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The Moment of the Week:

Steve "vouches" for Cosette
- 1 (2.5%)
Tai's offer to proofread Cosette's resume
- 2 (5%)
It's a bad idea to hire your friends
- 1 (2.5%)
"We love you too, Fearless Leader."
- 4 (10%)
Dora hires Hannelore
- 4 (10%)
- 8 (20%)
Happy Hannelore Hugging Heartily!
- 10 (25%)
She's finally ready to try TACO BELL!
- 3 (7.5%)
"Every place you've worked at has closed."
- 5 (12.5%)
Multiplying Negative numbers?
- 0 (0%)
The briefcase under Cosette's bed
- 2 (5%)

Total Members Voted: 35

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Author Topic: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010 (1706-1710)  (Read 57312 times)


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #150 on: 15 Jul 2010, 21:53 »

[Slyvoice]And just think, they won the Franchise Wars and made every Restaurant a Taco Bell[/Slyvoice]
James The Kugai 

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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #151 on: 15 Jul 2010, 22:09 »

I'm with Marten on this: BABY STEPS, HANNERS. Go to Arby's and get a small order of curly fries. SMALL.

If you can handle that, get ONE chalupa from Taco Bell.
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #152 on: 15 Jul 2010, 22:16 »

I tried that hearing test thing -- depressing.  I could hear 12 KHz, but not 14 KHz.  I can even pinpoint when I lost most of that hearing -- it was at a concert headlined by the band (I shit you not) Big Country.  If you have clue one who they are, then you know how old I am.  I'd go back in time to change that, but with my luck I'd end up being my own grandpa (tricky, considering I'm female).

The little swoosh lines in panel 2 of comeek #1709 seem to indicate that Marten has tossed the cat, which is funnier to me than Mieville jumping away.  And yes, I like cats.  Red shoes on Hanners is sort of an odd choice (maybe her Mom told her to only wear red shoes "because they don't show blood"?), but her suit is grey.  I'm guessing Marten's not hugging her back as a precaution in the event she freaks out -- wise move.

The only edible thing I've ever gotten at Taco Bell is the pre-packaged ChocoTacos.  That's right, ice cream in a taco-shaped wafflecone-thing with chocolate drizzle and nuts.  Mmmmm . . .  I have no idea if they still sell those there.  If I want a regular taco and don't want to make it myself, though, I can go to any one of the Mexican, TexMex, Salvadorean, or Peruvian restaurants nearby.
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #153 on: 16 Jul 2010, 00:13 »

I remember Big Country - that would probably make you 5 - 10 years younger than me, assuming you were late teens/early 20's going to the concert. 

Ears rang for a few days afterward, did they?  Everything was a little muffled? 

Hope you didn't pay extra for those seats near the speakers...
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #154 on: 16 Jul 2010, 00:47 »

I tried that hearing test thing -- depressing.  I could hear 12 KHz, but not 14 KHz.  I can even pinpoint when I lost most of that hearing -- it was at a concert headlined by the band (I shit you not) Big Country.  If you have clue one who they are, then you know how old I am.  
Hot....Shot! (i.e. I know who these four-wheeler riding freaks are, or were, and it is a shame about the lead singer. Never understood what screaming Hot....Shot out had to do with the song "In a Big Country," but there's something to be said for a band that is so one-shot that it's one big hit has it's name in the title—i.e maybe it's better not to do that, ever. )

I suppose I'm the only one who simply detests the smile on Hanners' face in panel #3. I don't know why, but I cringe just looking at it. I repeat, nothing good can come of this.
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #155 on: 16 Jul 2010, 01:43 »

Nonononono dont make Hanners a lesbian plz dont ! :-(

(In case you dont get the context: currently leading choice in the poll right now: 'And the next step with Hannelore is: (3) Kissing a girl (and she likes it!)')
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #156 on: 16 Jul 2010, 01:47 »

Sorry, I was channeling Katy Perry (Hudson).
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #157 on: 16 Jul 2010, 02:00 »

Sorry, I was channeling Katy Perry (Hudson).

