Faye: even when her heart's in the right place, she's kind of an abrasive jerk.
But a Faye-first focus wasn't the only thing wrong in the Marten/Dora relationship. Dora's constant need to be in control (a lack of even allowing the other bodily autonomy - Marten got flak for getting a haircut without Dora's permission, as well as was blackmailed into not trying to grow facial hair, to name a couple), and a lack of boundaries were the main issues, imo.
People are claiming that Marten always put Faye first in regards to the relationship with Dora, but could someone please link an example? Faye didn't really have any crises that necessitated the kind of attention that warranted the dropping of plans with other people, or not like this, anyway.
Dora's problem with Faye was that she was insecure about her being Marten's 'second choice', since Faye was emotionally unavailable, but I don't recall Marten ever giving her any reason to think that that was true. If anything, Dora was responsible for her own issues, since she decided to go after him right after Faye turned him down. if she'd given everything a cooling-off period, then Faye would probably not have been a major factor, if not a complete non-issue.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it wasn't her fault. As I said, Dora shared in the responsibility with stuff that was on her to fix and get over. Again, her issues caused issues.
I think one of the big thing issues as far as Marten is concerned is when she suggested moving in, and he agreed to it, but still wanted to live with Faye. It's been a while since I've read that arc, but from memory, it was about not wanting to leave Faye in the lurch. That's being a good friend, but he's also agreed to a major relationship step with his girlfriend, and wants to bring his other friend along for the ride...the same friend who he once had a thing for (and might have dated if not for
her issues). He does that, knowing Dora has been hurt in the past, and has some lingering trust issues as a result.
There was also the situation when Faye and Sven first hooked up. Dora was bothered by it, again, due to her own issues with her brother, and feeling that Faye was trying to get back at her - her misconceptions, but still understandable given the back story - and Marten immediately came to Faye's defense. Whether she was completely right or wrong, Dora was clearly upset and bothered by the situation, and Marten's immediate reaction was to think of, and defend, Faye.
I just don't get the people who are saying that Marten should prioritize Claire over Faye in this situation.
Marten and Claire have been dating for like 5 minutes. As opposed to one of Marten's best friends, who he lives with. Honestly, this early in a relationship, if you are blowing off a good friends real crisis in order to hang out with your new boyfriend or girlfriend then you are not showing good judgement nor maturity. You are showing even less judgement if you insist on bringing your new special person with you everywhere you go. Marten and Faye should spend some time bonding, if Claire were there, I think it would turn into cute couples time.
However, I think the idea that Claire is insecure and jealous is very possible. Its her first relationship, it can be very hard to maintain perspective in your first relationship. But if that is indeed the case, I hope that Claire gets a good hard dose of reality. I don't want to see Claire hurt, but I would love to see Claire grow.
I feel that the people saying Marten is enabling Faye are being way too harsh.
It's been, what, a week since Faye was in the hospital?
Faye still deserves to be treated as a person, with dignity. Until Faye has financial problems, Marten has no reason, and more importantly no right to kick Faye out. It isn't Marten's apartment, I think he and Faye are both on the lease. Faye isn't "crashing at Marten's" anymore. She is an equal member of the apartment.
I don't entirely disagree. I think it's fair to say that Marten is handling the situation a bit clumsily, and if it's a situation that keeps presenting itself, it could be an issue.