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Well, Valentine's Day is Past! What now?

The Domesticity of Marten, Faye, Claire and Pintsize
- 8 (9.6%)
The Talk, Phase 2
- 10 (12%)
Faye meets Keeper Hannelore
- 6 (7.2%)
Sam: "Come on! I need your help!"
- 1 (1.2%)
Dora Does Guilt-Trip
- 24 (28.9%)
Tai has no boudaries about employees' personal lives
- 13 (15.7%)
Clinton and Emily's "date" (because that's still happening, AFAIK)
- 21 (25.3%)

Total Members Voted: 76

Voting closed: 18 Feb 2015, 08:09

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Author Topic: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)  (Read 114299 times)


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WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« on: 15 Feb 2015, 08:06 »

So, Faye and Pintsize know Claire is at the apartment. Will we see more of the "Breakfast at Marten's" or will Jeph move on to other things? Will something big happen in strip 2900 this Thursday? Or will it just be another week of QC?

Personally, I can see it either being more at the apartment (Faye breaking down and telling Marten the whole sorry tale... again) or moving on with the rest of the day. I, for one, wouldn't be adverse to seeing the start of Faye's day under the watchful eye of some keeper (most likely Hannelore, horror of horrors). There is a lot of story to be told there!

Or, pulling the 'unexpected twist' card, Faye (having the daylight hours to her own devices for once) runs into Sam and ends up involved in some convoluted and unlikely mid-teen adventure involving frogs, snakes, the woods, Jim, Veronica and disproportionate amounts of maple syrup and chocolate sauce. I let the individual minds of the reader attempt to create a semi-coherent scenario from such a set of criteria! :evil:

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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #1 on: 15 Feb 2015, 08:11 »


Faye runs into Sam, they go to the woods, Sam catches a snake/frog/whatever, they take it back to Jim and Sam's place, walk in, and find Jim and Veronica in a... Sticky... Situation in the kitchen?

Although risque, I could see it happening - chocolate sauce would make for pretty good censorship material, after all...  :-o
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #2 on: 15 Feb 2015, 09:44 »



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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #3 on: 15 Feb 2015, 10:25 »

I wanna see the anthroPCs date, when's that gonna happen?

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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #4 on: 15 Feb 2015, 10:32 »

I voted for Tai, not because I want 2-3 strips of her finding out about Marten & Claire spending the night together, but because I figure it's going to happen anyway.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #5 on: 15 Feb 2015, 10:38 »

I voted Clinton and Emily's date, but I see that Tai having no chill whatsoever is much more likely.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #6 on: 15 Feb 2015, 11:25 »

Sven goes nuts when he hears Dora fired Faye? 


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #7 on: 15 Feb 2015, 11:38 »

I voted for Tai, not because I want 2-3 strips of her finding out about Marten & Claire spending the night together, but because I figure it's going to happen anyway.

Yes, but I really hope it happens off-screen and she fills in Dora or something.

A horrible idea just popped into my mind.. Sven could offer Faye a job! I'm not sure what kind of job it would be, but he also had an intern and found something he could occupy her with.


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #8 on: 15 Feb 2015, 11:53 »

Yes, but I really hope it happens off-screen and she fills in Dora or something.

Or Dora could find out directly from Claire.  Those two should hang out, share notes on Marten.*  Dora tries to give some helpful bedroom tips, only to learn that Claire's already figured most of them out.

*And also have a conversation or two that passes the Bechdel Test.  They just haven't interacted much, yet.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #9 on: 15 Feb 2015, 11:54 »

I voted for Tai, not because I want 2-3 strips of her finding out about Marten & Claire spending the night together, but because I figure it's going to happen anyway.

Yes, but I really hope it happens off-screen and she fills in Dora or something.

A horrible idea just popped into my mind.. Sven could offer Faye a job! I'm not sure what kind of job it would be, but he also had an intern and found something he could occupy her with.

SVEN: "You did welding, right?"
FAYE: "Sure, but why exactly are you asking?"
SVEN: "You're now in charge of building me a bronze replica of my dick"
FAYE: "And you're now liable to get hit with a bronze replica of your dick"
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #10 on: 15 Feb 2015, 11:56 »

I could totally see Faye doing that expressly to wang someone upside their head with a dick replica. Be careful what you ask for...


