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Faye points out the obvious: you both had feelings for each other.
- 0 (0%)
What was I supposed to do? (Oh, I dunno, BE DECENT about it?)
- 1 (1.4%)
She was leaving. (You could have at LEAST said you tried.)
- 0 (0%)
Yeah, all that got you was your entire current life.
- 2 (2.7%)
It IS a waste, because you're WASTING it.
- 4 (5.5%)
You just owned me there...
- 2 (2.7%)
Being passive is his nature.
- 0 (0%)
You gotta DO Stuff.
- 1 (1.4%)
...break out the guitar.
- 1 (1.4%)
- 8 (11%)
Pintsize apologizes.
- 1 (1.4%)
Pintsize was in MEXICO!
- 1 (1.4%)
McPedro and Choo-Choo Bear!
- 3 (4.1%)
Hannerdad's havin' a birthday!
- 5 (6.8%)
Can I bring Marten & Marigold?
- 3 (4.1%)
I KNOW Marten's safe.
- 0 (0%)
Marigold.... (FRRRRT)
- 7 (9.6%)
I'm PRETTY SURE she's not a secret robot.
- 5 (6.8%)
I have a question for you guys...
- 0 (0%)
See, it's my dad's birthday next week...
- 0 (0%)
Dad also said I could bring some friends with me...
- 1 (1.4%)
- 28 (38.4%)

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #200 on: 17 Jan 2012, 08:04 »

Eats too many waffles in Australia then dies.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #201 on: 17 Jan 2012, 08:42 »

The whole thing seemed Kobyiashi Maru. What were Martin's real options?

Fall head over heels in love with her and be destroyed when she left?

Fall head over heels in love with her, and totally uproot his entire life to go be with a woman he's known maybe 2-3 months?

I don't think either option thrills me.

The whole thing was just wrong place wrong time. My only complaint was Martin should have enjoyed what he did have.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #202 on: 17 Jan 2012, 09:13 »

grab the happy!

I read everything else you said (and definitely agree) but I just needed to share how much I love this phrase. haha

Last time I tried to grab the happy I nearly wound up in jail.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #203 on: 17 Jan 2012, 11:23 »

...but disagree they will, and some still try to get their view over by sheer weight of posts.

I feel like that's disingenuous.  Having reread the threads of the last two weeks, I'm pretty sure it's mostly different people piping up for short series of responses, not the same people over and over again across more than two pages (with a few exceptions).
The bulk of the useless (read: posts that aren't from a fresh face weighing in) response posts have had more to do with whining about other peoples' responses.  Calling out their uselessness or aggressiveness or accusing of sexism or bemoaning how oh gosh it's still happening.  Like this post of mine so far.

Something completely different:

Marten in the last panels reminded me of a newly popular song.
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"My image of you is ruined!"


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #204 on: 17 Jan 2012, 12:00 »

but but but

you need to have your heart BROKEN in order to play the BLUES that movie with Ralph Macchio. And Stevie Vai as the DEVIL, man!  That shit was DEEP!

o/~   PAD-ma, got me on my knees!  PAD-ma, beggin' darlin' please!   o/~



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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #205 on: 17 Jan 2012, 13:28 »

on the Internet

I like how Tycho put it in a Penny Arcade newspost last week:

There are certainly people with whom dialogue is not possible, or desirable; . . . There are also people who merely disagree.  We are losing the ability to tell which is which.

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #206 on: 17 Jan 2012, 14:10 »

It's arguable whether Faye is being hypocritical.

The case against is that she's restarted her sculpting. The case in favor is that Dora had to push her hard to make that happen.

In any case, though, good advice is still good advice even if it comes from a hypocrite.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #207 on: 17 Jan 2012, 14:29 »

I would only call her a hypocrite if she gave advice she would not wish to follow herself; if she has merely failed to follow it (or had to be forced to), she is essentially in the same position as Marten - knowing what to do, but now having to make themselves do it.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #208 on: 17 Jan 2012, 14:47 »

We have worked hard here to try to remove the rudeness that was common not much more than a year ago; these days people are (mostly) reasonably polite about disagreeing - but disagree they will, and some still try to get their view over by sheer weight of posts.
My bad. 


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #209 on: 17 Jan 2012, 14:56 »

Hmmm, pwhodges! I find that quite difficult to agree with..

If you give someone advice you can't follow yourself, shouldn't you be in a good position to know how difficult that advice is to follow (if the person has a similar issue or problem as your own) and change the advice?

More a "Well I tried to do x and it was hard, but what about y."

