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What will Faye say next to Bubbles?

"My sister is crazy! She thinks you want romance in your life!"
- 6 (10.9%)
"What did you say to Evie? She was really quizzing me on you!"
- 9 (16.4%)
"Bubbles? Bubbles, are... Are you lonely?"
- 12 (21.8%)
"So, I'm hearing that you want some robo-lovin'!"
- 3 (5.5%)
""Um... Do... Do you want a boyfriend? I mean, I want you to know I'm cool with it if you do!"
- 6 (10.9%)
"So... I hear you guys can download pleasure programs! You got any of those installed?"
- 1 (1.8%)
"So... Uh... Speakin' hypothetically, how does an AI go about gettin' a significant other?"
- 6 (10.9%)
"Imagine if the Skate Park was a Robot Sex Dungeon! What would have we done then?"
- 1 (1.8%)
"My baby sis in a serious relationship! Everyone is pairing up except me! Oh Bubs! Will I ever get lucky?"
- 4 (7.3%)
Other (please specify in a comment)
- 7 (12.7%)

Total Members Voted: 53

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Author Topic: WCDT strips 3666 to 3670 (29th January to 2nd February 2018)  (Read 69385 times)


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Whoa, Faye, whoa!  I was not prepared for that level of bluntness!   :-o  Still, I'm eager to see where this goes;  maybe it will finally spur some development in their relationship.

Also, I'd like to log a complaint about all the puns in this thread.

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Faye, by her own standards, considered herself to have been unfair to Marten in how she treated him in the first 500 strips.

How will that memory affect her reaction if she finds out Bubbles has been admiring her? The situations are different but some emotions might be the same.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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How will that memory affect her reaction if she finds out Bubbles has been admiring her? The situations are different but some emotions might be the same.

That is quite the question. I could see her going anywhere from "I am not going to fuck it up this time" determination to "I just can't do this" despair. She is remarkably opaque considering that she is pretty much the central character now.

Perfectly Reasonable

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Hey, if you're going to vent in public, it would be nice if you were releasing pleasant odors...

Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay about this very topic. (see 'Fart Proudly')
What would I do if I were smart?
I guess first I'd stop taking the stupid pills.

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I thought about whether I could stop the puns but got stumped.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Someone needs to root this pun business out, it's getting sappy.


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It's interesting to see just how varied the reads on Fayes emotions in this arc are. From my personal experience she reads as clearly attracted to Bubbles but oblivious, shes acting exactly like I have in the past, first with my inability to recognize my own attraction to women because I had believed myself straight, then with my PTSD making it difficult for me to admit to myself just how deeply and romantically I cared about my current partner before we started dating. I had practically the same conversation Evie and Faye has at dinner with my therapist about it. But I totally see how someone elses experience would show it in the complete opposite light, its just really interesting.


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Oh man, tonight's comic is taking a lot longer to come out than the rest of this week's. Maybe Jeph wants to make sure that this page is perfect when it's published? Which means that this page deserves the extra care?? Which means that something big is about to happen?! OKAY STAY CALM EVERYONE!! I SAID STAY FUCKING CALM!!!


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Or y'know.. He's just tormenting us because he knows people are hitting F5 on his page about this time.


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Little known fact, today is the start of Jeph's three month vacation exploring the wilder places of Canada.


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Someone needs to root this pun business out, it's getting sappy.

Let's be resinable: before we go on a punitive expedition, I suggest some verbal sparring. It wood get it out of our system. Then again, it just might lead us to branch out to other kinds of puns.

Oh, and the comic's up!

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Bubbles' comment reminds me of Schlock Mercenary, specifically Maxim Number 5 of The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries: "Close air support and friendly fire should be easier to tell apart ."


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To be honest, with Faye, though well intended, friendly fire does seem the more likely option.

Then again, perhaps a little more fire from that quarter could fan that contentment into happiness.
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Aaaand another resolution tease shot down. The status quo continues ever onward. *headdesk*


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Aaaand another resolution tease shot down. The status quo continues ever onward. *headdesk*

I am angry and sleep deprived and have many nasty things I wish to say to Jeph but won't because I am incapable of forming coherent thoughts anymore.

