Station AI: Congratulations Hannelore! The simulation therapy is successfull!
Hannelore: What's that and why are you here on Earth?
Station AI: Did you forget? We are still in the station! It can be confusing since in the begin the simulation was pretty rough but as technology progressed it became more and more realistic. In every iteration you would become a little more stable and now you are finally qualified to go to try the real thing on Earth!
Hannelore: What do you mean? What about my friends?
Station AI: They were part of the simulation, by solving their problems you were solving your own inner conflicts. Don't you remember that you killed them all in the first iteration? But now you are stable enouh to make real friends!
Hannelore: Uh... that's... that's great... I think...

Station AI: Back to rocking back and forth... And we were so close!