Believe it or not, I think she needs Tai to give her a clue-by-four about how she's "handling" Sven.
Yes, but that would make sense, wouldn't it. And it might end up with Tai seeing a side of Dora that she might wish she never saw.
The problem here is that amongst the cast, the Trio in particular, no one is really effective at communicating how they're feeling. Each has made overtures about their respective issues but in most cases, they usually backtrack before they can make progress. It's that kind of behaviour that keeps them sabotaging themselves. Indeed, Faye, who seemingly had the worst issues at the beginning of the comic, has made strides but is yet still unable to be really open with people about how she's feeling. Faye is incredibly worried about her relationship with Angus and then gets this ridiculous proclamation from Sven and the only person she's had any real meaningful talk with is Marten, and even then she most likely had to drink half a bottle of wine to get to that point. At this stage, it's not so much the steamer captain is aiming the boat towards Niagra Falls, but more like he's half cut and making "vroom vroom" noises while spinning the ship's wheel.
Of course, there's Marten, a man so laid back, doormats take offence when he's compared to them. He's so unassertive that all he does is mope and complain about his lot when he gets jerked around (and not the good kind either. Why oh why, Delilah.) It's gotten to the point where Marten doesn't really know what he really wants any more. Which does lead to him blowing things out of proportion, notable most recently with Emily's peck to the cheek.
Lastly, we have Dora and well, there's been entire papers written about Dora so there's not much point rehashing what's been said.
Cue loads of mix ups, misunderstandings, arguments and things being said along with events occurring.