I remember Big Country - that would probably make you 5 - 10 years younger than me, assuming you were late teens/early 20's going to the concert.
Ears rang for a few days afterward, did they? Everything was a little muffled?
Hope you didn't pay extra for those seats near the speakers...
First semester freshman year at college, they played at our small auditorium -- it was general admission and cheap, and my friends and I were toward the front but in the middle. Could barely hear when we got out due to the roaring in our ears, and yeah, my ears were still ringing the next morning, though OK a day after that. I guess that's the inevitable result of those bagpipe-sounding guitar riffs, blargh. At least when my husband suffered a similar level of hearing loss (he took the test too) it was for a cooler band: DEVO.
I tried that hearing test thing -- depressing. I could hear 12 KHz, but not 14 KHz. I can even pinpoint when I lost most of that hearing -- it was at a concert headlined by the band (I shit you not) Big Country. If you have clue one who they are, then you know how old I am.
Hot....Shot! (i.e. I know who these four-wheeler riding freaks are, or were, and it is a shame about the lead singer. Never understood what screaming Hot....Shot out had to do with the song "In a Big Country," but there's something to be said for a band that is so one-shot that it's one big hit has it's name in the title—i.e maybe it's better not to do that, ever. )
I suppose I'm the only one who simply detests the smile on Hanners' face in panel #3. I don't know why, but I cringe just looking at it. I repeat, nothing good can come of this.
The "Hot shot!" thing is kinda random -- of course, through today's prism of cynicism (by which I mainly mean my own), the utterance seems pervy. I do agree that having the band name in your song can spell doom for a band, unless you're a rap MC or something.

I remember Creem magazine (woo, flashback!) having a blurb on them with a picture, the caption of which read "Their nickname is obscene!" So silly. I didn't know the lead singer had died, but having looked it up, I see that it happened a few months after 9/11, so maybe the story got buried.
I think the reason Hanners' face is so disquieting in that panel is because it's more cartoony and makes her look like she has no lips. Well, that's my impression, anyway.
As to today's strip, it seems that Cosette's luck is infectious, though most of her personal bad luck seems to stem from clutziness. I don't blame Dora for feeling wary. Of course, there's "bad luck" (falling down the stairs while looking at a pic of a dude with a bear), and then there's "hopelessly naive" (hiding a briefcase with unknown contents under your bed for a boss who tells you not to open it). So I guess Cosette's problem isn't luck so much as making terrible errors in judgment.