I only say this because I'm quite patently bad at taking my own advice and I acknowledge my hypocrisy openly in an attempt to either force myself into taking my own advice or really stopping to consider whether my advice is valid if I can't follow it myself.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #210 on: 17 Jan 2012, 15:08 »

If you give someone advice you can't follow yourself, shouldn't you be in a good position to know how difficult that advice is to follow (if the person has a similar issue or problem as your own)?

If you are trying, but failing, you are not being hypocritical; if you are not trying (even if because you think it will be too hard) then you are.  I can see that cases can be contrived to show that the boundary is not as clear-cut as that sounds.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #211 on: 17 Jan 2012, 15:20 »

If you are trying, but failing, you are not being hypocritical; if you are not trying (even if because you think it will be too hard) then you are.  I can see that cases can be contrived to show that the boundary is not as clear-cut as that sounds.

I concede that point, very well put. (with agreement on the fact that the boundaries could be difficult to define)

I think without really realizing it I was questioning the wider validity of advice given which you can't follow yourself (in the trying and failing sense) - I think it's a question of how achievable actions based on advice may be, and whether it's sometimes very easy to state an obvious solution without considering the required steps in between which actually allow the advice to be followed.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #212 on: 17 Jan 2012, 16:53 »

"But nature or not, you're never gonna be happy if you go through life just letting things happen to you" - like, say, letting Faye approach you and become a close friend, or letting Dora pounce on you and become your girlfriend?

"You gotta DO stuff" - like, say, standing up to your girlfriend when you think she's behaved objectionally, and thus ending the relationship, or standing up to your mother when she's being obnoxious, and being made to look stupid in front of your friends? Or chasing another girlfriend across the country and getting your heart broken and winding up in a dead-end job?

I don't even see how "going along with Padma's wish to let the relationship drift to a close at a time of her choosing" would count as DOING stuff more than "deciding to break it off in a fit of pique" does.

For that matter, what's Faye done that's so impressive since breaking the ice with Marten 2 years ago? Seduce Sven? Wow, that worked out well for everyone.

tl;dr - Faye's spiel today reads (to me) annoyingly like one of those glib morals you used to get at the end of US sitcom episodes, and one which isn't remotely borne out by the previous 2100 strips.

Yes, there have been times where his assertiveness didn't work. However, those problems had more to do with who he was assertive to than the assertiveness itself. I don't deny the basic point, as mentioned before Marten being assertive has had some trouble in the past. The problem is though that his passivity isn't going to make things any better either. I don't know what Marten could have done in the Padma situation that would have worked but as it is he either needs to be able to stand up and do it enough that he can do it consistently or he has to reevaluate himself. Marten has had a lot of bad shit happen to him but that doesn't absolve him of needing to try to improve himself or things in his life. The universe doesn't hand out rewards after you've been dragged through that sort of thing just because, otherwise the third world wouldn't be.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #213 on: 17 Jan 2012, 17:37 »

Hi, I'm back - hopefully with better quality posts than yesterday (instead of quantity). I have to remind myself that experience is that quality that allows you to recognise your mistakes when you make them again.  :roll:

I agree (although it didn't occur to me at the time) that Faye's spiel does read a bit like a glib moral at the end of a US sitcom episode. Easier said than done, even - especially for someone who is passive by nature. Still, I'm not sure that anyone here is going to argue that it would be bad for Marten to become a little less passive in his life.

Still, he's tried before and been kicked, right? That's going to make it harder for him. True, and I've got a couple of observations about that.

First of all, Marten becoming less passive is really going to be a process of focussing less on simply pleasing those around him and more on his own needs and goals. Well, it stands to reason that his first attempts at doing so are going to involve people being ... well ... less than pleased with him. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't persevere! It's a matter of learning his personal boundaries - balancing his own needs and desires against those of the people around him.

"You gotta DO stuff" - like, say, standing up to your girlfriend when you think she's behaved objectionally, and thus ending the relationship, or standing up to your mother when she's being obnoxious, and being made to look stupid in front of your friends? Or chasing another girlfriend across the country and getting your heart broken and winding up in a dead-end job?

The burned hand teaches best, but hopefully it should teach the right lesson. Let's look at those examples one by one.

"standing up to your girlfriend when you think she's behaved objectionally"
(hoo boy my archive-fu skills are lacking)

When did this really go off the rails? It wasn't when he stood up to her - if he'd simply insisted that she crossed a line and he was angry about it, I think this episode would have ended fine (this time at least). Where it really went wrong was where Marten made a snipey, bitter statement that indicated that he was carrying around anger about Dora's past mistakes as well. Now, I don't want to get into a massive revisiting of the whole breakup topic - I just want to say that they didn't break up purely because he stood up to her. It's more complex than that.

