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Author Topic: Blog Thread 4; Live Free or Blog Hard - 'cos we all like blogging  (Read 573498 times)


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Well, I'm pretty sure the Vampire Weekend thing was just somebody dicking us around. Chick and I have been emailing back and forth since the last time I spoke of this, and the only show she's gotten us is some tiny coffee shop in Stockton. There's no way we can play someplace as small as that, we'll break every window and piece of glassware in the house.

On top of that, I don't think Vampire Weekend, who I just saw on the main stage at Coachella, are gonna play some dinky fucking cafe in the middle of a shithole town in the middle of bumfuck. Because that is what Stockton is. Pavement getting famous from there is a fluke and I will never understand it.
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wait so Bob's a moderator and I'm "nearly grown up" now? hahahahahaha who the fuck says I'm nearly grown up, not me for sure
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That change was because the previous Mayan calendar one has passed its sell-by date - and I'm not feeling grown up right now...
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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Man, that sucks about the whole Vampire Weekend BS, Patrick, but I'm sure you guys will start getting some cool gigs soon anyway.

Gonna start with the bad so I can end on the good. Found out yesterday that my mother's 3 brothers have been conspiring to sell the family home (their parents / my grandparents, who are now deceased). The house was put into a trust among them before my grandparents passed, and any decision about it is supposed to be unanimous, but they think they can just void the trust and sell it and cash out. 2 big problems with that. First, is that the market, particularly in that area of town, is still depressed, with one house down the street unable to sell for $70k, when at the peak of the boom, houses on the block were going for nearly $400k. 2nd, without the shield of the trust in place, the debt collectors who want to recover the nearly $200,000 in credit card debt my one uncle ran up falling for Nigerian scams, could lay claim to the house since at least part of it would then be directly in his name.

Not to mention that this uncle and another uncle have consistently been assholes to my mother and grandparents for years. Uncle #3 suddenly taking their side is pretty much the last straw for both of us as far as they're concerned. Uncle #1 has already sent at least $3000 since the beginning of the year to the scammers, and at last check he was talking with no less than a dozen separate scammers, so we already know what he plans on doing with any money. Fortunately, it's looking like they're just simply wrong about their ability to void the trust, and my mother is going to consult with an attorney about it, but still.

On to the good. I've been giving a LOT of thought in the past few weeks on what I really want to do with the video skills I've developed in the past 4 year, and how that interfaces with the music scene. I have my TV show, and local live clips, and they're both something that's getting more attention lately, and has helped the acts with some promotional material, but it's still not quite enough. Also, I'd like to find a way to make it something I can live off of, and as many of you know, local musicians are not known for swimming in money. I've been looking very closely at the general business model of webcomics and music blogs, and I think I have a viable plan to grow something that's good for me and for the musicians I enjoy.

In short, I want to build a national platform to promote local musicians. I think there's room for a niche just below what the typical established music blogs cover. I think I have some ideas on how to systematically drill down below the layer of nationally recognized acts into local scenes all over, and discover a lot of acts who could be the next breakouts, but just haven't gotten the exposure to make it there yet. To do that, I need to come up with a compelling format to get the information I find out there, and I need to do it consistently over a long enough period of time to build enough critical mass for it to start to make a difference.

I'll possibly start a thread in the music section soon if anybody wants to hear me ramble about it more, but I'm pretty excited about the potential I think it has.
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Rant ahead!

My stupid ex borrowed my suitcase about two years ago, and since I've not needed it I've not asked for it back, but now I kind of do since I want to bring a bunch of stuff home to Norway when I go home in late May. So, he was coming to Glasgow for my exhibition opening this week, I asked him to bring the suitcase and he said 'Sure'. He shows up, no suitcase, and the second he sees me he goes 'Oh shit! I left the suitcase on the train!'. How is it possible to lose a massive suitcase?! He called lost property and asked if they had it, which they didn't yet since it was just a few minutes earlier, but they said they'd call him if it showed up.

This was Tuesday, and no word from him until I asked him myself if they called, he said they'd called him on Wednesday, but he missed it. He didn't bother calling them back, didn't tell me that they'd called before I asked, and all of the sudden it's up to me to fix everything and get it back, which I did today. I just can't believe how incredibly irresponsible, selfish and little willing to help it's possible to be, shit like this is why we're not together anymore. He loses stuff all the time, and yeah it's lame to treat your own stuff like it's crap, but at least take good care of other people's things. If I'd lost something that belonged to someone else I'd go out of my way to get it back or replace it.

