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Faye and Angus are:

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Destined to get married and raise kids
- 6 (7%)
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Sane and healthy adults agreeing to take a risk
- 18 (20.9%)
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Author Topic: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14  (Read 82012 times)


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #100 on: 12 May 2010, 13:57 »

Well, snubnose has already showed himself to be homophobic ("I am not against homosexuals and I TOLERATE them, but I don't want to see them kissing or holding hands in public and I find any MENTION of two men kissing to be extremely disgusting!") and now he's equally misogynistic ("Oh, I TOLERATE Faye but I think she is too slutty because she's slept with one guy during the run of the comic and is considering possibly sleeping with someone else eventually!).

Although I just went back through his posts, and he DOES have pretty much the same standards for men as he does women in regards to sex, and he did make several posts defending homosexuality as not "immoral" (just gross, I guess) and gays as not being "anti-family" against more stridently homophobic posters.

So technically, then, not really homophobic so much as just sexphobic: if you remember, he flipped out at the idea of 10-year olds possibly talking about S-E-X in "Girls with Slingshots" and the idea that kids may be, you know, interested in it and curious about it before the age of 14. Plus he considers anal "totally disgusting."  Which doesn't mean much by itself, but taken all together... our man snubnose doesn't seem very comfortable with sex, period. (I'm sure not with periods, either.)

He also feels that boys should not cry (unlike girls: "its just pointless for a guy to cry. Nothing good comes out of it"). That looks do not matter to girls, only confidence and "being a jerk" does, and that "clingy" is a GOOD quality in a guy that women for some* reason just can't appreciate.

* because they all want assholes who'll cheat on them.

As far as judging things goes, he's also the guy who didn't know what tacos were, but refused to look them up because he was SURE they were something disgusting that his sensitive vegetarian self couldn't handle, before people pointed out that maybe looking things up before pronouncing judgment is a good thing, since tacos come in veggie varieties.

I honestly think he's just a sad person and at this point, not worth arguing with.

At least, each time I find myself in a ridiculous argument here, it's with snubnose, so I'm stopping, anyway.
« Last Edit: 12 May 2010, 14:37 by JackFaerie »


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #101 on: 12 May 2010, 14:02 »


Now all we have to do is get Marigold with Hanners and Tai with Raven

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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #102 on: 12 May 2010, 14:13 »

I don't know; if it's true that you metaphorically sleep with everyone your partner's ever slept with, then Tai and Raven getting together would create one of the largest orgies ever witnessed in Massachusetts, on par with the night of Ted Kennedy's electoral win in 1962...

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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #103 on: 12 May 2010, 15:40 »

It was Faye in the past but she turned out to be too slutty. I'm not that conservative that I would judge her, but I'm conservative enough that I'm definitely turned off by such a behavior.
How is it possible to apply the fairly negative term "slutty" to anyone without judging them?
I am free to be turned on and turned off by certain behavior patterns.
Certainly. But I don't see how you can do it without judging.
Err, I think you interpret my "I dont judge her" much too literally. I dont think any human being can be that free of judgement in the first place.

For we human beings judge all the time. This flower is beautiful and that one is ugly. This voice is nice and that one is nasty. I like this food and I hate that other food.

Same for people, this one is beautiful and that one isnt. This one is nice and that one really gets on my nerves.

So "I dont judge her" simply means: I dont APPROVE of her, but I TOLERATE her. Its her life, after all. Virtual, fictional life, of course.

Bullshit. "I don't judge her" means that you don't judge her. YOU have judged her, but you usually don't let your hate-dick out of your pants. Shut up and go away, hide behind a thin veil of lies about the semantics of your slut-shaming elsewhere.

Well, snubnose has already showed himself to be homophobic ("I am not against homosexuals and I TOLERATE them, but I don't want to see them kissing or holding hands in public and I find any MENTION of two men kissing to be extremely disgusting!") and now he's equally misogynistic ("Oh, I TOLERATE Faye but I think she is too slutty because she's slept with one guy during the run of the comic and is considering possibly sleeping with someone else eventually!).