Is it cold in here?

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Quote from: Phoenixette
From my personal experience she reads as clearly attracted to Bubbles but oblivious

Welcome, new person!

That is one of the interpretations that fits.

I notice you went for "clearly attracted" where it looked ambiguous to me. Do you figure that the booty admiration is conclusive?

After that dinner with Amanda and Evie "oblivious" is established fact.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Aaaand another resolution tease shot down. The status quo continues ever onward. *headdesk*

To be fair, we were warned.  :laugh:


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One thing that this week's comics has reminded me is how good Jeph has got at presenting a lot of subtle meaning in expression and body language. I particularly like how he's done Bubbles's reactions. It is frustrating that Faye doesn't seem to be able to interpret them but I am suddenly caused to remember the old phrase about: "There are none so blind as those who will not see." Y'see, like Bubbles, I think that Faye is content with the way things are. Because of that, she subconsciously has chosen not to think about these things.

That said, Faye's expression in panel 3 doesn't convince me that she's 'content' with the current state of affairs. I'm sticking with my prediction that she's going to rope Marten and the others into trying to find who it is Bubbles is attracted to and get them together. A lot of extremely painful romantic comedy arcs are awaiting us here, people!

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Ok, that's the point where the stretching goes too far to my liking. Bubbles chooses to let things like they are, and Faye is still completly oblivious, to the point it's not realistic anymore. That arc will obviously become some kind of running-gag, at that point, with hints from reality to Faye every now and then, which she will, of course, not understand. I don't think I will care for it much longer...
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2018, 00:57 by traroth »
"Courage is freedom and freedom is happiness" --Thucydides


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Sometimes I worry that QC will suffer the same fate as Friednds. Starts off as a story about people finding their place and way in the world, ends with people being coupled off and dull.


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FWIW, the key is to determine when the characters' story has ended and you don't need to spend time focussing on them anymore. The fate of Marten and Dora in terms of being protagonists indicates that Jeph does understand this distinction.

In the meantime, there are many other stories and different characters on which Jeph can focus. There's Hannelore's search for self-knowledge, Emily's attempts to navigate this alien world in which everyone else lives so effortlessly, Elliott's attempt to overcome his enormous anxiety issues to approach Clinton on Brun (or both) and, potentially, Sam's experience of the strangest and most terrifying journey anyone can go through: The journey to adulthood and adult identity.

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That said, Faye's expression in panel 3 doesn't convince me that she's 'content' with the current state of affairs.

I think she is genuinely content. Maybe not delighted. But quite content.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Sometimes I worry that QC will suffer the same fate as Friednds. Starts off as a story about people finding their place and way in the world, ends with people being coupled off and dull.

I understand what you mean. But that story arc is going on for months, now. And JJ is actually avoiding any kind of climax since last november. So now, it will just go on like that for the foreseeable future. And that's infuriating. The only suspens left is: will they beat the bush forever? Make SOMETHING happen, already!!!!
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2018, 02:05 by traroth »
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Ah, the perils of shipping.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Ah, the perils of shipping.

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Ah, the perils of shipping.

A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands


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Perils of obsessing over shipping-inducement strategies?
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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To those feeling in some way let down today...

Life is like this... quite often.
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands


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Anyone here remember how long Jeph teased us with Marten & Claire before it finally happened?

And then when it did happen people complained that they were boring.
"It CAN'T be a bad decision, it resulted in CARROT CAKE!"


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*Calmly walks over to window*
*Carefully opens window*
*Punches out the bug screen.*
*Shoves head out the window*



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I think there *is* a resolution here, of a sort.

Wow, that's a lot of pitchforks. Just, hear me out for a second.

