I can relate to Faye and Sam a bit. I remember a trip to Hawaii where I decided to take a scenic path instead of the straight road back to the care. About a 1/3 of the way in I noticed a really cool spider web, with a spider in the center about 3 inches across. Then another one. And another. Then I started noticing multiple webs at a time, and soon realized that I was surrounded by a couple thousand webs, all orb weaves, all with spiders about the size of the first in the middle. They were on all sides, including above, forward, and back, arcing over the path. It was surprising I hadn't already walked into one. I carefully and quickly went back and took the road instead. I'm normally okay with spiders, and they were probably harmless, but damn that got my heart racing. In general regarding insects and arachnids and such, I'm okay if there's one or two in view or even on me, no issue, but once there are more than I can keep track of, up goes the blood pressure.
Regarding fibs, I've heard it infrequently, but most of my encounters with the word have been literary. I'm pretty sure it's a family thing, not a regional thing.
Regarding belief, it is completely a choice. No one could convert from or to a religion if it wasn't, and no one is born believing anything. And that's all I have to say about that (in this thread, where unestablished definitions, unacknowledged variability, and fluff doomed any discussion).
Haven't we heard of the basement before? I recall conversation about expanding the cafe into it or something. Anyway, turning it into a BSDM dungeon would be positively banal. Turning it into model plain runway or something would be truly weird.
Spiders, by the way, are either a very good indication (being carnivores that eat other insects, keeping the human food safe) or a very bad indication (so many means there's lots of insect food for them).
I needed a trigger warning.
No you didn't. You needed to take responsibility and check beforehand (it's noted on the Wikipedia page), or be willing to deal with your own fears (you have pause and/or mute buttons, I presume). I really, really hate the concept of trigger warnings, it's a bad form of coddling.
Also, leave the poor shift key alone.