Although I just went back through his posts, and he DOES have pretty much the same standards for men as he does women in regards to sex, and he did make several posts defending homosexuality as not "immoral" (just gross, I guess) and gays as not being "anti-family" against more stridently homophobic posters.

So technically, then, not really homophobic so much as just sexphobic: if you remember, he flipped out at the idea of 10-year olds possibly talking about S-E-X in "Girls with Slingshots" and the idea that kids may be, you know, interested in it and curious about it before the age of 14. Plus he considers anal "totally disgusting."  Which doesn't mean much by itself, but taken all together... our man snubnose doesn't seem very comfortable with sex, period. (I'm sure not with periods, either.)

He also feels that boys should not cry (unlike girls: "its just pointless for a guy to cry. Nothing good comes out of it"). That looks do not matter to girls, only confidence and "being a jerk" does, and that "clingy" is a GOOD quality in a guy that women for some* reason just can't appreciate.

* because they all want assholes who'll cheat on them.

As far as judging things goes, he's also the guy who didn't know what tacos were, but refused to look them up because he was SURE they were something disgusting that his sensitive vegetarian self couldn't handle, before people pointed out that maybe looking things up before pronouncing judgment is a good thing, since tacos come in veggie varieties.

I honestly think he's just a sad person and at this point, not worth arguing with.

At least, each time I find myself in a ridiculous argument here, it's with snubnose, so I'm stopping, anyway.

Once again...
You know, they tell you, "Never hit a man with a closed fist," but it is, on occasion, hilarious.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #104 on: 12 May 2010, 15:41 »

he did make several posts defending homosexuality as not "immoral" (just gross, I guess)
Your whole posting is about guessing a big load to bullshit. It seems to me you're simply offended I dislike how Faye acted with Sven, so you make all kinds of stuff up to complain about me. I have no issue whatsoever with homosexuals of both kinds in reallife, and I fully support the idea of gay and lesbian marriages.

he flipped out at the idea of 10-year olds possibly talking about S-E-X in "Girls with Slingshots"
Sorry for remembering clearly how I was when I was ten. This is not how a ten year old acts unless something really wrong has happend in his childhood. And even then he wouldnt be that cool about it. He's acting like at least fourteen.

He also feels that boys should not cry
I never said anything like that at all. I said that *I* cant cry. Quite on the contrary, I envy people who still can. Well ok, it doesnt kill me, but I envy them a little bit.

"clingy" is a GOOD quality in a guy that women for some* reason just can't appreciate.
I never said that clingy is a good thing per se. I said I AM clingy and I'm sorry, but thats how I am. And yes, some women appreciate it. If you're not also all kinds of other bad things people wrote about that they associate with "clingy", like controlling, which I am certainly not.

At least, each time I find myself in a ridiculous argument here, it's with snubnose, so I'm stopping, anyway.
I'm deeply disappointed about you. You didnt also guessed I'm a racist because I'm not attracted to black women. Really, this one is missing. You totally should add it.

And for the record, you're certainly welcome to criticize me whenever you really have an issue, but not if you're just trying to twist everything I said to get a complaint about me.
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #105 on: 12 May 2010, 16:18 »

he did make several posts defending homosexuality as not "immoral" (just gross, I guess)
Your whole posting is about guessing a big load to bullshit. It seems to me you're simply offended I dislike how Faye acted with Sven, so you make all kinds of stuff up to complain about me. I have no issue whatsoever with homosexuals of both kinds in reallife, and I fully support the idea of gay and lesbian marriages.

he flipped out at the idea of 10-year olds possibly talking about S-E-X in "Girls with Slingshots"
Sorry for remembering clearly how I was when I was ten. This is not how a ten year old acts unless something really wrong has happend in his childhood. And even then he wouldnt be that cool about it. He's acting like at least fourteen.

He also feels that boys should not cry
I never said anything like that at all. I said that *I* cant cry. Quite on the contrary, I envy people who still can. Well ok, it doesnt kill me, but I envy them a little bit.