Anyway, at least I have it now. I also went to the shop and bought a bottle of red wine and some dark chocolate, and I just noticed there's a documentary on Turner on the iPlayer. Looks like I've got a good Saturday evening ahead of me.
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[00:07] Liz: Jordan tell us how you feel about Edison.
[00:08] Ozy: FUCK YOU LIZ
[00:08] Ozy: has left the room


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So this is the end fo my 4th semester of grad school (I have one more to go) and I finally got a social life.  I had some family drama my first year which made going to classes and sobbing in bed all I could handle, but thoese hard times are behind us and things are looking great.  I have a whole big group for school friends ( a first for me!) that I go out with regularly and have a good time.   


I am poor as shit.  Like out of money how do I pay my rent poor.  (before this forum's wonderful people offer, we have found a way to pay the rent)  but I don't have money to be going out drinking like I am.   I go out like 4 nights a week now!  Even if I don't get drunk in a night out that is still 10- 15 on a drink and some food, and if I do drink it could be 30 or 40 a night.   My school friends have this expectation now that I am just down for fun, which I am, totally I am, but I don't know how to pay for it.  A few of the regular events I am a host for (like tonight's bar night which ha a record 33 people show up!!!!!!!!)  and so I feel weird not showing up.  One of the problems in m program was getting people to engage and make friends outside of their specialization and I feel like these events are helping in a major way, and I am super excited about that. 

I want to go out, not just for the immediate satisfaction of having fun, but also for the networking and the sense of community these events build, but I just don't think I can afford to much longer. 
[12:07] ackblom12: hi again honey
[12:08] ackblom12: I'm tired of lookin at that ugly little face


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There are ways of enjoying yourself as a group that don't necessarily involve alcohol. Try going to a park and have a nice picnic. If that sounds too vanilla, just turn it into a bbq, just something where it's not expected to be drinking. That way everybody still gets to take everything they want in a bbq without the question of price coming up (as in: you don't have to buy things you don't want / can't afford) but you'll all still spend some time together.
i don't know if this made any sense.


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You can still go out and not drink, as well. Hang out, get a soda or something, maybe one drink if you can, but mostly just be there to hang out and chat. You will probably need to come up with something to stop people asking about it. But if you continue to be your usual fun self, you can avoid a lot of that expense and still go out.
what she said was sad, but then, all the rejections she's had, to pretend to be happy could only be idiocy


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Even non-alcoholic drinks are expensive in pubs though.

You could do what I did for my birthday last night, drinking in someone's house. Host sorts out some nibbles, we had like wedges, chicken legs, cocktail sausages and I made ice cream and cheesecake. Guests brought booze. Half the time the hosts end up getting some left over booze which can be kept for next time.
Either general hanging out or watching a film is a good night. Tip: If your mates are like mine, pick a film people have seen before and/or you don't care too much if they talk over.


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The issue is that this is not a small group of close friends I am looking for ways to hang out with but several large overlapping groups of people from school who I am social with. Some of them I guess I am friends with, but most are just acquaintances. 

Right now a group will all go out to a karaoke night, or out dancing, or the like several nights a week, and I have become a standard member of these groups.  On Tuesdays we play BINGO at a bar, and I am the contact for that event and people really like it and are exited to keep doing it over summer, but to get a card you need to make a purchase and at this point even 1 purchase out is more than I ought to be making.  I also organize another bar night every two weeks, which had over 30 people in attendance this week (a record!) but which people also want to continue this summer.  This and the other places there is no obligation to buy anything, but it is hard to spend 8 hours dancing and not get a drink.  At some of the places beer is actually cheaper than soda or even water (the karaoke bar has 75 cent PBRs but charges $1.00 for water!). 

It is just a bloo bloo thing for me, since I am getting a lot out of socializing, but now that I got myself over my fear of interacting and have become,  'social leader' is too strong a term, but one of the go to people who organizes events and encourages people to go out and extols the benefits of group nights out, I feel like I am going to have to suddenly disapear from these events.  Either way, I will figure it out.  I have some things to sell, some old things, some sewing projects, my plasma, and I will taper how much I drink and perhaps how many I agree to go to. 

