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Author Topic: WCDT: 2796-2800 (22-26 September 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 190334 times)


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Many people's complaints about the limited appearance of some characters might (just might) be lessened if Jeph wrote ten strips a day...

Three words: Not. A. Chance. ;)

EDIT: Oh noes, I made it page 14!  :-o :-o  :psyduck:
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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Many people's complaints about the limited appearance of some characters might (just might) be lessened if Jeph wrote ten strips a day...

Three words: Not. A. Chance. ;)

EDIT: Oh noes, I made it page 14!  :-o :-o  :psyduck:
Willis could write 9 of them, but I'm not sure people would like the result...  :roll:
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Our Benevolent Comic Overlord could go stick figure to crank out the comics, but after the reaction to the recent style experiments, people might fling themselves and/or Jeph off of tall buildings.


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No, after the complaints/diatribes on "other" social media, Jeph would throw himself off a building. 

Reporting from the Oktoberfest bunker using an AT&T wall phone. 
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.


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There are some amazing people here.

I've only had one experience with Anxiety - "Adjustment Disorder". Highly disabling, very acute, I qualified for the highest level of disability benefits according to the tests. But.. it went as quickly as it came, no need for meds. It did give me an insight into what some go through though on a more long-term basis. Dry mouth 24/7, uncontrollable tremors, heart palpitations, complete inability to concentrate, drive, or even walk more than a few paces. Any sudden noise would have me jumping into a corner in a foetal position screaming before I knew what was happening. 5 weeks of it was more than enough. Cognitive therapy was right out, as my situation was truly dire, my reaction to it unhelpful rather than unjustified (which angered me immensely). When the underlying problem went away (those responsible were caught on camera carrying one of the bodies), so did the symptoms.

Those in Sydney who are familiar with the story in the headlines about bent ex-coppers will know who I refer to.

So to see such courage, such quiet heroism, from others here, it rather blows me away.
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In what sense were the ex-coppers bent?
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In what sense were the ex-coppers bent?
Given that it's Australian slang; corrupt, abusing their power, on the take. That sort of thing. Probably.
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In what sense were the ex-coppers bent?

I'm guessing he means corrupt since he mentioned about carrying a body and not bent like the new iPhone 6.


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In what sense were the ex-coppers bent?
Given that it's Australian slang; corrupt, abusing their power, on the take. That sort of thing. Probably.
I imagine hedgie was asking more about what they were doing.
The last news story I heard about Australian police was how at least two detectives had been charged with the murder of a student and had been involved with a major criminal and the drugs trade, so I'm wondering if that's what ZoeB is referring to.


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Still squeeing. My roommate thinks our AC unit is damaged from the high pitched sound in our apartment.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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I'm not quite on the level of squee, but I am sitting here in a happy glow at the fact that the SS Martéclaire looks ready to be launched.


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In what sense were the ex-coppers bent?

I'm guessing he means corrupt since he mentioned about carrying a body and not bent like the new iPhone 6.

She, if you're referring to ZoeB.

I gladly acknowledge that I was completely wrong in my prediction that nothing would happen with Claire and Marten. It will be interesting to see what happens next!
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Aye, it will.  Between the two of them there are a lot of potential minefields, so in the midst of SQUEEE!!!!!!!!  we all have to wait to see what (if anything) happens.
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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*goes to bask in May's wrongness*

I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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Wow, fuck the selective censorship on this forum. I mean, I was kinda looking forward to further replying to Valdis' extremely comprehensive and enlightening reply, but all of that seems to have been purged. I understand wanting to be sensitive to some individuals, and yeah, fuck the obvious trolls but when you allow accusations of transphobia but don't allow those on the business end of that accusation to defend themselves and clarify what they mean, it just looks like rank hypocrisy.

Or maybe you had to make more room for Squeee posts or speculation about "Is Jephzibah trolling us, lolz?" You know, the important stuff. 


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It all got moved to Discuss, dude.


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Wow, fuck the selective censorship on this forum. I mean, I was kinda looking forward to further replying to Valdis' extremely comprehensive and enlightening reply, but all of that seems to have been purged. I understand wanting to be sensitive to some individuals, and yeah, fuck the obvious trolls but when you allow accusations of transphobia but don't allow those on the business end of that accusation to defend themselves and clarify what they mean, it just looks like rank hypocrisy.

