I'm Catholic. When I was young we went to my aunt's Episcopal church once. It was pretty much the same deal with minor differences here and there like using actual bread instead of the wafer. It always confused me, in my younger years, that there were different kinds of Christianity. Its all dedicated to the same person/deity. It wasn't until I learned about Martin Luther and the schisms in school that it came down to, essentially, different philosophies and politics.
My wife is eastern orthodox (yay 2 Christmases and new years and occasionally Easter!). We went to midnight easter mass at a local orthodox church (I forget if it was serbian or croatian, but my wife was able to keep up with the words). There was a lot more rules and procedures than I am used to. I also found it strange that they dipped a cube of bread in wine and then put it on your tongue. Not to say its bad, just different from the wafer I am used to.
I remember when we were going to start going to Catholic church, so we can be in good standing to have a priest marry us. A couple of nights before going, I showed her the Dane Cook comedy central stand up about going to church. To this day whenever we go to catholic mass and the priest starts with the peace lines we snicker and elbow each other.