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #11 on: 15 Feb 2015, 11:57 »

SVEN: "Wow, it's taller than me!  You really went all out.  Wait, why are there hinges on the side?"
FAYE: "It doubles as an Iron Maiden." *opens it, shoves Sven inside, closes it again.*
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #12 on: 15 Feb 2015, 12:22 »

I voted "The Talk, Phase 2" because this time - it's Claire's turn.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #13 on: 15 Feb 2015, 12:28 »

Claire: So, uh, when I said my dad "left us", what I really mean is he shot himself in front of me...
Marten: Oh no, not this again!
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #14 on: 15 Feb 2015, 12:51 »

Hope we we see something of Dora, massive loose end there
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #15 on: 15 Feb 2015, 12:54 »

I suspect that this will occur this week.

Hopefully, no blood will be spilt.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #16 on: 15 Feb 2015, 13:01 »

I voted "The Talk, Phase 2" because this time - it's Claire's turn.

IIRC, Claire's dad was having an affair and that is what led to the separation (I'm presuming it's a divorce by this point).

That said, it would be a daring move on Jeph's part to tell Claire's back-story in more detail that has already been told. It's one of those arcs that, no matter how he does it, he'll end up pissing off at least some people badly enough that his Twitter and Tumblr comment accounts are going to light up like the Christmas illuminations at Blackpool. I could excuse him for not wanting that drama in his life for any reason.

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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #17 on: 15 Feb 2015, 13:25 »

I voted Dora... 'cause it's a big unexplored mess. What do the other employees think? How does it effect business? Does Dora feel guilty?


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #18 on: 15 Feb 2015, 13:31 »

Marten and Hanners presumably need to go to work sooner or later, but they would not let Faye stay unsupervised. Enter Sam (I guess school still is out for summer?). I really hope for another walk in the woods, this time with Faye and Sam. Also, Faye probably can make really good frog and snake traps. Just for the hell of it, they should release their catch at CoD.


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #19 on: 15 Feb 2015, 13:34 »

I voted "The Talk, Phase 2" because this time - it's Claire's turn.
Dear lord. Yes, Claire has some issues with her father that might or might not be explored - I really hope they don't, because while it's bad that your father cheated on your mother, it's no excuse to be completely immature about it well into your 20s.


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #20 on: 15 Feb 2015, 13:55 »

I voted Dora... 'cause it's a big unexplored mess. What do the other employees think? How does it effect business? Does Dora feel guilty?
Nah, that can wait. Dora has developed into a very unsymphatic person when she is in "boss mode" (which is most of the time). I guess Hanners soon will quit. Penelope will be the new assistant manager. Dale and Cosette may continue, and Dora will need to hire one or two new employees. Because the Dora/Faye interaction was the central theme at CoD, I guess CoD will play a minor role from now on.


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #21 on: 15 Feb 2015, 14:21 »

I am going to write in a vote for "Faye meets keeper Momo."
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #22 on: 15 Feb 2015, 14:26 »

Claire: So, uh, when I said my dad "left us", what I really mean is he shot himself in front of me...
Marten: Oh no, not this again!

Pintsize: You're making progress, this one actually let you hit it. *gets hurled across the room. By Claire.*

P.S.: I know that's extremely bad taste. It's obviously not what I'd say, at least not in this situation.

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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #23 on: 15 Feb 2015, 14:27 »

Marten and Hanners presumably need to go to work sooner or later, but they would not let Faye stay unsupervised. Enter Sam (I guess school still is out for summer?). I really hope for another walk in the woods, this time with Faye and Sam. Also, Faye probably can make really good frog and snake traps. Just for the hell of it, they should release their catch at CoD.

You know, I can't help but feel that Faye and Sam would make a terrible combination right now. Sam is what? 13? 14? She's looking at Faye as a role model, or at least bonded with her more than she did with Dora. Faye needs someone who will stand be her, but also be a firm hand. Sam? I doubt it. I think she'd be looking for Faye's approval and maybe end up supplying her with her dad's alcohol.

That's a worst case scenario, but I really can't see either of them working well together without someone watching the pair of them.
« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2015, 16:26 by TheEvilDog »


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #24 on: 15 Feb 2015, 14:31 »

Plus, I can't imagine Jim would approve.  Wouldn't surprise me if Dora has already called him to warn him against bringing her to CoD (or letting her visit by herself) anytime soon, with Faye out of the picture...
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #25 on: 15 Feb 2015, 15:20 »

Really? You think Dora would tell private and embarrassing information about Faye to uninvolved third parties?