Unrelated, a few of you may rememember a while back I broke my sewing machine when I was sewing drunk.  I just opened it up and I can't figure out what is wrong with it.  :/  I hate, hate, hate, to do this, but I think I might buy a new one.  This was a $100 machine and it is 6 or so years old.  I am sure it can be fixed, but it could end up being half the cost of a new one.  Also I would have to find cash for the repair, but I have enough amazon credit after selling my textbooks back to just buy a new $100 machine.  It makes me feel guilty and aware of the problems with the disposable nature of our current economy.    I might see if a repair shop will just take it as a donation for parts or so they can refurb it and resell it, so at least is does not end up in the trash for what is likely one broken gear. 
[12:07] ackblom12: hi again honey
[12:08] ackblom12: I'm tired of lookin at that ugly little face


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Today was a very stressful day. We (the people in my school who graduate from Gymnasium in the same year) organised a farewell show, and I was taking care of lighting and sound. I do this regularly for school theatre plays, so nothing too new for me. But usually I have the opportunity of learning the piece, so I know what to do now. Well, the only practicing session for this show did take place, well, two hours before the show started… That was really stressful on it's own, but I also had two acts to do. One was playing a guitar piece. I chose "Julia Florida" by "Agustin Barrios Mangoré, which I usually can play rather decently, but as I was sitting there infront of the audience my social anxiety kicked in. I played through it with some rather big mistakes, which I tried to cover up a bit. Everybody I talked to afterwards told me that they didn't notice them, except one. I seriously doubt that, but whatever. When I went back to my place at the mixer console and the DMX controller my hands were shaking really badly. I could barely do anything for three minutes, not only because my hands were jumping up and down by about an inch. My throat felt extremely sore afterwards for a while. Damn, that wasn't a great experience, but at least it's finally over.
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It will get easier with experience. One thing to keep in mind with ANY live event is that people make mistakes all the time, and still everything happens, and people either don't notice (honestly), or they may notice, but forget about it amongst all the other cool things that are happening.

For example, I just got back from a live remote TV shoot where the cable access channel I work for covered a local arts fundraising event. In our production truck and around the site, things were chaotic as hell, with us hooking up the final couple of wires just seconds before we went live, and even then we were still late getting on air by about 2 minutes. Then just about every one of our carefully laid plans for how the production would go blew up in the first 15 minutes.

But we adapted, and found a couple of procedures that DID work, and stuck with them for the rest of the 2-hour broadcast. And you know what? The footage that hit the airwaves was pretty darned good, even though if you had been sitting in our truck listening to us yelling out problems and solutions, and figuring out what pieces of equipment were working correctly, and which we had to abandon, you'd think the world was ending.

The secret was that we were all experienced enough, and had all of us MADE mistakes on the air then realize that all we can do at that point is learn from them. So we didn't panic, we each did the job the best we could under the circumstances, then when it was over, we all took a deep breath, and let it go.

I think one thing a lot of people don't appreciate is that often, mistakes define the experience. A wedding where nothing goes wrong is boring. A performance where everything goes perfectly is probably one where the artist isn't challenging themselves enough. I've been in TV long enough where I can see a LOT of mistakes that happen on nationally televised events now, but what I also see is that they are so professional at just moving on and not calling out attention to those mistakes, that people really do not notice them.

That's a skill that you learn just as any other. A missed chord played with conviction will sound like you meant it all along.  :wink:
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Ankhtahr, have you finished a performance, solo or ensemble, with the feeling that you did well, that you reached your audience? If you have, I hope you've found the incentive to continue to perform in the certainty that you'll make fewer mistakes in the future and enjoy performing and the applause.
If you haven't had that experience but you enjoy the practice, you'll still get where you want to be.


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Blurrgh, has it really been 2 weeks since I've posted?

Things are......things. I guess. Some good, some bad, some just "meh". I am super excited to be married soon but the remaining pile o' shiz I have to do is looming over me like a giant grizzly bear.

