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Over/Under on number of Awkward Zone Initiations This week?

None at all.
- 1 (1.2%)
One or two.
- 12 (14.6%)
Three to five.
- 13 (15.9%)
Six to eight.
- 6 (7.3%)
Nine or 10.
- 1 (1.2%)
More than 10.
- 6 (7.3%)
It depends on how much those involved drink...
- 16 (19.5%)
...and on the amount of Spathe Ham consumed.
- 1 (1.2%)
I dunno, but I don't want to see MartenMom drunk.
- 2 (2.4%)
Nor Claire.
- 8 (9.8%)
10 tons of snow will suddenly fall on the cast, dropping the wedding into darkness.
- 6 (7.3%)
Be realistic: more like 5 tons.
- 6 (7.3%)
There are no waffles because you eat Pancakes on Fat Tuesday, so there. :P
- 4 (4.9%)

Total Members Voted: 75

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2382-2386 (11-15 February, 2013) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 118698 times)


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Amid the Second Great Snowstorm of the Winter of 2012-13, we begin yet another week - and this time, it's about a Wedding!
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Veronica drunk I'm fine with.

Claire drunk could be handled well enough but I suspect she'll be keeping her guard high.

Was she drunk at the lake house?


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My (generalised) prediction for this storyline (not this week though, there's still some build-up to get out of the way) - Someone is going to get drunk, probably Veronica, and say Claire would be perfect for Marten. And in the process Marten is going to inadvertently outing Claire as trans. Which will help form the punchline for the end of the storyline.


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I seriously doubt that Marten would out Claire, even if drunk - quite apart from the fact that it'd be out of character, it would open Jeph up to an awful lot of criticism because that is extremely bad form.
« Last Edit: 11 Feb 2013, 02:44 by Barmymoo »
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."

Is it cold in here?

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We've never seen Claire intoxicated, have we?

Martenmom, in a troubled mood, drinking: that may be the first explosion, but not the last.
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Veronica drunk would be interesting.  Claire is generally just a little too tightly wound to make a "fun" drunk.  She'd likely end up embarrassing herself without supporting friends (doing the same thing)
"It's a futile gesture that my sense of right and wrong tells me I should make." Is It Cold Here, 19 Mar 2013, 02:12


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I don't even care about the wedding anymore.  What kind of wackey adventures are Faye and Angus having in the city?  How are Dora and Penny holding up at Coffee of Doom?  What hallucinatory monsters have struken Hannelore?  Is Marigold still kicking Dale's ass at Warcraft?  Will Pintsize fall in love with his reflection in a mirror?


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Looks like there is going to be a few drink induced guests at the wedding!
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Kinda looks like she was a bit tipsy. Doesn't appear to have lasted beyond that, though.
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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I don't even care about the wedding anymore.  What kind of wacky adventures are Faye and Angus having in the city?  How are Dora and Penny holding up at Coffee of Doom?  What hallucinatory monsters have struck Hannelore?  Is Marigold still kicking Dale's ass at Warcraft?  Will Pintsize fall in love with his reflection in a mirror?
Last time Marten left, they had to fight off the Pintsize Apocalypse. This time, maybe Godzilla? Something organic, anyway.

I find referring to New York as THE city rather interesting, especially since it's done in-comic by people who are what, 150 miles from it? I live a couple counties away from LA, but no one calls it anything but LA or Los Angeles. I mean, sure it's big, but it's not like every other community in New England is a hamlet.

Unless I'm massively wrong and they and you are talking about Springfield or something.
« Last Edit: 10 Feb 2013, 20:53 by Westrim »

Is it cold in here?

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Is Dora kicking herself for losing the opportunity to meet Veronica Vance again?

Or will she still? Shouldn't Martenmom take advantage of being within driving distance to spend some quality time with her only child?
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.

Method of Madness

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I find referring to New York as THE city rather interesting, especially since it's done in-comic by people who are what, 150 miles from it?
I've lived about 20km from the city, er...New York City my whole life, so I'm used to calling it that. I remember when I was in high school visiting a school in Colorado Springs someone mentioned that it was "only 45 minutes from the city" and that sounded weird. Yes, Denver is a city, but the city?

Anyway, I assumed they meant New York because that's what I think of as "the city" and also because Angus went there last time he went away. Although I suppose if anything they could mean Boston (Springfield is far too small for "the" status).
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Does anybody really know what time it is?
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Guys, guys. You are all missing the important point.

There is NO waffles option in the poll.
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Throughout South East England, "up to town" commonly means going to London; trains are referred to as "up" or "down" depending on whether they are going to or from London.  When I lived in a village outside Oxford I would say "into town" meaning Oxford as opposed to "up to town" for London.
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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Okay, why would one not want to see Marten's mother drunk ?

And why is there no Hanners option ?

And why is there no Raven option ?