"clingy" is a GOOD quality in a guy that women for some* reason just can't appreciate.
I never said that clingy is a good thing per se. I said I AM clingy and I'm sorry, but thats how I am. And yes, some women appreciate it. If you're not also all kinds of other bad things people wrote about that they associate with "clingy", like controlling, which I am certainly not.

At least, each time I find myself in a ridiculous argument here, it's with snubnose, so I'm stopping, anyway.
I'm deeply disappointed about you. You didnt also guessed I'm a racist because I'm not attracted to black women. Really, this one is missing. You totally should add it.

And for the record, you're certainly welcome to criticize me whenever you really have an issue, but not if you're just trying to twist everything I said to get a complaint about me.

What's that, Queen Mab? I can't hear you. *Walks away.*

Until we see Sven again, I am going to assume that Dora gutted him with the broadsword and Faye is helping clean up the evidence.
« Last Edit: 12 May 2010, 16:24 by westrim »

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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #106 on: 12 May 2010, 16:20 »

What we're seeing is one of the most self-aware pre-relationship discussions in the history of the comic. Dora and Marten did pretty well too.
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #107 on: 12 May 2010, 16:42 »

What we're seeing is one of the most self-aware pre-relationship discussions in the history of the human race.
fixed it.

THIS is my FAVOURITE comic so far. I hope Jeph sees this so he can feel good about himself. Because I honestly mean it!!

(note: I'm referring to 1663, "Dora's OTP?")
btw, if anyone doesn't know (I didn't): OTP = One True Pairing.
maybe not pretty, but: pictures!! yay...


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #108 on: 12 May 2010, 17:13 »

Snubnose, it seems you don't even remember your own posts.  

Look, you're from Germany, English is clearly not your first language, but you're not willing to own up to your errors in it.  I'm not always in complete agreement with JackFaerie, but he's educated me on several topics in the past here and on other forums.  You'd do well to heed his (and other's) advice.  I was tempted to say, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", but I think I'll leave it at "I'm glad he called you out, or I would have".  

Now, I'm not saying you're a troll, but you're certainly starting to act and sound like one - provoking for the sake of provocation.  

I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on some of these items.  But instead of complaining that you "couldn't think of the right word", be proactive - look it up first.  And maybe buy a new Duetsch-Englisches Wörterbuch while you're at it.  

And when you make an honest mistake, be honest about it.  Own up to it.  Don't try and defend yourself with obvious doubletalking.  

As for the attitudes you seem to have (and remember, until we actualy meet, perceptions on these boards are reality), they really need some adjusting.  While it's true that we can't be in your head, I think it's safe to say that many of us wouldn't want to be, based on what you've shown us so far.  It sounds... well, kinda dark and a bit scary in there.  

Open up some curtains.  Let a little light and fresh air in.  Dust off a few of those new ideas that you never had a chance to try out.  

Oh, and if you need any help, advice, or even suggestions, just ask.  It's what we're here for.  
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #109 on: 12 May 2010, 17:40 »

Once again...

Heyheyhey, don't steal my schtick.  :x

I kid. Have a jaunty tune.

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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #110 on: 12 May 2010, 20:35 »

Is it wrong that I've been liking Faye lately? Like in today's strip, for example?
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #111 on: 12 May 2010, 20:47 »

Angus said:

"Maybe we can establish some middle ground where you don't care about me too much but we still get to make out"

Doesn't that describe Faye's arrangement with Sven to a tee?

And Faye does seem to be taking a Goldilocks approach to relationships...

Marten was too soft, Sven was too hard, maybe Angus will be just right!
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #112 on: 12 May 2010, 20:56 »

I think the Angus thing has the possibility tagged onto it, with Sven neither one wanted to talk about the idea of it being more.

So maybe I'm socially slow, but what happened?  Are they dating?


