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Barroom Blitz

Pugnacious Peach Pugilistic Punchout
Claire Crimson Cheek Continuation
Marten Mainly Mumbles Methodiclly
Steve Swallows Serially
Battling Bianchi Battlezone
Tai Terrorizes Tall Twin
Jeph Jacques Japes
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Author Topic: WCDT: 2796-2800 (22-26 September 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 189096 times)


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I think we should all brace for impact. Especially considering that tomorrow's comic is 2800.
Just from experience, Jeph does like have the major stories around the X00th comics, if not starting there at least the crux of the story happens at that point; such as the Talk at 500, the Break-Up at 1800, Padma leaving at 2100, the beginning of May's redemption at 2500 (and in turn, the beginning of Dale & Marigold growing up and talking like relatively normal people).
There are quite a few character storylines beginning on the X00th comics and I suspect this will be no different.

Don't forget the really big 000, which coincided with Momo becoming human-sized.


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Claire's Disney Princess hair doesn't only entice woodland creatures but also drunk friends!
Or, if Emily is any indication, rather weird friends as well.

Edit:  Prediction:  Marten has to yell for Faye to extricate his hands, she thinks it's something to do with him and Claire being "unprofessional", he passes out on the sofa, and Claire, realising that she is stuck as well polishes off the bourbon and coming face to face with one of the drunken hallucinations, and spends the rest of the night talking to the Beast of Bourbon until she too passes-out.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2014, 01:38 by hedgie »
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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But Jeph is already our lord and master Jephzibah!  :psyduck:
So glad Jephzibah continues to exist.

Any chance Jephzibah will pull a Willis on us and just show Steve eating cereal again?


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Um... am I the only one who finds this a little creepy?  I mean, Claire seems to welcome it after the fact, but... Marten just starts scratching her head?

Social grooming behavior.  Pretty common in primates, some other animals too.
When I was a kid, I used to do it to my brothers... mostly because I was curious about the tops of their heads, 'cause I couldn't examine my own.


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Any chance Jephzibah will pull a Willis on us and just show Steve eating cereal again?
Most likely not, we're still in the middle of the night. My guess is that whatever happens in tomorrow's comic will still be Clairten centered. Or Yelling bird.

Anyway,  :claireface: blushing in the last panel made me SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Warning - while you were squeeing a new squee has been yelled. You may wish to resquee your squee.
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A good rule-of-thumb is if you're going to post about trans issues, read the sentence aloud to yourself before you post it and replace "trans" with another minority group. If it doesn't sound like it's ok to post with the change, then it wasn't ok in the first place.
I really don't get this response in this context.  He wasn't saying "ew a trans relationship", it read to me like pleased surprise.  It'd be like someone on a Star Trek board in the 60's saying something like "Kirk and Uhura?  An interracial kiss portrayed positively?  unpossible!"  Reads to me like someone who was pleasantly surprised Trek was being so progressive.  If expressing that emotion is taboo I just dkwtf.

Anyway I'm definitely low man on the totem pole.  I'll see myself out


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Yup...Panel 3 Claire is officially the cutest Claire yet. Probably because she let her hair down (which we haven't seen much, if at all).


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Any chance Jephzibah will pull a Willis on us and just show Steve eating cereal again?
Most likely not, we're still in the middle of the night. My guess is that whatever happens in tomorrow's comic will still be Clairten centered. Or Yelling bird.
Well, Hanners is yet to be accounted for.  I rather doubt she's hiding just outside of the panel ...
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Claire - you have to be the responsible adult now. That's difficult when the guy you find unbearably yummy is massaging your scalp so you're melting.
But.. he's not thinking clearly. OK, you aren't either.
Falling asleep in each other's arms is appropriate at this point though.

That's what we did in a similar situation at New Years Eve 1979. By February 1980, just two months later, we were engaged, and married a year later.

It's been an interesting 33 years.  :laugh:

And talking about matters Trans and Matrimonial - a very good friend of mine got married to the girl of his dreams on Tuesday. He transitioned 8 years ago, but I first met him in 1999. I think the most honourable man I know. I ignored doctors orders (and am now paying the price) but I journeyed through three states to be there at the ceremony. I cried buckets - but so did all the other women my age. Happy tears.

Ten years ago, this was an impossibility, something that could never happen. But dreams sometimes do come true. Even the most unlikely ones, where you have to travel halfway round the planet from the place of your birth to find your compliment. As did he. As did I.
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So ... Faye was right !
Carpe Diem


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As myself being a trans woman I've always wanted Claire to get coupled with Marten. So I'm in total Sqeeee mode right now. I really hope Jeph makes this turn out well in the end.
If anyone ever wants to ask me questions about being a trans woman message me @VeraLapsa on twitter :) I'm open to all questions :)


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I'm seriously considering not opening tomorrow's comic, because I'm so sure of it being a cliffhanger, and I'm not sure if I can wait until Monday for the resolve.
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Marten does not want Faye to leave. That must mean that he does not want this to develop into something needing privacy.
Quote from: Marten
You're cute when you're reasonable.