I'm sure there are worse people you could channel.


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #158 on: 16 Jul 2010, 02:22 »

Nonononono dont make Hanners a lesbian plz dont ! :-(

(In case you dont get the context: currently leading choice in the poll right now: 'And the next step with Hannelore is: (3) Kissing a girl (and she likes it!)')

Why shouldn't Hanners like kissing girls?

What is it about Hannelore reaching out to another human being makes you uncomfortable?

Besides, kissing girls (and liking it) does not necessarily mean that a girl is a lesbian (or even bi.)
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #159 on: 16 Jul 2010, 02:32 »

Is it just my computer or is the link to the picture of the comic broken?

{edit}It's working now.

Maybe Cosette's clumsiness is not just Cosette?  What does that say about her relationship with Steve?


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #160 on: 16 Jul 2010, 02:37 »

Was broken for me too, but works now.

Damn. I don't believe in luck or anything but it's almost like there's some intelligent entity make all these terrible things happen to this poor girl.

Why does God hate Cosette? Or is he just punishing her for America's tolerance for homosexuality?

Next thing you know Fred Phelps and his thugs will be following her around with hatefully worded and poorly spelled picket signs.
« Last Edit: 16 Jul 2010, 02:39 by akronnick »
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #161 on: 16 Jul 2010, 02:46 »

Bad Luck Shleprock. "Chew Toy". Or more likely, "Cosmic Plaything"
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #162 on: 16 Jul 2010, 02:52 »

Or maybe it's some kind of cosmic balance thing: Every time Hanners makes progress, something bad happens to Cosette.

God help her if Hanners ever gets laid!
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #163 on: 16 Jul 2010, 03:00 »

i confess that part of me wonders if Cosette is as innocent as she looks.  I remember reading a theory in the forums that Cosette was after Steve to get him back for his days serving the Government.  Of course she could just be cursed?

I'm not sure which theory is worse.


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #164 on: 16 Jul 2010, 04:28 »

Or maybe it's some kind of cosmic balance thing: Every time Hanners makes progress, something bad happens to Cosette.

God help her if Hanners ever gets laid!

Given how embarrased Hanners was with the robot boyfriend I almost doubt she's even used a vibrator.


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #165 on: 16 Jul 2010, 04:31 »

Of course in the UK the two would cancel each other out (holding a black cat and walking under a ladder) what with black cats being lucky there.

Ladders on the other hand are right bastards wherever you go.

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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #166 on: 16 Jul 2010, 04:53 »

Would it be reasonable for Dora to screen her out ?  At this point she's got not references...
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #167 on: 16 Jul 2010, 05:46 »

I laughed at this, because that's what my resume looks like too.  Most of the places I've worked are closed now (usually due to the incompetence of the owners - nothing I did...).


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #168 on: 16 Jul 2010, 05:54 »

So YOU say.  Kind of hard to check that out now, isn't it?  

Given how embarrased Hanners was with the robot boyfriend I almost doubt she's even used a vibrator.

Based on her fascination with Dora's party favor box, I'd have to second that. 
« Last Edit: 16 Jul 2010, 05:57 by Carl-E »
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #169 on: 16 Jul 2010, 05:56 »

Eventually we find out Cosette is the cause of the worldwide economic recession in general, and that we'll have to immolate her atop a giant flaming pile of rabbit feet and four leaf clovers.  


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #170 on: 16 Jul 2010, 06:12 »

This is actually a convenient way to write her out of the script! Turns out the briefcase was full of a whole bunch of drug money. She gets sent up for aiding and abetting. Steve goes on an all-night drinking binge (again) and starts to hit on....


 :-D :-D :-D

EDIT: On another note - the Scribd PDF edition of Strip-by-strip has been updated! Enjoy!
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #171 on: 16 Jul 2010, 07:42 »

Aww, I'm Cosette.  Market research company: closed.  Hole-in-the-wall computer shop: closed.  Temp agency: closed.  Then there was the 5 years I spent at AIG...