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #113 on: 12 May 2010, 21:00 »

Not exactly, but sort of.  It seems Faye still has some insecurities/fears and almost seems like she is trying to intimidate or talk him out of it but he seems willing to try.  She doesnt seem opposed to dating him but will still have her guard up.  This would be the first time we have seen Faye dating someone in the comic.  Marten was just a friend "does s/he like me" relationship, Sven was "Antagonist with benefits" even though she was hurt in the end, leaving Angus to be the first person she actually dates.
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #114 on: 12 May 2010, 21:01 »

At least, each time I find myself in a ridiculous argument here, it's with snubnose, so I'm stopping, anyway.
I don't even know why you would bother in the first place. It would seem s/he just loves to be wrong about pretty much everything...

Oh and if Faye starts getting as wishy washy as akronnick says, I really hope Hanners brings her around like she has pretty much everyone else.
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #115 on: 12 May 2010, 21:13 »

Oh and if Faye starts getting as wishy washy as akronnick says, I really hope Hanners brings her around like she has pretty much everyone else.
Yeah Hanners does have a good opinion of Angus...though I am not too sure after the Marigold/Sven incident. Henceforth known as the Gold Rush.
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave

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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #116 on: 12 May 2010, 21:21 »

Poll results:

Hannelore's clone is:
A therapist for the highly gifted    - 3 (5.3%)
A radiologist    - 0 (0%)
A homeless busker    - 5 (8.8%)
One of many    - 27 (47.4%)
A pain technician on Centauri Prime    - 9 (15.8%)
A professional Scrabble player    - 6 (10.5%)
42    - 7 (12.3%)
Heeling helium healer    - 0 (0%)
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #117 on: 12 May 2010, 21:27 »

At least, each time I find myself in a ridiculous argument here, it's with snubnose, so I'm stopping, anyway.
I don't even know why you would bother in the first place. It would seem s/he just loves to be wrong about pretty much everything...

Oh and if Faye starts getting as wishy washy as akronnick says, I really hope Hanners brings her around like she has pretty much everyone else.

Like I said, just walk away.

And I now want a Lithium Lion battery for my laptop. 24 hours of power and it eats anyone that tries to steal it. Could be a little heavy, though.

Shouldn't the dials on the power meter be moving?
« Last Edit: 12 May 2010, 21:35 by westrim »


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #118 on: 12 May 2010, 21:29 »

Sven was "Antagonist with benefits"

"Was"? You make it sound like Sven is out of the picture and got put on a bus with Meena, Raven, Amir, and Whatsherbucket.

Sven's lurking presence is still a beacon of hope for some of us. He actually has enough character to be an interesting pairing with Faye. This Angus is still a cypher after all his appearances. He's like Qui-Gon Jin, but without the midiclorians.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #119 on: 12 May 2010, 21:34 »

"Maybe we can establish some middle ground where you don't care about me too much but we still get to make out"

Doesn't that describe Faye's arrangement with Sven to a tee?
Close.  It's what they originally agreed to.  Then Faye decided those terms weren't okay after all.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #120 on: 12 May 2010, 21:36 »

Sven was "Antagonist with benefits"

"Was"? You make it sound like Sven is out of the picture and got put on a bus with Meena, Raven, Amir, and Whatsherbucket.

Of course he's out of the picture now. Why do you think Faye was cleaning the broadsword?  :evil:

"Maybe we can establish some middle ground where you don't care about me too much but we still get to make out"

Doesn't that describe Faye's arrangement with Sven to a tee?
Close.  It's what they originally agreed to.  Then Faye decided those terms weren't okay after all.

Oh no, lets not start this again. Last weeks thread was bad enough.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #121 on: 12 May 2010, 21:56 »

Sven was "Antagonist with benefits"

"Was"? You make it sound like Sven is out of the picture and got put on a bus with Meena, Raven, Amir, and Whatsherbucket.

Sven's lurking presence is still a beacon of hope for some of us. He actually has enough character to be an interesting pairing with Faye. This Angus is still a cypher after all his appearances. He's like Qui-Gon Jin, but without the midiclorians.
Im talking her past relationships.  And I have to agree with westrim on Sven and Faye right now.
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #122 on: 12 May 2010, 21:57 »

I'm alive and comenting:

1) Thunderdome? Was that a Mad Max reference or a Calder Park reference? (Calder Park being the race-track outside Melbourne where the "Thunder-Dome" happens to be located)

2) Hannelore seems so worried about the posibility of there being a clone of her out there somewhere, but what if SHE IS THE CLONE!?