My bachelorette party was this past weekend and it was definitely fun times. Not what I anticipated and my preconceived ideas about it almost ruined it for me but when I finally shut my brain up, it was fun. We went to the Storm King Art Center and it was an absolutely gorgeous day to be there. Saw a bunch of wonderful stuff- Goldsworthy's Wall, a few Calder pieces, a Louise Nevelson work, a piece by Henry Moore, Maya Linn's Wavefield and a Lichtenstein. There was a bunch more that I'd love to see that we didn't get to but the place was HUGE, so we're definitely taking another trip back. I didn't get to see the Noguchi they have or a few other Calder pieces. Then we went to dinner at a great Thai place in Beacon, then out to the Newburgh waterfront. Nick was given a blowup doll (we named her Ivana) at one of his 2 bachelor parties and we decided to bring her out to the bars. Ivana was a huge hit! I ended the evening happily drunk but then puked my face off halfway through the ride home the next day.  :-\ Slept all day Sunday and then took yesterday off to recover some more lol. There are some photos floating around FB, I'll try and post some soon.

Work is meh. Still. I've applied to 5 more teaching positions and haven't gotten so much as a nibble back. I'm in the process of filling out the NYC Dept. of Ed. application but the thing is freaking enormous and I have to scan a few documents in for it. Just haven't had the time. Our QA Analyst told me that she wants to do a mock OMIG audit sometime soon and I have SO MUCH freaking filing to do it's not even funny. Doesn't help that I've had to leave early for my life drawing classes every Tuesday and Thursday for the last 2 months. That's ending this week though. Happy and "eh" about it at the same time. Will miss the extra moolah but will definitely be thankful for the extra time.

My apartment is a catastrophe.....ughhhhhh.....I haven't had time or space to pull out my spring/summer clothes so my clothing options are pretty limited at the moment. Has put a bit of a damper on my mood. Not to mention that I've gained back 10 of the 20 pounds I lost. Booo. I'm going for my second dress fitting tonight and I'm REALLY hoping that I don't need any more alterations. Of course, I still don't have the shoes I want to wear so I don't know if the length will be ok, but I can deal with my dress being a tad short. Better that than long, right?

More fun crap:

~Currently dealing with the jackass that sold me my wedding band and refuses to give me the appraisal I was promised. Opened a Paypal dispute. This ordeal is making me hate my ring and I'm seriously considering just selling the fucking thing on eBay and buying a new one. I can't help but feel like I'm being scammed and this guy is adamant that he doesn't have to prove that what he gave me is real simply because he says it is and that should be good enough.  :x

~Have an insane amount of work to do for the wedding right now. Not much that I can hand off either, since it's mostly DIY stuff and Nick isn't exactly comfortable with doing that sort of thing and I'm also a control freak (especially when it comes to hands-on stuff).

~Still dealing with the TMJ stuff. Gotta work on filing an appeal to the insurance company in between the wedding madness.

~I started a fundraiser to send toys and art supplies to the Boston Children's Hospital. I emailed everyone I knew, including 100 coworkers and 387 FB friends. So far, 2 people have donated in 10 days. I'm trying not to get depressed about this. I even started a GoFundMe page and have yet to receive even 10 cents. *sigh*

~The nausea is back. Wooo. Really starting to think it might be related to stress.

~On a more positive note, we just got an update about our photobooth print layout 5 minutes ago- 2 different options to choose from and and they're both ridiculously cute!

(Also- congrats, Bob!!! Yay for becoming a mod- I think you're a great fit for the position :-))
If you try to take all the steps at once, you'll fall over.


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Ankhtahr, I've been performing in front of people for years. Over a decade, in fact. Just last year, my band played at 924 Gilman, and a friend of ours recorded the set for us. After we were finished, I swore up and down to the guy who recorded it that it was the worst set we'd ever played, to go ahead and do whatever he wanted with the recordings but that we probably wouldn't use them. Turned out we played almost completely flawlessly, and every mistake I heard didn't even exist. I was making them all up in my head, and I bet you were too.

I met Bo Diddley once upon a time, and he told me that it's always the modest ones who wind up being the best pickers. Don't let your modesty get the best of you and make you not want to play out anymore.
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Nope, these were real great mistakes. Probably the worst was when I totally forgot where I was, and didn't know how to continue, so I just played the next three melody tones from my mind to cover that up, and then was able to continue. Probably forgot about 8 tones at that point…

Here's how it was supposed to sound like:

The first hard part is at 0:39, where I placed the Barre badly, so only two tones could be heard. At 0:56 where you play the melody with hammer-on and pull-off I missed the string for some of the hammer-ons. The part between 1:26 and 1:31, which is probably the most difficult part of this piece was the only part I really played well  :psyduck:. Around 1:50 is the part I made the big mistake I mentioned above. Well. But apparently even one of the art teachers praised me. She mentioned to a friend of mine (I don't know her personally) that I played not perfect, but still well, and she was impressed by the choice of playing this piece.

