As it has been mentioned, another "Claire manipulates someone" story.
I see this ending in one of three ways;
- In tears.
- In a lesson learned.
- Marten Reed, Instrument Repair.
And frankly, I can't see the last happening.
I don't know, I just can't stand Claire anymore. There's just something about her that sets me on edge. Actually, its not some nebulous something, its her manipulative and controlling nature. The fact that she seems to know whats best for everyone else even though its clearly apparent that Claire barely has any clue about her own life.
I honestly disagree, I see Claire being supportive of Marten to accomplish more objectives in his life, to pursue his goals and not to stay stagnant in his current position, after all as much as we wish to stay in a job we currently have, or keep our current situation as it is to stay in a relatively "safe" life, it won't last forever, we have to move on at some point and try our best to strive for even greater opportunities.
I see their relationship as one of the most mature in the QC storyline so far, and I see a lot of my own current relationship in it as well, my girlfriend is very supportive of me and she always tells me how she sees the potential I have and how I can evolve when it comes to work and a future graduation, we've been together for two years and we've been getting more mature when it comes to our relationship, and thanks to that I've been planning things for the future and hopefully will be able to accomplish them, and she gives me the moral support I need when I'm in difficult times, same thing I do to her, so in that mindset, I see Marten and Claire just looking out for each other and seeing their potential and how much they can accomplish if they strive for it.
Now, a person who thinks it knows best for everyone, would be one who tells the others what to do and what to pursue for, regardless of what that person truly wants, and that's not what Claire is doing, notice how Marten showed his options for a possible future (mostly fixing musical instruments), and she supported him anyway because she knows that will make him happy, a truly manipulative person would try to make his head to do something he don't want to do because it's more "proffitable", I know the difference because I'm currently living with a roommate that tries that on me from time to time and it's very stressful, but hopefully I'll be able to move out of here next year, we'll see.
I apologize for any grammar mistakes in my post, english is not my native language, so feel free to correct me if necessary.