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Barroom Blitz

Pugnacious Peach Pugilistic Punchout
Claire Crimson Cheek Continuation
Marten Mainly Mumbles Methodiclly
Steve Swallows Serially
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Tai Terrorizes Tall Twin
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Author Topic: WCDT: 2796-2800 (22-26 September 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 190334 times)


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Monday is kissing and we find out where Hanners went. Just off panel, terrified.


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You guys don't have friends give you oddly intimate massages? How do you survive without oddly intimate friends' massages? D:
Where do I get potential romantic interest friendly massages?
Those hurt the wallet. I stick with oddly intimate friendly massages.

For real, though, my friend gives me those kind of massages all the time and he gives them to everyone. Seems to me like Marten's not in the know of what Faye's instigated.

Bob of the South

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Just dropped back in to say I approve of this. Greatly. Also? D'awwwwww.


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Re: Mentions of Marten's no anal rule, vaginoplasty is a thing. (Presuming, of course, that Claire has had SRS. She might have not. Jeph only knows.)

That said, Claire strikes me as the type that might have hang-ups and/or no particular interest in sex. While it is known she enjoys the appearance of the male posterior, that's no certain indicator she has any particular care for other bits of the male anatomy. Also, given Marten's disappointment after his last encounter with a lady, something romantic yet not sexual (or very minorly sexual) may be what he seeks.

Or he could just be drunk cuddling. Jeph only knows.

The forum is approaching critical squee, LAUNCH THE SHIPPERS. But beware the failboat.
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Oi. No postulating, thinking or speculating about Claire or any one else's genitals. I'm not a mod but we're heading in that direction and that is not okay good to go?

In other news....

I literally did a cartwheel and I'm grinning like a madman. The parrot thinks I'm insane as opposed to a food source for once.

I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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I hate to be the party pooper but as cute as Marten and Claire are together, there's no guarantee that Marten actually would want to date a transwoman so this could quickly turn into a source of angst for all.

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Eh, the intern thing. I think he's been using that as an excuse to disguise the fact that he's just plain weirded out by Emily. Even if that's not the case though, it's not like anyone around him is going to judge him for it. Tai's made fun of that hangup, and Faye encouraged this. If anything, they might judge him for being a hypocrite, but hypocrites are a plentiful sort.

After seventeen years, once again, sort of a lurker.  (he/him)

Perfectly Reasonable

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Claire is not human.
She is actually an agent of the Secret Cat Conspiracy.
So now Marten must die.
What would I do if I were smart?
I guess first I'd stop taking the stupid pills.


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This is a fun development. Now excuse me while I go squee to death.
Super-villain in training.


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Oi. No postulating, thinking or speculating about Claire or any one else's genitals. I'm not a mod but we're heading in that direction and that is not okay good to go?
Agreed.  Her lady parts are her lady parts, irrespective of what they look like.
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut

Half Empty Coffee Cup

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Eh, the intern thing. I think he's been using that as an excuse to disguise the fact that he's just plain weirded out by Emily. Even if that's not the case though, it's not like anyone around him is going to judge him for it. Tai's made fun of that hangup, and Faye encouraged this. If anything, they might judge him for being a hypocrite, but hypocrites are a plentiful sort.

Ah yes. It's been a while since we've seen her, too.
Mistakes, ahoy!


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*Snoopy happy dance*

I've been waiting for these two to hook up practically since Claire first appeared.  She's one of my favorite characters. ^_^


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Marten and Claire marry. Faye and Angus also Marry just like Marigold and Dale all them in a perfect triple wedding organized by Hannelore.

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Tai, I expect, is going to cover for Marten and Claire until one of them (probably Marten) can find a new job and remove the ethical conflict. This may be exactly the kick in the pants Marten needs to get out of his rut and get his life moving forward.
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SRS usually follows 1-2 years after HRT starts, which claire has only been on for months from what I recall.


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I am so full of happy and squee!



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Oi. No postulating, thinking or speculating about Claire or any one else's genitals. I'm not a mod but we're heading in that direction and that is not okay good to go?
Agreed.  Her lady parts are her lady parts, irrespective of what they look like.

Well we can't speculate on Claire's genitals or Marten's genitals, but I don't think there's anything in the forum rules that prohibits us from discussing Marten's sexual hangups or the mechanics of sex.

Per the letter of the law, I suppose we could discuss the nature of a hypothetical sexual encounter between Mr. X and Miss Y, provided we only speak of these hypothetical people, as opposed to any real people or characters of an established fiction.


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How about we don't?


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Well geez this is turning into cutesville around here!

Method of Madness

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Per the letter of the law, I suppose we could discuss the nature of a hypothetical sexual encounter between Mr. X and Miss Y, provided we only speak of these hypothetical people, as opposed to any real people or characters of an established fiction.
If you did that, there'd be no reason to do that here. GM said it well, there's really no reason to go there, and it's outright hurtful to some people. So everyone please STOP.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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SRS usually follows 1-2 years after HRT starts, which claire has only been on for months from what I recall.
Claire started transitioning when she joined college. She's now 24.
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So, roughly 6-7 years, tops.
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Just another Joe like 46


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To depart from genitals, I like Marten's face in panel 2 a lot. For the art style simpling up a bit lately, it conveys a lot of expression.