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #172 on: 16 Jul 2010, 07:53 »

Given how embarrased Hanners was with the robot boyfriend I almost doubt she's even used a vibrator.

Based on her fascination with Dora's party favor box, I'd have to second that.  

You'd think she'd wonder what all the buzz is about, though.  


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #173 on: 16 Jul 2010, 08:26 »

Ba-doom-boom! clash!

That's two strikes against Cosette—the other being her only 'viable' reference, Steve.

I'm still hoping Lydia will apply.
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #174 on: 16 Jul 2010, 08:33 »

I would think that with Hanners' penchant for cleaning and sterilizing, she would be more than capable of having a magnificent collection of well used bedroom toys, all kept hospital-grade clean.

As for Cosette, done some rubber gloves, hack the combo, open it up and any cash/bearer bonds/gold bullion in there, take a share and hide it, then quickly seal it back up. Rub down the outside for extraneous finger prints and then bare hand carry it to the police and when they ask if you'd opened it, honestly say that you have no idea what the combo is (because you didn't see it), and lie through your teeth to tell them that you haven't opened it and have no idea what's in it.

If it's all pot, screw it. She's accident prone enough. No need to add THC intoxication on top of that. But a few stacks of $100 bills, that's tuition. Cha-CHING.
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #175 on: 16 Jul 2010, 09:16 »

I remember Big Country - that would probably make you 5 - 10 years younger than me, assuming you were late teens/early 20's going to the concert. 

Ears rang for a few days afterward, did they?  Everything was a little muffled? 

Hope you didn't pay extra for those seats near the speakers...

First semester freshman year at college, they played at our small auditorium -- it was general admission and cheap, and my friends and I were toward the front but in the middle.  Could barely hear when we got out due to the roaring in our ears, and yeah, my ears were still ringing the next morning, though OK a day after that.  I guess that's the inevitable result of those bagpipe-sounding guitar riffs, blargh.  At least when my husband suffered a similar level of hearing loss (he took the test too) it was for a cooler band: DEVO.

I tried that hearing test thing -- depressing.  I could hear 12 KHz, but not 14 KHz.  I can even pinpoint when I lost most of that hearing -- it was at a concert headlined by the band (I shit you not) Big Country.  If you have clue one who they are, then you know how old I am.  
Hot....Shot! (i.e. I know who these four-wheeler riding freaks are, or were, and it is a shame about the lead singer. Never understood what screaming Hot....Shot out had to do with the song "In a Big Country," but there's something to be said for a band that is so one-shot that it's one big hit has it's name in the title—i.e maybe it's better not to do that, ever. )

I suppose I'm the only one who simply detests the smile on Hanners' face in panel #3. I don't know why, but I cringe just looking at it. I repeat, nothing good can come of this.

The "Hot shot!" thing is kinda random -- of course, through today's prism of cynicism (by which I mainly mean my own), the utterance seems pervy.  I do agree that having the band name in your song can spell doom for a band, unless you're a rap MC or something.   :wink:  I remember Creem magazine (woo, flashback!) having a blurb on them with a picture, the caption of which read "Their nickname is obscene!"  So silly.  I didn't know the lead singer had died, but having looked it up, I see that it happened a few months after 9/11, so maybe the story got buried.

I think the reason Hanners' face is so disquieting in that panel is because it's more cartoony and makes her look like she has no lips.  Well, that's my impression, anyway.

As to today's strip, it seems that Cosette's luck is infectious, though most of her personal bad luck seems to stem from clutziness.  I don't blame Dora for feeling wary.  Of course, there's "bad luck" (falling down the stairs while looking at a pic of a dude with a bear), and then there's "hopelessly naive" (hiding a briefcase with unknown contents under your bed for a boss who tells you not to open it).  So I guess Cosette's problem isn't luck so much as making terrible errors in judgment.
Actually, I would posit that purple elephants do not contribute to the ruination of everything forever in any way.

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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #176 on: 16 Jul 2010, 11:42 »

I laughed at this, because that's what my resume looks like too.  Most of the places I've worked are closed now (usually due to the incompetence of the owners - nothing I did...).

