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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #500 on: 05 Jan 2013, 13:34 »

How does it contribute to security to light everything up? Surely it would be more noticable that someone has broken in if the lights come on in the middle of the night?
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #501 on: 05 Jan 2013, 13:54 »

Partner shop break-ins tell me thieves don't usually turn on the lights, assuming the building doesn't have security/motion lights. In my shop we leave on two sets of lights, one over the till and the aisle furthest away because our cameras don't have night vision. The rest of the shop is lit up enough and there's enough cameras that if someone did get in, they'd be visible.


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #502 on: 05 Jan 2013, 13:56 »

More to safety -- we live across the corner from a bar, and there's no streetlight on that corner.  Our back yard is open to the street on that side, and people park there all the time.  It's partly for us, one of the lights is trained on the stairs cut into the retaining wall, but also partly a courtesy, and it prevents a lot of accidents, some fights, and probably not a few attacks in the dark. 

The other reason is that the grill walked away one night, even though it was locked to the brick porch rail.  Sneaking up to a house is much harder to do in a brightly lit yard. 

For security in the house we have a very friendly dog with a deep, loud voice that barks at everything and everyone.  She's a sweetheart, but sounds vicious if you don't know her. 
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #503 on: 05 Jan 2013, 14:41 »

My point is that if the lights in a commercial building are on motion sensors, and possibly darkness sensors as well, then if they come on in the middle of the night it's a very clear signal that someone has broken in. I'm not saying that outside lights shouldn't be on - domestic lighting is different, for a start there's far less of it and far less waste.

What prompted this particular thought train was that someone in my college left their room light on during the whole vacation. Which began on November 30th and ends on January 15th. Ugh.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #504 on: 05 Jan 2013, 15:07 »

Well, other than her share of the electric bill...
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #505 on: 05 Jan 2013, 15:12 »

So I can tell you when I worked at Macy's the store's lights were not on a motion sensor, they were on a timer.  I worked changing sale signs before store opening, and I worked in the near dark of just the security lights, so did the cleaners and the maintenance crews.  Having lights on a motion sensor would actually have meant the lights were on more hours of the day.  In the 6 hours of the day that noone is there the lights provide enough light for the security cameras to get a picture.  This would be helpful if there were any sort of loss:  pipe leaks, floods, fire, vermin, as well as losses which involve people.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #506 on: 06 Jan 2013, 03:35 »

Nope, background lighting (as in lights which do not plug into a power socket but are switched on by a wall switch) is included in our rent and she will not have to pay any more than if she'd left the light off.

Of course it might have been an interview candidate who left it on - they were in at the start of December. Whoever it was, I wish I'd gone to the porters and asked them to turn it off a month ago. I didn't realise for ages that it had just been left on in an empty room, I was taking it as a sign that there was someone else in college - but then I saw the light on at 6am one day, and 2am another day, and during daylight, and realised.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #507 on: 06 Jan 2013, 15:29 »

At a college, the first two would not be suspicious.  It's the daylight one that tipped you off! 
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #508 on: 06 Jan 2013, 15:36 »

Well, the 6am and the 2am were in fairly close proximity and most people don't see both ends of the day. I only do sometimes - to poor effect. Also, anyone who stays up over vac is either staying because they have nowhere else to go (me) or to work - in which case probably not up all night.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #509 on: 07 Jan 2013, 00:49 »

There oughta be a law that you can't bitch about your TV being broken, then while it's being fixed FOR FREE, complain about the fact that it's broken. I know, fucktard, that's WHY I'M HERE. I can just up and leave you with your broken-ass TV set if you're so damn unhappy.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #510 on: 07 Jan 2013, 02:33 »

TOBAL against the outside temperature being anywhere below 60F, fuck that
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #511 on: 07 Jan 2013, 03:57 »

As someone who gets fainty even at that heat, nevermind above, I'd like it to stay between 5C and 15C. Even then I'm compromising for you warm liking people.

Seriously I spent most of December at work just in the work t-shirt, working with the fridge and every bloody day got, "AREN'T YOU COLD!? You look like you should be cold! Looking at you makes me feel cold!" from the same people. You'd think after asking the third or fourth time in a day and each time I replied with, "I'm okay." sometimes adding in, "I prefer the cold because I overheat easily so yes, I'm comfortable." that they'd learn.

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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #512 on: 07 Jan 2013, 04:27 »

I don't particularly mind warmth or cold, but I hear you, I run warm so I'll only wear a jacket if it's maybe 5C or lower, and be fine with shorts and a t-shirt at 10C. "Aren't you cold?" No, if I were cold I'd put on a jacket.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #513 on: 07 Jan 2013, 04:30 »

Reminds me of a friend of mine. We used to hang out outside near his house everyday and in the winter we´d beg him "leeets goo too your room and watch dragonball z and be warm!!" and he´s sitting there in a t-shirt saying we´d have to wait until he felt cold too, the bloody thick-skinned bastard!