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Never drunkenly flirt, appear to flirt, or drunkenly send mixed signals.

Never seen any evidence as to any romantic interests of Martin with anyone since aborted Space Fail, except weird reactions to his interpretations of Emily putting moves on him.

So...either Marten is a stupid head here...or I've missed some DEM shenanigans.


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Marten and Claire marry. Faye and Angus also Marry just like Marigold and Dale all them in a perfect triple wedding organized by Hannelore.

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Don't even joke man.  Jeph is just cruel enough a trollverlord to do just that.


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hmmm, I bet Marten and Claire will start dating, then, once Marten is taken, Faye and Angus will break up. Thus preserving the "never the twain shall meet" path that the universe has for Marten and Faye. This pattern will continue for the rest of their lives. While one is with a partner the other will be single.


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They finally hook up in the old folk's home in the far, far, future after Jeph has become a cyborg who has been doing this comic for a couple of centuries.
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut

Method of Madness

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So like...six more years in comic time?
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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So is Claire the Crimson Cuddler or the Scarlet Squee now?   :claireface:


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So like...six more years in comic time?
There's a time-skip involved to skip a several boring decades.
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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They finally hook up in the old folk's home in the far, far, future after Jeph has become a cyborg who has been doing this comic for a couple of centuries.

Somewhat reminds me of the terrible HIMYM ending.

I will remain forever alone on my Emily/Marten pontoon I guess. Claire/Marten just doesn't do it for me at all.  I'm the lone wolf.   That's fine.  It's got beer and fireworks stocks on this here pontoon.  Time to float down the river.


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So like...six more years in comic time?

Genuinely laughed out loud.

Is it cold in here?

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Oi. No postulating, thinking or speculating about Claire or any one else's genitals. I'm not a mod but we're heading in that direction and that is not okay good to go?

Global Moderator Comment Well said, and also a matter of forum rules. The mods found out that even in the case of a fictional character it's painfully rude to discuss SRS.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.

Method of Madness

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So like...six more years in comic time?

Genuinely laughed out loud.
Thank you (bows)
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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is it wrong that I want this to end horribly because it would be funny and awkward? :psyduck:
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave

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Nah. horribly?
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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is it wrong that I want this to end horribly because it would be funny and awkward? :psyduck:

I thought Dale and Marigold had the awkward thing locked down. 

Method of Madness

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That was funny and awkward without ending horribly though. EVERYBODY WON. (Except the pancakes)
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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Nah. horribly?
Faye starts another fire just as things are about to get more interesting, and they have to flee the building.
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut

Is it cold in here?

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Forum rules specific to talking about or with trans people.

Let's follow the creator's lead. Someone in a Q&A asked him "what flavor of trans" Claire is.
Quote from: Jeph
She's a redhead.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Hmm.  I guess that would mean "strawberry".
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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Claire was right, whoever programmed that is a dick.


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And I will spoil your beautiful moment by mentioning that everybory have been ignoring on the possibility that Marten will be the one stretched.

Don't look me like that! I just miss Pintsize in the comic!


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Great, Monday's comic is Pintsize humping a cereal box with a bowl on his head as a hat.
This whole world's wild at heart and weird on top.


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And I will spoil your beautiful moment by mentioning that everybory have been ignoring on the possibility that Marten will be the one stretched.

Don't look me like that! I just miss Pintsize in the comic!
nope, not getting into it.
*deleted because I took the bait*
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2014, 22:25 by Smashwidget »

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Global Moderator Comment Were we not clear? I don't want to have to lock this thread.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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By this point, they're a thing, right? Right? 'Cause Marten would have to be miiiiiighty drunk to do this and not see it as him pursuing (with much success so far) a relationship. Or we're still at the bar and the past few strips have all been taking place inside Claire's head after Faye's instigation. But that's a cheap trick, and I don't think that's going on.
Not so fast. There is plenty of room for complications.
  • Drunk Marten is happy and relaxed, and is giving his friend Claire a head and back rub, without any sexual intentions.
  • Sober Claire just loves to get a head and back rub. But her flushing indicates she might think of this as Marten seducing her.
Afterwards, Marten will think nothing of it, and continue to treat Claire as before. Claire, however, will be deeply frustrated, particularly if Marten starts dating Emily. Catfights will happen at the library.


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This comic and the previous one give me all kind of warmsies, but some comments here leave me perplexed and vaguely annoyed. This is just scratching and cuddling between friends, folks. Why assume it bears any flirtatious content?

Two months ago I was invited for a weekend-long party at a gîte to celebrate a couple of friends' five years of marriage. The first night, I spent over an hour massaging a woman. She was one of the few people I didn't know beforehand at that party. I massaged her feet, her ankles, her shanks, her knees, her thighs, her neck, her shoulders, her back. My hands were just itching for providing some comfort, and she was the first woman in years to let me. She thanked me several times over the weekend, saying she hadn't felt so relaxed in forever. But there was nothing flirtatious in that, now was there?
“Oh yes, it hurts at times to be alone among the stars. But it hurts a lot more to be alone at a party. A lot more.” - George R. R. Martin

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Maybe? Also...what are "shanks"?
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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Marten's last line to me really rules out it being a misunderstanding. If it's a fakeout it has to all be a dream.
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