I am going to keep you guys updated on a semi regular basis on things that are out. Things that really have no place on this board anymore, or in the world in general. I figured you guys would appreciate this, since it will make it easier for you to avoid doing things that suck!
First and foremost, we're done with moar. I don't really understand why it started, but seriously dudes? It is a pretty dumb thing! I know it is an internet thing, but seeing as generally we are against all of the internetty bullshit, I think we can do without that one.
Also, name, is over. I've noticed a decrease in it, recently, and that's good, but I just want to make sure we know its done. It was stolen from hipinion in the first place, and since the board seems to be anti-them , maybe we can let it go? Especially since we just use it as a creepy thing?
I'll have more for you guys later, as soon as people start doing something else dumb!