Dora is better than that. If Sam comes, all Dora has to say is that Faye isn't there. no big deal. After a while she might tell Sam that Faye doesn't work there anymore. No more details. that's it.

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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #26 on: 15 Feb 2015, 15:35 »

Claire: So, uh, when I said my dad "left us", what I really mean is he shot himself in front of me...
Marten: Oh no, not this again!

Pintsize: You're making progress, this one actually let you hit it. *gets hurled across the room. By Claire.*

P.S.: I know that's extremely bad taste. It's obviously not what I'd say, at least not in this situation.

I'm a bad person, am I?

Jeez dude, that's a low blow even by Pintsize standard  :psyduck:  :psyduck:  :psyduck:

I'm gonna vote Dora for next week, fair bit of clean up/damage control needed on her side. Although Jeph does seem to enjoy writing Marten/Claire so we may well see more of them.

I voted Dora... 'cause it's a big unexplored mess. What do the other employees think? How does it effect business? Does Dora feel guilty?
Nah, that can wait. Dora has developed into a very unsymphatic person when she is in "boss mode" (which is most of the time). I guess Hanners soon will quit. Penelope will be the new assistant manager. Dale and Cosette may continue, and Dora will need to hire one or two new employees. Because the Dora/Faye interaction was the central theme at CoD, I guess CoD will play a minor role from now on.

Don't think Hanners will quit, when Dora broke up with Marten she was working there and still stayed on. Cosette and Penelope won't be that surprised that Dora's finally had enough in their eyes, Dale I don't think has worked there long enough to take sides and so in my opinion won't be going anywhere (having said that he's had no trouble finding work in the past so if he did take Faye's side I can possibly see him quit, but think that's unlikely). Going to be interesting to see if Dora hires someone new or goes back to working the extra hours by herself, but judging that Faye was pretty much full time that's a lot to take on. If the former is character p'haps?

...or May. Oh god, she'll be worse than Faye in customer relations.

Edited for strip references.
« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2015, 15:48 by Endellion »
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #27 on: 15 Feb 2015, 15:38 »

I just meant, since Jim previously considered Faye a reliable babysitter, and Sam was in the habit of going to Coffee of Doom on her own to visit her instead of Dora, Dora may have chosen to (tactfully) let Jim know that Faye isn't working there anymore and, at least for the near future, may not be the most reliable person to watch a kid.  Although Sam won't have any free time with school starting soon, so maybe it won't be an issue anymore.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #28 on: 15 Feb 2015, 15:53 »

I voted Dora... 'cause it's a big unexplored mess. What do the other employees think? How does it effect business? Does Dora feel guilty?
Nah, that can wait. Dora has developed into a very unsymphatic person when she is in "boss mode" (which is most of the time). I guess Hanners soon will quit. Penelope will be the new assistant manager. Dale and Cosette may continue, and Dora will need to hire one or two new employees. Because the Dora/Faye interaction was the central theme at CoD, I guess CoD will play a minor role from now on.

To make CoD/Dora a minor part of the story? I think that is too much of a shift from the focus of QC since strip 500. I may be wrong, but I don't see Jeph doing this. I like Dora as a character in this series. I feel that dropping CoD and Dora from the story would cripple Faye's character development in this arc.

Neither character is the villain or the hero in this story arc; they are people doing people things. They are sometimes foolish and sometimes wise, and sometimes the foolish things we do lead us to wise realizations. As a reader, that is what I would like to see here. MAYBE their friendship is damaged beyond repair, but they can both learn from this experience and become better people because of it.

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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #29 on: 15 Feb 2015, 16:06 »

I just meant, since Jim previously considered Faye a reliable babysitter, and Sam was in the habit of going to Coffee of Doom on her own to visit her instead of Dora, Dora may have chosen to (tactfully) let Jim know that Faye isn't working there anymore and, at least for the near future, may not be the most reliable person to watch a kid.  Although Sam won't have any free time with school starting soon, so maybe it won't be an issue anymore.

Yeah, that would be a problem. No, not that Dora would inform Jim that Faye's not working there any more, that's fine - but telling Jim that Faye would make a bad babysitter (at least at the moment). Faye's problems are private, and Jim is a probable employer, at least as a side gig or while Faye's looking for a job. Faye should decide for herself if she's fit to be a babysitter right now, and tell Jim herself if she isn't.


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #30 on: 15 Feb 2015, 16:16 »

Yeah, you're right.  Didn't think about that.