Also no Waffles ! Spaceham aint no substitute for Waffles !!
Carpe Diem


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Spaceham aint no substitute for Waffles

That came close to become my new signature quote.
What do you know about Pokémon?


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Lubricus, since we are talking about signatures: could you please, please change the spelling to Pokémon?  :psyduck:
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the careful illusion of shit-togetherness


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Lubricus, since we are talking about signatures: could you please, please change the spelling to Pokémon?  :psyduck:

Absolutely! Sorry about that.
What do you know about Pokémon?


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Now if only I could complete the probability section on Khan academy, and do the laundry, my dreams for today would be fulfilled.
The future is a weird place and you never know where it will take you.
the careful illusion of shit-togetherness


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Comic's up!
What do you know about Pokémon?


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Claire looks like a real doll in the first panel.


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I choose to believe that all but the first panel are directly from Claire's eyes (too bad any surgery she's had didn't give her Terminator vision).

I also choose to believe that she does not have a drink because her milk shake brings all the boys to the yard takes longer to prepare.

Is Marten responding to his dad or his mom, and is his mom referring to Black Sabbath?

Oh hey, just noticed that I am no longer Beyonce, I am just in immediate danger of rape. Yay. I got to be Beyonce during her Inauguration Day performance AND her Superbowl half time show.
« Last Edit: 11 Feb 2013, 02:35 by Westrim »


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But I like circuses...
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.

Near Lurker

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As I keep reminding New Yorkers, one must remember the Greek for "to the city"...
After seventeen years, once again, sort of a lurker.  (he/him)

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Boring as I am, I kinda see Henry's point.
"It's a futile gesture that my sense of right and wrong tells me I should make." Is It Cold Here, 19 Mar 2013, 02:12


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But I like circuses...
I do too, but there a lot of things they are best not mixed with. Like bread.


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Throughout South East England, "up to town" commonly means going to London; trains are referred to as "up" or "down" depending on whether they are going to or from London.  When I lived in a village outside Oxford I would say "into town" meaning Oxford as opposed to "up to town" for London.

Interesting - in Oxford do the students talk about coming up for term, even though they may well live north of the city? We do it here and I find it odd, but the London thing might explain it as we're up from London?

I think MartenMom does in fact mean Black Flag.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Yes, students here also "come up" (and if they are bad, may get "sent down").

"Up" clearly relates to approaching the perceived centre of the universe.  :wink:
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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That must've been one AWKWARD rehearsal dinner.

Martenmom: "This is boring!"
Martendad: "Don't worry honey, it'll be awesome once the elephants go apeshit over the hardcore punk!"

Or am I missing something here?
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But I like circuses...
I do too, but there a lot of things they are best not mixed with. Like bread.

I don't know why, but this makes me laugh. :D

I find it very interesting that the Reeds are so casually talking about their own (failed) wedding just before Henry's second one is about to happen. That was a very carefully avoided subject at my brother's second wedding.


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At the risk of being Major Obvious, bucking for Lieutenant Colonel: Veronica does NOT like not being the center of attention. IRL, this could go anywhere. IQC, this could also go anywhere. I'll need to stock up on popcorn.
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Marten's response in the last panel amused me a lot more than it should have.


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I find it very interesting that the Reeds are so casually talking about their own (failed) wedding just before Henry's second one is about to happen.

I have never known an immediately previous partner go to a following wedding of their ex.  However, I have been to a wedding in which the step-children from the previous marriage not merely came but played a prominent part in the ceremony and celebrations.
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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Y'know, I just realized something. . .

I think Claire is going to be reduced to speechlessness when the grooms equivalent to bridesmaids line up.

Adorable, adorable speechlessness.
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Black Flag played at Henry and Veronica's wedding reception.


Dear God, if this was the approximate time-frame I'm thinking, it explains SO much.

EDIT: I'm just going to TRY to explain things here:

1. Marten was likely conceived after a concert by one of the most mash-up punk/metal bands in rock history.
2. It likely explains the crowd that (at least) Veronica ran around with.
3. I'm betting Henry's originally from the Bay Area while Mom's from SoCal.
4. Marten is at least 27 years old, and at the MOST 31.
5. If Veronica can't remember the band name, she must not have been as much into music.
6. Which would suggest Henry was more the musical type.
7. Seriously: Black Flag? The only way that could have been more awesome would have to be if it was The Ramones.
8. I got this song stuck in my brain for some reason:
« Last Edit: 11 Feb 2013, 06:52 by jwhouk »
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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It would have had to have been near the end of their run. I seem to recall Marten's age being placed in the mid 20s or so, and according to wikipedia, Black Flag disbanded in '86. I know QC time doesn't quite match up to real time, but placing things too much earlier would put Marten around 30.


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If he's talking to mom, Marten's speech bubble is missing the word "on."
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I WAS going to comment about how awkward is it to sit next to your fiancee's ex...

