Weird, the image was working for me initially. Stupid thing.

This one might actually be more appropriate for the anime thread. I doubt any one else will get the reference.
It took me a second, but that was actually the very first episode I ever saw of that show, so...
Goddamnit GM. <3
Also I would like to remind the viewers that, as impressive (and attractive, arousing, etc.) I and presumably you all find that half-and-half image...and it *is* impressive, what I'm about to say doesn't take that away... but they presumably had access to some distinct professionals. Lighting, photography, makeup, model, and image-manipulation (Photoshop etc.) all come together to answer your questions as to the how.
Now I'm inclined to say that they used quite a bit of Photoshop there at the end to intensify the difference between the halves, but you *can* do wonders if you slather enough layers of makeup on, and spend enough time with someone tweezering your face.
I never seem to be able to use depilatory cream on my face or neck very successfully. Either it doesn't really affect the hair, or I chemical burn myself.
Enough points, onward thread!