But if Marten still has a hangup about being flirted with by female-presenting people with MAAB phenotypes it could affect Claire as well.
I can absolutely guarantee that regardless of other factors, a girl who transitioned as young as Claire did has totally female pheremones. You can't look like that otherwise.
Similarly, trans guys, a few days after a T shot, have interesting effects on any straight female that gets within a metre.
Yes, I speak from personal experience, and it's entirely involuntary. Reliably reproducible experimentally too.
On the other hand, I've been reliably informed that Trans guys a few days after a T shot have their own psychological reactions, that some find unsettling at the start of transition. To someone in a state of chronic testosterone starvation, having that relieved leads to a condition that in cis males would be called "blue balls".
Apparently, males are/tend to be more visually oriented, females are/tend to be more smell and taste oriented. Trans women are female-typical neurologically here.
Male-to-female transsexuals show sex-atypical hypothalamus activation when smelling odorous steroids. by Berglund et al
Cerebral Cortex 2008 18(
...the data implicate that transsexuality may be associated with sex-atypical physiological responses in specific hypothalamic circuits, possibly as a consequence of a variant neuronal differentiation.