Please alow me to leave the room before your brains explode, brain matter is just gross...



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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #123 on: 12 May 2010, 22:00 »

Sigh. One for the memories, I guess.

Your whole posting is about guessing a big load to bullshit. It seems to me you're simply offended I dislike how Faye acted with Sven, so you make all kinds of stuff up to complain about me. I have no issue whatsoever with homosexuals of both kinds in real life, and I fully support the idea of gay and lesbian marriages. you want me to provide links? Remember how you said you wanted the image out of your head when someone described two men kissing, and then went on to say you never wanted to see stuff like that because it made you queasy? Your exact words were "STOP giving me such mental images AAAAAH THE PAIN !!!"

Note that I amended my initial assessment of you to say that you're NOT homophobic per se, because I HAVE also read your posts in defense of various lgbtq issues. Here they are as well.  Meanwhile, here's where you gave your views on anal sex, just in case you want to say I misrepresented you thee, too.

Sorry for remembering clearly how I was when I was ten. This is not how a ten year old acts unless something really wrong has happend in his childhood. And even then he wouldnt be that cool about it. He's acting like at least fourteen.

This is not how YOU acted when you were 10. Many, many child psychologists, studies on child sexuality, and people on this very forum disagreed with you. Also, have another example: read the comments, as well, and how many people day this reflects their own childhood.  It doesn't reflect mine, but I know that people's experiences differ. I mean, it is even relatively common for pre-pubescent children to get naked together and attempt penetrative intercourse.  I would not be entirely comfortable if my own kids did that, I will grant you--but Ialso know that it happens, and these kids do not necessarily grow up to be at all maladjusted.

 I never said anything like that at all. I said that *I* cant cry. Quite on the contrary, I envy people who still can. Well ok, it doesnt kill me, but I envy them a little bit.

You did. "Uh, its just pointless for a guy to cry. Nothing good comes out of it."

 I never said that clingy is a good thing per se. I said I AM clingy and I'm sorry, but thats how I am. And yes, some women appreciate it. If you're not also all kinds of other bad things people wrote about that they associate with "clingy", like controlling, which I am certainly not.

No, you definitely said that women who want a long-time relationship should look for clingy.

I'm deeply disappointed about you. You didnt also guessed I'm a racist because I'm not attracted to black women. Really, this one is missing. You totally should add it.

I was tempted, because in fact, that stance often DOES come from racism, ie, seeing black people as "less than" whites.  (At the very least it often comes from subscribing to Euro-centric conceptions of beauty.)  But I didn't because I didn't have enough data to really make that judgment. And I DO to make my judgments on actual proof, thanks.

 And for the record, you're certainly welcome to criticize me whenever you really have an issue, but not if you're just trying to twist everything I said to get a complaint about me.

Except I didn't.

And by the way! I KNEW that almost anytime I got into an argument here, it was with you. HERE is where you called Raven a "slut" and got me (and several other people) on your case about it. One would think that you would have learned that the word is considered highly derogatory back then, and wouldn't have used it "accidentally" to describe Faye now.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #124 on: 12 May 2010, 22:07 »

I'm not always in complete agreement with JackFaerie, but he's educated me on several topics in the past here and on other forums.  You'd do well to heed his (and other's) advice.  I was tempted to say, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", but I think I'll leave it at "I'm glad he called you out, or I would have".

Hahah, thanks. I'm, er, a girl though. That's an old photo of me in my user icon. This is a more recent pic of me:

(not my baby)

Ooookay, back to the comic now! I still love Sven and miss him. But I am beginning to be ok with Fangus. And Faye's honesty here really endeared her to me more.
« Last Edit: 02 Jun 2010, 12:39 by JackFaerie »


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #125 on: 12 May 2010, 22:25 »

I think Faye's being as blatantly honest as she can, given the situation.  She's saying that a) She's not sure if she can actually handle a relationship, but might be willing to try, b) she actually does like Angus and would, in a perfect world, act on those feelings, and c) she's not in this for a quick fuck.  I've got to say, it's a good sign when you start a relationship with a good amount of honesty like that. 