But it was definitely a bad experience to me. I'm more happy with sitting in my room, practising great pieces of music, being astonished by what I can achieve by practising regularly. Asturias (she plays this too fast imho, it sounds nearly rushed, sadly I can't find my favourite interpretation on youtube) is one of the other pieces I can play, and currently I'm working on Enrique Granados' "Danza Espańola No.5".
« Last Edit: 30 Apr 2013, 13:09 by ankhtahr »
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He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.


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Ankh, is it any consolation if, say, someone older than you, but still roughly in you age group tells you to be proud of having the ability and shut up?  :-D

To chime in on the "mistakes that others don't see" part: Our school had a play based on a movie. We rehearsed over and over to eventually have two performances, with different main casts, but same supporting characters. Both were captured on DVD, which means I got to both be part of it and watch it.

The first performance was awesome.

The second? Not so much. Well, to start with, some of the girls, presumably hyped up and trying to live up to the standards of the first performance, got pretty drunk (not smashed, but one could notice.)

This is presumably while one of them ended up hyperventilating behind the stage, while being dressed in a tight corset, which caused a big stir unbeknown to the spectators. Ambulance had to be called, while some of the other girls escorted that one girl out.

This lead to some awkward pauses when people forgot parts of their text, the stagehands missed their cues etc. (I think the text part can be chalked up to the secondary cast not rehearsing properly, on account of being secondary.) The one girl that was supposed to sing stopped dead-short in the middle of her song; thankfully, people started applauding to encourage her, and she finished flawlessly.

To make it short, I felt like everything that could go wrong went wrong. Since I had seen the scenes rehearsed a dozen times up to the point where I could do almost all of the speech parts, I could see all the little mistakes.

I later watched the DVD with my girlfriend. While she agreed that the second performance was not as good as the first, she noticed only the really big fuckups (like the girl that stopped singing), and completely missed the parts where people left text out, missed their cues etc; she had seen the movie from which we shamelessly copied borrowed 90% of the dialogue, and still couldn't make out the small errors.

This really brought home how the saying "90% of the audience won't notice 90% of the mistakes" holds true. You know how it is supposed to go; the audience doesn't. All they hear is a guitar play.

Yes, there will be times when you really fuck up so much that they notice, but most of the time, you won't.
The future is a weird place and you never know where it will take you.
the careful illusion of shit-togetherness


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I've had shows (nearly) like this as well, but only as technician, sitting on a platform at the other and of the room, so I know the difference between what the actors notice, and what the audience notices, but that doesn't compare to actually being on the stage.

In the end it probably was better than I thought, but I still wouldn't call it a nice experience. But seriously, that doesn't really matter anyway, as I never intended to play on stages. I have fun playing at home, that's what counts to me.

Still, thanks for the kind words!
Quote from: Terry Pratchett
He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.


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I can recall three train wrecks in performance. One was mine alone.
In college, I played the role of a 62-year-old guy, Uncle Willie, in The Philadelphia Story. I did OK in the performance at the college, but when we took the play to another college, I forgot my lines, stood there a few seconds, and resumed having skipped half a page of dialog. I don't know if anyone noticed the absence of dialog, but the pause couldn't have been missed. It was the second play I'd performed, and I have little doubt that had I continued acting, I'd have started to enjoy it. I also believe the audience generally enjoyed the performance.
I sang with a choir that had started out singing with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in the 1950s. Years later, we did the Messiah with a pickup orchestra, and I think in one chorus we were so bad our director stopped us. We started over. That may have tipped off those who knew the work and our abilities that we had some problems, but in general, we knew the work so well that I'm sure we otherwise provided a thrilling performance.
In that same choir, in a cabaret performance at one of the Ford estates in Detroit, a soloist doing the Soliloquy from Carousel totally forgot her words, and never did recover.
But train wrecks stand out mostly for the performers. The audience is being treated to live music or live drama, and that overcomes a lot of mistakes.
If you're good when you perform for yourself, if you can foresee the thrills from performing for others and entertaining them, keep at it. Don't keep your talent to yourself. Many of the people I sing with now are also actors. For them, it's a drug, an adrenaline rush. I envy that. The small choral group performing I do with them provides some of that.


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Any time I thought I sucked, only other musicians have noticed, and frequently even they haven't.