Then I saw the poll.

Thought for the day: At the grenade launcher range, do not yell “M-203, I choose you!”
                                                                                        -Skippy's List


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Over/Under on number of Awkward Zone Initiations This week?

None at all.    0 (0%)
One or two.    8 (21.6%)
Three to five.    4 (10.8%)
Six to eight.    1 (2.7%)
Nine or 10.    0 (0%)
More than 10.    3 (8.1%)
It depends on how much those involved drink...    9 (24.3%)
...and on the amount of Spathe Ham consumed.    1 (2.7%)
I dunno, but I don't want to see MartenMom drunk.    0 (0%)
Nor Claire.    4 (10.8%)
10 tons of snow will suddenly fall on the cast, dropping the wedding into darkness.    5 (13.5%)
Be realistic: more like 5 tons.    1 (2.7%)
There are no waffles because you eat Pancakes on Fat Tuesday, so there. :P    1 (2.7%) <== For Loki ;)

Total Members Voted: 37
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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Just another Joe like 46


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I think Jeph said it's been a couple years at most in QC time so if you assume it was the same year in real time and QC time when QC started (2003), they're technically a few years behind us? Does that add anything to the time/wedding/age discussion?

Although I think QC is more in a Simpsons world where some permenant changes happen and they're roughly the same as the start but have still progressed with real time because magic.

Also it took me ages to not read the poll as Awkward Zombie.
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As I keep reminding New Yorkers, one must remember the Greek for "to the city"...
I don't know what that is, and attempts to determine it keep getting me travel guides and the Battle of Marathon.

IQC, this could also go anywhere.
Another fail of the Google god. Perhaps I need to upgrade my sacrifices.


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If he's talking to mom, Marten's speech bubble is missing the word "on."
Or "at", depending on the implied object's flight velocity.

Personally, I don't see the problem with attending your homosexual ex-husband's re-wedding. With good communication and mutuality, almost all awkwardness in life can be prevented.

IQC, this could also go anywhere.
Another fail of the Google god. Perhaps I need to upgrade my sacrifices.
Ahaha. Made me smile.
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Yes, students here also "come up" (and if they are bad, may get "sent down").

"Up" clearly relates to approaching the perceived centre of the universe.  :wink:

Toronto? :angel:
"It's a futile gesture that my sense of right and wrong tells me I should make." Is It Cold Here, 19 Mar 2013, 02:12


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I predict amusing awkwardness, though Jeph has been known to curveball the hell out of us... which in all honesty, is even better than a predictable storyline!

Still.  I gotta say, it's going to be amusing no matter the outcome. 
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Toronto? :angel:
Isn't that referred to as either T.O. by those in the horseshoe and The Big Smoke by those in the cottage zone?
Yeah, Thanks for the smog Michigan  :-P
A good pun is it's own reword.
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Ms. Reed has alluded to having memory problems about that time of her life. No good reason to think she was serious, though.
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Is it just me, or does everyone's eyebrows in this strip seem... misplaced? Their expressions seem a bit off from what they're actually saying. Mostly, they look more angry than makes sense to me.

Interesting - in Oxford do the students talk about coming up for term, even though they may well live north of the city? We do it here and I find it odd, but the London thing might explain it as we're up from London?

I think MartenMom does in fact mean Black Flag.
I'm across the pond, and quite a few people I know also use the up/down terminology. I've said on more than one occasion that I'm going "up to Florida," even though I live north of there. "Up" seems to be the term that I use for anywhere that isn't my hometown. I even say I'm going "back down to Tennessee" when I'm heading up from Florida. I'm a lot more conscious of this phrasing these days because I randomly realized one day that it sounded rather odd.
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Is it just me, or does everyone's eyebrows in this strip seem... misplaced? Their expressions seem a bit off from what they're actually saying. Mostly, they look more angry than makes sense to me.

I think you kind of hit what bothered me about this one. Something about the MartenFolks' faces makes me feel like they look sort of bitter thinking about that day, but from the dialogue I feel like they're just reminiscing how silly that particular event was. But maybe I'm just fooling myself and they totally aren't too thrilled thinking about it.

And yeah, Marten just looks angry. I'm not sure I could drop that phrase around my parents, so that probably doesn't help me see it otherwise.  :laugh:

I am excited to see Henry and Veronica interacting though! I really wanted a glimpse as to what sort of dynamic the two of them may have had when they were still together. 
« Last Edit: 11 Feb 2013, 11:09 by Game and Watch Forever »


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I sincerely hope that there won't be a Veronica/Maurice rift anytime soon...that would be UGGLY. (As ugly as Ugg boots).
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IQC, this could also go anywhere.
Another fail of the Google god. Perhaps I need to upgrade my sacrifices.

IRL = In Real Life. 

IQC = isn't it obvious? 
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.
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