I´m generally too warm and I don't like to sweat, so I don't like to dress too thick, also I live in the city where everything is overheated in the winter anyway. On the other hand I´m skinny and get cold easily so it´s a bit of a toss-up. Sweater and coat and scarf will surfice for 90% of wintertime here and canvas-sneakers will mostly do too.
« Last Edit: 07 Jan 2013, 04:35 by VonKleist »


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #514 on: 07 Jan 2013, 04:37 »

I'm pretty much always cold. I think it's because both of my parents insist on keeping their houses frigid for the sake of the electricity bills (usually there is one room that is warm and it's not the one I'm normally in - I need somewhere with a desk to work and it's generally the sitting room which is warm, but noisy because everyone is in there). My room in college is nice and warm, even with the heating off, as it's south facing and has the hot water pipes going through, but the Boy's room is generally cold.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #515 on: 07 Jan 2013, 04:42 »

Yeah I can hear my dad telling me to go put on a sweater.
And he was damn right and now would go at me for having the window open and the heating on.

In fact I just turned it off, thanks to my parent's conditioning parenting.

I used to think tiled floors were just always pleasantly warm until I discovered that not everplace has floor-heating O.o

On that note, I just got my coat back from the cleaner's. I never had anything cleaned professionally and now know the meaning of "pressed and clean" because they of course ironed the fucking thing and it´s totally spiffy again. Hooray for modern society!


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #516 on: 07 Jan 2013, 04:55 »

I overheat easily as well. I need enough layers to stay warm but not sweat and that's a delicate balance.

The boyfriend wears shorts and sandals year-round.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #517 on: 07 Jan 2013, 04:58 »

Did they fix the heating at your workplace then?

I sometimes get the impression that public buildings are generally overheated or that either the custodial-staff doesn't give a damn or is made up entirely from some crazy sect of extremely cold-sensitive people.


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #518 on: 07 Jan 2013, 05:04 »

It is forecast to be 43C in Sydney tomorrow. I just thought I'd get that out there...
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #519 on: 07 Jan 2013, 05:08 »

We're supposed to get into the 40's tomorrow.  But that's fahrenheit...

Currently 0 C.  Thank god, things are starting to melt. 
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #520 on: 07 Jan 2013, 05:18 »

The boyfriend wears shorts and sandals year-round.

I can't get away with the shorts socially in winter, sadly; but I've been seen pushing a car out of a snowdrift wearing sandals (no socks, of course).  I wear sandals less in winter now that I'm on drugs which reduce the circulation to the extremities, but I'm still OK with them down to about 5C.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #521 on: 07 Jan 2013, 06:32 »

How is wearing shorts a social issue? Also, maybe it's just me but I can only wear sandals with shorts. Also...43C? Holy shit. Is that a record?
« Last Edit: 07 Jan 2013, 06:37 by Method of Madness »
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #522 on: 07 Jan 2013, 06:52 »

How is wearing shorts a social issue?

Badly worded; my wife and boss would both complain beyond my tolerance... (and one of those matters more than the other!)
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #523 on: 07 Jan 2013, 07:01 »

It is forecast to be 43C in Sydney tomorrow. I just thought I'd get that out there...

Break out the emergency bourbon...wait, that might ignite.

Currently -4 C and "rising" here...yeah.

See ya in a few hours, I'm late for beep boop.

Hahh, I can honestly say that now.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #524 on: 07 Jan 2013, 07:32 »

It's about 6C here, and gorgeous. I'm even wearing a light cardigan at work, so it's pretty comfortable.

Many people pick on the boyfriend for wearing shorts - including me, though my biggest problem is that they are athletic shorts and not "real" pants of any sort. He's actually been banned from wearing shorts at any of his family's bigger functions.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #525 on: 12 Jan 2013, 15:11 »

There oughta be a law (or a policy anyways) that professors have to release the syllabus one week before class starts. 

All of my classes have been scheduled, with an assigned professor, for months.  But they keep releasing the course site and its materials (syllabus and course readings) <12 hours before the first class.  This is particularly annoying when they expect you to have done readings for the first class. 

I am trying to make a semester scheduled which outlines all the assignments I have and has a hyper linked list of all my required readings.  This helps me stay organized as the semester progresses and I get frazzled and can't even keep track of what I am supposed to do, let alone do it.  It is, however, a lot of work to compile the syllabi into one pretty and easy to glance at document.  I like to get it done before I have to start doing actual work.  I also like to have it done before you invariably ask us to sign up to do extra work in a week, because then I don't schedule my presentation or my 5 page reflection paper for the week that I already have 12 things due. 