To make CoD/Dora a minor part of the story? I think that is too much of a shift from the focus of QC since strip 500. I may be wrong, but I don't see Jeph doing this. I like Dora as a character in this series. I feel that dropping CoD and Dora from the story would cripple Faye's character development in this arc.

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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #31 on: 15 Feb 2015, 17:04 »

I know they're not all that in to watching TV (outside of YouTube clips, anime and the occasional bad movie), but it might be about time someone turned on the TV and saw Angus.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #32 on: 15 Feb 2015, 17:11 »

I know they're not all that in to watching TV (outside of YouTube clips, anime and the occasional bad movie), but it might be about time someone turned on the TV and saw Angus.

It's possible that Angus might have only been gone for a few days at this stage. He's probably still working on material for the show.
Of course, that being said, Angus being successful might trigger something of a lapse for Faye. But that's several weeks down the line, be it real time or after a time skip in the comic, but after wrapping up some of the current threads.


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #33 on: 15 Feb 2015, 17:58 »

I know they're not all that in to watching TV (outside of YouTube clips, anime and the occasional bad movie), but it might be about time someone turned on the TV and saw Angus.

Some adverts too, but that's for one off joke strips.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #34 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:07 »

It's possible that Angus might have only been gone for a few days at this stage. He's probably still working on material for the show.

Well, judging by AprilArcus's most recent timeline, it's been less than a week.  1811 was on Monday, Faye's firing and hospital stay were on Thursday/Friday, and today is Saturday, I think?  Angus is supposed to start "next week," so by Monday night Faye might have a rude awakening...although, is there even a TV in the apartment? 


I keep thinking it was a long time ago, too, but Dora only announced her intention to cut Sven out of her life in strip 2776, only a week ago in-comic (and 120 strips/24ish weeks ago, our time...okay, it has been a while...), but I'm guessing Jeph decided to let it simmer on the back burner for a while so he could set up a few other things?  Maybe now that Angus is gone and Faye is single, jobless, and a recovering alcoholic, the kettle might just boil
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #35 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:18 »

It's possible that Angus might have only been gone for a few days at this stage. He's probably still working on material for the show.

Well, judging by AprilArcus's most recent timeline, it's been less than a week.  1811 was on Monday, Faye's firing and hospital stay were on Thursday/Friday, and today is Saturday, I think?  Angus is supposed to start "next week," so by Monday night Faye might have a rude awakening...although, is there even a TV in the apartment? 

Proof of TV:
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #36 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:22 »

comic, focus back on Dora.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #37 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:23 »

Is this the first time we've seen Penelope since the last art change?  She looks different. 


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #38 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:24 »

Dora, stop beating yourself up. You did the right thing.

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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #39 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:25 »

So did Dora put in blue contacts b/n panels 3 and 4?
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #40 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:26 »

It's clear to me what's going on.

Dora knows about us. She's seen the forums. She's rationalizing it to us. Welcome to the scary new world of post-fourth-wall QC!
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #41 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:28 »

So did Dora put in blue contacts b/n panels 3 and 4?

 She has blue eyes now. "Change Happens".


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #42 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:28 »

She's having second thoughts.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #43 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:28 »

Is strawberry blonde the lovechild of Penelope and Cosette? I think it's supposed to be Penelope but her mouth/chin looks off.  :psyduck:

Or it could be somebody else and I'm just being dumb.


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #45 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:30 »

So did Dora put in blue contacts b/n panels 3 and 4?

No, Pizza Girl is finally dropping her disguise.  "Who said I was rationalizing it to you?" is, like, the perfect thing to say right before she stabs Penny in the jugular.  Turns out the real Dora's been dead for weeks, and with Faye out of the way, PG finally has her nemesis right where she wants her...
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #46 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:34 »

Is strawberry blonde the lovechild of Penelope and Cosette? I think it's supposed to be Penelope but her mouth/chin looks off.  :psyduck:

Or it could be somebody else and I'm just being dumb.
I think it's that her mouth is too large, and the bottom lip being too full that's throwing off her appearance.


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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #47 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:37 »


Self analysis of the situation.  Dora at her finest.
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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #48 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:48 »

I took the liberty of fixing todays comic.

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Re: WCDT 2897 - 2901 (16-20 February 2015)
« Reply #49 on: 15 Feb 2015, 18:50 »

So did Dora put in blue contacts b/n panels 3 and 4?

I logged in specifically to bring up this whoopsy, but someone beat me to the punch.

Also, isn't it kind of unprofessional to discuss the termination of one employee with another?
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