Or maybe you had to make more room for Squeee posts or speculation about "Is Jephzibah trolling us, lolz?" You know, the important stuff.
Those posts haven't been deleted. They're here.
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A large number of posts have been moved to a dedicated thread in the DISCUSS forum. If you have a contribution to make to the discussion that you believe is valuable and helpful, you may go there. If you just wish to defend yourself then I suspect squeeing may be a more enjoyable use of your time :) peace

EDIT: What they said ^
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Wow, fuck the selective censorship on this forum. I mean, I was kinda looking forward to further replying to Valdis' extremely comprehensive and enlightening reply, but all of that seems to have been purged. I understand wanting to be sensitive to some individuals, and yeah, fuck the obvious trolls but when you allow accusations of transphobia but don't allow those on the business end of that accusation to defend themselves and clarify what they mean, it just looks like rank hypocrisy.

Or maybe you had to make more room for Squeee posts or speculation about "Is Jephzibah trolling us, lolz?" You know, the important stuff. 
You can think whatever you like, but there have been times when this forum has been extremely....volatile to put it lightly. To such an extent that Jeph has pretty much stopped coming to the forum anymore. The mods have spent quite a lot of time trying to bring things back to a civilised point, but as we've seen, things do flare up at certain points. Things can and do turn nasty for a brief period.

Besides which, the discussion going on here was really venturing far away from the comic, which is what this particular part of the forum is for. The discussion from yesterday has been moved to a more appropriate section of the forum.


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It all got moved to Discuss, dude.

I see. Well in that case, I respectfully change my position on the matter to "aphanisis81 is a reactionary dickhead."

Sorry, y'all. I thought this was a full-on deletion of posts, especially after threats last night of "Swift mod reactions."

Mea culpa.


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The mods here don't seem to trounce posts unless they are non-constructive (read: quite fucking destructive) to a particular topic (in this case, gender identity and sexuality).

Between yesterday and today I didn't see half the thread disappear myself, aphanisis81, so I was as surprised as you.
« Last Edit: 27 Sep 2014, 09:53 by techkid »
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It is rare to see posts edited or deleted here, however sensitive topics or topics meriting their own threat will be moved to such as a matter of standard policy.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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It is rare to see posts edited or deleted here, however sensitive topics or topics meriting their own threat will be moved to such as a matter of standard policy.

Fair enough. I am now horrified at the full-throttle ass-holeishness of my initial "Selective censorship" post above. I appreciate being able to continue the conversation in a forum dedicated solely to it.

*slinks away*


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It's cool. Given the state of the internet these days, there's specialty doctors out there for removing feet from mouths.


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Thank you for apologising. For information for everyone, there have been three non-spam posts deleted in the last two months. One broke the no-shipping rule, one was an obvious troll spouting insults at everyone, and one was a bizarre totally off-topic post that was probably the precursor to spamming. On rare occasions a mod might alter a post to remove a personal insult from an otherwise worthwhile post, but otherwise what you see is what is there.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Is it me or has has Claire gradually gotten prettier? I sort of miss her big goofy super bookworm look. I guess maybe she's gotten more relaxed, more work into appearance and of course art evolution.

Still, I just hope she doesn't go full hot librarian and remains a cute nerdy librarian in training.

And those glasses better stick around at least half the time!


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Is it me or has has Claire gradually gotten prettier? I sort of miss her big goofy super bookworm look. I guess maybe she's gotten more relaxed, more work into appearance and of course art evolution.

Still, I just hope she doesn't go full hot librarian and remains a cute nerdy librarian in training.

And those glasses better stick around at least half the time!

Nerd is a state of mind, dammit. Glasses or no glasses, she's still a nerd and (hopefully) proud of it. :P
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I think that's almost all art-evolution although Claire's style-evolution may be a part of it. I don't think I can recall anyone in QC art-evolving into "hot librarian" stereotype though :o

Moderator Comment I mod-edit all the time, but only my own posts :(
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I at least have an excuse. The one time I was in a remarkably similar situation, we ended up engaged within a few weeks, married after a sensible 1-year delay. It's our 34th anniversary in February.