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #126 on: 12 May 2010, 22:28 »

This is a more recent pic of me:
A very cute picture too, IMO.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #127 on: 12 May 2010, 22:28 »

Is it just me, or is Faye lapsing into her 'no contractions mode' a bit in panel three? Anyway, cheers for Angus for not beating around the bush.

Oh, and if you need any help, advice, or even suggestions, just ask.  It's what we're here for.  
Are you volunteering me, along with various and sundry? To quote the immortal Tonto, "Be careful where you aim that plural personal pronoun, kemo sabé." Oh, and I am fair certain JackFaerie is female—at least I hope so, since I've applied the female personal pronoun to her several times.

<Looks up at largish photo> Oh, yeah. Substantiation is nice. Thanks, JF. :-)

Edit: I am assuming you're the elder of the pair.
« Last Edit: 12 May 2010, 22:32 by raoullefere »
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #128 on: 12 May 2010, 22:36 »

why do i feel like this is going to be another friday kiss strip, with a "Have a nice weekend!"


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #129 on: 12 May 2010, 22:49 »

Is it just me, or is Faye lapsing into her 'no contractions mode' a bit in panel three? Anyway, cheers for Angus for not beating around the bush.

I think she's just saying 'cannot' instead of 'cain't' (for that's how it's pronounced where she (and I) is(are) originally from.(I'm glad I'm not writing this post in LISP, (a symbolic programming language that uses lots of parenthesis, even empty ones like this:()), or else this side totally unnecessary side comment would never execute!))) to emphasize what she's saying, you know, for emphasis.

Even though I've lived in the God-forsaken North for nearly twenty years now, (my God, has it been that long?!) Whenever I'm around Southern folks I slip into that accent like I'd never left.

why do i feel like this is going to be another friday kiss strip, with a "Have a nice weekend!"

Jeph would never leave us hanging for a whole weekend with something that big!
He'll wait until SDCC when he'll have a weeks worth of guest-strips for us to wait through, it's the Webcomic equivalent if the end of season cliffhanger!
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #130 on: 12 May 2010, 22:55 »

Oh for goodness sakes Faye!  Just jump him why donchya?!
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #131 on: 12 May 2010, 23:01 »

I applaud Faye's honesty here-she's letting Angus know what he's in for by pursuing her. Kudos to her for that.

With all that said, if I were Angus, I'd back WAY off and go find a woman with less emotional and mental issues. I speak from experience when I say that romantic relationships tend to go more smoothly the less mental and emotional baggage both partners have. Faye is lugging behind a couple airport luggage carts worth and is only now starting to lose some of it.
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #132 on: 12 May 2010, 23:14 »

Oh for goodness sakes Faye!  Just jump him why donchya?!

Because he has all the personality and charm of a bowl of cold oatmeal?  :-P

Seriously, Svaye sparkled with feisty sass. Fangus dribbles with anemic ennui.  :|


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #133 on: 12 May 2010, 23:53 »

Oh for goodness sakes Faye!  Just jump him why donchya?!

Because he has all the personality and charm of a bowl of cold oatmeal?  :-P

Seriously, Svaye sparkled with feisty sass. Fangus dribbles with anemic ennui.  :|

I respect your opinion, but its pretty clear that fayngus is what's for dinner* now

*(For those don't know/ don't live in the western US, there's a mediocre, overpriced restaurant named Black Angus. "Angus. It's what's for dinner," is its tagline.)


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #134 on: 13 May 2010, 00:07 »

Yeah Sven is definitely on the outs as a potential romantic partner to Faye. And like others have said, even when he and Faye were banging he wasn't much more than an "antagonist with benefits". Not a good foundation for a stable relationship.
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #135 on: 13 May 2010, 00:48 »

Oh for goodness sakes Faye!  Just jump him why donchya?!
Hundreds of dead. Lots of sogginess.