My resume has exactly three entries - two of which are for jobs that I presently am employed at.  24 years at one and 14 for the other.
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #177 on: 16 Jul 2010, 11:54 »

I would think that with Hanners' penchant for cleaning and sterilizing, she would be more than capable of having a magnificent collection of well used bedroom toys, all kept hospital-grade clean.

As for Cosette, done some rubber gloves, hack the combo, open it up and any cash/bearer bonds/gold bullion in there, take a share and hide it, then quickly seal it back up. Rub down the outside for extraneous finger prints and then bare hand carry it to the police and when they ask if you'd opened it, honestly say that you have no idea what the combo is (because you didn't see it), and lie through your teeth to tell them that you haven't opened it and have no idea what's in it.

If it's all pot, screw it. She's accident prone enough. No need to add THC intoxication on top of that. But a few stacks of $100 bills, that's tuition. Cha-CHING.

Then they arrest her boss, tell him "we know about your briefcase with X dollars/bonds/bullion in it" and he says, "WHAT? There was X+(whatever Cosette stole) dollars/bonds/bullion in that case!" and Cosette goes to prison as an accessory. And with Cosette's luck, she'll be either raped or dead by lights out of her first day of her sentence.

Or worse, she tries to open it, and her boss put a little "theft deterrent" in the case. And by "theft deterrent" I mean "the explosion shatters every window for 2 blocks".

Call the cops, tell them about the case, but KEEP YOUR GRUBBY MITTS OUT OF IT.
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #178 on: 16 Jul 2010, 13:30 »

Hooray for perspective change!  Some pretty awesome angle you got there, Jeph.  Here's to more of that. *cheers*


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #179 on: 16 Jul 2010, 14:51 »

Faye's dialogue in the last panel is perplexing; the structure of the sentence indicates that she wants "multiplying two negative numbers" to be a counter-example to the ladder/cat combo cancelling out.

But if one assumes that she wishes to use negative numbers for negative consequences, multiplying them would create a positive number, implying a positive consequence!

This is nearly identical to the "cancel out" situation and therefore not likely to be the intended counter-point.

So, is Faye simply not all that good at negative mathematics (no reason she should be, really) or did I mistake our Fearless Leader's intent with that sentence?
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #180 on: 16 Jul 2010, 15:34 »

Probably meant, "ADDING negative numbers".  Which makes things more negative. 

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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #181 on: 16 Jul 2010, 16:00 »

Faye got straight A's in everything (strip 170) so if she had math classes at all she did well enough in them to know what happens when you multiply negative numbers.
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #182 on: 16 Jul 2010, 17:09 »

So that's where the Briefcase from Pulp Fiction wound up!!    :-D
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #183 on: 16 Jul 2010, 17:36 »

And the next step with Hannelore is:

DUH - Sex.    - 4 (11.8%)
"Yo quiero Taco Bell!"    - 6 (17.6%)
Kissing a girl (and she likes it!)    - 12 (35.3%)
Telling her mom off!    - 3 (8.8%)
Telling her DAD off!    - 1 (2.9%)
Making Porridge Pancakes!    - 4 (11.8%)
Asps.    - 4 (11.8%)

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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #184 on: 16 Jul 2010, 17:45 »

So that's where the Briefcase from Pulp Fiction wound up!!    :-D
I knew it was only a matter of time before someone brought that up. I should've made that bet…

I think the reason Hanners' face is so disquieting in that panel is because it's more cartoony and makes her look like she has no lips.  Well, that's my impression, anyway.
That's also an impossible arc for her lips, or it seems so to me. People can do that frowning, but not, so far as I know, smiling.