So, before this week we had a whole bundle of hints that launched a thousand ships. It got to the point that even a stuffed Marmoset could see that Bubbles had *some* kind of feelings for Faye, but nothing concrete about what either of them actually wanted. What this arc has drawn out is that both characters deeply appreciate the relationship as it is now, and are, as the comic says content with that stability after what has been for both of them a long period of turmoil. Things aren't perfect, but Bubbles at least has a picture of what a life she wants would look like, one that she can see herself living. Given everything she's been through, that's pretty huge. The arc has also established that Faye is deeply invested in this relationship, to the point where she's willing to examine her own default positions (casual threats of violence and flippant sarcasm) and change them when that's what the person she's with needs (I'm not saying that Faye's character traits were wrong in themselves, they're just not what Bubbles needs at this point).
So the emotional pay off for the reader is seeing Bubbles and Faye stable and content.

Here's the thing though. 'Content' is not the same thing as 'happy'. Bubbles is 'content' with the status quo, but we know also she isn't happy with it- she wants more from Faye. There's still a tension in the relationship that will need resolving eventually, either with Bubbles 'fessing up to Faye or if Bubbles meets someone else who she finds attractive- in which case it's Faye who's going to have to do some soul searching.

But the point the arc has made is that that's not something the characters need to do *right now*. They have a really close friendship, and that's new and special for them both. It's good to see.
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2018, 04:21 by SpanielBear »


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Perils of obsessing over shipping-inducement strategies?

You are mistaking the will to ship with growing boredom, and anger when I see a narrative arc ruined by the will to stretch it beyond its breaking point.
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To those feeling in some way let down today...

Life is like this... quite often.

Maybe that's the point? Maybe the comic is coming too close to reality to stay really enjoyable?
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I think the "Kiss of Death" curse wouldn't really apply here. A normal couple has been done to death. Even LGBT relationships are pretty familiar to those with the willingness to enjoy them.

An AI and Human relationship would offer a lot to explore. Jeph as clearly thought long and hard about Ai's and we've only scratched the surface of what their lives are like. To see this new horizon would be a year's worth of material, and I JUST WANT TO GET THERE ALREADY DAMNIT.

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There could be a whole arc just on the reaction of Faye's mother, who wants with all her soul for her eldest daughter to be safe and happy, but who has some traditional ideas about relationships. And who did not grow up with synthetic citizens.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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To those feeling in some way let down today...

Life is like this... quite often.

Maybe that's the point? Maybe the comic is coming too close to reality to stay really enjoyable?

If reality isn't enjoyable to you, maybe that's not Jeph's fault?

P.S.: It's a 'slice of life webcomic'. We can't really claim fraudulent labelling.
"Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter" - Rosa Luxemburg
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Ah, the perils of shipping.

If taken too far, Wolfgang Peterson gets involved?

"Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter" - Rosa Luxemburg
"The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger club is you don’t know you're a member of the Dunning-Kruger club. People miss that." - David Dunning
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Bubbles is avoiding eye contact so as not to show her feelings. That is a poor way to live with a friend.

Bubbles is visibly physically aware of Faye's proximity all the time, and visibly moved every time Faye touches her. Faye, by contrast, handles Bubbles with the easy familiarity with which one would handle a beloved dog. I don't remember Faye ever being this physically familiar with anyone before, male or female, not even with Angus. It looks like Bubbles not only doesn't register as a possible object of desire for Faye, Bubbles doesn't even register as human for her. Bubbles has gotten all the way inside Faye's defenses precisely because she does not register as a possible lover, and thus as a possible danger.

This could all go very badly. Any responsible adult can live with someone they love who doesn't love them. You wall the love up, starve it to death, and get into the habit of ignoring its ghost. Doing that when the person you loved had their hands all over you all the time would be hard though. Maybe someone could manage it. 

Faye could be terrified if she finds out that this person who she has let so far into her life is also a potential lover, and thus also someone who could potentially abandon her. It could feel like seeing soldiers coming out of the Trojan horse.


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Quick question though; does this mean Faybles would be a steam ship? If ever it gets launched, that is.

If it were a 'steam ship', it'd probably look something like this:

Tangent: IIRC, all US super-carriers use steam-turbines for propulsion, just like the above HMS Dreadnought. Difference is the heat-source used to generate steam.
"Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter" - Rosa Luxemburg
"The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger club is you don’t know you're a member of the Dunning-Kruger club. People miss that." - David Dunning
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I do believe that the turbines provide electricity to electric engines, rather than power a steam engine.
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Well, I was not expecting a resolution. Was cute tho.