She tried pushing her boundaries once and got hurt.

Angus may not be that kind of guy.
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #136 on: 13 May 2010, 01:36 »

I respect your opinion, but its pretty clear that fayngus is what's for dinner* now

That is one thing I am not so sure about... the way Faye is sort of dancing around it seems to me that she is enjoying Angus chasing her and now that he is being straight with her she is trying to freak him out a bit. I am probably reading too much into it, the social destruction is just too delicious :lol:


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #137 on: 13 May 2010, 02:26 »

We've seen this before. Faye lets her impossibly high standards get in the way of a potentially good match (Marten) and she eventually ends up with a partner that ends up hurting her (Sven). I'm just having trouble figuring out who gets the Sven role this time around... since she won't go back to Sven again, and the only remaining male character that's actually around semi-regularly is Pintsize.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #138 on: 13 May 2010, 02:42 »

We've seen this before. Faye lets her impossibly high standards get in the way of a potentially good match (Marten) and she eventually ends up with a partner that ends up hurting her (Sven). I'm just having trouble figuring out who gets the Sven role this time around... since she won't go back to Sven again, and the only remaining male character that's actually around semi-regularly is Pintsize.
Clearly, she fucks Marigold Hanners, Steve... Ah, hell if I know.

Sven was far from a rebound or anything, though. She was drunk, he was hot, and she felt the need to push her limits... Plus the whole attraction in general thing. She's matured a bit since then though, so we'll see what happens.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #139 on: 13 May 2010, 03:01 »

Because he has all the personality and charm of a bowl of cold oatmeal?  :-P

Oh come on now, hes not cold oatmeal! he's slightly above room temperature oatmeal at the very least!



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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #140 on: 13 May 2010, 06:26 »

I applaud Faye's honesty here-she's letting Angus know what he's in for by pursuing her. Kudos to her for that.

With all that said, if I were Angus, I'd back WAY off and go find a woman with less emotional and mental issues. I speak from experience when I say that romantic relationships tend to go more smoothly the less mental and emotional baggage both partners have. Faye is lugging behind a couple airport luggage carts worth and is only now starting to lose some of it.

Only one problem - there isn't one of those in this strip.
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #141 on: 13 May 2010, 06:28 »

All I can say is awesome.  Sven and Faye compliment each other so much.  She is exactly who he needs (keeps him in check).  The fact that he has changed this much already proves that.  And he is exactly what she needs.  Angus is too unconfident, too much of a dormat, somewhat like how Marten was.  Sven is confident, decisive, adventurous.  Assuming hes toned it down a bit, and stays faithful, he is exactly what Faye needs in her life.  A guy who will cut through the crap and help her become stronger in the process.  The amount she changed in the time she had that fling with him is proof of that.

Angus definitely needs someone with less emotional/memtal issues.  He doesn't have the personality to handle something like that, and it will destroy him in the long run.  He wouldn't be able to help her and be the man she needs,  and it would drag him down.  I can definitely say that from experience.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #142 on: 13 May 2010, 06:47 »

Wooing Faye is like Thunderdome?  So... two men enter?


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #143 on: 13 May 2010, 06:48 »

All I can say is awesome.  Sven and Faye compliment each other so much.  She is exactly who he needs (keeps him in check).  The fact that he has changed this much already proves that.  And he is exactly what she needs.  Angus is too unconfident, too much of a dormat, somewhat like how Marten was.  Sven is confident, decisive, adventurous.  Assuming hes toned it down a bit, and stays faithful, he is exactly what Faye needs in her life.  A guy who will cut through the crap and help her become stronger in the process.  The amount she changed in the time she had that fling with him is proof of that.

Angus definitely needs someone with less emotional/memtal issues.  He doesn't have the personality to handle something like that, and it will destroy him in the long run.  He wouldn't be able to help her and be the man she needs,  and it would drag him down.  I can definitely say that from experience.

