Apologies in advance if anyone finds the forcefulness of my words offensive, and no I have not read the thread, and yes Jeph has the absolute right to write his comic any way he wants, but:
I am a smart person, a compassionate person, I am caring and forgiving and possess a decent, if quirky, sense of humor. I am also ugly. No matter how I change myself with makeup or clothing to fit other people's perceptions, I am still ugly. Because of this, no guy has ever or will ever consider me a candidate for anything resembling romance or a relationship. I can get laid, sure; but that is not relevant to the point. I am ugly, and no one, NO ONE, ever looks beyond the surface to the inner self, or any of that other crap that Hollywood and idealistic idiots like to sell - people fall in love with pretty people, period.
And before anyone plays the self-esteem card: I am perfectly fine with myself, thank you very much. I know who I am and what I'm worth, and if the rest of the world is unable to realize that an ugly face has nothing to do with my value as a person, that is entirely their problem. I'm not angry or hostile about the fact that no one will ever fall in love with me - only with yet another iteration of the same old tired meme that "looks don't matter" and that ugly can somehow become "pretty" with anything less than extensive plastic surgery. I've long since come to terms with the fact that any sort of romantic relationship is completely off the table for me, and I've learned to be content with that. For me, friendship will have to suffice... and to be honest, it's in no way an inadequate substitute; many if not most of my friendships are far more intimate than a whole lot of the relationships and marriages I've witnessed will ever be.
Everyone likes to believe that things like "true love" are fair, and based on a person's heart instead of their looks, and that the underdog has some chance of winning the Hollywood ending. In point of fact, that does not happen. I would be delighted with this storyline and the fact that FINALLY someone is spouting the uncomfortable but very real truths involved, were it not for the accompanying editorial comments that seem to me to be indicating that yet another typical reveal is in store. Which, if it comes to that, will be the one thing that will make me turn away from the comic permanently. Suspension of disbelief is one thing - insulting my intelligence is quite another.
I am certain that there are many who will disagree with my statements. I am equally certain that none of those people are or have ever been ugly, nor have ever fallen in love with or even considered dating an ugly person. I have lived with this face for over four decades, and I know whereof I speak. That is all.