i like the idea of one of the characters using ar goggles, it's a good example of how technology is integrated into everyday life in the qc setting.
speaking of which, notice how the only other two characters on that list without last names are robots. maybe that's a clue about steve?
no, the implication is "I am capable of doing multiple things with my brain". I feel sad for anyone who is not.
This has actually been scientifically analyzed and found to not happen. Humans don't multitask- the closest they get is switching focus back and forth rapidly between tasks.
actually, the answer is a great deal more complicated than that. the nervous system
does multitask to a massive extent, managing all the essential systems of the body at the same time, constantly. however, individual
parts of the brain are only able to engage in one task at a time & have to switch back and forth while multitasking.
this is why you can walk and talk and breathe and digest and navigate all at the same time without any problems, but not read a book while having a conversation and listening to the news. the former is an example of different systems engaging in different tasks, while the later is an example of one system (language) trying to process 3 different streams of input at the same time.
furthermore, while that type of multitasking
can be improved with practice, there is some recent evidence that people who learn to do so well experience a detrimental effect on their ability to concentrate on a
single task.