"standing up to your mother when she's being obnoxious"
This is actually pretty much the same issue - instead of resolving the issue at the time, he carries it around with him, then it comes out in a totally snarky, inappropriate manner when all his mother is doing is asking what everyone would like to do next. That wasn't standing up to her when she was being obnoxious, it was being passive aggressive when she wasn't. Before you start on me - I am not placing fault, nor am I saying that Marten's mother dealt with the situation perfectly or even close to it. All I am saying is that had he been properly assertive instead of just rude, then he would not have had to be embarrased.

"chasing another girlfriend across the country and getting your heart broken and winding up in a dead-end job"
(no particular comic for this one - phew)
That's a fair comment - the immediate outcome wasn't what he wanted. But again, I hope he would learn that right lesson from this. I won't try and discuss what the right lesson is, because that's yet another can of worms. But I would like to the think that the lesson is NOT "stop trying, you'll only get hurt."

Well, it still ended up too long, but hopefully it's a bit better than yesterdays efforts.   :-)
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #214 on: 17 Jan 2012, 17:45 »

I'm thinking of the movie "Pushing Hands", about a Tai Chi master who moves from China to live with his Americanized family.

The characters who believed in not interfering with the natural flow of events had to learn to take action: the characters from the Western mindset had to learn not to meddle and to let things happen in their own time.

Andy147 makes a great point that Marten has gotten good things by just letting them happen, but sometimes you just have to go out and get the soup.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #215 on: 17 Jan 2012, 18:26 »

However, those problems had more to do with who he was assertive to than the assertiveness itself.

And how he was trying to be assertive, as well.

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #216 on: 17 Jan 2012, 19:23 »

He is unpracticed and clumsy.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #217 on: 17 Jan 2012, 21:08 »

Choo-Choo Bear!  :mrgreen:   :-D but it's good to see Pintsize actually be sensitive.

Welp, just wanted to leave a comment before I join the blackout. I was gonna say "before I black myself out," but that doesn't sound quite right does it? Anyway, fuck SOPA.

G'night folks.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #218 on: 17 Jan 2012, 21:30 »

"It's a tradition for I"?  no, "it's a tradition for me".  Adding in "my friends" doesn't change that.  Hypercorrection FTL


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #219 on: 17 Jan 2012, 21:35 »

Wait, I thought Pintsize was deactivated some strips back. How did he get turned back on?


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #220 on: 17 Jan 2012, 21:35 »

Screw sopa and pipa
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Aww i wanted to explode.

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #221 on: 17 Jan 2012, 21:55 »

Wait, I thought Pintsize was deactivated some strips back. How did he get turned back on?

Clearly it was magic because if we don't see it in the strip it couldn't possibly happen, right?


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #222 on: 17 Jan 2012, 22:06 »

yay for guest appearances!

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #223 on: 17 Jan 2012, 22:24 »

Bad grammar is the least of Pintsize's problems.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #224 on: 18 Jan 2012, 00:06 »

Love Jeph for also mentioning Sopa/pipa :) Fun comic but meh punchline/last panel


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #225 on: 18 Jan 2012, 00:13 »

Fun comic but meh punchline/last panel

I blame Pedro...

...don't get me wrong, I like GWS quite a bit. Pedro, however, is possibly the most un-funny gimmick character since Scrappy Doo.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #226 on: 18 Jan 2012, 03:15 »

Wait, I thought Pintsize was deactivated some strips back. How did he get turned back on?

Clearly it was magic because if we don't see it in the strip it couldn't possibly happen, right?

Then I wanna see some huge sneezes that cause mass panty shots!!


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #227 on: 18 Jan 2012, 03:28 »

Hurrah for all the webcomic artists protesting today! DEFENDERS OF THE PEOPLE


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #228 on: 18 Jan 2012, 04:45 »

It's nice to know that Pintsize can always be counted on to shift the tone from serious to funny when the situation requires it.

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #229 on: 18 Jan 2012, 04:47 »

Fuck them both with a rusty chainsword.

(I will bet money they, or something like them, get passed, sooner or later. Just one more year and I can move to Canada or beyond @_@ )

Probably for the best Winslow didn't go along. Poor little fella'd get swallowed by a rattler and Pintsize would just laugh.

You do realize that it affects US based SERVERS right and that moving to the Great White North isn't going to unblock it right?