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I'm seriously considering not opening tomorrow's comic, because I'm so sure of it being a cliffhanger, and I'm not sure if I can wait until Monday for the resolve.

So, rather than start the anticipation on Friday you'd rather start it today?  Whatever floats your boat.

If something dramatic does happen will the boards meltdown as they have in the past?

Questions, comments, queries , problems, bitches, rude gestures and/or remarks
"It's a futile gesture that my sense of right and wrong tells me I should make." Is It Cold Here, 19 Mar 2013, 02:12


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Um... am I the only one who finds this a little creepy?  I mean, Claire seems to welcome it after the fact, but... Marten just starts scratching her head?

 Social situations inside a group of friends will often defy social norms.

 Because every group of friends is in its basis a mini society, that defines its own norms.

 Among the very small group of my closest friends close physical contact is a very normal and non-remarkable. Which is unusual because most of us actually don't much care for being touched in normal situations.

 It can get downright creepy for a casual observer. Just in a past month I got my ass pinched by every girl in the group after a comment that my ass is very pinchable, and I reached and grabbed an skittle candy from a friend's, ahem, décolleté. Both situations which would be in society at large a cause for sexual harassment suit, yet perfectly acceptable in the group.
 Every person in the group sets their own limits closer if they wish to, but in general friend groups will allow far more physical intimacy then general society. And that is good.


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Marten does not want Faye to leave. That must mean that he does not want this to develop into something needing privacy.
I don't think Marten 'want' or 'not want' Faye to leave, he looks more surprised than anything else IMHO.
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(Transphobic post removed by mod)
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2014, 04:11 by Method of Madness »


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Marten does not want Faye to leave. That must mean that he does not want this to develop into something needing privacy.
This is a key observation. I'm in squeee mode with much of the board, but Claire is picking up signals that Marten isn't meaning to send.  The immediate drama starts when one or both of them realize this.  My money is on Claire being the only one to figure it out, but your guess is as good as mine.

Claire realizing this is something that she wants is an interesting development.  But this is Marten; when have we seen him realize he wants anything other than a new guitar?


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Marten does not want Faye to leave. That must mean that he does not want this to develop into something needing privacy.

I don't think it's even a question of wanting or not wanting. He's oblivious.

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My apologies, cesario, I guess I was being overly cautious and didn't realize your post was completely positive.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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Claire realizing this is something that she wants is an interesting development.  But this is Marten; when have we seen him realize he wants anything other than a new guitar?
Padma comes to mind:

Or Abby, although that seemed more of a passive "hey, why the hell not" thing.


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Holy cow. I know at least three dozen people who've been anticipating this moment ever since Claire came out.
The construction of the ship boat SS Martin and Claire has been progressing quite nicely.

Aww yiss we called it

if he were making that kind of a move, he'd probably be doing something waaaay clumsier right now!

But for a guy who isn't really that much of a touchy-feely, flirty sort in general, the scritching does seem like a pretty likely sign of attraction.  There are guys who'd do that to random female friends without being into them that way, but would Marten?

Though it is my favorite vessel in the citadel, I would have to agree here, then again maybe he is just drunk which makes making moves faaarrr less awkward (with me anyway)

Um... am I the only one who finds this a little creepy?  I mean, Claire seems to welcome it after the fact, but... Marten just starts scratching her head?
Eh, depends on the friendship, I have a couple friend where a headrub just happens sometimes and to me. What seems strange or awkward to others might be normal for different people.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2014, 04:28 by bryntheskits »


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Wait, who's this Martin guy that people are shipping with Claire?

(It's Marten...)


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Marten's evil robot twin, developed by Hanner's dad, because he was bored.

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Everyone's expecting a drama bomb, and this big cliffhanger.  And I'm just sitting here thinking this will happen
Oh god, I should've drunk more so I wouldn't remember that.


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Emily might be a bit of a hitch, too...

My prediction: IF this progresses to Marten and Claire actually becoming a couple (yes, big "if" there), then Emily's reaction will be "That is so cool!"

After which, Emily will go to a private place and break down in tears.
"It CAN'T be a bad decision, it resulted in CARROT CAKE!"

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Whoa, I didn't notice, but Claire's hair is really different than it was in the linked comic. I like the old style better, but oh well.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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From favorite post outta 4chan, re this comic:

It's happening and you guys are arguing about where dicks come from?
Get your head in the game!


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Tuesday comic is Clinton's body being attacked by raccoons in a backalley, then, where he is found by Dale.
Wednesday's comic has Hanners calling her father to initiate Project: Rebirth


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Actually, I think we're all missing the obvious answer to tomorrow's comic. All of this is going to go to Claire's head, she'll have a panic attack, throw up on Marten, then pass out and headbutt him in the junk. As always happens to him....


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Ahh, Marten.

King of Mixed Signals.  Either creating them or imagining them.


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Whoa, I didn't notice, but Claire's hair is really different than it was in the linked comic. I like the old style better, but oh well.
The hair changed around 2704, 2705, this did not go unnoticed, and I agree the old is better, more colour variation and texture.


