and the OT joined her group. Instead of her then filling the group with guild members who were in the tank's original group, she pugged the rest. People bitched about it in gchat, the tank called her out on it, she cracked it and logged off and hasn't been logged in since. The guild members then continued to have a whinge about it.
Basically, I'm pissed off - the 2IC is about 19 I think? So she's a year younger than me, but she is incredibly impulsive and I am kind of glad she passed the guild leadership to me. I really think that this guild (we've got about 70 level 80's) would do really really well if the raid calendar was actually set up for raids people needed and want to finish and there wasn't so much damn drama with this girl. Argh.