But if you want to come on up anyway.  
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #230 on: 18 Jan 2012, 04:53 »

Fun comic but meh punchline/last panel

I blame Pedro...

...don't get me wrong, I like GWS quite a bit. Pedro, however, is possibly the most un-funny gimmick character since Scrappy Doo.

Good lord, that is bringing out the big guns. Is it that awful?


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #231 on: 18 Jan 2012, 06:19 »

The real quesztion is whether Pintsize actually did go to Mexico, or was his trip a hallucination?  Virtual peyote may be easy to acquire.(For all I know the real thing may not be that hard to acquire.  I'm not a drugs guy.) 


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #233 on: 18 Jan 2012, 07:04 »

Arc over, Everyone...?

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makes Waffles!    - 7 (9.6%)
Goes to visit the 'rents.    - 2 (2.7%)
Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.    - 7 (9.6%)
waits for the next strip.    - 6 (8.2%)

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #234 on: 18 Jan 2012, 08:51 »

Screw sopa and pipa

Srsly. I've never called my senators in my entire life and I called them today. AND I e-mailed. Just in case that secretary doesn't pass along the message. Everyone else is calling to oppose, too, right? PIPA won't pass, right??


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #235 on: 18 Jan 2012, 08:53 »

right guys? I"m scared.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #236 on: 18 Jan 2012, 08:58 »

Those of us who can do nothing and yet will be affected by the result thank you who do what you can!
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #237 on: 18 Jan 2012, 09:56 »

Good lord, that is bringing out the big guns. Is it that awful?

Nothing is THAT awful.  :wink:

Srsly. I've never called my senators in my entire life and I called them today. AND I e-mailed. Just in case that secretary doesn't pass along the message. Everyone else is calling to oppose, too, right? PIPA won't pass, right??

I haven't called or emailed, but that's because I already didn't plan on voting for them anyways.

Didn't seem right to me to issue a threat that my Congresspeople couldn't rectify even if they changed their stance on the bill. Disingenuous somehow.

I did sign every petition online that I ran across though. So there's that.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #238 on: 18 Jan 2012, 11:03 »

I haven't called or emailed, but that's because I already didn't plan on voting for them anyways.

Your representative represents you, whether you voted for them or not.  They are duty bound (ha!) to take note of what you say...
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #239 on: 18 Jan 2012, 13:44 »

The usual advice is not to threaten them anyway. You could honestly say that you know swing voters who haven't written who care deeply about the issue.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #240 on: 18 Jan 2012, 14:00 »

I wrote my representative.

That shit is a positively Orwellian nightmare waiting to happen.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #241 on: 18 Jan 2012, 14:36 »

One would hope that some common sense would prevail in DC

But considering the kind of reactionary lunacy that is going on there at the moment, I shudder to think

Grud, I really do hope Heinlein wasn't right.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #242 on: 18 Jan 2012, 14:45 »

Apparently one of the sponsors of SOPA has withdrawn his support.
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #243 on: 18 Jan 2012, 14:51 »

Meanwhile, Chris Dodd (formerly D-CT) has accused sites such as Wikipedia and Google of "abusing their power" by blacking out. 

Did I mention that Dodd is chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America?  What a Champ.

Is it cold in here?

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #244 on: 18 Jan 2012, 14:55 »

I recommend continuing this important discussion, and recommend continuing it in Discuss.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #245 on: 18 Jan 2012, 17:11 »

My apologies about the poll, but every little bit helps.

Regular poll tomorrow AM (US CST).
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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #246 on: 18 Jan 2012, 19:52 »

The real quesztion is whether Pintsize actually did go to Mexico, or was his trip a hallucination?  Virtual peyote may be easy to acquire.(For all I know the real thing may not be that hard to acquire.  I'm not a drugs guy.) 

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #247 on: 18 Jan 2012, 20:11 »

Meanwhile, Chris Dodd (formerly D-CT) has accused sites such as Wikipedia and Google of "abusing their power" by blacking out. 

Did I mention that Dodd is chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America?  What a Champ.

Like the Pro-SOPA corporations won't abuse the heck out of this to stifle competition or anything.  :roll:

People are rightfully leery of any law where we only have vague reassurances that it won't be abused.


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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #248 on: 18 Jan 2012, 20:58 »

Props to Jeff for joining the boycott.

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Re: WCDT 2101-2105 (January 16-20, 2012) - A New Hope
« Reply #249 on: 18 Jan 2012, 21:37 »

My apologies about the poll, but every little bit helps.
Wait, you mean it wasn't a clever bit about SOPA?
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