Somewhere between the two extremes I would think, but closer to the second scenario.
Dora, by breaking up with Marten, put herself into a position where she can fall into her old traps. Now there's been enough time since the breakup that Dora has rationalized some of her actions so that she no longer sees the breakup as her fault as much. She may also simply be starting to get a little horny, and the scary relationship angst voices are being drowned out by the libido chorus.
She's like an alchoholic who's been sober for two months and thinks he's cured, so it's okay if he goes ahead and has that glass of scotch.
None of this means that Dora is a bad person or that I or anyone else on the forum thinks bad things should happen to her. We just are afraid that if she pursues this, she's just going to be right back where she started in six months or a year. Meanwhile, she's not only alienated her two best friends (Marten and Faye), she has jeopardized her business as well. This is assuming that Jim would be a good match for her, which I have not been convinced of. He probably has some issues regarding his divorce that he may not have unpacked yet, and judging by Dora's body language when they first met, I don't think she's that attracted to him.
The problems that Dora had during her relationship with Marten have not gone away, they have simply been dormant while she hasn't been seeing anyone.
Can you clarify something for me? How exactly would she "jeopardize her business"? Even if things go sour, CoD doesn't seem to be based upon its pastry sales - but rather the sales of its coffee. Considering that Jim himself admits that Dora's coffee is superior to his own, I don't see how losing some until-recent-good-sales of baked goods will jeopardize her business wise.
To an unrelated point - I read Dora talking about the refreshing change as being the difference in the way things went. When things started with Marten, there was "drama" in that she had Faye's feeling to contend with then and (in her mind) all throughout. I don't think she's blaming anyone, just stating the obvious. I know a lot of people will probably disagree with this thought, but perhaps this is seeing Dora working through her issues? We haven't seen her in therapy, we haven't seen what's being discussed there and what her therapist has recommended or suggested. Maybe "just a date" is her way of trying to test the waters and see how she handles things. I think another poster is right. I've been reading but not posting here because, honestly, the forum seems like a LOT of Faye-love and Dora-"hate". Most comics that I read and that I've read in the past has a "villian" character. QC does seem to really be missing a character that readers love to hate because they actually do something to deserve that title. IMHO Dora hasn't done anything to deserve that particular title on her, yet it seems (IE - from months of reading things people have said about her) that she does indeed seem to be quite a few people's "villian").
Faye use to physically hit Marten, and admitted to his mother she knew she was hard on him even though he let her, a total stranger, move in with him after she accidentially burned her own apartment down. And really, it seemed he was only do that because 1. he's a doormat and 2. he was hoping it would lead to something else. Faye recognized her behavior and went to therapy and she's proclaimed a great person for it. Marten hasn't even admitted (that I can recall, help me out here) that he's basically a walking doormat, hasn't really done anything to change that and yet it's kind of thought of (and bitched about) as "whatever". And then Dora has issues, she doesn't deal with them, but she's a raging bitch and everything is her fault with her relationship with Marten? Last I checked it takes two. Marten could have easily said no to starting things off, though I doubt his doormatness would have let him. Dora is not without blame nor is she completely at fault, either.
Last I checked as well Dora was single from the time she was introduced until she began dating Marten. So perhaps close to, roughly about the same time that Marten was single from his last relationship? But yet it's called out that she needs to be single for awhile while Marten needs to get out more? When Marten has his own issues he hasn't even really acknowledged? Buh? It may seem like justification to some people, but in all honsety, this is how someone who reads, but doesn't participate in the day to day discussions sees the postings here. You love Hanners, Faye is a goddess and Dora can hop the next train out. And yes, I will completely admit that Dora is my favorite character - but I know she's done stupid things, acted out of line and needs help. I get frustrated with things other characters do and say but no where near to the point that some people seem to get about Dora. I usually get more entertainment out of the RAWR postings than I do from the comic.
And please, this is just my own view of things - I don't admit to knowing things better than anyone, nor am I saying anyone and everyone hates Dora, wah wah. Just thought I'd throw my opinion in the delightful mix of the forums.
So, um, yeah. Hi everyone. I'll, uh, I'll be over here in my corner now. Waaaaaaaaaay over here. With my construction helmet on. Don't mind me. ^_^