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What music should Dora put on for the inevitable bloody reckoning that is to come?

Something up beat and poppy! You can't spell "slaughter" without "laughter" after all!
- 12 (18.5%)
Slayer. Why is this even a question?
- 28 (43.1%)
New Age Spathe Ham Electronica
- 4 (6.2%)
Dubstep, Drop the bass and dropkick someone's soul.
- 8 (12.3%)
I would tell you what band I'd go on a rampage to, but you'd have never heard of them. Pleb.
- 8 (12.3%)
Dora should just calm down and visualize whirled peas till she feels better.
- 5 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 62

Voting closed: 30 Aug 2014, 02:49

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2776-2780 (25-29 August 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 93977 times)


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Honestly, I think recent events have made me realize that the main trio of characters (Marten, Faye, and Dora) are capable of forgiving themselves and each other of everything while condemning others for much less. It's understandable among friends, but annoyingly cliquish.

One of the most insightful posts in the history of the comic section.
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Somnus Eternus

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Why would Dora tell this to Marten, probably Faye's closest friend, in CoD while Faye's there and tell him not to tell her?
Why tell Marten at all?

Because Marten is also her good friend and is likely to provide a more level-headed response than Faye is.

I also strongly disagree with this idea that people are throwing around that Sven hitting on Faye is none of Dora's business, and Dora cutting Sven out of her life is none of Faye's.  They're not just coworkers - they're also close friends.  In that sense, of course something like that would be the business of the other, in the sense that they'd each be concerned about the other's well being. It's not to say that either are obligated to share that information with the other, but let's not pretend that either situation wouldn't have an impact on the other person.

I agree with the second part of your post, but regarding Marten- still, why at CoD, in front of Faye, and then ask for it to be secret? If she's going to keep it a secret (see below), she should have waited for Faye's break or talked to Marten aside or something, although those would have interfered with her fake happy thing.

Oh, I actually have a really good answer for that. It's because I completely missed the bolded part of your post and was responding just to the "Why tell Marten at all?" part.  Sorry about that!  Yeah, that was weird timing on Dora's part.


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We had Dorapocalypse. What'll we call this one? Svenageddon(outahere)?
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I don't even find the highly-sitcomish hiding-in-the-bathroom arc to be that horrible an indicator of Sven's character. Sure, he was cheating on a girl, but come on, that's a thing that happens. And there was no indication that he and Genevieve were more than a pretty casual hookup.

Cheating isn't just 'a thing that happens'. It is an active action, to be taken responsibility for. Additionally, you, too, don't know that they WEREN'T more than a casual hookup. You're jumping to just as many conclusions.

Well, actually, later strips established that Sven had never been in a serious relationship, so "casual hook-up" is probably pretty on the mark. And yes, of course, it's an active action that a good person takes responsibility for. But it's also not a sign of toxicity. And more to the point, I'm pretty sure my sister doesn't hold it against me that, eight years ago, I cheated on someone she'd never even met.

If one person comes off like a lunatic in that arc, it's Faye. Especially her line "You should apologize to people you've genuinely hurt, like Genevieve"...I feel like Sven's proper response to that would have been "Um, you have no idea what my situation with Genevieve was like. If you want me to feel bad for getting your former Man-Bitch who's now railing my sister involved, fine. But you're in no position to judge what happened with G."

And then she goes along to the hospital just to throw in a few more insults and muttered acrimony. Pretty lame.
So expecting people to minimize the harm they've evidently done to others is now 'coming off as a lunatic'. Hokay.

The point here is that none of it was Faye's business, and this particular epoch of the comic was Faye in full-on self-righteous mode.
« Last Edit: 26 Aug 2014, 14:49 by Barmymoo »


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Man, I just can't figure out how to properly format quoted text. I'm sure y'all can see which part is mine and which part is Chelicerate's, but still. Mods, help!


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We had Dorapocalypse. What'll we call this one? Svenageddon(outahere)?
The Svenoning?
The Bianchianing?


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Piglet wondered how it was that every conversation with Eeyore seemed to go wrong.

Somnus Eternus

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We had Dorapocalypse. What'll we call this one? Svenageddon(outahere)?
The Svenoning?
The Bianchianing?

If this extends to next week, I think we found our next poll.

(My vote is totally for the Bianchianing.)


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Man, I just can't figure out how to properly format quoted text. I'm sure y'all can see which part is mine and which part is Chelicerate's, but still. Mods, help!

I've sorted it - basically the issue is that if you split a quote, you have to copy the "quote author" part again at the start of the second section of the quote, because you closed the quote after the first part to respond.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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The Svens of Castamere?
James The Kugai 

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The Sven-d of the World as We Know It.


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The S(e)ven Signs
James The Kugai 

You can never have too much Coffee.

Detachable Felix

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I go away from the forum for a day, come back to 4 more pages on Dora/Sven...
Why did I read through them all? :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

(I cast my vote for Svenageddon)
This is Australia, mate. We don't do subtlety.


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The Sven-d of the World as We Know It.
And I feel fine.
"We are who we pretend to be. So we had better be careful who we pretend to be."  -- Kurt Vonnegut.

Bob of the South

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Honestly, I think recent events have made me realize that the main trio of characters (Marten, Faye, and Dora) are capable of forgiving themselves and each other of everything while condemning others for much less. It's understandable among friends, but annoyingly cliquish.

One of the most insightful posts in the history of the comic section.

I feel so inexplicably warm and fuzzy inside now.  :-D


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I'm late to the party - trying a new schedule after getting home from work - but I think this is Dora having a disconnect from reality.

Believe it or not, I think she needs Tai to give  her a clue-by-four about how she's "handling" Sven.
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I kind of feel the actions of all involved are understandable, even if I personally disagree with then.

