Claire - you have to be the responsible adult now. That's difficult when the guy you find unbearably yummy is massaging your scalp so you're melting.
But.. he's not thinking clearly. OK, you aren't either.
Falling asleep in each other's arms is appropriate at this point though.
That's what we did in a similar situation at New Years Eve 1979. By February 1980, just two months later, we were engaged, and married a year later.
It's been an interesting 33 years.

And talking about matters Trans and Matrimonial - a very good friend of mine got married to the girl of his dreams on Tuesday. He transitioned 8 years ago, but I first met him in 1999. I think the most honourable man I know. I ignored doctors orders (and am now paying the price) but I journeyed through three states to be there at the ceremony. I cried buckets - but so did all the other women my age. Happy tears.
Ten years ago, this was an impossibility, something that could never happen. But dreams sometimes
do come true. Even the most unlikely ones, where you have to travel halfway round the planet from the place of your birth to find your compliment. As did he. As did I.