Audiences are generally pretty dumb, and your fuckups are usually nowhere near as big as you think they are.

And even if you did fuck up, perfectionism is an endless pursuit and it'll stop you from getting sloppy and make you rehearse harder and keep getting better.
In the end, the thing people will remember is kindness.


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Having listened to the work, I think if you were confident enough to attempt it, you're proficient enough to learn to perform it to your satisfaction and to go on from there.


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Upon do my round 2000-2100 I happen upon girl sitting atop short pillar things on fif floor. Head in hands sobbing. Did what any guard would do: call police she is trespass. ask her "ya okay?"

She is okay. Her car is broken and her roommate has friends over. She thanks me for asking. I tell her have fun. Looks like she has some food to eat. Will check on her next round.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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She wasn't there when went round 2100-2200
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Any time I thought I sucked, only other musicians have noticed, and frequently even they haven't.

Audiences are generally pretty dumb, and your fuckups are usually nowhere near as big as you think they are.

And even if you did fuck up, perfectionism is an endless pursuit and it'll stop you from getting sloppy and make you rehearse harder and keep getting better.

I will say that I did enjoy noticing people fuck up a couple times at Coachella. Isaac Brock (of Modest Mouse) mucked up the words more than a few times during their set, and I swear I was one of the only people to notice.
My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap


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Happy May Day, everyone!
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
There is no joke that can be made online without someone being offended by it.
Life's too short to be ashamed of how you were born.
Just another Joe like 46


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"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )

Blue Kitty

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Five day weekend!
Piglet wondered how it was that every conversation with Eeyore seemed to go wrong.


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I got Sims3. Bye forever.


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not homeless; great house; great pot; i leave people speechless with my music

and two people cried


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I got Sims3. Bye forever.
We need to stop supporting crappy publishers by buying their games.


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not homeless; great house; great pot; i leave people speechless with my music

and two people cried

<3 <3 <3

I'm so glad things have been looking up for you. And by the way I loved being serenaded <3
what she said was sad, but then, all the rejections she's had, to pretend to be happy could only be idiocy


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Hooray for Unicorn!

I got Sims3. Bye forever.
We need to stop supporting crappy publishers by buying their games.

Didn't buy it.  :angel:


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good job Welu. Bleed'em dry!


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What do you mean, good job? Spend your time on something worth paying for, at least!
Quote from: snalin
I just got the image of a midwife and a woman giving birth swinging towards each other on a trapeze - when they meet, the midwife pulls the baby out. The knife juggler is standing on the floor and cuts the umbilical cord with a a knifethrow.


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not homeless; great house; great pot; i leave people speechless with my music

and two people cried

intimate performances like that are the best. I am a huge proponent of small-scale acoustic shows. See also: Dave Bazan
My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap


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So I'm pretty afraid of spiders. The parking ramp has quite a few webs floating about during the day, but they're unoccupied. Well night finally fell for sure and they came out in force in the doorways. Just going in and out of the stairwells was giving me anxiety so I'm skipping my next (which is the last for the shift) round. I will ask on Saturday if they can have a maintenance guy spray some insecticide about the doors.

Also I know spiders eat other insects and shit, but I don't really want these things hanging around all the door frames that I (and other people) have to go through multiple times a day. Based on last summer they'll need to do something because they were everywhere last summer but I avoided all the stairways as I didn't have to go in them previously
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Yeah, that whole "Look at me hanging in mid air" thing is pretty fucking terrifying. I can deal with them on surfaces below me but even thinking about the whole idea of In Air and then On My Head is enough to make me spasm.

If you try to take all the steps at once, you'll fall over.


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I got Sims3. Bye forever.

I had Sims 3 on my old laptop ages ago, but it only really worked when the laptop was new and fresh, so I've not been able to play it for a couple years. I just realised that hey! I have a brand new, shiny computer now and I can install it again! Went on the EA website, downloaded Origin (yes, I purchased it from EA, please don't judge me. I was young and naive, okay?), clicked 'Download' on the game... and now it says it'll be done in 275 days, 38 minutes and 54 seconds. Great.
Quote from: Meebo
[00:07] Liz: Jordan tell us how you feel about Edison.
[00:08] Ozy: FUCK YOU LIZ
[00:08] Ozy: has left the room


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i have a date with a guy tomorrow who

i'm not really into

if anything his clinginess is kind of pitiable

but he's going to get me high and give me some professional massages so i'm just going to lead him on for a bit and then gently break his heart i guess

(also shouldn't the blog thread be in relate?)