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I do believe that the turbines provide electricity to electric engines, rather than power a steam engine.

I could be wrong, but I don't think so - energy conversion methods are typically way below 100% efficiency (except for those that convert into thermal energy, but not vice versa), so to convert thermal energy first into mechanical energy, that, in turn, into some other form of energy, only to then convert that form again into the form you actually want (mechanical energy) literally means wasting energy - you'd only do that if there's other pressing design concerns (storage, safety, whatever).

That doesn't mean that a small fraction of the mechanical kinetic energy generated by the steam turbines cannot be bled off & fed into a dynamo - your car does just that to power its onboard electrical systems.

Edit: Some modern nuclear submarines apparently do exactly what you proposed - though in submarines, noise generation is a vital design concern and has been at least since WW-II. A loud sub is a dead sub. Carrier Battle groups, otoh, are pretty hard to hide from anyone to begin with, even at the best of times.

ZoeB should be able to provide a reality-check to my ramblings.
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2018, 07:48 by Case »
"Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter" - Rosa Luxemburg
"The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger club is you don’t know you're a member of the Dunning-Kruger club. People miss that." - David Dunning
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You are right, my mistake. But then, I'm more familiar with civilian systems and only as am amateur at that.

It would surprise me greatly if there were no way of generating electricity on board. There's probably a shaft generator on there as well.
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To those feeling in some way let down today...

Life is like this... quite often.

Maybe that's the point? Maybe the comic is coming too close to reality to stay really enjoyable?

If reality isn't enjoyable to you, maybe that's not Jeph's fault?

P.S.: It's a 'slice of life webcomic'. We can't really claim fraudulent labelling.

Please stop twisting what I'm saying.
"Courage is freedom and freedom is happiness" --Thucydides

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QC forums: Come for the shipping, stay for the (battle) ships.



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QC Forums, come for the battleships, stay for the ship sinking. Then watch the forum burn. From a safe distance. Like Mars. Or GN-z11...


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To those feeling in some way let down today...

Life is like this... quite often.

Maybe that's the point? Maybe the comic is coming too close to reality to stay really enjoyable?

I guess it depends what you are looking for?
I actually like the way this comic plays out, and think Bubbles is one of *the* best written web-comic characters I've read.
And, other than the 'Tilly Incident' (and, I must say... Claire) I generally have nothing but praise for Jeph's work.

And QC, as a whole... well... it kinda is real-life-esque...

... but with slightly more yuks...

...and ROBOTS!!!
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2018, 08:34 by JoeCovenant »
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I'm not seeing Jeph avoiding anything.  I have no idea why any of you think that this has to resolve into a romance on some schedule.  You don't even know what story is being told.  This is not some kid's fairytale that the kid has heard a thousand times before and loves and wants to hear again, this is all new. 

For all you know, this might in fact be a story of years of UST and how Bubbles' character changes as she silently suffers through Faye's relationships with less-than-satisfactory boyfriends.  In comic time three or four years, that could take us a couple of decades.

So relax and enjoy your popcorn.  Let the movie play to find out what it's about.



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It's probably because I haven't been shipping them, but I for one am quite happy with how the storyline is being handled.

In a way today's comic is some kind of resolution (for now, at least).
I've almost always been impressed with JJ's writing, and I have to say that the current storyline really IS slice of life and very realistic in how it's handled. The obliviousness of 1 person, the silent resignation of another to not actively pursue a relationship due to believing it can't go anywhere, honestly how close to real life can you get?

I guess I really disagree with @Traroth on that point; how they both currently are handling things to me is not stretching things at all and actually rather realistic.

As far as Faye's feelings go, I still haven't seen any real indication that she has romantic feelings for the other sex (or in this case, a female-identifying AI). Sure, she has very strong feelings about Bubbles. But, personally, I have also had very strong feelings towards some of my male friends, but they have always been of a very close male-male bond, not romantic. That's where I currently judge Faye's feelings to be at.

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