I am confused... what do you think just happened here?
Angus is the one cutting through the crap. That is Angus.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #144 on: 13 May 2010, 06:50 »

Wooing Faye is like Thunderdome?  So... two men enter?

And no one leaves because they are having too much fun... hur hur hur... wait I think that was a little too pervy for my taste.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #145 on: 13 May 2010, 07:11 »

Even though I've lived in the God-forsaken North for nearly twenty years now, (my God, has it been that long?!) Whenever I'm around Southern folks I slip into that accent like I'd never left.
Meaning the American South is God-attended? I wonder (despite the smug claims of millions of asshats here).

I respect your opinion, but its pretty clear that fayngus is what's for dinner* now

*(For those don't know/ don't live in the western US, there's a mediocre, overpriced restaurant named Black Angus. "Angus. It's what's for dinner," is its tagline.)
Actually, the tagline is "Steak: it's what's for dinner"; the terribly original prats at BA simply co-opted it.

I understand Faye's position, but I agree she shows all the signs of screwing this up with over-caution. My god, if Angus hasn't proved he's decent, non-advantage-taking sort by now, what does he need to do? I mean, the guy had a breast in hand and a kiss offered. That's the Gom Jabbar of the male personal restraint test, for chrissake. What more testing does he need?

Other's mileage may vary, but personal experience has taught me that when a girl tells you something like this, what she really means (whether she intends to or not) seems to be "how many hoops can I get you to run through before I downgrade you to 'friend' because the same kind of asshole who hurt me before has come into my life?" Of course, many fine, stable, lifelong romances may have begin with a talk like this—it's just, as I said, not for me.

I'm beginning to think Angus' one hope here is that somehow Marigold goes through the equivalent of an '80's style montage and comes out the other end with some social skills and confidence. And that hope may very well be that Angus winds up with Marigold.

Pondering at the end of this rant, I think what really chaps my hide is simply the metaphor Faye uses. "I'm scared," "I need to go slowly," "I'm willing to try, but I'm not promising anything," and so on are all honest statements I can respect, and "Play it by ear," certainly fits in there. But the idea of Angus having to sit an exam to prove he's worthy of Faye grates on me—and I really don't see any other way to take the expression, given the way she reiterates it in this comic. I certainly understand Faye's wanting to be sure of Angus— all of the walking wounded have that need, and I agree that she is one—but repeatedly saying she wants to 'test' him the way she does seems rather arrogant. My older and (possibly) wiser response is "Fuck your damn test. We—not just me—either try this or not. I want to be your boyfriend, not your student."
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #146 on: 13 May 2010, 07:54 »

Hahah, thanks. I'm, er, a girl though. That's an old photo of me in my user icon. This is a more recent pic of me:

That pink onesie really brings out your eyes.
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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #147 on: 13 May 2010, 08:50 »

All I can say is awesome.  Sven and Faye compliment each other so much.  She is exactly who he needs (keeps him in check).  The fact that he has changed this much already proves that.  And he is exactly what she needs.  Angus is too unconfident, too much of a dormat, somewhat like how Marten was.  Sven is confident, decisive, adventurous.  Assuming hes toned it down a bit, and stays faithful, he is exactly what Faye needs in her life.  A guy who will cut through the crap and help her become stronger in the process.  The amount she changed in the time she had that fling with him is proof of that.

Angus definitely needs someone with less emotional/memtal issues.  He doesn't have the personality to handle something like that, and it will destroy him in the long run.  He wouldn't be able to help her and be the man she needs,  and it would drag him down.  I can definitely say that from experience.

Also, I still hate Angus.


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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #148 on: 13 May 2010, 09:15 »

why do i feel like this is going to be another friday kiss strip, with a "Have a nice weekend!"
Because it's hurtling towards us like an out-of-control bus?

Either that or there'll be a robots strip simply to ease off on the drama.

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Re: Weekly comic thread, 5/10 - 5/14
« Reply #149 on: 13 May 2010, 11:23 »

Are these lyrics running through anyone else's head from these last two strips?

I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends

I want your loving
I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
The Quakers were masters of siege warfare.
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