Same here, married exactly 1 year later. 30 years happily married this past January.
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Actually, there have been two posts deleted from this thread. One dropped a strong hint at a toxic slur. The other was classic hate and I just perma-banned the author and the IP he rode in on. Other mods caught both of them, thank you for your alertness.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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If this goes the way a lot of us are expecting, I'm suddenly hoping that Marten's way of finding out Tai knows about him and Claire is Tai simply giving him a "She Blinded Me with Library Science" t-shirt like the one she was wearing when they first met, and just smirking her ass off.


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Yeah I guess there's some art evolution in there. I mean look at her first appearance.

Someone give her something to eat! If there's room for sheer adorableness then it is well hidden, along with the puns.

If there is a ship sailing or signs leading to it come next week I plan to binge read from Martin's break up to now just for sheer Claire and Marten interaction. Oh what the heck no matter what I'll binge read it.

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Actually, there have been two posts deleted from this thread. One dropped a strong hint at a toxic slur. The other was classic hate and I just perma-banned the author and the IP he rode in on. Other mods caught both of them, thank you for your alertness.
That's how we know you do a good job: when we don't even notice that such things had happened at all.
If this goes the way a lot of us are expecting, I'm suddenly hoping that Marten's way of finding out Tai knows about him and Claire is Tai simply giving him a "She Blinded Me with Library Science" t-shirt like the one she was wearing when they first met, and just smirking her ass off.
I didn't even know how much I wanted this to happen. That would be absolutely hilarious! Which means it's never happen because it's been posted about out in the open. Ah well.
Mistakes, ahoy!


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If this goes the way a lot of us are expecting, I'm suddenly hoping that Marten's way of finding out Tai knows about him and Claire is Tai simply giving him a "She Blinded Me with Library Science" t-shirt like the one she was wearing when they first met, and just smirking her ass off.



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Her anxiety issues might be enough that in a few strips, she'll be running whilst screaming from Marten, and not because of anything he's done.  Or that they otherwise torpedo the potential boat here. 

And if anyone wants to fuck with me for saying that dating people with anxiety issues may be difficult, I say bring it.

I would just comment that Jeph also has severe anxiety issues, so should be able to handle that decently if he finds it relevant to his story.
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
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If there is a ship sailing or signs leading to it come next week I plan to binge read from Martin's break up to now just for sheer Claire and Marten interaction.

Yeah, done that twice already, decided to start from 0001 and am in the low 1500s now.  Weekend's shot, thanks so much.
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Yeah, done that twice already, decided to start from 0001 and am in the low 1500s now.  Weekend's shot, thanks so much.

Not the worst way to spend a weekend by any stretch of the imagination.
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The worst part of binge reading is reaching the end.


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"You're at the last comic." What? There are no more!?
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"You're at the last comic." What? There are no more!?

Nope, Jeph wanted to leave this comic on this lovely moment and focus on his new comic (I am joking if you can't tell)


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I know that this actually isn't the end of QC, but I've been thinking that it would be awesomely ironic to end QC with the line "Don't EVER stop."  :-D
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The worst part of binge reading is reaching the end.

Indeed. I started QC with 2644 (Claire's pun on liking Faye's Book). After a friend posted the link to that on Faye's boo... er... Facebook, I spent a stupid amount of time the following weekend reading ALL of the comics starting with numero uno.

And now time passing in the comic feels glacial. The suspense with this story arc is killing me.


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OK, somebody needs to do the WCT/Poll for next week as I'm fresh outta ideas


At least I'm honest about it!!!
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Mistake (Marten)
Mistake (Claire)
Mistake (halfpint (?!))
Couple (!!!)
Yelling Bird

Yeah, I know, I got like zero time on the pond with you guys, but it seems like that's how it breaks down.
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OK, somebody needs to do the WCT/Poll for next week as I'm fresh outta ideas


At least I'm honest about it!!!

I might be able to do it, but work has been very fickle as of late.
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
There is no joke that can be made online without someone being offended by it.
Life's too short to be ashamed of how you were born.
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Mistake (Marten)
Mistake (Claire)
Mistake (halfpint (?!))
Couple (!!!)
Yelling Bird



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Crap, I knew I forgot something.
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Pintsize's name is Pintsize, not Halfpint.
Quote from: Marten
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Pintsize's name is Pintsize, not Halfpint.

Dammit.  Guess it wouldn't work to say the word Mistake before his name was a double entendre?
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Pintsize's name is Pintsize, not Halfpint.
Of course! Pintsize is Pintsize's name while Halfpint is Halfpint's name!
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