Uh, this is pretty straight-forward. Just list and/or discuss things that people assume about you before they've even really gotten to know you. It can be from just the way you look or the first conversation you had with them or whatever.
I'll start.
For some reason, quite a few people have assumed I'm a lesbian when they met me. I'm honestly not sure why. One of my friends eventually confessed that's what he thought because I had been talking about how much I like being outside (I guess I didn't mention how conditional that love is
). And then when I hugged my friends (who happened to be girls), it was almost solidified.... until I also gave him a hug. I'm not sure how that magically makes me not a lesbian (nor am I certain as to how liking the outdoors meant that I was a lesbian), but he hasn't thought it since then. I've never thought that I give off any air of any sort of sexuality toward anyone, so this one confuses me. I don't know how one would determine someone's sexuality without them outright saying it, so maybe that's just me.
People also assume I'm a lot younger than I actually am. At age 17:
Please read the following sentence in
literally the most condescending voice you can possibly imagine: "You're a smart little girl, aren't you?" I almost said, "Yes, that's why I'm in the National Honor Society and the Beta Club.
" I simply took a deep breath and thanked her.
Le sigh. I believe it was also that year that a lady in a bookstore said I looked like I was the same age as her daughter and wondered if I had any recommendations for her. I asked what she was studying in school. Mythology, of course. Which is primarily middle-school territory where I'm from. I pointed out a few books that she might appreciate and kept my mouth shut about my age.
And also that I'm flirting with them just because I'm being nice (because I'm friendly with everyone).
Another thing that people assume is that I'm well-adjusted, and I think everyone here knows I'm not.
And people also assume I won't get mad at them or call them out when they're being stupid and/or spiteful.
If you say that you "are so OCD," then yeah, I'm going to say something about it. I was pretty subtle recently when a girl said that one of the three words she'd use to describe herself is "OCD," and I said, "Yeah, I have OCD, so I get that." The look on her face was priceless.
She recovered rather well.
A few months ago, I ended up standing up to a guy I'd met like twice who was bullying one of my friends. He was pretty surprised when I spoke out against him when no one else was.
Something else people tend to assume about me is what I like. For example, I'm still trying to figure out why this one guy in high school (chemistry class) was so certain I liked the Backstreet Boys. All I said was that I knew the words to a Backstreet Boys song that was on "Don't Forget the Lyrics." And he said, "Well,
duh, of course
you did." I didn't even really listen to any boy bands until I was in high school (and even then, it was--and is--mostly the Beatles), and it certainly wasn't anything I'd felt like divulging to anyone.
That one's always made me wonder, you know?
So what kinds of things do people assume about you when you meet them?