As to today's strip, it seems that Cosette's luck is infectious, though most of her personal bad luck seems to stem from clutziness.  I don't blame Dora for feeling wary.  Of course, there's "bad luck" (falling down the stairs while looking at a pic of a dude with a bear), and then there's "hopelessly naive" (hiding a briefcase with unknown contents under your bed for a boss who tells you not to open it).  So I guess Cosette's problem isn't luck so much as making terrible errors in judgment.
I agree with you about Cosette, but there are many naive, clumsy people who still don't manage to see the death of every business they work for. I think she's a Jonah (Joan? Jonette? Jonaha? Scratch the last—sounds like she sells steaks or insurance, not brings doom wherever she alights).

Edit: fixed my mess.
« Last Edit: 17 Jul 2010, 00:48 by raoullefere »
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #185 on: 16 Jul 2010, 19:25 »

 :-D   :wink:    :laugh:    :angel:   

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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #186 on: 16 Jul 2010, 20:13 »

Check it out yourself!

This has been another public service brought to you by WCDT and Coffee of Doom.  Come try our new sanitary lattes!

I can hear everything up to 17kHz definitely, but the 18 and 19kHz only when I concentrate. 20+ is completely unnoticeable to me.

(I'm 22)
Everything about this post applies to me as well.

Edit: I also enjoy a Crunchwrap Supreme now and again.  It's good to go!™
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #187 on: 17 Jul 2010, 00:44 »

Yes but in that alternate reality the United States passed universal health care years ago so it's totally worth it.

It looks like they didn't.


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #188 on: 17 Jul 2010, 07:05 »



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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #189 on: 17 Jul 2010, 10:42 »

Somewhere there's a punishment awaiting whoever thought up the Pebbles and Bam-Bam show. Maybe making them watch the whole series every day.

I got mighty disturbed when I tried Carl's little hearing test with headphones. But on my stereo, I could hear 14 hz (instead of cutting off at 10) so I feel a little less over and done with. Meanwhile, I spose I need to start applying <a href=" ">Black's Maxim[/url] if I want to hang around a while. I'm sure many think I'm doing pretty well at that.
GOM (Grumpy Old Men): Complaining about attire, trespassing, loud music, and general cheerfulness since before you were born, Missy.


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #190 on: 17 Jul 2010, 15:47 »

I got mighty disturbed when I tried Carl's little hearing test with headphones. But on my stereo, I could hear 14 hz (instead of cutting off at 10) so I feel a little less over and done with.
Yeah. One of Akima's Rules for a stress-free life is "Don't measure anything with an uncalibrated instrument". Another is "Don't sweat variations in the data smaller than your instrument can accurately measure, regardless of what you can read on the scale". Especially bathroom scales.
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #191 on: 18 Jul 2010, 00:13 »

Somewhere there's a punishment awaiting whoever thought up the Pebbles and Bam-Bam show. Maybe making them watch the whole series every day.

That, and "Scrappy-Doo"

I got mighty disturbed when I tried Carl's little hearing test with headphones. But on my stereo, I could hear 14 hz (instead of cutting off at 10) so I feel a little less over and done with.

Cheap headphones are.  A lot of people don't realize just how bad they can be.  I miss my Sennhausers. 

Meanwhile, I spose I need to start applying <a href=" ">Black's Maxim[/url] if I want to hang around a while. I'm sure many think I'm doing pretty well at that.

Remember the code of the GOM, "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm". 

Of course, there's always someone older...
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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #192 on: 18 Jul 2010, 04:47 »

Of course, there's always someone older...

Maybe, but that's easy to fix!
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCDT (HA!) 12-16 July 2010
« Reply #193 on: 18 Jul 2010, 10:36 »

Somewhere there's a punishment awaiting whoever thought up the Pebbles and Bam-Bam show. Maybe making them watch the whole series every day.
That, and "Scrappy-Doo"
Oh, no. The giggling wretches who dreamed Scrappy-Doo deserve more than simple punishment. Hell sounds about right. After all, they tried to put us there. "Puppy Power," my ass.

Meanwhile, to be fair, kudos to James Gunn for a more accurate portrayal of the little shit, even though I suspect he lifted the plot from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker.
GOM (Grumpy Old Men): Complaining about attire, trespassing, loud music, and general cheerfulness since before you were born, Missy.
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