Yes, Jeph's pretty good at that.
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Believe it or not, I think she needs Tai to give  her a clue-by-four about how she's "handling" Sven.
Yes, but that would make sense, wouldn't it. And it might end up with Tai seeing a side of Dora that she might wish she never saw.

The problem here is that amongst the cast, the Trio in particular, no one is really effective at communicating how they're feeling. Each has made overtures about their respective issues but in most cases, they usually backtrack before they can make progress. It's that kind of behaviour that keeps them sabotaging themselves. Indeed, Faye, who seemingly had the worst issues at the beginning of the comic, has made strides but is yet still unable to be really open with people about how she's feeling. Faye is incredibly worried about her relationship with Angus and then gets this ridiculous proclamation from Sven and the only person she's had any real meaningful talk with is Marten, and even then she most likely had to drink half a bottle of wine to get to that point. At this stage, it's not so much the steamer captain is aiming the boat towards Niagra Falls, but more like he's half cut and making "vroom vroom" noises while spinning the ship's wheel.

Of course, there's Marten, a man so laid back, doormats take offence when he's compared to them. He's so unassertive that all he does is mope and complain about his lot when he gets jerked around (and not the good kind either. Why oh why, Delilah.) It's gotten to the point where Marten doesn't really know what he really wants any more. Which does lead to him blowing things out of proportion, notable most recently with Emily's peck to the cheek.

Lastly, we have Dora and well, there's been entire papers written about Dora so there's not much point rehashing what's been said.

Cue loads of mix ups, misunderstandings, arguments and things being said along with events occurring.


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And Mieville adds to the drama.
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And the poor kitteh was just trying to be a good hunter and get rid of rodents.  Dora doesn't appreciate Mieville's efforts!  What a horrible person (incoherent raging and foaming).

Good thing it seems as though the whole thing is looking more like Dora thought at least some things through and wasn't just acting out of impulse.
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Dora's starting to look a lot better, I think. Especially since she clarified that her not telling Faye was for Faye's sake.
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I get the feeling that not talking to Tai is going to come back and bite someone in the ass.


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Yay today is less crazy. Not the best plan necessarily but still, improvement.


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By the way, I wrote my last post before the new comic appeared.

I really hope Tai gives all FOUR of them a "boot to the head!"
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I think Dora's reasoning in panel one of today's comic is sound.  Faye has some shit going on, and would totally get all involved in the Bianchi situation, regardless of her own stress load.  Not so sold on panel 3-4 reasoning, though. 


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  • Posts: 236 because she and Marten have drama going on (awkwardness? tension? whatever?) he's somehow a better option to talk about this?
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Because Dora thinks Marten can handle it right now, and she needs to tell someone. I get it, and from how Marten's reacting, he does too. At least she acknowledges that her reason for not telling Tai is selfish.
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I guess this is a bit off-topic, but I just wanted to drop in and say that I think Dora's right hand looks really great in panel 4.

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It's directly about the comic, so it's not off-topic at all! In fact, it's probably less off-topic than a lot of what goes on in these threads.
They call me Mr. Madness.

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I don't blame her for not wanting to tell Tai. I've been in that position where my girlfriend was the only sane drama free part of my life and I wanted to keep it that way. Eventually you have to let your partner in on the less pleasant parts of your life if you want to have a life together, but the desire to keep them away from it is understandable.
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I think it's more a case of how hard it is to be embarrassed about stuff while talking to someone you've seen naked.


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You just think Mieville can do no wrong, don't you? I see how it is.
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He's a cat.  Cats can never do wrong, as they are gods, and by definition, right in all that they do.
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Oh that is just ridiculous. Gods are wrong all the time. You do cats a disservice by lumping them in with mere gods.
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Honestly, I think recent events have made me realize that the main trio of characters (Marten, Faye, and Dora) are capable of forgiving themselves and each other of everything while condemning others for much less. It's understandable among friends, but annoyingly cliquish.

Absolutely agree, well-put.


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"I must confess ... that I rather thought ... you had enough responsibility to be going on with"

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I'm really confused, but maybe that's because I keep expecting "I must confess..." to be followed with "...that my killing me now"

(click to show/hide)
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OK, had to look up New Rocks.   

...thought for a minute it might be a breakfast cereal or something. 
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.

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Now I'm even more confused, what do those have to do with anything?
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Mieville barfed up a mousehead in Dora's New Rocks. 
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.

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Oh, I guess I missed that line. To anyone who doesn't want to click, they're boots.

Can someone explain Tuba's post, though?
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
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OK, had to look up New Rocks.   

...thought for a minute it might be a breakfast cereal or something.
Jennie Breeden wears those boots, IIRC.


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It's a line from towards the end of the fifth harry potter book

(click to show/hide)

Basically the point is that withholding info can end up biting you in the ass and cause worse hurt feelings than if you had been more forthcoming in the first place.

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Oh. Why didn't you say all that back then? :roll:
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We're supposed to get the references, I guess. 

Or at least it's nice to pretend that we would.  This happens all the time IRL, so why not here? 
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.

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Yeah, but IRL you'd say "huh?" and it would be explained immediately.
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Quote from: Polonius
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"No, I'm avoiding mentioning this to anyone who might tell me what an awful idea it is.  I mean, sure, I'm telling you, but that's because you have a noodle for a spine and all you'll do is whinge ineffectually at me for a while."

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"These boots were made for barfin'"
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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"No, I'm avoiding mentioning this to anyone who might tell me what an awful idea it is.  I mean, sure, I'm telling you, but that's because you have a noodle for a spine and all you'll do is whinge ineffectually at me for a while."

... except he did tell her what an awful idea it is.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)
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