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My partner was laid off because of stupid fucking reasons.


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Yeah, that whole "Look at me hanging in mid air" thing is pretty fucking terrifying. I can deal with them on surfaces below me but even thinking about the whole idea of In Air and then On My Head is enough to make me spasm.


Yeah last summer I went through one of the doors to go down the stairs from the 5th (of 5) floor of the parking ramp and I felt something on my head, so I brushed it off thinking it was just a web. GUESS WHAT WAS ATTACHED AND LANDED ON MY CHEST. I promptly flipped the fuck out and knocked it off my chest but still. Fuck that. These aren't small ones either, their bodies are about the size of a nickel.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Okay I forgot to mention but every Friday night the people who live next door just hang out in the alleyway between the houses talking. Its nice enough out that I have my window open but seriously fuck you for hanging outside right underneath someone's window talking between 2 and 430am some of us have to sleep so we can go to work in the morning.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Record them during a very private conversation if at all possible, capturing as much incriminating detail as possible. Then, blackmail them!

I am going to be so disappointed when the Stanley Cup playoffs end because that means no more Hockey Night with Matt 'til the '13-'14 season starts up. At least baseball will be heating up by then. PS SUCK IT CANUCKS
My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap


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My partner was laid off because of stupid fucking reasons.
Welcome to the unemployed life. We'd have T-shirts but we can't afford them.

Seriously, that sucks. Commiserations.
My Art.
I was into Stumpy and the Cuntfarts before they sold out.


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Record them during a very private conversation if at all possible, capturing as much incriminating detail as possible. Then, blackmail them!

Its just inane bullshit. There's not a lot of substance to their conversation. They just talk.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Gaaaaaah I hate the backassward way I have to do this assignment! Let me do what I want to the database rather than faffing around with your adapters! I could have finished this weeks ago! It would also be nice if there was more than a paragraph in the WHOLE 9-month course about how to do what this question asks! I use too many exclamation marks [urinating dog][urinating dog][urinating dog][urinating dog] I really should get offline and do some work!
Piglet wondered how it was that every conversation with Eeyore seemed to go wrong.


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I started reading 'Lean In' today.  It is the book by the COO of Facebook about the problems women face that prevent us from holding an equal number of high-power positions.  It focuses mostly on the internal/inter-personal problems caused by social and institutional inequality that lead women to not seek, or not achieve powerful positions, and how the lack of female leaders perpetuate's a lack of female leaders.  So far it is really good. It's not telling me anything I didn't know already, but it is laying it all out in one place, and really framing it as a call to arms.  It is an interesting time for me to read this, as I struggle to figure out what I want to do with my life. 

On the one hand I want to chase big things, take risks and work with brilliant people on exciting projects, on the other I have a massive amount of debt and if I go corporate and fail it will bury me, where as if I go government, even if I never get to a position of power (read: high pay) I will have my loans forgiven in 10 years, allowing me to do things like buy a home, or retire.  Reading 'Lean In' is forcing me to admit that part of why I am not following opportunities (there have been several job postings I thought were exciting and I might be qualified for that I did not apply to) is not because I am committed to working in the public sector, but because I am afraid of applying to the jobs I want.  I am undermining myself, because I am not convinced I am good enough for these jobs and I am using my debt as an excuse. It is not an entirely invalid excuse, when I graduate I will have nearly 200,000 in loans, but I am realizing I need to sit down again and reexamine my options for paying it back, and decide what I really want from a career. 
[12:07] ackblom12: hi again honey
[12:08] ackblom12: I'm tired of lookin at that ugly little face


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One assignment down, one to go! Now to see if I can get this done in two days rather than the month it took for the last one...  :-\
Piglet wondered how it was that every conversation with Eeyore seemed to go wrong.


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i went outside, found a little gnatling spider crawling on me - maybe about 2mm long. i put it down in the grass, but it was very insistent that it wanted to crawl on me - so i wandered around the yard and let it get up to my shoulders, whereupon i would pick it up and it would crawl up my other arm.

i watched it - it would reach out with its thread-thin legs and grab onto the hair on my arm, pulling it down and crawling over it, sometimes getting caught on a particularly long one.

i thanked it for its time and put it in a bush.
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