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Emily might be a bit of a hitch, too...

My prediction: IF this progresses to Marten and Claire actually becoming a couple (yes, big "if" there), then Emily's reaction will be "That is so cool!"

After which, Emily will go to a private place and break down in tears.

I've been on the couple side of that equation. Never felt like a bigger tosser.

Regardless though

and holy fuck Claire is so cute in this comic I literally had to lay down for a bit while my heart regulated itself.

GM hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnged IRL.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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Marten does not want Faye to leave. That must mean that he does not want this to develop into something needing privacy.

Can't say I'm sure where you got that idea? The only thing I read from his expression was "huh? you're going to bed already? but you don't need to work until five PM"

I think he's just surprised that Faye is drinking nearly as much as she could (Presumably, we don't know how long they've been at the apartment) given her late shift, and is turning in early.


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I didn't see it so much as that Marten wanted Faye not to leave, but merely that he didn't actively want her to leave, which he would have done if he was hoping to make a move. I don't think he's the sort of person who would consciously "make a move" on someone anyway, but the fact that it doesn't seem to have crossed his mind at all says quite a lot.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Calling it now: 10 pages before Monday and/or thread is locked.  :claireface:
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Uh oh:

Quote from: 'Jacques O'Lantern @jephjacques (Twitter)'
[looks at QC] [picks up a big old ratchet] [RACHET RATCHET RATCHET RATCHET]


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Calling it now: 10 pages before Monday and/or thread is locked.  :claireface:

Ten pages is nothing; it was 35-odd pages in the week of the breakup. I consider under five meagre; over ten busy; in between "just right".
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
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Calling it now: at least five bans before Monday. Even if Jephzibah does a Steve eating cereal strip.


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Of course, Jeph could be totally evil and make Friday's strip an "apology" saying that he's decided he likes his Patreon comic more and has decided to ditch QC in favour of doing that full time, but "who knows? They're set in the same universe so you might see some familiar faces around…"
"I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." - Charles Babbage


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Of course, Jeph could be totally evil and make Friday's strip an "apology" saying that he's decided he likes his Patreon comic more and has decided to ditch QC in favour of doing that full time, but "who knows? They're set in the same universe so you might see some familiar faces around…"

This would result in pitchforks and torches being purchased at various locations in the Pioneer Valley, and a sudden mass raid on a little house "owned by a noted webcomics artist and part-time musician."
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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Now now.. Be fair. We wouldn't burn down Jeph's house if he did that.

... We'd just lock him up in the house and force him to draw more comics for us, Misery-style.

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I interpreted the ratchet in a "Well, let's fix up the site. Server upgrade time." Then again, my mind interprets the "RATCHET" as "I'm tightening a bolt" rather than the "CLANG" of busting stuff up.
Mistakes, ahoy!


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Actually, I think we're all missing the obvious answer to tomorrow's comic. All of this is going to go to Claire's head, she'll have a panic attack, throw up on Marten, then pass out and headbutt him in the junk. As always happens to him....
This is the Trollmaster behind the scenes we are dealing with here.

I agree that you may not be far off but I think some points are off the mark
  • This goes to Claire's head - well Marten's hands anyways
  • Ballistic regurgitation may or may not be involved though there is cake batter somewhere
  • Marten passes out in her lap trapping her on the sofa
  • Claire has a panic attack and we get a dream montage
  • Marten snores and breaks the montage resulting in Claire giggles and an adorable smile
  • fade to black
  • Next morning we see marten in his bed and Claire covered with a blanket with Pintsize standing guard armed with  ......

Warning - while you were compiling your list Jeph has someone tell him all about what was posted and decided to change scenes to Hanners cleaning. preparing for an assault on the spider cave.
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I've really liked this whole arc. Like, getting back to the "drama and drinking" roots of QC while mixing in a lot of the newer stuff that has developed.
Also, Jeph teased with Claire at the wedding, teased with Emily with the cheek peck and made fun of shippers when all the interns are introduced(

I guess the only teasing we get with Gabby is what happened to Gabby? Also what her last name is.


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Whoa, I didn't notice, but Claire's hair is really different than it was in the linked comic. I like the old style better, but oh well.
The hair changed around 2704, 2705, this did not go unnoticed, and I agree the old is better, more colour variation and texture.
He's changed it before.


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By the bys: Neko_Ali and Angelus_Primus have the same avatar.

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Those all have the same color/shading though.

Also, if he actually did stop QC for his Patreon comic...would anyone actually remain a patron?
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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By the bys: Neko_Ali and Angelus_Primus have the same avatar.

I'm guessing Angelus copied mine. I made mine from the comic. I suppose they could have done the same thing, but it looks exactly like mine.


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It seems like the hair texture stuff went missing in this strip. I don't mind it being gone in general, but i did think it looked pretty great on Claire's hair.

Edit: Ahh, never mind, it comes back in the next story event, just a little break. >_>
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