Classes started Wednesday, but 3 of my 5 classes are on Tuesday, so none of them have activated their course websites yet.  The other two were on Friday and they both activated it on Thursday night, and both expected me to have readings done for the first class (though I was sick and didn't go to either one anyways).
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #526 on: 12 Jan 2013, 15:43 »

I would complain about that to whoever is in charge of course quality. Expecting you to have done readings which you only found out about less than 12 hours before the class is unacceptable. If they expect you to respect their time and not waste it by not doing the work and then asking for "help" (which often means "can you just give me a good grade even though I didn't do any work?") then they should respect you by remembering that you have lives and are not machines.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #527 on: 12 Jan 2013, 17:08 »

There ought to be a law that building numbers and house numbers should be in a standardized location and size so that you can find them while driving without being dangerously distracted by the task.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #528 on: 12 Jan 2013, 18:47 »

But this is 'Murrica!  Freedom of... house-numbering...

Oh Kat, I'm still working on my syllabi for Monday...  :evil:
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #529 on: 13 Jan 2013, 07:25 »

There ought to be a law that building numbers and house numbers should be in a standardized location and size so that you can find them while driving without being dangerously distracted by the task.

Hear, hear!! Fuck that "freedom of speech" shit, here's the new rule: if you're EXPECTING someone to find your house, and your house number is either not visible, not in the right place, or too damn small...that's a paddlin'!
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #530 on: 13 Jan 2013, 08:14 »

Well sheeeeet I hope none of you ever come visit my mum's house. Not only does it not have a number, its name is only visible once you're in the garden and it's on an unnamed road.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #531 on: 13 Jan 2013, 08:36 »

Damn! Can you find it on Google Earth?


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #532 on: 13 Jan 2013, 08:37 »

It was annoying enough when my apartment building, fairly well marked, was wrong in Google Maps. They were close, but instructed people to turn a street too late and then get lost.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #533 on: 13 Jan 2013, 08:44 »

Yes, and more usefully our postcode is only shared by us and the house next door (well I say next door, it's a fair bit down the road). We're not too hard to find once you've made it to the village.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #534 on: 13 Jan 2013, 10:05 »

My parents house has a name which can't be seen until you're in the garden as well. Including their house, there's three houses with the same number on the road, which is actually a few mile stretch depending on your interpretation of the road's start. I think the number is 36, even though we're next to a 1 and 2.


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #535 on: 13 Jan 2013, 11:33 »

I remember my family in Wales having houses like that (unmarked, like). I  also remember it being some of the prettiest countryside I've ever seen.

I also remember casually strolling off the deep end of my cousin's pool, as I thought the algae would support my weight, for some reason.


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #536 on: 13 Jan 2013, 12:06 »

My cat did that once.

We are talking about the cat who, when scared by an oncoming car, hid underneath it, though.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #537 on: 13 Jan 2013, 12:10 »

I'm presuming you mean it survived the encounter - otherwise that's a very morbid way of saying it was run over.


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #538 on: 13 Jan 2013, 12:13 »

Oh yes, she survived. She was hurt, and we had to shut her in the spare bedroom for a couple of weeks while she healed. I would go in each evening and we'd listen to classical music on the radio for an hour to help her sleep.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #539 on: 13 Jan 2013, 15:08 »

Did she have favourites? Or were you imposing yours on her?


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #540 on: 13 Jan 2013, 15:28 »

Well Radio Three were imposing their choices on both of us really. That was the channel that she was most soothed by. Radio Four was too talky, Radio One had too much loud pop music and Radio Two is too inane.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #541 on: 13 Jan 2013, 15:54 »

Cats can tell inane? 
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #542 on: 13 Jan 2013, 15:55 »

Maybe "both" doesn't include equality of imposition.

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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #543 on: 13 Jan 2013, 18:33 »

Our late cat had favorite TV shows.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #544 on: 13 Jan 2013, 20:43 »

My cat (the trusty one, who acts more like a dog, really) is guarding the house against "intruders" (my nieces, 4 and 2 years old)...he lets them pet him, purrs, but gives them a claw-free slap if they get rough, and hisses, but won't let them out of his sight.

Well sheeeeet I hope none of you ever come visit my mum's house. Not only does it not have a number, its name is only visible once you're in the garden and it's on an unnamed road.

Well, if there's really no number to the house, that's different. But when, say, my customer says they're on "46 Broadview Drive" and there's no discernable address numbers on ANY of the houses, there's gonna be a problem.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #545 on: 13 Jan 2013, 20:54 »

The way I see it, if you don't have a visible number, you have to expect people walking up to your door late at night, then walking away when they realize they wanted your neighbour.
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #546 on: 13 Jan 2013, 22:32 »

Or worse: how many times has the wrong door been broken down by a SWAT team?
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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #547 on: 14 Jan 2013, 01:50 »

There oughta be a law that everything be awesome all the time

Awesome times are awesome

I'm baked :]
My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #548 on: 14 Jan 2013, 01:56 »

I have thumbs, my radio preferences trumped hers by default.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: There oughta be a law!
« Reply #549 on: 14 Jan 2013, 12:51 »

It's a good source of your daily dose of daaawww (for added alliterative appeal).
Piglet wondered how it was that every conversation with Eeyore seemed to go wrong.
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